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Assignenty 6ST — — Nmn SANGWAN — Blow Lttons) ~ Rot 1324 -— Section B — 4 Date ob! n= 4 f am TAXE = Ss dndirect ae Noxes Soe xeise daly” \servicetar | Con _roany, ro chace | , r = TT on LULL 4 Uy i! Satex jax /VAT — oes ae = 3 [Miscehienaoes H reed Tox $C Buen of tax borne by ane bow Kimi) a theca ty he Spitsagiegl __: The person pay! fou ee on se Wea ate tl —* Prooressive in nedure * Hi hex rote’ sf faxes fox “beable ovine, Uapen “bit po Tae dived Ta xi€Burden a tox shea 45 cnsthey Peron) Aa so p@ dhe tea tb the dovern mend I S Coltccle, Yee Same trom the ultimate Customer + 1 hus.» witidence 4} the Jean ps shea eke ohkem “____\penson> DELTA notebook | | the de da la ba Ca he Uy ll > ‘ Date. mw © ReawsSive inn = ef Ag ty _ bean Ye louxclens ic ; ea VO _ ty pes ‘ pect e 2 Consktolioual Feaneswoncs nennnnnnneeeesesesess —__ Coustitolion any ; = — eat Cousisk el Qrecuevle, 92 Pauls ulate - om Aticles aud 1 Seredutes + ta C act SRsteamble 1 22 Vault L oe As hieles v 1R_Senedulos L S owrrt to Levy aud colle! axes lade cbfueed ast_tisadisiec -& . Joka toustitotien—2}tusi ‘ ¢ tox lout a oh Ay ute, nolif icokion, oo osidese 1s nol 1 COvafasunity ‘ thetotton ibis (ablecl as : « « a « | | wilh siolatioiip beteneen dae = Uiuitus aud etates ticles _putovid ae ST ttf tly pal feucitiuy of bidia (ti) No Pore nade rare hb: deowed favattd dx tur _9 stOvud Mead ft interne i r 3 2 dlakide 246 t= Th ofws aullnsty fo Union aud clase, qs Goiimel four Paying tae Parsiunuads slate hye edusre fe ake oy dase fay —wolrole os _gaut ef slate abi A fowliouued tet wanle toro for urtole ax : deca “et bude. ee Uuion List | Stale Ist __] _(oneusstnd [isl H_tonloins mallow | Tt contains Hee mallow Cais siespeel of whith] fu siespect of volute | at suespect 4 holly Ay Hu pariowenl ad — | dur stale govts ees eae ow oxtuustve_sufght_Yo__}éh ! [CU wv" A * DELTA notebook innsnasgsggagss ns il 2) Tneome Vastoul *— Deckuredjon on guricreces é toes neederered ae weet sal Sead 1 & usvsiption Vawied \--Dedecticn {10 ate ia «J = deal Be Pues. yielding capital Assiste . cl Nis —2} corp ~ et (ON Addblion Hetwok be - o > _tthods 4 onuputaction sf Tox —_______ ‘< t)_— Addflion Hettod ~ ty f _Tnvolee _rduod_ . gg % DELIA wotevoot rhb sah! al Hie IE ee ee eres = futieuoge. “Test dy np uses Aax tirdel as See jax = —Ho4_wot heer cotustated ae voir 4 Cinods Sold x 22 Demetis of VAT Susieus : _— 7 t. ~_{y (stn tig ape Tht _sygheud of “nawhpe dered ‘ ~ stuibbeel blurt cubed aud! gtate sunk “eto ~~ esta oudeet up eedit A Slave VAT 0 altowed ~ “ cuudual Tax - ; : = ts sf ik eel aud toncession =~ ~~ Bysiness. eurtoytdl nay kad | wade dllertirae druid wlveh faa _¢ Concession DS fd E Ee fer flr val w DELTA 8 f° = os a ce aie coal aut icant tal eos sd eT aa dew dtu Youn wee jo = Vadeu dary | Pa aoe Exeise i Levit _psteees = Goods Nideenfacneee Rois