Anatomy Test 2 Notes

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Muscle Superior Attachment Inferior Attachment Innervation Action

Quadratus Medial ½ inferior border of Iliolumbar ligament and Ant branches of T12 and Laterally flexes
lumborum 12th rib and TP of lumbar internal lip of iliac crest L1-L4 nerves vertebral column
Extends column
Psoas Major TP & sides of bodies of T12- Strong tendon to lesser Lumbar plexus (via ant W/ iliacus – flexes the
L5 lumbar vertebrae trochanter of femur branches of L2-L4 n) thigh

Iliacus Superior 2/3 iliac fossa, ala Less trochanter and shaft Femoral n (L2-L4) W/ psoas major – flexes
of sacrum inferior of femur & psoas the thigh
Posterior Abdominal Wall

Glueteal Region
Gluteus Ilium post to post Iliotibial tract (inserts to Inferior gluteal nerve Extends thigh and Superior: Superior
Maximus gluteal line; dorsal lat epicondyle of tib), (L5, S1-2) assists in lat rotation Gluteal Artery
surface of sacrum and some on gluteal Inferior: Inferior
coccyx; sacrotuberous tuberosity of femur gluteal artery
Gluteus External surface of Lat surface of greater Superior gluteal Abduct and med Deep branch of
Medius ilium b/w ant and post trochanter of femur nerve (L4-5, S1) rotation of thigh Superior Gluteal
gluteal lines Artery
Glueteus External surface of Ant surface of greater
Minimus ilium b/w ant and inf trochanter of femur
gluteal lines
Tensor of ASIS; ant part of iliac ITB which attaches to
fascia lata crest lat epicondyle of tibia
Piriformis Ant surface of sacrum Sup border of greater Branches of ant rami Lat rotate extended
and sacrotuberous trochanter of femur of S1 and S2 thigh
Obturator Pelvic surface of Med surface of greater Nerve to obturator Inferior gluteal
Internus obturator membrane trochanter (trochanteric internus (L5, S1) artery
Superior Ischial spine Med surface of greater Nerve to Obturator Lat rotate extended
Gemellus trochanter internus thigh
Inferior Ischial tuberosity Nerve to quadratus
Gemmelus femoris (L5, S1)
Quadratus Lat border of ischial Qudrate tubercle on Lat rotates thigh Inferior gluteal
Femoris tuberosity intertrochanteric crest artery

Posterior Thigh Muscles

Semitendionus Ischial tuberosity Medial surface of sup part of Tibial division of sciatic Extend thigh, flex leg
tibia nerve (L5,S1,S2) and rotate it medially
Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity Post of medial condyle of when knee flexed
Biceps femoris (long Ischial tuberosity Lateral side of head of Flexes leg and rotates
head) fibula; tendon split at site by laterally when knee
Biceps femoris (short Linea aspera and lat fibular collateral lig of knee Common fibular division flexed; extends thigh
head) supracondylar line of sciatic nerve

Anterior Thigh
Pectineus Superior ramus of pubis Pectineal line of femur (inf Femoral nerve (L2-3) Adducts and flexes
to lesser trochanter) thigh; assists with med
Sartorius ASIS and sup part of notch Sup part of medial surface of Femoral nerve Flexes, abducts and lat
inferior to it tibia rotates thigh at hip joint
Flexes leg at knee

Rectus Femoris AIIS and ilium sup to Via quadriceps tendon and Femoral nerve (L2-4) Extends leg at knee joint
acetabulum independent attachments to Rectus femoris steadies
base of patella hip joint and helps
iliopsoas flex thigh
Vastus lateralis Greater trochanter and lat lip Via quadriceps tendon to Femoral Nerve Extends leg at knee joint
of linea aspera base of patella; med and lat
vasti also attach to tibia and
patella via aponeuroses (med
and lat patellar retinacula)
Vastus medials Intertrochanteric line and
med lip of linea aspera of
Vastus Ant and lat surfaces of shaft
intermedius of femur

Medial Thigh
Adductor Longus Body of pubis inferior to Middle 1/3 of linea aspera Obturator Nerve (L2-4) Adducts thigh
pubic crest
Adductor Brevis Body and inferior ramus of Pectineal line and proximal Adducts thigh and to
pubis part of linea aspera some extent flexes it

Adductor Magnus Inferior ramus of pubis, Gluteal tuberosity, linea Obturator nerve Adducts thigh
(adductor part) ramus of ischium aspera Flexes thigh

Adductor Magnus Ischial tuberosity Adductor tubercle of femur Tibial part of Sciatic Adducts thigh
(hamstring part) nerve (L4) Extends thigh

