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Philosophy of


Mackenzie Webster
Mackenzie Webster

Dr. Payne

Music 512

October 7, 2019

Philosophy of Music Education

Education is a way for children to grow into young adults who will be able to pursue

what they desire in life after graduation with the knowledge and wisdom they will have gained

through the education system. Education needs to prepare them for life after grade school and

give them the tools and experiences necessary to know how to obtain their goals. To get to this,

children have to feel safe in the classroom. That is my utmost goal as a teacher. If students feel

safe, they are more open and adept learners.

Music is a way for children to feel safe and a way for them to learn about themselves and

who they are as people. If they feel safe, students can use that to discover their own passions in

life through music. As Gabrielle Applebury writes, “Without it [safety] they are unable to focus

on learning the skills needed for a successful education and future.” Music is in everyday life and

culture, and through appreciating the value of it, students can use it to find their passion, even if

it is not in music. Every student of all backgrounds should have access to experiencing music.

Music can be incorporated into every aspect of teaching, regardless of subject.

Instruction should be student centered. Having anything but that will cause students to

not feel safe and defeat the whole purpose of education. Once one has a student centered

classroom and the goal of safety is met, it will be important to focus on the creation aspect of the

music. Having students who are enjoying making the music will create better sounds than

students who are focused on the end goal of getting a 1 at contest. Having the students provide

input on what they would like to do in class will make them feel more receptive to the content
being provided. This way, the teacher can choose a variety of pieces and assignments that would

cover what is deemed as necessary to learn, and the students can narrow down exactly what

interests them.

Overall, my goal as a teacher is to make students feel safe while focusing on creating

music together. If students feel safe they will be more adept learners. When they enjoy learning

they will be able to find their passion, even if it isn’t for music, but will always value music


Applebury, Gabrielle. “Why Is School Safety Important.” LoveToKnow, LoveToKnow Corp,

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