Evaluation of Drinking Water Treatment and Quality in Takua

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Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358

DOI 10.1007/s10661-007-9934-5

Evaluation of drinking water treatment and quality

in Takua Pa, Thailand
Carlo Collivignarelli & Prapin Tharnpoopasiam &
Mentore Vaccari & Valentina De Felice &
Veronica Di Bella & Suwalee Worakhunpiset

Received: 14 March 2007 / Accepted: 28 August 2007 / Published online: 16 September 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract After 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, which disinfection re-organization, use of proper registers to
hit and devastated several Countries in Southeast better plan and control employees activities. More-
Asia, University of Brescia and Mahidol University over, it was determined that water quality in the
started a project on water monitoring and treatment distribution network is characterized by turbidity and
for drinking purposes in Takua Pa district (Thailand), organic matter values higher than those evaluated in
the most damaged by the tsunami. In particular, this the plant effluent.
paper presents the results of a study conducted to
evaluate the effectiveness of Takua Pa drinking water Keywords Drinking water . Monitoring .
treatment plant and to identify actions that could be Treatment plant . Tsunami
adopted to improve its performances. The results
show that, even if the effluent usually meets Thai
guide values, except for pH which is already too acid Introduction
in the influent, the plant needs several structural and
managerial improvements, such as filtration and sedi- 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, which devastated several
mentation upgrade, coagulation/flocculation and final Countries in south-east Asia, caused more than
300,000 victims (Stone 2005) and modified water
quality and ecosystems of the affected areas (Goffredo
C. Collivignarelli : M. Vaccari (*) : V. De Felice : V. Di Bella et al. 2007; Luluraj et al. 2007). After the tsunami,
CeTAmb, Documentation and research centre University of Brescia and Mahidol University started
on appropriate technologies for environment management a project on water monitoring and treatment for
in developing Countries, Department DICATA,
drinking purposes in Takua Pa district (Thailand),
University of Brescia,
Brescia, Italy that had been hit by that cataclysm. In fact, a survey
e-mail: vaccari@ing.unibs.it conducted a few weeks after that event highlighted
that well water in this area was characterised by high
P. Tharnpoopasiam : S. Worakhunpiset
salinity, organic content and microbiological contam-
Department of Social and Environmental Medicine,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, ination (Tharnpoophasiam et al. 2006); therefore, well
Bangkok, Thailand water use in households (that is still usual despite the
situation) should take place after a complex treatment
Present address:
train, including advanced processes such as reverse
M. Vaccari
Via Branze 43, osmosis for salinity removal. It is evident that this
25123 Brescia, Italy solution is not convenient; the production and distri-
346 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358

bution of good quality water to a greater part of 16,000 existing in Takua Pa City and in Khok Kiang,
population should take place by the development of Bang Nai Si and Bang Muang sub-districts.
‘collective’ infrastructures, for example through the Nowadays the plant treats about 150 m3/h of water,
upgrade of existing water treatment plants and supply which is drawn from Bang-ee waterfalls (they are few
networks and the construction of new ones. kilometres away and provide about 30 m3/h) and from
Furthermore, it has to be underlined that water Khok Kien lake (it is located in plant’s neighbour-
treatment and distribution systems, if not properly hood and provides about 120 m3/h).
operated and maintained, can be a source of disease The water treatment scheme is composed by
outbreak affecting population; therefore, the monitor- several processes (Fig. 1):
ing and surveillance of quality of raw water sources as & Coagulation–flocculation, realized through the dos-
well as treated water need to be enhanced (Hamzah et age of aluminium sulphate into the plant entrance
al. 1997; Jurdi et al. 2002; Batarseh 2006; Djuikom et canal. Flocculation takes place in two parallel lines
al. 2006; Singh et al. 2006; Özcan et al. 2007). connected by few holes located in the separating
This paper presents the results of a study con- wall. Each line is made of two tanks 4.45 m high
ducted to both assess the effectiveness of the principal and 2.06 m wide. The first one is 1.55 m long and is
drinking water treatment plant placed in TaKua Pa equipped with a vertical axis mixer composed by
district and identify upgrading actions that could be three flat-blade impellers placed at different depths
adopted to improve its performances. Specific tests with rotation velocity equal to 12 rpm. The second
were also conducted to evaluate tanks hydrodynamic one is 2.17 m long and is equipped with a mixer
behaviour, by dosing lithium as tracer. similar to the previous one whose rotational
velocity is equal to 8 rpm. Hydraulic retention
times in the first and second reactors are, respec-
Materials and methods tively, equal to 11.4 min and 12.6 min;
& Rest tank, placed upstream the settler and made of
Description of Takua Pa water treatment plant two parallel interconnected basins; each of them is
4.45 m high, 2.06 m wide and 1.70 m long;
The plant analysed during this activity, built in 1992, & Inclined tube sedimentation, performed in two
provides water to about 3,000 households among the parallel interconnected countercurrent reactors.