Gracilis Body and inferior ramus of Sup part of medial surface Obturator nerve (L2-3) Adducts thigh, flexes leg
pubis of tibia and helps rotate it
Obturator Margins of obturator Trochanteric fossa of femur Obturator nerve (L3, 4) Lat rotate thigh; steadies
Externus foramen and obturator head of femur in
membrane acetabulum
Anterior Leg
Tibialis Anterior Lat condyle and sup ½ Med and inf surfaces of Deep fibular nerve (L4- Dorsiflexes ankle and
lat surface of tibia med cuneiform and base 5) inverts foot
of 1st metat
Extensor hallucis Middle part of ant fibula Dorsal aspect of base of Deep fibular nerve (L5, Extends great toe
longus distal phalanx of great S1) Dorsiflexes ankle
Extensor digitorum Lat condyle of tibia and Middle and distal Extends lat 4 digits
longus sup ¾ of ant interos phalanges of lat 4 digits Dorsiflexes ankle
Fibularis tertius Inf 1/3 of ant surface of Dorsum of base of 5th Dorsiflexes ankle
fibula metatarsal Aids in eversion

Lateral Compartment
Fibularis Head and sup 2/3 of lat Base of 1st meta and medial Superficial fibular Evert foot
Longus surface of fibula cuneiform nerve (L5, S1-2) Plantarflex ankle
Fibularis Brevis Inf 2/3 of lat surface of fibula Dorsal surface of tuberosity
of base of 5th metat

Posterior Compartment
Gastrocnemius Lat: lat aspect of lat condyle of Posterior surface of Tibial nerve (S1, S2) Plantarflexes ankle when
femur calcaneus via calcaneal knee extended
Med: popliteal surface of tendon Raises heel during walking
femur, sup to med condyle
Soleus Post aspect of head of fibula, Plantarflexes ankle
sup ¼ of post surface of fibula, Steadies leg on foot
soleal line

Plantaris Inf end of lat supracondylar Weakly assists gastroc in

line of femur and oblique plantarflexing ankle
popliteal lig
Popliteus Lat surface of lat condyle of Post surface of tibia, Tibial Nerve (L4,5 S1) Weakly flexes knee and
femur and lat meniscus sup to soleal line unlocks it
Flexor hallucis Inf 2/3 post surface of fibula Base of distal phalanx Tibial Nerve (S2, 3) Flexes great toe, weak
longus of great toe plantarflexer, supports med
longitudinal arch
Flexor digitorum Med part of post tibia inf to Bases of distal Flexes lat 4 digits,
longus soleal line and broad tendon to phalanges of lat 4 digits plantarflexes ankle,
fibula supports longitudinal
arches of foot
Tibialis Posterior Interosseous membrane, post Tuberosity of Tibial Nerve (L4-5) Plantarflexes ankle
of tibia, inf to soleal line and navicular, and Inverts foot
post of fib cuneiforms, cuboid and
bases of 2-4 meta

Muscles in the Sole of Foot

Abductor hallucis Medial tubercle of Medial side of base of Medial Plantar Nerve Abducts and flexes 1st
tuberosity of calcaneus, proximal phalanx of 1st (S2,3) digit
flexor retinaculum digit
Flexor digitorum Med tubercle of Both sides of middle Flexes lateral 4 digits
brevis tuberosity of calcaneus, phalanges of lat 4 digits
plantar aponeurosis
Abductor digiti Med and lat tubercles of Lat side of bas of proximal Lateral plantar nerve Abducts and flexes 5th
minimi tuberosity of calcaneus, phalanx of 5th digit (S2,3) digit
plantar aponeurosis
Quadratus plantae Med surface and lat Posterolateral margin of Lateral plantar nerve Assists FDL in flexing
margin of plantar surface tendon of flexor digi (S2,3) lat 4 digits
of calcaneus longus
Lumbricals Tendons of FDL Med aspect of expansion Med: medial plantar Flex proximal
over lat 4 digits nerve (S2-3) phalanges; extend
Lat 3: lat plantar nerve middle and distal
(S2-3) phalanges of 4 digit
Flexor hallucis brevis Plantar surface of cuboid Both sides of base of Medial plantar nerve Flexes proximal phalanx
and lat cuneiform proximal phalanx of 1st of 1st digit
Adductor hallucis Oblique: bases of 2-4 Tendons of both heads Deep branch of lat Adducts 1st digit
meta attach to lat side of base of plantar nerve (S2-3) Assists in maintaining
Transverse: plantar lig 1st digit transverse arch
Flexor digiti minimi Base of 5th metatar Base of proximal phalanx Superficial branch of lat Flexes proximal phalanx
brevis of 5th digit plantar nerve of 5th digit

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