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Science of the Total Environment 666 (2019) 759–765

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Evaluation of the effects of titanium dioxide and aluminum oxide

nanoparticles through tarsal contact exposure in the model insect
Oncopeltus fasciatus
Daniel López-Muñoz, Mª. Amparo Ochoa-Zapater, Amparo Torreblanca, Mª. Dolores Garcerá ⁎
Department of Cellular Biology, Functional Biology and Physical Anthropology, Universitat de València, Doctor Moliner 50, 46100, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain


• Oncopeltus fasciatus acquired Ti and Al

metal oxide nanoparticles by contact.
• TiO2 nanoparticles increased the days to
reach adulthood from first instar
• Biochemical composition was altered in
parents and/or offspring.
• Oxidative stress evidences were not
found but for bulk Al2O3 in the offspring.
• Trans-generational effects have been

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Despite the increasing presence of metal nanoparticles in the biosphere as a consequence of their widespread
Received 30 December 2018 use, knowledge about the impact of these nanoparticles on fauna, ecosystems and human health is far from com-
Received in revised form 11 February 2019 pletion. This is especially true for terrestrial invertebrates. Insects are environmentally exposed to nanoparticles
Accepted 14 February 2019
by several ways, the ectopic contact being one of the most probable. The model insect Oncopeltus fasciatus, has
Available online 17 February 2019
been used in the present work for testing toxicity of nanoparticles present in a surface. Adverse effects of TiO2
Editor: Julian Blasco nanoparticles and Al2O3 in nanoparticulated or bulk form on mortality, reproductive and embryonic develop-
mental parameters have been analyzed after tarsal contact of adult individuals of O. fasciatus. Effects were mon-
Keywords: itored in the unexposed filial generation from control and exposed adults. In order to know the effect of the
Metal oxide nanoparticles nanoparticles on the insect composition, measurements of protein and lipid content as well as lipid peroxidation
Insects were also performed. The results obtained indicate that the ectopic exposure to nanoparticles at 1 mg/cm2 (TiO2)
Toxicity and 0.5 mg/cm2 (Al2O3) did not induce lethal toxicity in O. fasciatus, nor did it modify any of the reproductive pa-
Development rameters. However, NPs-TiO2 and Al2O3 produced an increase in nymphal life span. In the parental generation
NPs-TiO2 increased protein content whereas NPs-Al2O3 decreased it. Several effects were detected in the filial
Oxidative stress
generation as consequence of parental exposure. NPs-Al2O3 decreased protein content, NPs-TiO2 decreased
lipid content and Al2O3 in bulk form diminished protein content and increased lipid peroxidation. Responses ob-
served in the individuals of the filial generation demonstrate the existence of trans-generational effects of NPs-
Al2O3 and NPs-TiO2.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

⁎ Corresponding author. Among the existing nanomaterials, metal and metal oxide nanopar-
E-mail address: (M.ªD. Garcerá). ticles were identified in N30% of the total products containing
0048-9697/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
760 D. López-Muñoz et al. / Science of the Total Environment 666 (2019) 759–765

