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My personal experience and nothing more!

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01 Go big (or go home).
In this guide I'll approach
how to get from 8-200 with
and without starting Money.

02 Gimme me Karma
I'll try to be as simple as
possible but don't expect
much precision I ain't no

03 Git Gud Scrub.

I by no means a pro. I'm not
even good at the game but I
believe I can give some
lights to new players and old

Playing as druid is fun to the whole

Family, you'll have a easy time to find
team hunts, team for bosses, and
you'll have a great chance to drop
rares when some bosses Spawn since
you deal damage and can heal those
pesky scrubs trying to steal your
ferumbras' hat.
But you need to know that a druid is as
tank as wingless mosquito. So do
expect to die in early levels since
mana shield is not as effective with
small pots.
35% 01 Editor's Note
None of the statistics given

in this guide is scientifically

accurate as said in the

preface I ain't no expert.

Of people playing as ED give

up on the char after dying 3

times on the same day Editor's Note
hunting Ancient Scarabs. I would like to take the
time and say that I
really miss the
EricPsykik Videos

The levels of fun during gameplay




8-28 28-50 50-100 100-150 150-200
Starting as a poor man

LEVEL 8-15 Amazon Camp

Here we want to farm Protective Charm. You

can sell them for around 2k gold and you usually

drop 15~20 of them in a hour. So you get around

30k-40k gold per hour #QuickMaffs.

You don't need to farm much at this stage, but every

penny counts.

I want to be clear. It's not fun to play as an ED or

MS from 8-28. If you start without Money it's even

worst. But don't give up it will get better (at least a


LEVEL 15-28

First things first. We need a better spell, no one

wants to spam the Exori Infir Tera during hunts.
So find your local Spell Shop and buy: Flame

You can buy all the spells if you want to but for now
it's not necessary.

Let's Head to the Tarantula's Cave, Don't forget to

take the task. From 15 to 28 you will complete it 3
times. The hunt itself wont pay your supplys but killing
the Boss 3 times will probably cover your costs. Plus
you will get the charm points.
LEVEL 28-50
Now the fun begins! Now that we achieved level 28
we can finally use the mighty ThunderStorm Rune.
And because of that we can move on to The Spike in
Hopefully you still have enough Money in the bank,
because if so,you can start to say goodbye. In the
spike you don't want to stop moving and constantly
avalanching or thunderstorming the monsters to
maximizing your exp! You will only loot White Piece of
Cloth dropped by Ghosts, so put it on the drop tracker
so you won't miss it!

You want to hunt at spike

-3, the one with the
coryms, here you can
make up to 500k/h but
be careful to not get hit
by 3 or more monsters
because you will die.

If you want to know more about the respawn

check the video by the one and only
Now for the next levels we need to talk about items.
for 50-100 we have 2 respawns that are above
average, but they require either a quest or a
specific set.

If you are low in Money just remember the phrase:

"Hunt for Imbuement items". It will always be
profitable and you can rapidly stack gold. The best
ones to hunt at low level are: Protective Charm,
Rope Belt, Bloody Pincers (For this one you can
hunt at Meriana and farm some Turtle Shells, you
can average at 80k profit an hour)

The Set you'll need at this level:

By the way here is some quests you might want to

Eleonor Quest (Access to Tortoise and Blood Crab)
Shattered Island (Up to Ramoa; Access to Lich Hell)
Rashid Quest (Takes 7 days so the earlier the better)
LEVEL 50-100
Well, this levels will probably be a bit cancer, but you'll get
through, as stated in the first page some people will give
up leveling a mage around this set of levels, either
because it's a bomb character used for wars OR because
they died 17 times in a week span.
When I was around level 60, for every 5 levels I got, there
was at least 2 deaths.

Now for the hunts: Like I said there is 2 main hunts:

Ramoa: averaging around 600k/h and wasting 10k/h
Mother of Scarab Lair: averaging around 700k/h and a
rage quit after the fourth paralize in a row.

03 Editor's Note
Don't focus on one hunt for

all the 50 levels, because

right now Charms points

are the second most broken

thing in Tibia, bested only

by Paladins.
Ramoa: The Bonebeast Island

For this hunt you'll need the Shattered Island

quest, but it doesn't take long to finish it, and it's
Worth it.
Now, you'll need to bring around x300 Avalanche
and x100 Strong Mana Potion. This will last
about 30-40 minutes of hunt. Don't Forget your Pick!
It's the only way to access the Lich Hell.

Piece of Advice: Don't

Cross the Purple Line! If

you do you'll have to face

a Giant Spider and a

Water Elemental

The thing about this hunt is that you won't profit, but it's
the lottery effect that makes you come back to hunt here.
You can drop 3 itens that will pay your hunt, 2 of them not
only will pay your hunt but will change your tutorial, from
the poor version to the rich one.