Al2(SO4)3 Filter Storage tank
(1000 m3)
Floc1 Floc2 Rest tank Sed
IN Floc1 Floc2 Rest tank Sed Undergound
Filter Storage tank
(500 m3)
INT1 Cl2 gas


Aerial Distribution
Storage tank Net


Legend: IN = influent monitoring point;

Floc1 = first flocculation tank;
Floc2 = second flocculation tank;
Sed = sedimentation tank;
INT1 = monitoring point located downstream sedimentation;
INT2 = monitoring point located downstream filtration;
OUT = effluent monitoring point.
Fig. 1 Scheme of Takua Pa water treatment plant (scheme is not in scale)
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358 347

Each of them is 4.45 m high, 2.06 m wide and and reaches Ban Nam Khem village (20 km far from
6.75 m long. Two drilled pipes are placed at the top the plant).
of each tank; they collect treated water and Waterworks Office Region 4, located in Surat Thani
transport it to the following filtration section. Province, is in charge of plant and water supply
Precipitated compounds discharge is performed by management. The employees verify its correct func-
opening the taps located at the bottom of the tank; tioning by providing an ordinary and extraordinary
the sludge is then dropped directly on the ground, maintenance (e.g., cleaning fouled tubes and canals,
even if this is not allowed by Thai environmental repairing damaged or broken parts, etc.), regulating
law; coagulant and disinfectant’s dosage, back-washing the
& Filtration, achieved by means of two multilayer filters and turning on and off the pumps for aerial tank
gravity filters working in parallel. Each filtering fulfilling.
bed is 1.1 m deep and is composed, from bottom
to top, by gravel, coarse sand and fine sand. Each Description of performed activities
filter is 1.40 m wide, 2.40 m long and 1.80 m
high. Filtration rate is equal to 15 m/h. The back- Takua Pa treatment plant was monitored daily for five
wash procedure (countercurrent passage of water days. Water was sampled in four different points,
coming from aerial storage tank) is carried out located downstream the most important processes (see
manually about twice a day; Fig. 1). The parameters determined in the influent and
& Storage, achieved in two concrete underground in the effluent are: temperature, pH, conductivity, total
tanks whose volumes are 1,000 m3 and 500 m3 suspended solids (TDS), turbidity, total organic
respectively; carbon (TOC), ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite,
& Disinfection, carried out by dosing gaseous chlo- trihalomethanes (trichloromethane, bromodichlorome-
rine (about 3.3 mg/l) in the 500 m3 storage tank; thane, dibromochloromethane, tribromomethane), al-
& Pumping to the elevated storage tank or to the uminium, iron, manganese, arsenic, cadmium,
distribution pipeline: the aerial storage tank is chromium, lead, zinc, residual chlorine, total coli-
filled by an alternate use of two manually regu- forms, Escherichia coli and algae. Escherichia coli
lated 100 m3/h pumps, whereas the direct pump- was determined only in terms of absence (A) and
ing of water into the distribution network is presence (P) in the influent and in the effluent. Total
performed by a pump with a nominal capacity of organic carbon (TOC), turbidity and algae contents
120 m3/h, or, in case the water request is lower, were determined also downstream the settler (in
through a 60 m3/h pump. monitoring point INT1) and the filters (in monitoring
point INT2). Water sampling was conducted consid-
Moreover, out of order equipment (an inclined tube ering the hydraulic retention time of each tank, in
settler and two pressure filters) is present on the plant order to correlate characteristics of water entering and
area. exiting each reactor.
The water distribution system is composed of two In addition to monitoring activity, hydrodynamic
different pipelines, linked by a valve located in Takua tests were performed on flocculation tanks, settler and
Pa City. The first pipeline, fed by gravity, carries filters, with the purpose of pointing out possible
water from the aerial storage tank to the households in anomalies in the behaviour of the fluid flowing
Takua Pa City, that is about 6 km distant. The second through these reactors, such as dead water or flow rate
pipeline, fed by a pump, serves the three sub-districts by-pass presence.