as wae tush Precocr Jus facveney mn Sera ae oe sack $b Pucd Ha Cleaecees , wus om rs ae os te age Clue. (wv Comple xls = piiauwsa 1ST Nel wade : Te _yood sie Tox hese Cas Esra) wofit , won - See ee ion fs ne i aolbae fe cutee LT System, Tae postal, wlfon fe Te taalics Aten fos. eo st Thes__pastat whet be vse'd_ ta ieedl oe feaole i dua tt ane a : 0 de box =p au poh aul feouyees = } le futons tt teh . om. Dae sation fi vo * se aren naan ner hy Sarge eine ~¥ DELTA notenook na ft Si Pageno._B | | i "| | I e S_ivplisaniy agpluahon lateina 57] —~€6 Fao aA anal aa 2 f f wine d = tote sugetaead uel ese But Lay f: a a SE ly z : ~ vy) quad “who aur eg lo!_deduct fox sucess € secnon 5: where not Sepassetty 2104 phewed « aR rageno. 4 aay Date, nS oy. ay 2b LID rT ° eutas) 4 abet OA ebile aad —— = i - a, ; Sq Sie) Mpely In poset Bf st KE iO = By vsing Teh TT aid : elesterouse” id libel dud ae BAUS fa : Date: a regen in a 2 To + = : Quay “Linusha ae -{ ineure om Taxation of q 3 — Minster “hordaaied by east, State brevemnnt aa ST foune, — teehee uau Be pe . fuss Goods 4 dexter fa pede _tuspied Ae). aesiald tint 4 disenones belous twturts doadr 4 pitt nag ft tarusplil focus goods_t Keowie fax. tictichiug toga Sa 4 Aude udu asad of AAR ALAS | i The conpensotion ef Sake Ancient Bill 2018 wos tdtiodured os {oe Gabna ely, Roig wag luseodue d et for capa Taste dineee Hor. fish Hoyad cn Avast 201g - “Th Hed ottouss eee Crete Govecenment to ty o ¢ — {oS} tomgusso inn sd en su pf in ¢dads _¢ oleae sn ~ Tht oust fui iad ir__€ — fea: rm fea haa DELTA notebook AN AP. _ AR Date Page Ko._\b aT. Sf) fel eles fe whole [uci 3 {iy : * 5 Via Vv et yet tel utatina 9) tiaapeaiak af. SHE ‘ LS 1 E 2 till mas ual fg BE f = : : : ‘ = ~ i aheun = () Baoyeeled own ciate [Gounen 3] ~ girowh Hale f , . Soe be tay Bp = (ir) Base YS aiauat alt oe Hae _Lesudacn' ipa ans ala fap te fate, 24 bape yeou & 207 Ue Hua Bo Hes ston of eid Lo 4 DELTA totetnat - Re atte os Chanel Aa 14 tists Bia boy fos Sia uledl, Hatta-pealal py ecw wah ent fag = + | st ote. otters. i% ett? aetealined Afyplal 00 cleoboorrte. colt ab Ha Au if goods Se Sex uties or pats fevoclu tts Overy newer Tt doffisadsan: fasol under. Se tou 2uuyy of Cost Ace Se chews [H1CR) 4] Hoe BST a a on biinage A fon ytler PsLobpUihment 4 viv i St og te fe O weolteol dan Pu cidonce Ove goods ox" Pourteer Ox hole 0 the (insu nadie Tho Natoval aust ray — ng r — fea agua Aw the bec — Oper » L ply hal be. ee 4 ma ~e int’ pretitee uP oid Poa Pa bee wf ae GST du dg | Or 4emutces os ig bee dep a _.._ ose nee ps se fm Baths Cotmshfu Horas Ths le Natfonad dust eeu ee heaty Abad be hraaled Letre fie G Pages Has Dekel A a Seclelroy £0 Hr re DudPay Be - ta fave. Aeebutial romben | doemtheCerdre Wf Btatese usr C2 He, (to. ee _ fieate. GST. That mee Aame_tsavitattiou —_ us'll have to free 00 -aLdaaettfes Tg, a e Boab. 0s tre quthonais—_ Cutts on some