30K Gold 04 Editor's Note

Don't forget to take
the BoneBeast and
1KK Gold 1.2KK Gold Necromancer Task!
Mother Of Scarab Lair
First of all don't feel bad if you die a couple of times
hunting here, In my humble opinion this is the most
rage inducing place in Tibia and I love hunting here,
there will be times you'll get 7 times paralyzed in a
row, so a piece of advice forget you have the diagonal
key, because one bad timed paralyze + diagonal =

Bring around x400 GFB and 100 SMP for a

40 min hunt. After you get level 80 don't forget to
take the task for Ancient Scarab!
Loot every monster you kill here, but don't take the
plate armors, you'll probably break even every hunt.
By now you must have realised that playing as a mage
in Tibia is just like in life, doesn't matter how much you
try you still poor in the end.
But fear you not! Something is about to change! if you
just pay 100k by front you can start selling rotworm
stew and for every friend you bring you'll get a 100gp


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But for real, you can now enter the realm of the riches,
if you complete the painful long access quest to the
Oramond Sewers. I won't enter in details about the
quest, you can either check on the wikia or again
watch ma boi Eric Psykik video.
LEVEL 100-150
After completing the access, you can hunt Glooth
Bandits, but be aware they hit like a truck so don't
joke around, at this level you can get around 1-
1.2kk exp/h and will get around 100k/h to 200k/h
profit. Now you need to make a couple of
decisions: You need to get better equipments, the
best way is doing quests such as:
Pits of Inferno
Wrath of Emperor
Demon Helmet Quest
The Inquisition

And two, you need to decide if you'll save Money for a

Rod of Destruction or make some imbuements to
speed your hunt.

05 Editor's Note

Don't underestimate the

power of imbuements, it

can really make your exp

and profit skyrocket.

Glooth Bandits

Bring around x800 GFBs

and around x150 GMP
for a 1 hour hunt

Most of the hunts will be cut short because of cap

restriction, a t2 backpack imbuement really comes in handy
hunting bandits since it allows you to bring more supply and
effectively hold more drops

06 Editor's Note

Since Glooths drop GMP

There is more
and hunting them makes

you tons of Money, dont Brigand than

forget to use the 200 soul Bandit, I demand
points after everyhunt a Hunt rename
making Avalanches to

quickly boost you ML

Glooth Bandit
Glooth Brigand 48%
Old Masonry
Whenever you get tired of slaughtering some bandits you
can hunt at Old Masonry, also known as Easy Hero
Don't get me wrong, you CAN hunt at hero cave at this
level (even when you get level 80), but without the level
130 Mana Pot hero cave is a bit sketchy and you'll find
yourself running blesses more often than you would like

You'll Need 50 pelvis bones

to enter the Death Portal

You can get around 1.3kk/h and a lot of charm points

hunting here, Just remember to lock the Shaper in the
South prison cell and we gucci

Prey for the maximilla Maximus

Before we get to the 150-200 part of the tutorial, let's
talk about love. In Tibia as well as in life we need
friends, this mythical creature that extrovert people
have in the outside world. At this level your mana pool
is starting to look good and with access to the UMP
Team Hunts starts to be so much more enjoyable. So
whenever you have a chance to TH you should take it.


72% of brazilians when they die

when team hunting will say
"Morri! Dude Morri!"

91% Polish will say

"Kurwa!" when they die

Team Hunts are amazing for
your ML since you'll be Editor's Note
spamming Sio and Mas Res.
Whenever you die while Team
Hunting blame the person on
Hunting as x4 you can kill your right.
stronger monsters and with the It's your fault so you can
40% exp boost the party gets blame whoever you want!
the exp/h skyrockets
LEVEL 150-200

Okay, we have 3 main solo places to hunt at this

set of levels:

Hero Cave:

In the bed area trap yourself
between the bed and the treasure
chest and avalanche the entire
room instead of running in the
3sqm corridors.

You can make around 1.7 to 1.9kk exp/h

The profit is a bit janky, between -10k to +10k/h
#Prey for the Maxilla Maximus
Pick up the Incantation Notes ~8k/each
If you have some charm it's a good idea to use it
on the Vile Grandmaster since they are way
tankier than the rest.
Edron WereBeast Cave

Always keep the Gran Hur up, if you
think you'll get melee by 3+ monsters
push the e-ring

1.4kk exp/h
20-30k profit/h
Lots of Charm Points
You can kill the bosses
once a day
Really Chill Hunt

If you find a MS to duo hunt with

you won't profit, but you can boost
the exp up to 2.2kk/h
Oramond West

This is was my favorite place to hunt. What I did was for

every hour I hunted Oramond West, I later hunted 2 hours
in Bandits to pay for the waste.

This hunt is only Worth when there is a
Quara Raid, you can check it by going to the
far most west building in rathleton.
Remember to Use the Full Gill Set.

The Exp is around 2.2kk/h

you'll waste around 100k/h
AMAZING for Charms Points
Duo Hunting with a MS boost
exp to 2.7kk/h
If you have, it's worth to pop a
boost once in a while to make
MAD exp.

** Technically you can hunt here till 250, when you will
most likely hunt falcons solo, but it's way better for your
psych and wallet to Team Hunt at this point.
Second Hand Hunts

This are some hunts that are not notch, but whenever you
are tired of your current hunt you can try this out!

Venore Coryms (30-50) (400k/h)

Giant Spider Port Hope (80-100) [Charm + Tasks
Edron Vampire Crypt (80-100) (800k/h exp and 60k/h
Soul Eater (120-150) (1kk/h exp and 20k/h Profit)
Warzone 5 (130-200) (3kk/h exp and 100k waste/h)
Lizard Chosen (130-180) (900k/h exp and 50k profit)
Feyrist Surface and Cave (?? exp/h but around 50k

08 Editor's Note

It's Worth to hunt every

single one of this hunts

because you can farm the

charm points.
Quests you most likely
should have:

Rashid Quest
Djinn Quest
Pits of Inferno
Wrath of Emperor
The Inquisition
Secret Agent
Yalahar Quest
Thais Bosses
Feyrist Access

Certificat e of

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