Table 1 Lithium mass

dosed upstream the reactors Parameter Unit Flocculation Rest tank + sedimentation Filtration
and hydrodynamic tests
duration Lithium mass g 34.0 77.0 12.5
HRT min 28.0 61.5 10.0
Test duration min 56 123 20
348 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358

Tests, executed according to the procedure de- described for the optimal pH determination. The
scribed by Collivignarelli et al. (1995), are aimed to optimal dosage was the one associated with the lowest
determine tracer concentration outgoing the tanks at supernatant turbidity value.
various times after the injection. In particular, the Finally, quality of water supplied by Takua Pa plant
tracer chosen was lithium chloride, whose dosed was monitored daily for five days in five different
quantities are reported in Table 1. It was injected into points of the network (characteristic of the five areas
the entering stream virtually instantaneously. served by the plant). Samples were collected between
For each test, 15 effluent samples were withdrawn to 9.00 and 10.00 am, the period of major water request.
determine lithium concentration outgoing the reactor in Monitored parameters were: temperature, pH, conduc-
relation with time. Tracer base concentration was tivity, TDS, TOC, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, THM,
determined by sampling twice (at time zero and at a iron, manganese, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead,
time equal to tank’s HRT) the analysed tanks influent. zinc, residual chlorine, total coliforms and Escherichia
The two flocculation basins were studied together coli.
because the connecting holes are located at the
bottom, not allowing the sampling. Same reasons Elaboration methodology for hydrodynamic tests
obliged to analyse the rest tanks and the downstream
settlers together. Data collected during the sampling campaign were
The last action performed on water treatment plant elaborated according to Collivignarelli et al. (1995).
was the verification of aluminium sulphate dosage The concentration C(t) of the injected material in
appropriateness. Tests were performed on water the exit stream at time t was reported in a concentra-
sampled from the plant influent (characterised by pH tion versus time graph. The shape of the resulting
and turbidity respectively equal to 5.8 and 18.1 NTU) curve, named retention time distribution (RTD),
by dosing a 1 g/l Al2(SO4)3 solution. clearly gives a good deal of information about the
Firstly, the minimum dosage of reagent was tank hydrodynamic behaviour. In fact, RTD is
determined adding small quantities of coagulant in compared with mathematical models representing
400 ml of raw water, kept in slow motion (about specific hydrodynamic behaviours and the one best
30 rpm) by means of a jar test machine, until the suiting the experimental curve can be identified. Two
formation of the first flock. opposite ideal models are usually considered:
Then, the optimal pH value was established. Four & Complete mixing when the reactor content is
400 ml samples of raw water were added with completely homogeneous; fluid properties are
previously identified Al2(SO4)3 minimum dosage. uniform and identical with those of the outgoing
Their pH was modified by dosing an acid solution stream;
(1% v/v HCl) or a basic solution (0.1% Na2CO3). & Piston flow when fluid velocity is uniform in all
Tests were executed as follows: the transverse sections of the reactor; each fluid
1. Rapid rotation (155 rpm) for 2 min; constituent entering in the reactor passes on
2. Intermediate rotation (90 rpm) for about 3 min; without interaction with the elements previously
3. Slow rotation (30 rpm) for 20 min; or successively entered.
4. Sedimentation for 20 min. Characteristic equation for a complete-mixing
After sedimentation, a sample of supernatant was reactor is:
collected from each beaker and its turbidity was    
C0;t þ C0;tþ Δt Q Δt
quantified. The optimal pH was the one associated Ctþ Δt ¼ Ct þ  C t  1  e V ;
with the lowest turbidity.
Finally, the optimal dosage was determined. Six
400 ml samples of raw water (whose pH was already
equal to the optimal pH value, see “Coagulant dosage Ctþ Δt outgoing tracer concentration at time t+Δt;
verification”) were added with different concentrations Ct outgoing tracer concentration at time t;
of coagulant (from 50 to 200% of the minimum Δt discrete time interval;
dosage). Tests were executed according to procedure C0,t incoming tracer concentration at time t;
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358 349

C0;tþΔt incoming tracer concentration at time t+Δt; Mathematical formulations which include these
Q incoming flow rate; anomalies are:
V volume of the analysed reactor. 8    Δtð1ib Þ

> Ci1;t þCi1;tþ Δt 
Ideally, plug flow hydrodynamic behaviour can be >
>Ci;tþ Δt ¼ Ci;t þ  Ci;t  1  e t i ð1i d Þ
< 2
retraced to an infinite series of complete mixing  
Ci;0 ¼ C0;0 þ N  CN ;0  C0;0
reactors, but that ideal behaviour do not usually occur >
> C i C
> CN ;0 ¼ 0 1ib b 0;0
with Newtonian fluids; in fact there is always some >
Ctþ Δt ¼ ib  C0;tþ Δt þ ð1  ib Þ  CN ;tþ Δt
longitudinal mixing, due to viscous effects and
molecular or eddy-diffusion (Danckwerts 1953). So,
plug flow like reactors are generally modelled by a
limited series of complete mixing tanks through the ib ¼ QQb bypass index;
following equations: id ¼ VVd dead water index;
8    Ctþ Δt outgoing tracer concentration at time t+Δt;