f : eS Ye wil Pe Qbberrnibicks a dewmrandls tf “fleur wi) be +0 ~~ _ = pao! —— a 2 ss tl eye eens te iba ates ene. audt, st [edhee (Cntse. otha te Tht hes been! ai a upow fo OS) taunetd . Pot c) lef wounel phan aoe pe or lawolable. Houses, = dereatfer & 4 beter Unto af fy ae ee ao fae asf Poel Ao differnt lita tek, 5 foatng abiffourut elite tt met tana | eleva sage bles prour one asstleg maul -ddacte —~_ 4 gtresces of Fie prxodor Puaidty ta enpod i Oia nape gid Soul be under. Conteed Tae t i . : - ra ~I 3 ole peu Se chion LC U4) Af the CGST AY, 20'% - ue —_abtaadi al pate ae ts SpetPrally | fralitr. 02 wi el a pra petal in, pl Haat aged = ee OL ate pate ere re _ oe ely se a lf eo — es fc poltng) dee ouly bere’ | faucP Arde fe OFFemws vind EE —| Cifnates Agia Ula Re (1) tue dg Hee pudpud Cempt ayant clan, drene ne -hax y Croat Of dane ce ow Hu? Pep tog. Aon output supp yf ——_ ee ge Ay Asta aay te pelle. + NA Cale) rane fa (robe 6: ee ny fo vette. wthautnrertag 4 + dor tollectedk fre aaee ‘Hey Lvg Seta = ___ ps — ae choo collectecl “Pu outaaventfow ee $57 au- 6] rca a Ob Loaece — ee a is or Aree elebfons rhe ae Non= —fopoatiak: of okt ipllertile Lod Zag. uudeix Aockion $2 - f—o- sual [lg tag Fafa Ham toodie Vob baud aetafel Siete - sali tah See aes —— rar lh tia din Gait b fey a3 | Sen uvce. hPa ta'buper ot Uttladfoe Bf Subfou. Pa Ply ee fale FutorroatPen, so alatiial or —__ Me engl? fae — ie aut ga 7 ate » Lib pay — eal ese ud Bal AE may ET den, 4 Bins lth slate gee ——~__ 14 ducal Me Aa cortogverctoun of sh ON Nneie Muah Hf ony peur oe, 2a cae sean A talde a7 fp Ly “ gt betes dre Ap eae es te fis ae fe Zalds ag Sep eeurece Peoailitdecen -— Fd Te 2 b Autienty And, ———____ pei sad Bhat ton acs 4 dupsthed, ~~ poustigls te Mapsarabelery a f bg tatty | fiat ellndca [GT fos ude, AB, 28h ar . [od fudiiatrg Dukr ory. . >. ae , = s a (ates, parrad In, te big tune abo be ee 3 eet corer, LOE ensign ty Mbp lata scedinamty ataie fe Be uta gir ves dnntes , VOW beg, As ate it fiae_ ad fs wddiats mem a mn an ae bon k peiag eeae tee = pend Dutnoaty rede — A Proh pine. ye = ores oe Hag eed ee ote y ee Ande Hae a HH Len't4 bx Hoe Ape abe Tob una, Matrdde cea centre E Te Aes’ r Hae Mates oe CE sacdluaitiat-dan ee m0 fest siti — swiss He adfutbralfra LuV Baty poy og — in ct tibintern tol fr Wks bela tt hy Hob — tatd authtan'tey Aas _beewe A euctd p, Hiatal _ Poppies tye Liatsitd Ya Hit, ule Zh i pwtitin oh Hes Atpellabe. he hall pee fa adele one Astunauck 5) "the ae As AA wid at (ait aites, bo cable te hs et ppial ee a la hah a aa Ee re afl 2s tle te For APA | ST O28 Lhe 3 A‘ ine be shaved nis ie ea Leal) be Hed Lee be Hat Sidrause Losnd— ol Lewthes tf Hee. __ Pods ef _ fidgeuc pat PL eoden ported fudgoeg Bus L yeose, sarap arn £ LF y & (4) | ete Sole A. deve. Speak Fs Grote - ch . tec aaenis han!) Liny Pay ree of fax trrree G._Loraayr) ef ah Leu ict_ th at