nanoparticles due to their wide variety of applications (Kumar et al., 2. Materials and methods
2018). The nanoparticles of TiO2 (NPs-TiO2) are very stable, non-toxic,
inexpensive and their properties allow them to be suitable for UV pro- 2.1. Insects
tection applications (Popov et al., 2005; Giokas et al., 2007; Ochoa
et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2018) and in the development of new coatings Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), was maintained in a room with con-
and paint systems for most surfaces (Keller et al., 2013). Due to its pres- trolled conditions of temperature (28 ± 2 °C), relative humidity (75
ence in a wide variety of products, its toxicology has attracted increasing ± 5%) and photoperiod (16:8 h light-darkness cycle). Sunflower seeds
interest in recent years (Bernier et al., 2012). Nowadays, reports on the and water were provided ad libitum.
toxicity of NPs-TiO2 remain conflicting. Some studies show that they do
not have toxicity (Pujalté et al., 2011); on the contrary, many others in-
dicate that they do exhibit cytotoxicity in various biological models (Li 2.2. Nanoparticles
et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2009).
Nanoparticles of Al2O3 (NPs-Al2O3) are a homogeneous powder The materials used were: titanium dioxide nanoparticles (NPs-TiO2,
of high degree of purity with uniform characteristics and specific 21 nm in size) and aluminum oxide, both in bulk (Al2O3) and in
physical and chemical properties, generally used in polymers and nanoparticulate form (NPs-Al2O3, 30–60 nm in size). Nanoparticles
tires (Stadler et al., 2010) and have also industrial, agricultural and were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (NPs-TiO2 reference: 718467;
medical applications (Willhite et al., 2014). Results from in vivo NPs-Al2O3 reference: 642991). Al2O3 were obtained from Fluka (refer-
and in vitro studies do not indicate a clear pattern of toxicological be- ence: 06320).
havior of these nanoparticles. In vivo experiments showed, in some
cases, nanoparticle-size-dependent toxicity, while in others no mor-
tality or clinical signs or treatment-related changes in body weight 2.3. Experimental design of bioassays
were observed.
Research on nanoparticle toxicity in insects is of great interest. In- Metal oxide substances were tested at 1 mg per cm2 of petri dish sur-
sects are a very diverse group in terms of eating habits and life cycles, face (NPs-TiO2) or 0.5 mg/cm2 for NPs-Al2O3 and Al2O3 (bulk form). In
and contribute in great extent to biodiversity. In other context, some order to obtain a homogeneous distribution of the nanoparticles when
species are directly beneficial to the human activities while other are applied on a petri dish, 5 mL of a solution of 28.6 mg/mL in ethanol of
pests. There is a lot of interest for the development of new pesticides NPs-TiO2 or 14.3 mg/mL in water of NPs-Al2O3 or Al2O3 (bulk form)
due to the development of resistance to them and the increasingly were used. The dishes were placed on a stirring plate until complete
strict regulation in their use. In the last decade, with the develop- evaporation of the solvent.
ment of nanotechnology some nanoparticles have been proposed Newly molted adults (0–24 h old) were placed for 5 days in 13.5 cm
as potential pesticides (Sahayaraj, 2017). Therefore, insects can be diameter glass petri dishes previously impregnated with the solution to
exposed to nanoparticles by two different ways: after a deliberated be tested. In this way the insects are directly in contact with the sub-
exposure (when used as a pesticide) or accidentally as a conse- stances when walking on the impregnated dish. Peeled sunflower
quence of the increasing presence of these particles in the environ- seeds and water ad libitum were provided. The dishes were maintained
ment. In both cases ectopic exposure seems the most likely. The at the same conditions of temperature, humidity and photoperiod as the
mechanisms of action of nanoparticles on insects, reviewed by rest of the colony.
Benelli (2018), are not fully known. To determine the effects of the compounds on the insects, five
In the studies so far performed, NPs-TiO2 does not exert lethal toxic- groups were established, three of which were placed into dishes
ity in insects but effects on the length of development stages in insects where solutions of the tested compounds had been let to dry (NPs-
belonging to the Lepidoptera order (Li et al., 2014; Zorlu et al., 2018) TiO2, NPs-Al2O3 and Al2O3) and others two into dishes where the same
and effects on the number of the progeny in insects from the Dipteran procedure had been performed using only the solvents (ethanol for tita-
order (Philbrook et al., 2011) have been reported. Recently, Al2O3 nium oxide and water for aluminum oxide). Each group consisted of 20
dusts (nano- and micron scale particles) have been proposed for seed individuals, in a sex ratio of 1:1. Three replications of each experimental
protection against a coleopteran pest (Lazarevic et al., 2018) and NPs- and control groups were made. The insects of each replication and
Al2O3 induced mortality has been reported in different insect species group made up the parental generation.
(Stadler et al., 2017). One of the most common reported mechanism On the fifth day of the experiment the insects of each experimental
for cellular toxicity caused by metal nanoparticles in animal species is and control group, in couples, were transferred to glass jars provided
oxidative stress (Yang et al., 2004). Lipid peroxidation is especially with food and water. The eggs laid on each jar were counted daily and
harmful in insects (Ahmad, 1995). separated in clean petri dishes during 11 days. After that, surviving
The Hemipteran species Oncolpeltus fasciatus, have been successfully adults from the three replications were frozen at −80 °C for biochemical
used in bioassays to test xenobiotics and bioactive substances by ectopic analysis.
exposure (Garcerá et al., 1989; Maymó et al., 1999). The biology and re- In order to obtain the filial generation, newly first instar nymphs
production of this insect species is well known (Johansson, 1958) and it hatched from the eggs laid by females of the first replica were trans-
is considered a model for biological and physiological studies due to ferred to glass jars provided with food and water, and maintained in
their short life cycle, their easy rearing and handling and their key phy- the same conditions as the rest of the colony. The jars were checked
logenetic position (Chipman, 2017). daily to calculate the reproductive and postembryonic developmental
Our hypothesis is that metal oxide particles present on a surface parameters analyzed (see Section 2.5). When nymphs reached the
may interact with insects and exert cellular toxicity through the in- adult stage, they were frozen at −80 °C for subsequent biochemical de-
crease of reactive oxygen species and other mechanisms producing terminations. These adults constituted the filial generation.
changes in the energy reserves of the individuals that can affect sur-
vival, reproduction, and development of the offspring. To test this
hypothesis, we have evaluated the lethal toxicity of metal oxide 2.4. Dry and wet weight
nanoparticles in O. fasciatus after an acute exposure through tarsal
contact. Effects on different reproductive and developmental param- The individuals of both generations were weighed (fresh weight)
eters, as well as content of protein, lipids and lipid peroxidation have and were dried in an oven at 60 °C until constant weight (dry
been analyzed. weight).
D. López-Muñoz et al. / Science of the Total Environment 666 (2019) 759–765 761

