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Environ Monit Assess (2010) 163:449–453

DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-0848-2

Assessing the water quality index of water treatment plant

and bore wells, in Delhi, India
M. K. Chaturvedi · J. K. Bassin

Received: 25 November 2008 / Accepted: 10 March 2009 / Published online: 3 April 2009
© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract Water quality monitoring exercise was Keywords Water quality index ·
carried out with water quality index (WQI) meth- Water treatment plant · Bore well ·
od by using water characteristics data for bore Surface water
wells and a water treatment plant in Delhi city
from December 2006 to August 2007. The water
treatment plant received surface water as raw wa- Introduction
ter, and product water is supplied after treatment.
The WQI is used to classify water quality as excel- Drinking water quality has become a critical issue
lent, good, medium, bad, and very bad. The Na- in many countries, especially due to concern that
tional Sanitation Foundation WQI procedure was fresh water will be a scarce resource in the future,
used to calculate the WQI. The index ranges from so a water quality monitoring program is neces-
0 to 100, where 100 represents an excellent water sary for the protection of fresh water resources
quality condition. Water samples were collected (Pesce and Wunderlin 2000). The importance of
monthly from a bore well in Nehru Camp (site 1), water supply with sufficient quantity and accept-
a bore well in Sanjay Gandhi pumping station able quality has been emphasized in the Mil-
(site 2), and water treatment plant in Haiderpur lennium Development Goals articulated by the
(site 3). Five parameters were analyzed, namely, General Assembly of the United Nations (2000).
nitrate, pH, total dissolved solids, turbidity, and The water quality index (WQI) has been con-
temperature. We found that the WQI was around sidered as one criteria for drinking water classifi-
73–80 in site 3, which corresponds to “good,” and cation, based on the use of standard parameters
it decreased to 54.32–60.19 and 59.93–70.63 in for water characterization. The index is a numeric
site 1 and site 2, respectively, indicating that these expression used to transform large quantities of
bore wells were classified as “medium” quality. water characterization data into a single number,
which represents the water quality level (Sanchez
et al. 2007; Bordalo et al. 2006). The WQI and
classification proposed by Department of Envi-
M. K. Chaturvedi (B) · J. K. Bassin ronment, Malaysia (DOE 2001), has been used to
National Environmental Engineering Research assess the quality of major water supply sources
Institute, (CSIR), Delhi Zonal Laboratory, Council of
indicating the level of pollution (Sari and Wan
Scientific and Industrial Research, A-93/94, Phase-I,
Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi-110 028, India 2008). A commonly used WQI was developed by
e-mail: the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) in 1970
450 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 163:449–453

Water Quality Index

(Brown et al. 1970). The NSF WQI was developed 90
to provide a standardized method for comparing
the water quality of various water sources based

upon nine water quality parameters, i.e., tem-
perature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, fecal 60

coliform, biochemical oxygen demand, total phos- 50







phates, nitrates, and total solids. The water qual-
ity ranges have been defined as excellent, good, Month
medium, bad, and very bad. The WQI can be Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
calculated with less than nine parameters as well,
Fig. 1 WQI at all sites from December 2006 to August
employing available test results for determination 2007
of WQI.
Delhi, the capital of India, has experienced a
rapid population increase from 0.4 million in 1911 monthly for analysis, and after determining field
to 13.8 million in 2001. The growth of the pop- parameter (temperature), they were kept in the
ulation exerts severe stress on the water supply dark at a cool temperature in a cool box before
system in Delhi (Rajput 2000). Due to lack of being transported to a laboratory for quantifica-
proper operation and maintenance, the water sup- tion of other parameters [nitrate, total dissolved
ply systems are unable to run at their full capacity solids (TDS), turbidity, pH]. In the laboratory,
(Biswas et al. 2007). The water treatment plant all the samples were kept in a refrigerator at a
(WTP), Haiderpur, with an installed treatment temperature below 4◦ C to reduce all the activities
capacity of 200 million gallons per day (MGD), and metabolism of the organisms in the water.
is comprised of two streams of treatment units, The laboratory analysis of pH was carried out
each with a design capacity of 100 MGD. The using a pH meter (EUTECH CyberScan ISO
plant catered to the needs of water of a popu- 9001 Certified). Nitrate and TDS was determined
lation of 4.3 million. The plant received water according to the standard methods procedures
from river Yamuna. The bore wells installed at (APHA 1998). Turbidity was measured using a
Nehru Camp and Sanjay Gandhi pumping station turbidity meter (EUTECH CyberScan ISO 9001
supplied water to cater the needs of the nearby Certified, model no. ECTBDW 100020).
populations of 8,000 and 50,000, respectively. The The NSF WQI procedure (Brown et al. 1970)
WTP, Haiderpur, and bore wells are currently was used to calculate the WQI at all three sites.
used as sources of drinking water (water supply) Although nine parameters are taken into consid-
under the management of Delhi Jal Board, Gov- eration for calculation of WQI by NSF, the index
ernment of National Capital Territory, Delhi. can be calculated for fewer parameters as well by
The objective of this study is to monitor the appropriately scaling up the results. In the present
water quality of the bore well in Nehru Camp paper, five parameters (nitrate, TDS, turbidity,
pumping station (site 1), the bore well in Sanjay pH, and temperature) were considered for cal-
Gandhi pumping station (site 2), and the WTP in culation of WQI proposed by NSF following the
Haiderpur (site 3) using the WQI and classifica- algorithm as given below:
tion based on NSF WQI as an indicator of the
drinking water quality and compare the quality of Step 1. Calculate the water quality parameter
water supply sources. value.

