Relaciona Las Preguntas Con Las Respuestas de Rubén.: (Be) Going To + Infinitivo

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This is Ruben. He's sixteen and he lives in Valencia, Spain.

He's studying at High School at the moment, but what are his plans for the future?

Match the questions with Ruben's answers.

Relaciona las preguntas con las respuestas de Rubén.

a) I'm going to start my studies at university.

1. When are you going to finish High
b) I’m studying Maths, science, Spanish, English,
Valencian, Computer Science, Chemistry, Philosophy,
2. Are you going to stay in Valencia?
Technology, Religion and P.E. (Physical Education).
3. Are you going to learn to drive? When?
c) I’m going to be a telecommunications engineer or
4. What are you going to buy when you
an architect.
start working and you've got money?
d) I don’t know. It’s a very difficult question.
5. What subjects are you studying at the
e) Yes! I’m going to learn to drive next year, during
the summer.
6. What job do you want to do?
f) The first thing I’m going to buy is a good car! And
7. What are you going to do when you
maybe a new PC or something like that.
finish High School?
g) I’m going to travel to London or to the USA to
8. When are you going to get married? At
improve my English and learn things about their
what age?
9. Where are you going to travel to?
h) I'm going to finish in two years.
Which places do you want to see?
i) Yes, I am. My family live here.
1._h__ 2. __i_ 3. _e__ 4. __f__ 5. __b__ 6. ___c__ 7. __a__ 8. __d__ 9. _g_

Para hablar de nuestros planes en el futuro podemos usar

(be) going to + infinitivo
+ I'm going to buy a new car next year.
     Voy a comprarme un nuevo coche el año próximo.

- He isn't going to get married

    No va a casarse.

? Are you going to have a party?   Yes, I am / No, I'm not

    ¿Vas a hacer una fiesta?.

Pon las siguientes expresiones de tiempo en orden cronológico.

b) This afternoon tonight tomorrow morning tomorrow night next month next year in the year 2009
a) tomorrow morning   b) this afternoon c) in the year 2009
d) tonight e) in the year 2006   f) next year
g) next month h) next Tuesday i) tomorrow night

Here are Craig's plans for the future. The words are not in the correct order. Change the order of the words to make
correct sentences.
Exercise to month more I'm next going do: I'm going to do more exercise next month
beach on going I'm to run the  Im going to run on the beach
to chocolate not going I'm eat  Im not going to eat chocolate
work to page I'm on going web the  Im going to work on the web
 in holiday to August going I'm have a Im going to have a holiday in August
to beer I'm drink not going Im not going to drink beer
next to Spanish going year I'm study Im going to study Spanish next year
about I'm to computers more going learn Im going to learn more about computers
Now write four sentences about your future plans. Two positive and two negative.

I will go to Spain for a few days

i will work very hard.
I will not go to the united states because I have no money


The weather here in Valencia is usually sunny, but different countries have different weather.

Write all the weathers that exist

Write the words in the correct place on the temperature scale.


w arm




 Listen to the weather around the world and complete the gaps.
It’s   an
1. What’s the weather like in London? 

2. What’s the weather like in Buenos It’s   an
Aires?   cool

It’s   an
3. What’s the weather like in Milan? 

4. What’s the weather like in Sydney?  boiling
It’s   an
5. What’s the weather like in Los Angeles?

snow ing
It’s   an
6. What’s the weather like in Montreal?

It’s   an
7. What’s the weather like in Madrid? 

It’s   an
8. What’s the weather like in Glasgow? 
w indy

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