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According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), 46 percent of children
between 11 and 14 have a mobile phone. Calling on the phone is
something so natural and every day that few people are really aware
that there is also the addictive risk.
Mobile phone addiction also shows very specific alarm symptoms:
 The price of the phone bill increases in an exorbitant way. It is
better for young people to have a mobile phone card and not a
contract. This makes it easier to limit the amount of spending.
 The person does not even leave the mobile aside, when he is in a
group plan. He is unable to focus on the conversation because he
only focuses on the device. To solve this issue, the best of all is for
parents to remove their children's mobile before going to school,
during study time and before going to sleep.
 The teenager does not separate from the mobile phone to eat, go
to class or go to the bathroom. It is an obsession that alters your
 The mobile becomes a constant entertainment rather than an
object of practical use to call for a specific reason. The best of all is
to buy the young person a simple phone that has only the basic
applications to call and send messages.
Every day, millions of SMS messages are sent all over the world,
everywhere we hear ringing sounds and melodies constantly and,
almost anywhere: restaurants, the supermarket queue, the institute,
the park, etc. and we see many people hooked to their loyal cell phone
to be able to be continuously communicated.
In the same way that occurs in other types of addictions, the use of the
mobile becomes addiction when it becomes a repetitive behavior that
gives us pleasure. It has come to be called "Telefonitis" and is an
impulse that cannot be controlled from using the telephone over and
over again during the day or night. For the first time, we start talking
about the fact that new technologies have become part of the so-called
psychological addictions or drug-free addictions. According to experts,
mobile addiction is suffered by 1 in 1,000 people who use the mobile,
and say it is mainly affecting young people and teenagers.
It is for this reason, why it is important that, each and every one of us,
know what this is about mobile addiction, and that you know the
answers to those questions we asked at the beginning to avoid it
There are many effects of addiction, and those that are most obvious
Isolation from others and loneliness
Altered behavior
Mood disorders
Compulsive behavior
Communication problems
Problems with language, not writing well, but the important thing
is speed
Danger of making contacts not too good as meeting strangers,
which can have negative consequences.
Addictive behavior makes you very sensitive to the judgments and
assessments of others and increases feelings of insecurity
You can reach school failure or aggressiveness.
First of all, we must ask for help and not think that it can be fixed
over time, or refuse the problem. And, if we have observed
something in a friend of ours, we will not make any judgment about
his behavior, because in many occasions it is not something voluntary,
but perhaps he has not been able to avoid it and has failed to overcome
it. You may not know how to ask for help and, therefore, we must help
you find the solution.
Being dependent on mobile is like being alienated from a product of
advertising and our need to communicate. Now it is not only a matter of
teenagers, but of everyone, adults, youth and children. However, those
who have the ability to overcome our addiction can use the mobile only
for emergency occasions; we must not cling to depend on something, we
better see the positive side: we will have a good well-being and not
spend much money.

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