2.5. Reproductive and post-embryonic developmental parameters and a quality Merck Suprapur mixture HNO3/HCl/HF was used in diges-
tion with microwave oven, optimized in a sequence of successive stages
The reproductive parameters considered were: pre-reproductive in a soft ramp up to 190 °C. Three insects were included in each sample
period (days until the first egg laying), fecundity (total mean number and each experimental group was measured in triplicate. The quantifi-
of eggs laid per female), embryonic developmental period (days from cation of the aluminum and titanium content has been carried out by
egg laying to hatching), and fertility (mean number of nymphs hatched optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-
per female). OES).
In the case of post-embryonic development, the analyzed parame-
ters were: nymphal life span (days from eclosion to adulthood) and sur- 2.8. Statistical analysis
vival of nymphs (average number of nymphs reaching the fifth instar
and adulthood). The statistical analysis of the data was done with IBM SPSS Statistics
24 for Windows. Prior to the study, homogeneity of variance and nor-
2.6. Biochemical analysis mality of the data were analyzed. The comparison of parameters was
carried out using generalized linear models.
The biochemical parameters determined were protein content, total
lipid content and lipid peroxidation. 3. Results
Frozen insects were homogenized in 50 mM phosphate buffer
pH 7.4, at a rate of 2 mL for a pool of 6 insects. The homogenates were 3.1. Mortality, dry weight and fresh weight
filtered to eliminate the cuticle residues. Three homogenates of each ex-
perimental and control group of the parental generation were analyzed. The statistical analysis of the experimental data showed no differ-
In the filial generation, four homogenates of each experimental group ences among the experimental groups (Table 1). No significant differ-
were used to quantify the different biochemical parameters. ences were obtained in dry weight and fresh weight among
The quantification of all the biochemical parameters were per- experimental groups or between generations (Table 1).
formed using a spectrophotometer (TECAN Spectra Fluor) equipped
with a UV-VIS microplate reader. 3.2. Reproductive parameters

2.6.1. Total proteins Results of pre-reproductive period, fecundity, embryonic develop-

The total protein content of the samples was determined in filtered mental period and fertility parameters did not show statistical differ-
crude homogenates following the method of Bradford (1976), using bo- ences between experimental groups and their controls nor between
vine serum albumin (BSA) as standard. generations (Table 1).

