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Threetrees was born Adrik of clan Ungart, in the dwarven city-state of Khal Moldir. His
mother was a clan elder, his father a renowned brewer, and his older brother an
accomplished mason. Dreaming of upholding the peace, Adrik was training to become a
member of the elite city guard, and was regarded as one of the most promising young
fighters in the regiment.

However, after turning 20, Adrik began having strange dreams. He dreamt of pacing
the deserted halls of Khal Moldir, now overgrown with outlandish plants and choking vines.
He dreamt of strange beasts devouring entire mountains, of vast jungles stretching across
every horizon, of trees growing out of his mouth and eyes, engulfing him and dragging him
into the earth. Harrowed by these visions, Adrik began to grow distant, neglecting his
training and familial duties. In the end, deciding that he must discover what the dreams
meant, he left his home and clan behind and set out into the wilderness.

After wandering for days through the Old Chestnut Woods south of Khal Moldir,
Adrik came upon a grove concealing a moon shaped pool. Dunking his head under the water,
he was overwhelmed with visions of three colossal trees, so huge they spanned thousands
upon thousands of worlds, all three intertwined, distinct yet inseparably linked, forming
intricate, unknowable patterns in the void.

He was found lying by the pool, unconscious, by a strangely dressed human with
piercing grey eyes. The man introduced himself as Elodin, a Moon Druid, and informed Adrik
that he was trespassing on a sacred grove. Adrik interpreted the encounter as a sign, telling
the druid about his dreams in Khal Moldir and pleading with him to train him and teach him
the ways of the wild...

Adrik trained for years, and then spent many more as the druid protector of the
sacred grove with the Moon Shaped Pool, taking on the name Threetrees. None other than
him seemed to be affected by the Pool, neither man nor beast, but every time Threetrees
dove into the pool, he was beset by glimpses of past events, present sights, and future
possibilities, all framed by the ever-present Trees.

Threetrees spent his time in prayer and meditation, finding peace within himself. He
studied plants, communed with sky and stream and stone, and drove off malevolent
intruders. He became a part of the forest, just as the forest became a part of him.

However, 23 years after leaving Khal Moldir, Threetrees began to notice the water in
the Pool starting to recede. It dropped lower and lower, until finally the Pool had dried out
entirely. None of the druids in the Circle of the Moon knew what to make of this. Not even

His balance disturbed by this outer unbalancing of nature, and plagued with
questions, Threetrees gathered up his courage and meagre belongings and decided, after
more than 20 years in isolation, to venture forth into civilization in search of answers.
Perhaps it was time to find out the truth behind his visions.


Threetrees is dressed in old leather armour and washed out, worn out clothes. His hair and
beard are long and unkempt, the brown interspersed here and there with twigs and
brambles. Amid this chaos, his light brown eyes are clear and calm. He carries an old wooden
shield and a small handaxe, its handle worn smooth with years of use, remnants of his life as
a trainee in the Khal Moldir city guard. His few remaining possessions are crammed into a
small, tattered backpack.


I’ve been isolated for so long that I rarely speak, preferring gestures and the occasional

I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.


PEACE. Balance, within and without, is the key to a peaceful existence.


I still hold a deep love and affection for my clan and compatriots in Khal Moldir.


I’d risk too much to discover the truth about my visions.

Hill Dwarf STR 14

DEX 12
CON 15
Neutral Good
INT 10
Age: 43 WIS 16



SKILLS: Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival

LANGUAGES: Common, Dwarvish, Druidic, Orc

TOOLS: brewer’s supplies, herbalism kit, gaming set (Tak)

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