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NO, RHC'CIRCULAR 2020 ‘Karachi the 2 ‘THE HIGH COURT OF SINDH. KARACHI CIRCULAR In order to prevent harm fiom * Coronavirus” which is contagious and is rapidly spreading, the Honourable Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh has been pleased o direct as under:= 8 an All the cases fied before any bench at Principal seat, Karachi or Sukkur an ‘Circuit Courts at Hyderabod and Larkana shall stand discharged exeept the bail mates All the date by Court eases fixed befbre any bench ot Principal Seat et Karachi Bench at Sukkur and Circuit Courts at Hyderabad and Lorkana shall sand delisted from 24” March 2020 il fu ‘orders except bull mater, All the civil business of Sindh High Court shall remain close from 24" Marsh 2 0 il fuer orders. However the bene available application may entertain a case as po rules, All the employees of High Court of Sindh, who are above the ages of 50 years, shall be avaiable ther residence for any urgeat wsignment Alay employees of High Cour of Sindh, eveept telephone aperators ane ‘ot required to come to Court srom 24" March 2020 il further orders The Criminal Cases of urgent nature will be heard by the benches on appropriate application. ‘The Registrar shall make appropriate arngement of the High Court employees by rotation, who are not covered in the preceding Pars The Civil Work in District Judiciary ia the entie province shall stand ruspended except get snatters and bil matters from 24 the March 2020 All further orders Contd 2 9. All the employees of District Judiciary as well us Federal and Provincial ‘Tribunals/Special Courts including Anti-Corruption Courts, Labour Courts, Anti-Terrorism Courts and Tribunals working under the Administrative Control of this Court, who are above 50 years age shall work from home from 24 the March tll further orders and will be available at their residence 10.The Lady employees of District Judiciary Shall not come to work from 24" March 2020 tll further orders. 11. ‘The concerned District Judge/Chairman of the Tribunal/Presiding (on rotation basis. officer shall regulate their staff, which is not covered by the preceding, Para, ‘opy forwarded for information and necessary compliance REG Coe Th ern Hn Ce ue 1 2. All the Court Associates tothe Hon'ble Judges for placing before their Lodstip. 3. All the Additional Regisies of High Coun Bench at Sukkur and Cireuit Cours at Hyderabad and Larkana, 4. The Advocate General. Sindh Karachi 5S. The Prosecutor General inh, Karachi 6. ‘The Additional Attomey General Sindh, Kuruchi 17. Allthe Distt Sessions Judges in Sindh 8. The Spevial Judge(Cenura), Karachi and Hyderabad 9, All he Regisiar of Tribural/Special Cours in Sindh 10, The Ditestor, Anti-Corruption Cours (Provincial) in Sindh, 11. The President, Sind High Cour Bar Associaton 12. Director LT ofthis Court 15, All he Oftigers/Incharge ofthe Branches ofthis Cour 14, Media Cell of this Cour

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