2.6.2. Total lipids 3.3. Parameters of post-embryonic development

For the quantitative determination of lipids (TL), the colorimetric
method of sulfo-phospho-vanillin from Spinreact was used. Previously, Fig. 1 shows the time it takes to reach the adult stage for individuals
the filtered crude homogenate was centrifuged at 2500g and 4 °C for belonging to each experimental group. Treatments with NPs-TiO2 and
10 min. The obtained supernatant was filtered and used for the quanti- Al2O3 increase the number of days that hatched nymphs need to reach
fication of lipids content. the adult stage. The other parameters of post-embryonic development
did not show differences between the experimental groups (Table 1).
2.6.3. Lipid peroxidation (TBARS)
Lipid peroxidation was determined in the filtered supernatant (see 3.4. Biochemical parameters
Section 2.6.2) through the quantification of species reactive to thiobar-
bituric acid (TBARS), using the method modified by Cervera et al. 3.4.1. Protein content
(2003). The protein content per individual for the different groups of the pa-
rental and filial generations is represented in Fig. 2. As can be seen, there
2.7. Titanium and aluminum content is no pattern in the protein content, with very variable results depend-
ing on the experimental group. The statistical analysis showed a signif-
The quantification of the titanium and aluminum content was made icant increase in the parental generation between individuals exposed
in the Geological Techniques Unit of Universidad Complutense de to NPs-TiO2 and its control, and a significant decrease in the group ex-
Madrid. Previous to digestion, insects were lyophilized during 24 h, posed to NPs-Al2O3 and its control. In the filial generation, there were

Table 1
Summary of the results from the different parameters studied. Fresh and dry weight data belong to the parental generation.

Experimental Parameter
Mortality Fresh Dry Pre-reproductive Fecundity Embrionary Fertility Nymphal Survival of
(%) weight weight (g) period (days) (eggs/female) developmental (nymphs life nymphs
(g) period hatched/female) span (days) (1st-5th stage)
(days) (%)

Control 33.3 ± 0.044 ± 0.017 ± 0.001 6.92 ± 0.77 201.30 ± 88.59 4.87 ± 0.09 128.03 ± 98.51 16.63 ± 96.71 ± 4.37
ethanol 11.5 0.001 0.46
NPs-TiO2 21.7 ± 0.044 ± 0.017 ± 3.3 × 6.58 ± 0.19 208.85 ± 4.92 ± 0.13 154.58 ± 92.05 17.19 ± 92.93 ± 5.22
17.6 0.003 10−4 108.13 0.76
Control water 23.3 ± 2.9 0.042 ± 0.017 ± 0.001 7.03 ± 0.18 189.15 ± 87.22 4.80 ± 0.29 144.43 ± 86.93 16.59 ± 90.44 ± 6.19
0.003 0.44
NPs-Al2O3 35.0 ± 0.039 ± 0.015 ± 0.002 7.31 ± 0.34 167.10 ± 74.53 4.72 ± 0.12 109.12 ± 67.19 16.59 ± 84.89 ± 11.19
13.2 0.005 0.59
Al2O3 33.3 ± 0.042 ± 0.016 ± 0.002 6.98 ± 0.76 188.42 ± 80.88 4.68 ± 0.02 130.92 ± 75.38 16.85 ± 92.85 ± 7.15
15.3 0.005 0.44
762 D. López-Muñoz et al. / Science of the Total Environment 666 (2019) 759–765