vaust be tsuat ya scéfot__ | at ao buy ef bala. wits issue O57 thusice for outed, En Bes may hd ond tarekeh _texalle _puyplp f—9eeds. a gf ayy ink. eee of{—9 and _sebitces” —_ tp Poy. pg fpreds dain weit by phe Du ch, the —invive—escule | sete gd £ bead dou wriert S haowding A4e, pod AE. Preseity Picharstida | Tepes. of Tak _inates_urdls PST _ Toe au Mei deg S tpes—af DPmwoices turvler £ i 4 [ie invola. —1 to dorabh supplies eithes _etthin_stali ~4 oA. Gddsiclg stalk and the pessoas Med pared LA celine ancl. past We ax en_Sish U ~ Supplies 1 Bile op Suppl + he apyp et 90. th vein tet. Piquined fe cotlid. a fy the tis. hese wu _ usin, iy hat “h 4 Couypori bien. ~4. Dealias ata Lypar tel. 5 \f = stay mat Lon her és aya by dne-Lecese f- et oi Alf. 9b evo Pipadias > a rents —thaaie:. Mepaeimn ed feaping — Nee ae a = 7 = < ar S. —#. —D efouls sequbred te be. menborted.o to OST Ane te e_. a = — —_14 Byes the OSD Suolee nutes» sft st. : dL ploties — fsstel ip trade _ usd have the | Adfouiin olbtadls. maniditovily 2.-———~ _ | thre, laiddre is ant bSZ0h af the. suppnerof | quod om seikes—. —* - _ A! Seoke purrbes , unigue for eat —firancia___ yt _vtlrigh Io. —Lov then ve senbth pueobin oe extecabine —sithen— charclors_inen | ot_mlipleses tehy costo ing, — ely beah ols—¢5 ———.- puunesads 95 Srecial — characters = Aryshan ef _____ | bs hot_sfath” ag _ _ OO PApete A re __ 8 | Mame, —odd ren —ond OST IN. of the beciplerl_—_- fof qeuuls_ ot ceive. —dn_tase the Aecintent LS inet sveghitered undoes O9_, ren _regre———_—— | and add Bs of the Sucda feng and the . addrt7a of Abivesy ud . fe _merlanet.——— den the nte_ Lf the —vultieof c_toxalh—— | supp by erere | Mgnt she00— ga sn oP abate velar ts Leah thes 2 Fitri pene wd. add bb al. dhe_riptet.ond fics oy atdiess of ehlrany an be ING ber ied, | as Nes desg hg pends and_senties SQA tale SAL bah, pr _ihe wads. va ; ‘ : feos May Hah “ike_Nebaaih duane ae SAL hte entox thuone hes bier Td onedanedt fP—tawayeu cohe burns ts a Sug CLC enaned oe ed Ody pion of tig Gnd: oh Selva Seg ol oe te utp maasurument vekHe of ¥, Cot wepey” of ho ipbads of sehuiea ____ ean ding —utith the armour —— ae pe asted Gos frnperbaticn—— gs. yes dbs toes a 7 wt et_ollpital signa pitt —af— th op heh 2S _au/Poaisad nypaescnt ubiye.____ the HEL fleet “.. ty a . a 8 L x Hannes of - Issuboy tales tots s fs fo be p[Tax. drovelie_for—Syppity of daa _Trsis 2 pienk ——_—_——-—— | 9x. Siiaa Oh Seam ate genspnat ee “ire agp ai plat) a he AS Lede ety! rot 9 a anit fen — fea beth) aod ar 2 a eee eee 27 Sa ae bi suppid am _toluvred_ei .htn_thete viton aid. phe Sraols. yabete lek tn ce) pel, DEER wy de Be sink ei benny South in Debt Mok of Dealt avs id by the supplies. as ol guceliiet—of ated and servlet Fn eR es oe “x A debit. Nott bo bade rhe ‘onk _jisued in ot Aow_sthypteohs__.. =» =» = 0) Wha the arrisart pogo bg buyer | wah deeretif— | Ohen_the