<C ¼ C þ
Ci1;t þCi1;tþ Δt
 C  1  e
ti Qb bypass flow rate;
i;tþ Δt i;t i;t

 ; Vd dead water volume;
Ci;0 ¼ C0;0 þ N  CN ;0  C0;0
C0 outgoing tracer concentration at time 0

where: Analytical methods

N total number of complete mixing reactors;
i progressive number assigned to each Analyses were carried out by means of instantaneous
reactor; methods or, whenever this was not possible, labora-
Ci;tþ Δt outgoing tracer concentration from reactor tory techniques. Temperature, pH, conductivity, TDS
i at time t+Δt; and salinity were detected by a portable probe
Ci, t outgoing tracer concentration from reactor (HACH, SensION 156), whereas turbidity was mea-
i at time t; sured by means of a turbidimeter (WTW, type 350
Ci−1, t outgoing tracer concentration from reactor IR). Portable kits were used for ammonia (Hanna
i− 1 at time t; Instruments HI 38049), iron, manganese, nitrite and
Ci1;tþ Δt outgoing tracer concentration from reactor nitrate (IPT – instant precision test), residual chlorine
i−1 at time t+Δt; (Bayrol Pooltester) and chloride (Lovibond AF 418).
ti hydraulic retention time of reactor i;
Δt discrete time interval;
Ci, 0 outgoing tracer concentration from reactor Qb
i at time 0; C0 Qu CN C
C0, 0 incoming tracer concentration in the first Q Vu1 Vui VuN
reactor at time 0;
CN, 0 outgoing tracer concentration from reactor Vd1 Vdi VdN
N at time 0.
Qb Vdi
Moreover, the above mentioned hydrodynamic ib = ; i di =
behaviours can be affected by the presence of anoma- Q Vui + Vdi
lies (Fig. 2), which are:
& Dead water: a considerable fraction of the fluid, Legend: Q = total flow rate;
Qb = bypass flow rate;
represented by ‘dead water index id’, trapped in C0 = outgoing tracer concentration at time 0;
eddies and spending much more than the average Vd = dead water volume;
length of time in the tank (Danckwerts 1953); Vu = usable volume;
CN = tracer concentration outgoing reactor N;
& Bypass flow-rate: a considerable fraction of the C = total outgoing tracer concentration;
fluid, represented by ‘bypass index ib’, outgoing Fig. 2 Scheme of a series of N complete mixing reactors with
the tank without any treatment. flow-rate by-pass and dead water
Table 2 Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of Takua Pa drinking water treatment plant influent and effluent

Parameter Unit Influent Effluent Thai standarda WHO

04.05.06 05.05.06 06.05.06 08.05.06 09.05.06 04.05.06 05.05.06 06.05.06 08.05.06 09.05.06 Guide Max
value value

Temperature °C 29.6 30.2 29.6 30.7 29.2 29.4 29.7 27.9 28.2 28.7 – – –
pH – 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.2 5.8 5.0 5.7 5.4 5.7 6.5–8.5 9.2 6.5–9.5c
Conductivity μS/cm 31.8 32.3 31.8 16.5 18.7 40.6 39.5 37.2 32.1 27.1 – – 2500.0c
TDS mg/L 15.9 16.1 15.9 8.2 9.4 20.3 19.7 18.6 16.1 13.6 500.0d 1500.0d –
Turbidity NTU 4.1 4.1 8.7 18.1 17.4 3.0 1.6 3.6 5.0 3.1 5.0 20.0 1.0c
TOC mg/L 3 4 7 1 11 3 2 2 2 2 – – –
N  NH4þ mg/L <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 – – 0.5c
Nitrate mg/L <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 45 45 50
Nitrite mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 – – 0.50c
Iron μg/L 200 200 700 2000 N.P. 100 100 500 N.P. N.P. 500 1000 200c
Manganese μg/L 28.6 51.8 33.4 167.3 32.6 29.2 27.3 33.4 29.9 36.0 300 500 400
Arsenic μg/L <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 50.0 – 10.0
Cadmium μg/L 3.42 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 10.00 – 3.00
Chromium μg/L <0.2 0.6 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 50.0 – 50.0
Lead μg/L <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 50 – 10
Zinc μg/L 100 60 90 90 140 110 50 70 90 120 5000 15000 3000
Aluminium μg/L N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. 285.7 121.6 140.1 98.4 – – 200.0
Residual Chlorine mg/L N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 – – –
Trichloromethane μg/L N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. 11.5 8.9 17.4 9.2 9.3 – – 200.0
Bromodichloromethane μg/L N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. 3.2 2.6 3.7 1.9 2.0 – – 60.0
Dibromochloromethane μg/L N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 – – 100.0
Tribromomethane μg/L N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 – – 100.0
Total Coliforms MPN/ 17.0 13.0 43.0 278.0 278.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 – 0.0c
E. Coli – P P P P P A A A A A A – Ac