23.5 10
Days from birth to adult

23 * 9

mg total lipids/insect
* 8
22.5 *
7 b *
21.5 5 Parental

21 4 Filial
Ethanol NPs-TiO2 Water NPs-Al2O3 Al2O3 1
Ethanol NPs-TiO2 Water NPs-Al2O3 Al2O3

Fig. 1. Time elapsed from the first nymphal stage to adult stage individuals of O. fasciatus
coming from parents exposed to different experimental conditions. * indicate significant
differences (p b 0.05) with the respective control group. Fig. 3. Total lipid levels per individual of O. fasciatus corresponding to the parental and filial
generation for the different experimental groups. Different letters indicate statistical
differences between experimental groups. An asterisk indicates significant differences
statistical differences between the group exposed to Al2O3 in bulk form between generations of the same experimental group (p b 0.05).

respect the control group. In addition, differences were also found be-
tween generations for the NPs-Al2O3 and Al2O3 (bulk form) groups. group is detected this metal. A small content of Al is observed in the
water (control) group, but the amount of this metal in alumina treated
3.4.2. Total lipids groups (both bulk form or nanoparticulate) is 17–30 times higher than
Mean content of lipids per insect in the different groups assayed is in controls.
reported in Fig. 3. As can be observed, only significant differences
were found between the group exposed to NPs-TiO2 and its control 4. Discussion
(ethanol) for the filial generation.
When comparing between generations, filial generation of insects The fact that none of the metal-oxide treatments assayed in our
exposed to ethanol or NPs-Al2O3 presented higher lipid content than study produced mortality above of that observed in their respective
the parental ones. controls allows us to affirm that the experiment has been carried out
under sublethal conditions. Xie et al. (2014) and Jovanović et al.
3.4.3. Lipid peroxidation (TBARS) (2016) also reported absence of mortality in B. mori (Lepidoptera) or
Fig. 4 shows MDA levels per milligram of protein for both genera- D. melanogaster (Diptera), respectively, after treatment of larval stages
tions in each experimental group. Considering the parental generation, with NPs-TiO2 whereas G. pyloalis (Lepidoptera) responds contrarily,
not statistical differences were observed among the experimental with a significant increase in mortality (Memarizadeh et al., 2014). Re-
groups. garding Al2O3 toxicity, either in bulk or nanoparticulate form, it caused a
On the other hand, the filial generation showed a net increase in significant increase in mortality in S. oryzae (Coleoptera) (Stadler et al.,
MDA content in the experimental groups when compared with their 2017; López-García et al., 2018) and A. lobicornis (Hymenoptera)
own control, but these results only were significant in Al2O3 (bulk (Buteler et al., 2018). Discrepancy in the responses may be due to differ-
form) group respect the NPs-Al2O3 group and its control. ences in nanoparticle characteristics (size, shape, surface, etc.), to the
specific sensitivity of the insects, to the administration route or to the
3.5. Metal content stage of development used in each test.
The content of Ti in O. fasciatus individuals is greater than that
Table 2 shows the content (μg/g) of Al or Ti in insects of the different observed in its corresponding control (ethanol), indicating that the
experimental groups. As can be observed, the amount of Ti in the water
(control) group are below the detection limit, whereas in the NPs-TiO2
4.5 0.006
MDA (mM/mg protein)

4 B' A
* * 0.005
A' A,B
mg protein/insect

3 0.004
b Parental a Parental
2 0.003 a
Filial Filial
* * *
Ethanol NPs-TiO2 Water NPs-Al2O3 Al2O3 0.000
Ethanol NPs-TiO2 Water NPs-Al2O3 Al2O3

Fig. 2. Protein levels per individual of O. fasciatus for the different groups of the parental Fig. 4. mM MDA/mg protein in O. fasciatus corresponding to the parental and filial
and filial generation. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between generation for the different experimental groups. Different letters indicate significant
experimental groups of the filial generation, capital letters among the parental differences between experimental groups. An asterisk indicates significant differences
generation. An asterisk indicates significant differences between generations (p b 0.05). between generations of the same experimental group (p b 0.05).
D. López-Muñoz et al. / Science of the Total Environment 666 (2019) 759–765 763

