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To:​ Alexander Swiger

From​: Adam Gonzales

Date:​ 21 January 2020

Subject​: Rhetorical Analysis Memo

Proposed Passion Project:

For my passion project I plan on volunteering at a nursing home. If I am unable to find a facility

that will let me volunteer, I plan on helping out at some place where I can directly help people

who are in need of help. Having worked in a nursing home for a little bit, I grew a great respect

for all of the nurses and CNA’s that worked there. Seeing all their responsibilities and watching

how patient they were changed my worldview of people in general. It was a life changing

experience and I would like to be in that environment again. Despite the work being hard, and at

times foul, it was extremely rewarding in knowing the fact that I was helping these people live in

assisting them in everyday activities.

Text for Analysis:

“What Does it Mean to be a Nurse?”, Diane Barnet,


This article expresses the perks of becoming a nurse by explaining the rewards, pay, and overall

satisfaction of becoming one. I believe she is very persuasive in the way she is able to connect

with the reader emotionally. This article relates to the way I feel about becoming a nurse. I am

quite enthusiastic about the medical field due to seeing the goods works that they have done for

my family throughout my lifetime.

Example Rhetorical Appeals:

Ethos: “​It’s true the average American hospital falls short of the nursing staff it needs by at least

10 percent. Many facilities offer signing bonuses, attempt to coax nurses out of retirement, and

recruit them from abroad.”

Pathos: “In what other job would we meet thousands of people from every walk of life—an

incredible cross-section of society—who need and want us?”

Logos: “The stability of our complex healthcare system depends on a steady supply of

well-educated nurses.”

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