N.P. Analysis not performed

Thai Drinking water quality standards (Pollution Control Department 2004)
Drinking water quality standards from guidelines for drinking–water quality (WHO 2006)
Limits from 98/83/EC (for those parameters not ruled by WHO guidelines) (Council Directive 1998)
Value referred to total solids
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358 351
Fig. 3 Turbidity in the
plant monitoring points

Following parameters were detected in laboratories particular, for what concerns chemical–physical
located in Bangkok according to the analytical parameters, it was possible to observe a large decrease
methods reported between brackets: of TDS concentration (from about 16 to about 9 mg/l)
& TOC (HACH Company 2006); and conductivity (varying from 32 μS/cm to about
& Arsenic (APHA et al. 1995a); 17 μS/cm), probably because of dilution due to
& Aluminium, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, rainwater. At the same time, it was noticed an increase
lead, lithium, manganese and zinc (APHA et al. of turbidity (from 4–8 NTU to about 18 NTU), iron
1995b); (from 0.2 to 2 mg/l) and manganese (which reached a
& Total coliforms (APHA et al. 1995c); peak value equal to 167.3 μg/l); instead, TOC showed
& Escherichia coli (APHA et al. 1995d); an anomalous trend, reaching its minimum (1 mg/l)
& Algae (APHA et al. 1995e); and maximum (11 mg/l) during rainy days. No
& THM (APHA et al. 1995f). significant variation were registered for other param-
eters: temperature and pH ranged respectively be-
tween 29.2 and 30.7°C and 5.2 and 5.8, respectively,
whereas the remaining pollutants were detected in
Results and discussion slender concentration, often lower than the instrument
detection limit.
Drinking water treatment plant monitoring Influent microbiological properties changed after
monsoons beginning: it was registered in fact a
Table 2 sums up chemical–physical and microbiolog- remarkable increase of total coliforms (from 13–43
ical characteristics of water samples drawn from up to 278 MPN/100 cm3), whereas Escherichia coli
Takua Pa treatment plant influent and effluent. Data was always present in the influent. This variation was
show clear differences in the incoming water quality, probably originated by the worsening of Bang-ee
comparing the first three days and the last two days waterfalls and Khok Kien lake water quality due to
(when monsoons began) of the monitoring period. In surrounding surface wash.

Fig. 4 TOC concentration

in the plant monitoring
352 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358
Fig. 5 ‘Filter clogging’
algae concentration in the
monitored points of the

The effluent resulted suitable for human consump- On the contrary, TOC trend, as reported in Fig. 4,
tion in the five monitored days both for chemical– presented anomalous variations. In fact, TOC was
physical and microbiological parameters. The only generally removed within sedimentation tanks, but it
parameter not respecting the guide value, provided by highly increased downstream filters, clearly releasing
Thai law, was pH (assuming values between 5.0 and organic matter. In particular, TOC concentration
5.8), already too acid in the plant influent. Conduc- downstream filters was always higher than 2 mg/l,
tivity and TDS, even though present in concentrations value that should not be exceeded to avoid disinfec-
slightly higher than in the influent, probably due to tion-by-products formation (US EPA 1999a).
coagulant dosage, resulted in the range 27.1–40.6 μS/ However, THMs were detected in the plant effluent
cm and 13.6–20.3 mg/l, respectively. Supplied water in very low concentration, strongly inferior to
showed a slender turbidity (1.6–5 NTU), exceeding drinking water quality standards provided by WHO
the 1 NTU threshold provided by 98/83/EC, and TOC (see Table 2): trichloromethane (CHCl3) varied
content equal to 2–3 mg/l. Metals were detected in between 9 and 17 μg/l, whereas bromodichloro-
low concentrations, although iron and aluminium methane (BDCM) and dibromochloromethane
presented a peak value of 500 and 285.7 μg/l. (DBCM) resulted to be respectively between 2–4
As reported in “Description of performed activi- and 0.3–0.6 μg/l. Tribromomethane (CHBr3) resulted
ties,” turbidity, TOC and algae were monitored also inferior to instrument detection limit (0.1 μg/l). Such
downstream settlers and filters. The results highlight- differences lead to suppose that bromine content in
ed that turbidity trend within the plant, as illustrated the plant influent was very low.
in Fig. 3, was averagely decreasing. In particular, Analogously to turbidity and TOC, also algae
overall turbidity removal efficiencies were between belonging to Crisophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta
12.3 and 94.3%. and Euglenophyta divisions were monitored after