Table 2 that pointed by Li et al. (2014). On the other hand, TBARS content has
Mean values of aluminum or titanium content in insects from the different experimental not been affected by NPs-TiO2. It has been reported that B. mori treated
with these nanoparticles at 30 °C reduce oxidative stress by promoting
Experimental Mean content of Mean content of expression of antioxidant genes (Li et al., 2018) or decreased ROS accu-
group titanium aluminum mulation (Xie et al., 2014). The fact that, according to the results pre-
(μg/g) (μg/g)
sented here, the NPs-TiO2 do not induce oxidative stress may be
Ethanol b2 – because the amount of Ti in the insect is not sufficient to induce the pro-
NPs-TiO2 47.33 ± 12.22 –
duction of ROS, or O. fasciatus has low sensitivity to this metal.
Water – 18.67 ± 3.79
NPs-Al2O3 – 581.67 ± 341.54 NPs-Al2O3 exposure produced a decrease in protein content of the
Al2O3 – 316.67 ± 118.09 parental generation as the sole significant effect and Al2O3 did not
cause any effect on the parental generation but increases the days to
reach adulthood and caused a decrease in protein content and an in-
tarsal contact treatment allows the incorporation of NPs-TiO2, either by crease in lipid peroxidation in the filial generation. It has been pointed
its adhesion on the cuticle of the insect or by its introduction through it, out that charged alumina NPs could be absorbed by the insect cuticle
as has been observed with other nanoparticles and organisms (Pandey and dehydrate it (Stadler et al., 2017, 2018) which may influence
et al., 2013). The quantities of Ti measured in O. fasciatus are different some of the effects observed after these exposures.
from those observed in Ch. tentans after the administration of TiO2 in We have not found any work that evidences a decrease in the total
the sediment (Savic-Zdravkovic et al., 2018), but the differences ob- protein content due to exposure to alumina nanoparticles. But, if we
served may be due to the method of application and the amounts used. consider that body weight is directly related with total protein content,
Regarding Al content in the different experimental groups, the small Stadler et al. (2017) found a reduction of 51,6% in body weight of
amount observed in the control (water) could be explained by its pres- Sitophylus oryzae after exposure to nanostructured alumina. In our
ence in the drinking water or in the food supplied during the experi- case the reduction is similar for the bulk form of alumina.
ments. On the other hand, the amounts of Al accumulated by insects The finding of an increase in lipid peroxidation in the filial genera-
of the NPs-Al2O3 and Al2O3 groups are approximately 31 and 17 times tion after Al2O3 exposure is in line with the effects found by Prabhakar
higher, respectively, than those of their control. It has been indicated et al. (2012) in kidney cells from rats exposed to this compound. It is
that alumina has sorptive properties, so it adheres strongly to the cuticle known that the oxidative damage caused by the nanoparticulate form
(Stadler et al., 2017, 2018), increasing the rate of water loss from the in- of various compounds is greater than those produced by their bulk
sect and its dehydration. Also, NPs-Al2O3 could penetrate into the insect, form (Wang et al., 2009). Therefore, we see that the group of the filial
as discussed above, thus contributing to the alterations in some of the generation exposed to Al2O3, in addition to the decrease in their protein
parameters studied. levels, also presented higher levels of lipid peroxidation, suggesting that
Reproductive parameters were not altered by Al2O3 or the oxide- a higher protein content leads to less oxidative damage. Insects, to com-
metal NP ectopic exposure. While lack of response in the same parame- bat the effects of ROS, develop enzymatic mechanisms of antioxidant
ters here studied was also found by other authors when testing other defense (Felton and Summers, 1995; Kodrik et al., 2015; Zorlu et al.,
types of nanoparticles in other insect species (Small et al., 2016; 2018), so it can be assumed that the higher the protein content, the
Philbrook et al., 2011), some studies reported that NPs-TiO2 and NPs- greater the possibility of defense against oxidative stress and reduces
