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Arellano University

School of Education

Legarda Main

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify vertebrates and invertebrates from their surroundings
b. Compare and contrast vertebrates and invertebrates
c. Recognize vertebrates and invertebrates by observing their skeletons

II. Subject Matter

a.1 Topic: Classification of Animals
a.2 Reference: Elementary Science Explorer 3
a.3 Materials: manila paper, marker, colored paper, whiteboard, pictures of vertebrates and
invertebrates, textbook, pencils and papers

III. Procedure
AC. Review
 Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 What they learn about the previous lesson?
 Ask the student if they really understand the past lesson.

B. Motivation
 Recall the concept of skeleton and its importance to the students.
 Begin the lesson by projecting an image of a human skeleton. Ask students to describe what
they are seeing. Lead the discussion until students mention and describe the backbone. Explain
to students that they will be learning more about their backbone as well as the backbones of
other animals in today's lesson.

C. Activities
 Demonstrate the location of the backbone by asking the students to touch the backbone of their
friend and ask the following questions:
a. What do you think that what is the role of our backbone?
b. Do you know animals also have backbone?
 Tell them that some animals have backbone while some have not.
 Ask the students: which animals do you think have backbone and which do not have.

D. Abstraction
 Proceed to the next lesson which is Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
 Ask the learners about their ideas in Vertebrates and Invertebrates.
 Explain the presence and location of backbone in different vertebrates by showing the following
pictures or similar ones.

 Tell the students that those animals having backbone are called vertebrates and those have no
backbone are called invertebrates.
 Ask the students: What do you think to which group human being belongs?
 Show some pictures to the students like shown here to distinguish between vertebrates and

 Discuss the Vertebrates and Invertebrates

 Animals can be classified on the basis of presence and absence of backbone.
 Animals having backbone are called vertebrates e. g. cow, lizard, fish, man etc.
 Animals without backbone are called invertebrates e. g. earth worm, butterfly, cockroach, etc.

E. Application
 Ask the students to name the vertebrates and invertebrates they find in their school or house
 Draw this table on the board and ask the students to copy on their notebooks.

Vertebrates Invertebrates

IV. Assessment
 Conduct a short quiz on vertebrates and invertebrates. Potential questions include:
a. Which type of animal has a backbone?
b. Which type of animal does not have a backbone?
c. Name any two types of vertebrates.
d. Name any two types of invertebrates.

V. Assignment
 Ask them to write names and draw vertebrates and invertebrates which they know.

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