Fig. 6 Not ‘ filter clogging’

algae concentration in the
monitored points of the
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358 353
Fig. 7 Hydrodynamic test
Experimental data Theorical RTD
results relative to floccula-
tion tanks


Li+ concentration (µmol/L)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (min)

settlers and filters. As expected, ‘filter clogging’ algae effluent were sometimes higher than the ones in the
(i.e. algae able to clog filters, resulting in reduced influent. Their origin is referable to algal proliferation
runtimes and an increase in the volume of backwash in the underground storage tanks. However, no toxic
water needed for cleaning; US EPA 1999b) trend, algae belonging to Cyanophyta division were detected
presented in Fig. 5, was very similar to the turbidity in the plant effluent.
one and their average removal efficiency was 80%. Finally, the presence of yellow-reddish froths (occa-
Contrarily, remaining algae removal efficiency, sionally removed manually by employees) in several
whose trend is reported in Fig. 6, was lower plant basins has to be signalled. Their origin is not clear
(averagely 54.2%). This is mainly due to Chlorophyta yet, but it seems referable to the reaction between
division algae, in particular Ankistrodesmus falcatus aluminium sulphate, dosed in the plant influent, and
and Cosmarium sp., whose concentrations in the organic matter and iron present in the water.

Fig. 8 Hydrodynamic test

Experimental data Theoretical RTD
results relative to inclined
tube settler

Li+ concentration (µmol/L)






0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (min)
354 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358
Fig. 9 Turbidity vs 18
Al2(SO4)3 dosage curve

Turbidity (NTU)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

D (mg/L)

Hydrodynamic tests because filters’ detailed constructive features are

currently unknown.
RTD relative to hydrodynamic tests on flocculation
tanks is graphed in Fig. 7. It shows that such basins Coagulant dosage verification
are modelled by a series of five complete-mixing
reactors, three simulating the first basin and two Tests highlighted that optimal pH is equal to 5.8,
simulating the second, with a flow-rate by-pass equal coincident to natural value of water used in tests. The
to 25% and a dead volume equal to 10%. The remark- optimal coagulant dosage, able to guarantee the
able by-pass presence is referable to the wrong lowest turbidity value (about 3 NTU), ranged between
position of entrance and exit holes, favouring the 12 and 14 mg/l (see Fig. 9).
direct transit from a hole to the other. Dead volume, The current aluminium sulphate dosage amounts to
probably located in the tanks corners, indicates a not 10 mg/l and it allows a turbidity removal to values
optimal mixing. lower than the standard provided by Thai law
RTD concerning rest tank and settler, illustrated in (5 NTU), as verified during the plant monitoring.
Fig. 8, is modelled by a series of five complete-
mixing reactors; three of them simulating the rest tank Supplied water monitoring
behaviour and the others simulating the sedimentation
behaviour, with a by-pass equal to 11%. The result Table 3 sums up chemical–physical and microbiolog-
obtained for rest tank is plausible since, although it ical characteristics of water drawn from five points of
has a square plan, it is not provided with a mixer. On Takua Pa plant supply network. Data analysis shows
the contrary, model obtained for sedimentation tank that water does not present microbiological contam-
do not correspond completely to the expected one. In ination (total coliforms and E. coli are absent) and has
fact, a model characterized by a higher number of a slender content of salts, nitrogenous compounds and
complete mixing reactors in series (more similar to a metals. Critical parameters are pH, which presented
piston-flow behaviour) would be expected. Further- too acid value (4.1–6.1), and turbidity, which in few
more, it seems improbable the absence of dead cases was higher than Thai guide value (5 NTU) and
volume in such a fouled settler. Unfortunately, it in one sample higher than the maximum acceptable
was not possible to either look up the plant design (it limit (20 NTU).
seems to be missed) or empty the tanks, hence ob- TOC, not regulated by Thai law, was present in
tained results are not completely explainable. concentration (2–14 mg/l) considerably higher than
At last, filtration tank presented, as expected, an those measured in the plant effluent (see Table 2).
hydrodynamic behaviour simulated by a complete- Also THMs in supplied water were higher than in
mixing reactor followed by a piston flow. Also in this plant effluent, whereas residual chlorine concentration
case, however, results can not be fully explained decreased (to values often inferior to 0.1 mg/l) as
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358 355

