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The Land of Make Believe
Micro-Spark-Fate in The Land of Make Believe

The idea would be to use ZOE's audience interaction technology

along with a blend of the Microscope and Spark systems to drive
narrative storytelling to build a
for us to play Fate Core, Tri-Stat, or potentially any translatable system

The Method combines three basic Frames of Play. The first is a

Word Map containing all of the Objects in the Palette and their
References to each other, this is the Pre-Game Frame of Play, but can
be referenced any time a Player Invokes a new Object during the
Narrative mode; the second is a Timeline showing the sequence of the
Game Objects across any Stories that have been played in a Session,
this is the Narrative Frame of Play; the third is a Map showing the
relative placement of the Locations and any Scene Objects within those
Locations, this is the Scene Frame of Play but it can be referenced
occasionally during the Narrative mode, for example when an Event is
added to a Location, or when a new Location is added by a Player.
There are also three Special Frames of Play: the Oracle, which is only
consulted once at the beginning of the Session (a set of 60 Palette
Objects used to construct the Big Idea for a Session); a Ribbon to
continuously display the names of the Legacies, Foci, and Big Idea that
have been invoked during a Session, with the current Focus highlighted;
and a Help frame to display the data for any particular Object or Objects
being invoked or referenced or requested at any given time by a player
or players.

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Micro-Spark-Fate in The Land of Make Believe
The Session begins with the assignment of the Big Picture

The Players deliberate and agree on two Bookends to create the

Story basing their suggestions on the Big Picture assigned for the

All Players agree to begin Expansion

First Pass (each Player, in any order, invokes one Period, Event, or

Location by referencing a Palette Item)

Pick a Lens (if no Lens was selected to go first from the Pre-Game

Purchasables, the Players can vote)
The Lens picks a Focus (references a Palette Item, this can be any
potential or existing Setting or Scene Object; every Object invoked
during this round must reference the Focus of this round, if the Lens
selects -or is assigned- a new Hero, Anchor, or Traveler as the focus,
they may choose to Invoke that Hero, Anchor, or Traveler in addition to
Invoking two Nested Game Objects during their first turn; if they choose
to do this, they must invoke the Hero, Anchor, or Traveler as a nested
object in one of the objects that they invoked during their turn)
The Lens takes their first turn by invoking two Nested Game
Objects (must be either a Period that contains another Period, a Period
that contains an Event, or an Event that contains a Scene)

Play passes to the Left until everyone has gone twice (Players

invoke any Game or Setting Object once on their turn, with the Lens
only invoking one Object on their second turn; if the preceding player
invoked an Intervention Event, the next Player must invoke an Echo

The Lens takes a final turn by invoking two Nested Game

Objects (must be either a Period that contains another Period, a Period
that contains an Event, or an Event that contains a Scene)
The Player to the Right of the Lens declares a Legacy (may be any
of the Setting or Scene Objects invoked so far, this Player may also
Dictate a Scene with this or another Legacy as a Focus)
The Player to the Left of the Lens becomes the new Lens, a new
round begins, the new Lens picks a Focus, and takes their first turn

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Once everyone has had a chance as the Lens, Players take turns
suggesting Revisions or Removals, in any order, until they all agree
to begin Expansion again.

If a Player invokes a Scene during the steps above, they get to pose

the Question to be answered in the Scene, each of the Players who is
not the Lens has the option of invoking 1 PC and 1 Face and joining the
Scene, once all of the PCs who wish to do so have invoked their PC and
Face the Scene is considered recognized and can be played as an
Open Scene.

If a Player poses a Question that is referenced by a Crossroad at

least 3 Players must select at least one of each of the 3 kinds of Roles
(Perspective, Touchstone, and Power) in order for any Scenes to be
played. However, rather than running a regular Scene in the Tristat or
Fate Core systems immediately, the following order of play for Kingdom
is used:
The Lens goes first, play proceeds to the left.
On a Player’s turn:
First they get to Set a Scene by inviting any Players and
Selecting any number of PCs or Faces for them to play, the Players so
nominated must agree to play those characters in the Scene. The
Player Setting the Scene must reference it to a Location in the Kingdom
and must include their PC in the Scene and play that PC, they may also
play any Faces they choose. If the Player Setting the Scene is also the
Lens, the PC they include is considered a Face for the duration of the
Scene. Once a Scene is Set it is considered recognized and can be
played as an Open Scene.
Each Player may then Dictate a Reaction Scene involving
their PC in relation to the First Scene.
The Player who Set the Scene places either a Crossroad,
Crisis or Time Passes Token.
At the end of a Player’s turn, check to make sure the limit of
any Tokens has not been reached; if a limit has been reached, the
Players can decide unanimously to pass back into the order of play of
the Narrative mode once all of the Tokens have been resolved or are no
longer over their limit; resolve the Tokens as indicated in their Object

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Once all of the Tokens have been resolved and if the Players did
decide to leave the order of play of Kingdom, return to the order of play
of the Narrative mode after the Players take turns suggesting Revisions
or Removals, in any order, until they all agree to begin Expansion again;
if the Players did not decide to leave the order of play of Kingdom, the
round passes to the turn of the next Player on the Left.