Al2O3 affected the fecundity in D. melanogaster or G. mellonella the damage produced.
(Philbrook et al., 2011; Zorlu et al., 2018), as well as in the nematode We have observed differences between generations in all the ana-
model C. elegans (Wang et al., 2009). lyzed biochemical parameters, with the filial generation presenting, in
One of the most interesting post-embryonic developmental results most cases, higher levels of these parameters than the parental one.
is the prolongation of the time that it takes for the nymphs to reach Usually, older insects tend to present greater oxidative damage, since
adulthood after exposure to NPs-TiO2 in comparison to their ethanol this increases exponentially with age in various organisms (Sohal and
control. This result indicates that NPs-TiO2 affect development in in- Weindruch, 1996; Rodríguez and Céspedes, 1999). However, in our
sects, independently of the species investigated and the administration study, the parental generation, composed of older adult individuals
type, as is demonstrated by Small et al. (2016) in Blatella germanica in- (16 days of age when analyzed) than the filial one (1 day old), showed
dividuals after exposure to gold nanoparticles, or by Zorlu et al. (2018) less oxidative damage.
after ingestion of NPs-TiO2 by Galleria mellonella. On the other hand, di- Some authors (McCahon and Pascoe, 1991; Wu et al., 2011) indicate
atomaceous earth is absorbed by insect's cuticular waxes causing water that during the early stages of growth insects are more sensitive to ox-
loss (Stadler et al., 2017) which could affect postembryonic develop- idative stress, and any alteration in the insect's environment can in-
ment as in the case of O. fasciatus exposed to Al2O3 (bulk form). crease it. In our case eggs hatched were kept in containers with a high
Analyzing the results of the exposure to nanoparticles on the differ- population density, which could cause such oxidative damages due to
ent biochemical parameters studied, it could be said that the composi- stress generated by competition for food, water or simply due to
tion of Oncopeltus fasciatus itself is affected, since differences were crowded conditions (Feir, 1974).
found between some exposed groups and their controls. Also, it is known that the adipokinetic hormone acts as an anti-stress
NPs-TiO2 exposure did not produce any adverse effects on parame- hormone (Kodrik et al., 2015; Zemanová et al., 2016) stimulating the
ters related to the health status (wet and dry weight, lipid content, catabolic reactions that mobilize the energetic stores and inhibiting
lipid peroxidation) of adult Oncopeltus of the parental generation but in- the synthesis reactions, which allows the mobilized energy to be used
creased protein content, probably by promoting protein synthesis (Tian to eliminate stress situations. These anti-stress reactions trigger physio-
et al., 2016). However, their offspring had a longer post-embryonic de- logical responses to combat it, such as, for example, the activation of an-
velopment and presented lower lipid content. The mechanism of action tioxidant mechanisms (Krishnan and Kodrík, 2012; Kodrik et al., 2015).
of titanium nanoparticles is very little known. Tian et al. (2016) found The fact that the individuals of the filial generation only had one day of
an increase in triglyceride and lipase activity in fat body of the silkworm age makes us suppose that the level of this hormone in hemolymph has
after ingestion of NPs-TiO2, indicating that NPs can enhance the metab- not reached the right level, as it happens, for example, with the juvenile
olism of lipids. This is not the case in O. fasciatus. Li et al. (2014) found an hormone. Therefore, an insufficient concentration of adipokinetic hor-
increase in 20-hydroxyecdisone biosynthesis when administered to mone could suppose a greater oxidative stress, which is reflected in
B. mori, which reduced the duration of molting. In the present study, our results by higher TBARS values in the filial generation with respect
the duration of the nymphal period was longer, what is contrary to to the parental one.
764 D. López-Muñoz et al. / Science of the Total Environment 666 (2019) 759–765

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