Table 3 Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of water supplied by Takua Pa drinking water treatment plant

Parameter Unit Monitored point Thai Standarda WHO

DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 DS5 Guide value Max

Temperature °C 27.9– 25.2– 26.4– 26.4–28.7 25.2– – – –

28.6 29.1 32.2 29.4
pH – 4.2–5.6 4.2–5.9 4.1–5.9 4.8–6.0 5.1–6.1 6.5–8.5 9.2 6.5–9.5c
Conductivity μS/cm 30.3– 27.7– 28.2– 29.2–38.4 28.6– – – 2500.0c
34.5 33.0 33.2 32.7
TDS mg/l 15.1– 13.8– 14.1– 14.6–19.2 14.3– 500.0d 1500.0d –
17.2 16.5 16.6 16.4
Turbidity NTU 1.3–3.6 1.6–5.6 2.0–5.5 1.8–22.9 2.2–7.8 5.0 20.0 1.0c
TOC mg/l 2–6 N.P. 2–5 2–14 N.P. – – –
N  NHþ 4 mg/l <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 – – 0.5c
Nitrate mg/l <10 N.P. <10 <10 N.P. 45 45 50
Nitrite mg/l <0.05 N.P. <0.05 <0.05 N.P. – – 0.50c
Iron μg/l <250 N.P. <250 100–250 N.P. 500 1000 200c
Manganese μg/l 3.4–13.6 N.P. 3.4–19.3 9.6–13.6 N.P. 300.0 500.0 400.0
Arsenic μg/l <1.1 N.P. <1.1 <1.1 N.P. 50.0 – 10.0
Cadmium μg/l <0.03 N.P. <0.03 <0.03– N.P. 10.00 – 3.00
Chromium μg/l <0.2 N.P. <0.2 <0.2 N.P. 50.0 – 50.0
Lead μg/l <1.0 N.P. <1.0 <1.0–30.6 N.P. 50.0 – 10.0
Zinc μg/l 50–80 N.P. 50–70 100–2190 N.P. 5000 15000 3000
Residual Chlorine mg/l <0.1–0.6 N.P. <0.1–1.5 <0.1–0.1 N.P. – – –
Trichloromethane μg/l 24.9– N.P. 10.7– 33.1–42.9 N.P. – – 200.0
54.2 47.1
Bromodichloromethane μg/l 4.6–9.1 N.P. 1.4–6.8 5.5–7.4 N.P. – – 60.0
Dibromochloromethane μg/l 0.7–1.4 N.P. 0.3–0.7 0.7–1.1 N.P. – – 100.0
Tribromomethane μg/l <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 N.P. – – 100.0
Total Coliforms MPN/ 0.0 N.P. 0.0 0.0 N.P. 2.2 – 0.0c
E. coli – A N.P. A A N.P. A – Ac

N.P. Analysis not performed

Thai Drinking water quality standards (Pollution Control Department 2004)
Drinking water quality standards from Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality (WHO 2006)
Limits from 98/83/EC (for those parameters not ruled by WHO guidelines) (Council Directive 1998)
Value referred to total solids

passing through the pipeline. Such variations could be Regarding the coagulation–flocculation section, it
due to a possible bacterial proliferation in the net, that was verified that aluminium sulphate dosage was suit-
can not be excluded in spite of the absence of E. coli able to respect Thai standard for turbidity. The coag-
and total coliforms in the monitored samples. ulant is added at the beginning of the canal feeding the
following flocculation basins; such canal is equipped
with steps that favour on the one hand coagulant diffu-
Plant deficiencies and possible corrective actions sion (that could be improved by introducing horizontal
baffles), on the other hand a slight pre-aeration and the
In this chapter few interventions are proposed in order stripping of eventual gaseous compounds.
to solve current plant lacks arisen clearly during the It was verified that operational parameters for
surveys and confirmed by monitoring results. flocculation process are suitable: in fact, values for
356 Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358

Table 4 Main design parameters proposed for flocculation, inclined tube settler and gravity filters