Materials and methods Table 1 WQI values in every sampling site

Sites WQI value Classification
Sampling of the bore well at site 1, site 2 and Site 1 58 (54–60) Medium
WTP, Haiderpur, was carried out from December Site 2 66 (60–71) Medium
2006 to August 2007. Water samples were taken Site 3 76 (73–80) Good
Environ Monit Assess (2010) 163:449–453 451

Table 2 Pearson WQI Nitrate TDS Turbidity pH Temperature

correlation coefficient (r)
between WQI and water WQI 1.00
quality parameters Nitrate −0.72 1.00
TDS −0.91 0.84 1.00
Turbidity −0.29 −0.11 0.00 1.00
pH −0.46 0.03 0.12 0.00 1.00
Temperature −0.49 0.18 0.23 0.08 0.41 1.00

Step 2. Calculate quality value (Q value) from to other sites. Among the three sampling sites
the value function graph using a cal- evaluated, the lowest value of WQI was at site 1
culator ( probably due to high TDS (average 1054 mg/l),
waterqualityindex/index.htm) for each indicating hard water. Table 1 also shows the
parameter. average values of WQI at site 2, which indicates
Step 3. Multiply the Q value by weight factor to slightly polluted quality of water due to high pH
get the parameter subindex. (7.61–8.72). The WQI value at site 3 was classified
Step 4. Compute the WQI from the subindex as good. The average pH value was 7.85, whereas
and weight factor by dividing the sum of pH values varied between 7.02 and 8.2. However,
the subindex of parameters by the sum of the value of water quality of WTP, Haiderpur
weight factors for these parameters. (site 3), is acceptable for water supply.
Table 2 demonstrates that the correlation coef-
ficient between the WQI and nitrate (No− 3 N) (r =
Results and discussion −0.72), TDS (r = −0.91), were significant but
showed a negative relationship. The WQI showed
The variation in WQI in every site during the a negative relationship with pH (r = −0.46), tem-
study period indicated that the water quality in perature (r = −0.49), and turbidity (r = −0.29).
site 3 is of good quality and varied between 72.6 Nitrate (No− 3 –N) was found to be correlated
and 79.7 (Fig. 1). The variation in water quality in positively with TDS (r = 0.84). Nitrate (No− 3 N)
site 1 and site 2 followed almost the same trend was also positively correlated with temperature
during the study period. The minimum value of (r = 0.18). Correlation analysis also showed that
WQI was observed during April in site 1 and site pH has a positive relationship with temperature
2. The average values of WQI in every site are (r = 0.41).
shown in Table 1. The lowest value of WQI at The average nitrate values at site 1, site 2, and
site 1, varying between 54.32 and 60.19, indicates site 3 were 4.78, 0.024, and 0.35 mg/l, respectively,
the slightly polluted water quality when compared

Nitrate 9
Nitrate NO 3-- mg/L











Month Month
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

Fig. 2 The concentration of nitrate at all sites from Fig. 3 pH value at all sites from December 2006 to August
December 2006 to August 2007 2007
452 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 163:449–453

Total Dissolved Solids Temperature

Total Dissolved Solids, mg/L

1200 25


Temperature 0C

600 15


0 5










Month Month
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

Fig. 4 The concentration of TDS at all sites from Fig. 6 Temperature at all sites from December 2006 to
December 2006 to August 2007 August 2007

which were within the prescribed desirable limits but there is a secondary standard of pH 6.5–8.5 for
set by WHO (50 mg/l for nitrate) and BIS stan- drinking water (Jassby and Goldman 2003). The
dards (45 mg/l for nitrate). Nitrate was observed variation in pH regulates most of the biochemical
as the most stable parameter that did not show and chemical reactions affecting water composi-
drastic change during the sampling months, for tion (Bellos and Sawidis 2005).
all the sampling sites (Fig. 2). However, nitrate The level of TDS in the water system is at-
values decreased from January (5.36 mg/l) to May tributed to the level of nitrate. The average val-
(4.06 mg/l) at site 1. The nitrate value again in- ues of TDS at site 1 and site 2 were 1,054 and
creased in the month of June (5.31 mg/l). 571.4 mg/l, which were not within the prescribed
pH was shown to be the most stable parameter, acceptable limits set by WHO standards and BIS
which did not show drastic changes during the standards (500 mg/l for TDS). However, the av-
sampling months (Fig. 3). This result is similar erage TDS value at site 3 (146.4 mg/l) was within
to the findings made by Shuhaimi-Othman et al. the prescribed limits set by WHO standard (WHO
(2007). Most of the water samples in this study 1971) and BIS standard (BIS 1991) (Fig. 4).
recorded a pH of about 7.02–8.65 (average pH The average turbidity values at sampling site 1
value is 7.9). The pH of natural waters usually av- (0.516 NTU), site 2 (0.573 NTU), and site 3 (0.457
erages between 6 and 8.5. The normal range of pH NTU) were within the prescribed limits set by
has no immediate direct effect on human health, WHO (1 NTU for turbidity). The study indicates
that the turbidity was not a stable parameter
(Fig. 5).
Turbidity The study shows that variation in temperature
in most of the water samples from sampling site 1,
site 2, and site 3 followed the same trend during
Turbidity, NTU

0.8 the sampling months (Fig. 6). The decomposi-

0.6 tion rate of organic matter is temperature- and
0.4 pH-dependent. An increase in temperature con-
0.2 tributes to an increase in the biological activity
0 (Sanchez et al. 2007)





Month Conclusion
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

Fig. 5 The turbidity at all sites from December 2006 to The WQI is a tool used for classification of water
August 2007 quality that is easy for everyone to understand,
Environ Monit Assess (2010) 163:449–453 453

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