tniount p ott bya burs. te. t f felled lemon _< ¢ _ ¥ | Gases hae. Debit rob_has to be. Fstueal by _ the syffal' hu nbA OST _D | Gaatasd tax invoiea has been isuuccl anvl taxable l vebuse_in.. the Inusice Is feat _ Lions huad fnvalele yale 2s SR Ss seco ee dnl brighrod tax—Invviahos been. Bsasch.. ark d get_tp_ne—inielce & fess. lan —- | octet tox he potd—___§_ | feseices one fund. fo be. csi. # yo Diyppeee typ ¢ Rebus — under ST. hud becer fi sided on vetue fa. the Invole_execeds ad aes table, cute —— yiP0£ tox travia hat Den Essatl anc tax _ thin the 2nyrice. ExCeL. ae _—__ & patdh _ - 20tudns De gouks ty by thee sayy RA Fen | What 4 Ble? chm be _- _ ae of ele and a ayia so af the si Bata on tarde wats — analee rent roth Geil cof. sessiws a - Suppl — “eaghbned (sap the — oo 2: tails of wont. _ caf | 3u fpues ffi doable — ee a Reeds. and [oh Shuher— Aa de ted cleajining —————- ae os pace Linpat to gual os —— tht te ptt ¢ sth Menthhy rebar, an the— istered do” 3 Lo basts &¢ finativatiea — es, | {of rbtatls af outrrort — _Pibsen_____manth___> sep hes cut ove aol ———$——_-——__ $l gp bies oberg — 12h ty $$$ —e -—ae_prugmon of rout ee nste-4 Lebun Arab __nlen-Pasident 20" af th | esicluat_frseiga Taal’ ____otart- mand. dor ale person __PetSera Leta fe Ppa Tat stlee 3 3 fhe Sesvie Distn'b fe Pstatbtub ___ née t month Tastes] Rebun for_outhatfes Tax 0" of the — ig tox at __ Deductes __ neat mere 4 SOUce CSTR-8 Details of supphice E> vomnmetce __10" of the effected ~ thrush» __epetator tax __ext-_— e-commuce epelstor co Lle tor _ menth_— low the ofmount eo te {of tax collected ae Se 1 hoes ts et 3 tah - br Dy - Le . ! (Le - Aral feive,> ater t Wins ef C04 : --—wtthin 3 BS eregerne et athed 0 Ae4i8t ehatin mer Wrap. baa beer! sumerd— the ebade sf. - a O_o arncetled lanwlblabanss. = = — daliof = cep aniline eB a riles th th _—_. re z £4teb 75 bps Ek! Detads of. faaart __P eho hauting 1 of the - 7 hyp diet ob fi and mont foliar i a hunched hp a. _¢ iM the mon. kx ~ | Jietsp2r haw ey ss —v4f End nthiah siaten ment fs jrtead. ~. He | Audit Urds ST. ‘ | Aude under ios? Lathe pies of | eaminate: records, tlebeuns—amt———— Me in | rnaintained —by —atarabl __ ( pase _fs_to_vidl. Kail tegen ye dead al ~~ edd e tie ups AD A, ep "Pane avid Hyped BX tee fhe —-— ~~} 116 E phodled ard —Lo—barss— 2 2 ng7. z Wy oye fuss of S. le nei gna nt ott Of was ee TP rage No. ——___ {pate + Farabh. pore “whise eee th Daria 4 208 ax ceeds, sp vied Unik Los per_the dates > Tutt» ie. trees Lunt ts almue 2! no, Ey I J g _ Shgll_get_hb_accous auslited bye _ ot Gas thet A wonet.ant—0h a. bot meumacitont _# 1A afb by or fhathonties 1th ! Leddndssient_ef CAstl $asr_ Lehn. nye atten aljfiel authorized byt ied. _130ay. “teria | dinlitol a _tary whys —Tre_f manned. audit” Sratl a a [2 retice sit be_sent 40 tie _asuolitee — | at deat 15 clays before —______ The audit shi je tompleted—igithin _32menthi_ j#Jten, Lab —of_ Lernmtolennerd ol the audit [Ire Soct mixtienek —taerex teri the ari Sot _foy—o__Cunlier_b_mon4_2! tty _teeAgrs— o J —_ acer cted fa ceriting | thee tarebls | prowl the-retenary— fasillyy— Aves [y-—e__— HN sabiant fhe Laidlitees eisen wohl be Segue ty becks ef alcourts Lothet —tlotansiet ts ie seol— |_-o sive Saprmetion_and av! stance fr fp tor vaof the oA, hr cb winplid of eC aeah* x Wh MW | Lah welll aloler_and conduct special oudit > | he aus ietaert —Lemmisiane | vt th athe_pasisr ~ - = “peat the lommissimnes) tan vider fo at audit Cin an tins). The —speuiah __* | aridit “will be tarned—eut “bya —thalt ued > - | percotand of a Corp | Atcovbnt aut nomirted aS | 5 the Lomi ssienes. a —$" ¥ —* |The expenses or the €ramiretion ard —auolit | ncbuehins tre — awl’ forts Semnuerevaina t0ill be | detetni net acre! prlel by learn isso goat, A | Assesment ne | Aasetnalt of rons Ailtets_ef rebuans ___ | Pia emment_of _varegist ood“ psoas ______—| v «| Prov’signal asters meat _________—| \Aaseaiment —mecns_det esmining ef tox Loh, ‘Lit, | yrds (ost faud. telaw ane“ phe—/anaus —_—_ —typts ef athesmentt undA _G$T—___ | Scnmnite S mbing asevirent. a best juslgmtnt bxsexsmert. Susrunady 0% £25 7 ent x Wh - exioment is dere by the tar eee At af Al the_otht!_ars coment axe don —| yy vt, C WA Date, a z = eel DELTA notebook Lif ATC. gy unavattable vader byST Sg tai flecson ei i eo cetvite “dau bo A business as a ba} city a - : ee tf = available. ; J icle 5 0 D SS tte at Quatlable 0 A ad A pusicase of naovety yetucle Suid alone eae at Saget moto vets aga Ofer (OA VEYaure creee = Used fer; fuse oui "y ctuippty af Becer yelucles mee CON VEYaucde mo Wher a ( Vvelucles Quad ode Con ine ait Useol g _fae_| | ae peiovialing deuivices ces Pasibah'on = ef pessesed TS On steuntes atte aa recad _focd asa beverages, teen teal fuwices me tutcloa, edit Stns mete 9 plaahe suscqbory . = a = c tt ada ou finess, Cod Sea fa SB foods ne duwices ase bod _suecuwel wesicerd - $8 hoods oH tad fr eueel—tsunpn. 2 DELTA notebook 1) Con a vigieuy 0/8 1902) 4 i Te i fe $0 foxable supplier aurcl nol_cn chenieh a Su ppurd ‘ — . 4 ut me p af L, wet ~] Sp Fnigihuliey uel _(oudibiot au fading Ire fh) A Reaishrued person eat) pa picks fof 2 (0 vpiteau Deg) nole, Page No, a SSS ¢ pun tas Tia a Relate dhe perectadsy fits Latome Ty cn day i = _fomipourut cl raed Capital geet 4_plan Aid atu eed Ge ae bey dead on dre esetd fox" covepineut : : : = Ui) [Tt Stace he chested on Sue wot be eetoued atfen’ _ Une chu dase of Pi fusing fie ttn vfs #4 sep tteshon doll eteber fe) Dt fxeuntbiog of tus Asnust Kedieet preteens 24 Ped 57 _ =) Ostdeot of vilizakes 4 cin ECL Leetesse feed Lec rst I ‘Pa be ue alee fey section 4915 ) hes leustieg I gl tax ee alunilanie ey __the nena be _vijtize J ~~ | depot tex creail eu Accoudt Date. 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