Process Reference Design parameter Suggested values

Flocculation Nurizzo 1995 Hydraulic retention time 15–40 min

Plates rotational velocity 0.2–0.6 m/s
Water transfer velocity 0.3–0.4 m/s
MWH 2005 Hydraulic retention time 20–30 min
Average velocity gradient 10–80 s−1
Inclined tube sedimentation Chen 1979; Willis 1978 Surface overflow rate 2.5–9.2 m/d
Culp and Culp 1974 Diameter of tube 25–50 mm
Panneerselvam 1982 Length of tube 60–120 cm
Yao 1970 Inclination angle 50–60°
Yao 1970; Vigneswaran and Visvanathan 1995 Shape parameter of tubes 1 Parallel tubes
4/3 Circular tubes
11/8 Square tubes
Gravity filtration Nurizzo 1995 Surface loading rate 6–7 m/h (<10 m/h)
Depth of filtering bed 1–2 m/h
MWH 2005 Surface loading rate 5–15 m/h
Depth of filtering bed 0.6–1.8 m
Metcalf and Eddy 1991 Surface loading rate 5–20 m/h
Depth of filtering bed 0.5–1.1 m

hydraulic retention time, equal to about 27 min, and and a 10% dead volume, that could be eliminated by
average velocity gradient, estimated to be between 21 providing the reactors with breakwater baffles.
and 37 s−1 in the first basin and between 15 and Furthermore, dosage of lime in the plant influent
25 s−1 in the second one, are in the commonly should be adopted to improve coagulation–flocculation
adopted ranges (MWH 2005; see Table 4). Likewise, performance and neutralize influent pH, also allowing
also plates rotational velocity and water transfer to reduce pipes corrosion and froth formation.
velocity (respectively 0.5–0.6 and 0.4–0.5 m/s for Regarding the settler section (whose constructive
the first basin and 0.4–0.5 and 0.3–0.4 m/s for the details are not known), surface overflow rate was
second basin) do not differ significantly from litera- estimated to be not inferior than 12.2 m/day and
ture values. Instead, hydrodynamic tests proved the therefore superior to literature values (2.5–9.2 m/day;
presence of a significant (25%) flow-rate by-pass, that Chen 1979; Willis 1978). This section upgrade is then
could be avoided by modifying the position of necessary and it could be achieved by providing with
entrance and exit holes in the flocculation basins, inclined tubes the rest tanks and by restoring the

gaseous chlorine from filters from filters gaseous chlorine

to distribution to distribution
network network
to aerial to aerial
storage tank storage tank
500 m3 1000 m3 500 m3 1000 m3
underground tank underground tank underground tank underground tank

Fig. 10 Underground storage tanks scheme in current configuration (left) and in proposed one (right)
Environ Monit Assess (2008) 142:345–358 357

inclined tube settler already located inside the plant Conclusions

area but currently out of order. This intervention would
reduce the surface overflow rate to an acceptable value Takua Pa water treatment plant monitoring highlight-
between 6.1 and 8.1 m/day. ed that, despite the influent variability, treated water
Moreover, sludge removed from settlers, currently suited Thai guide values, except for pH, that was
discharged directly on the land inside the plant, already too acid in the influent. Moreover, TOC trend
should be stored and properly disposed. inside the plant showed a remarkable organic matter
Coming to the filtration section, filtering bed depth release from filters, but the following chlorine
(equal to 1.1 m) does not differ from usually adopted disinfection was able to abate TOC causing only a
values (see Table 4), whereas surface loading rate slender THMs formation. Algae and turbidity moni-
(equal to about 20 m/h) should be reduced. Further- toring indicates that algal proliferation in the under-
more, a reserve filter to be used during backwash is ground storage tanks is likely to take place.
missing; in fact, the two filters are nowadays back- Hydrodynamic tests and plant consistency verifica-
washed contemporaneously because an alternate tion demonstrated the necessity of few structural and
backwash would cause an excessive surface loading managerial improvements, such as filtration and sedi-
rate on the operating filter. This procedure brings to mentation upgrade, coagulation/flocculation and final
an increase of water level in the upstream settlers and disinfection re-organization, use of proper registers to
a consequent loss of water through the overflow better plan and control employees activities.
discharge system. Hence, filtration section should be Regarding water quality in the distribution net-
upgraded by restoring the pressure filters already work, it was characterized by turbidity and TOC
present in the plant and currently out of order or by contents higher than in the plant effluent, hence a
building new filters. Moreover, backwash water, further study should be started to determine the causes
which is currently discharged on land, should be of such contamination.
recirculated to the coagulation section.
Water coming out the filters reaches two parallel Aknowledgments Authors would like to thank University of
Brescia professors and Comunità Bresciana Foundation, who
and interconnected underground tanks, whose vol- financed this study. Thanks are extended to Francesco
umes are 500 and 1,000 m3 (see Fig. 10). Chlorine Montemagno and Sabrina Sorlini for their useful suggestions.
dosage point is located in the 500 m3 tank and is very
close to the pumps feeding the water supply system.
This configuration causes an excessive residual
chlorine concentration (1–3 mg/l) in the plant efflu-
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is not any disinfectant in the 1,000 m3 tank, where of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, approved by
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