At any time during any Player’s turn, any Player may decide that their
PC Changes Role, or to Challenge or Overthrow the PC of another
Player with their PC as indicated above in the description for those
Methods, each Player may only use 1 of these Interrupt Methods once
per Reaction, each Player may only use 1 of these Interrupt Methods
during the end of a Player’s turn while Tokens are being resolved.

Dictated Scenes must involve at least one PC invoked by the Player

while calling the Scene, they should be short, less than 30 seconds or
so, consisting of only a few sentences, and can include any other
characters, but as usual the Player calling the Scene may not say what
another Player’s PC does or thinks.

Open Scenes are open ended, but when all the Players agree that the
Scene has been resolved, play passes back to the order of play from
the Narrative or Kingdom it originated, after a round of Revisions and/or
Removals to the Microscope & Spark Objects based on the outcomes of
the Scene; once an Open Scene is recognized during any order of play
the non-Lens Players may all join the Scene as a Character and can
utilize the Fate Core or Tri-stat systems by translating the Game Objects
from the Narrative play into Game Objects of whichever system is used
to run the Scene, the Lens joins the Scene as the GM. 

Microscope Explorer refers to these Game Methods:

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Micro-Spark-Fate in The Land of Make Believe
  EXPAND (This is the normal Narrative Mode of play, and follows the
regular Microscope order of play, all Players must agree before initiating
an Expansion)
Pre-game Viewer voting Methods:
    CREATE (any Pallet Items can be added to the Pallet prior to the
start of a Session, when a viewer selects a new Pallet Item, they are
prompted to select the State as either IN or OUT, if more than one
Viewer wishes to Create the same Pallet Item, the State they select
counts as a vote towards the FOCUS or IGNORE methods)
    FOCUS (a vote can change the Status of a Pallet Item from OUT to
IN, this will cause any Objects associated with that Pallet Item to be
available as a Focus for Narrative or Scene play for that Game Session)
    IGNORE (a vote can change the Status of a Pallet Item from IN to
OUT, this will cause any Objects associated with that Pallet Item to be
excluded from the Narrative and Scene play for that Game Session)
In-Game Player Narrative Methods requiring Viewer votes:
    REVISE (On the resolution of any Scene, any Player may choose to
Revise any Object they invoked during that Scene that still has a
Contradiction Token on it, with this selection rotating from Left to Right
once around the table, once each Revision is made there is a vote as to
whether or not the Revision should result in the removal of the
Contradiction Token; following this pass a Player can request to Revise
any Object without a Contradiction Token on it, in this case there is a
vote prior to the Revision as to whether to disallow the revision due to
any contradictions it might have with other Objects)
    REMOVE (Once each Player has completed all the Revisions they
want, there is an automatic vote for each Object that still has a
Contradiction Token as to whether or not to remove them from the
current Story, removing an Object from the Story does not remove it
from play forever, but does create a separate timeline in The Land of
Make Believe, and since only one timeline can effectively be used
during a given Session this does remove it from play for the remainder
of the Session in the sense that that Object can no longer be the subject
of a Scene; additionally, a Player can request to Remove any Object
without a Contradiction Token on it, in this case there is a vote whether
or not to remove the Object from the Story)
Kingdom provides the following Optional Scene Methods:
Role Methods
    PREDICT (this method belongs only to those PC’s with the Role of
Perspective; during a Scene involving a Question referenced by a
Crossroad, those PC’s with the Role of Perspective can create any
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number of Predictions that may be followed once a Crossroad is full of
Crossroad Tokens if the Crossroad choice it refers to is Chosen; once
the Crossroad is full of Crossroad Tokens, PC’s with the Role of
Perspective must decide whether or not a Prediction comes true)
    EXPRESS (this method belongs only to those PC’s with the Role of
Touchstone; during a Scene involving a Question referenced by a
Crossroad, those PC’s with the Role of Touchstone may choose to
Revise 1 Agenda of any Faction belonging to the Kingdom referenced
by the Crossroad; Players with PC’s with the Role of Touchstone can
Express their opinions by adding or removing 1 Crisis Token instead of
adding a Time Passes or Crossroad Token during their Turn in the order
of play for Kingdom)
    ORDER (this method belongs only to those PC’s with a Role of
Power; during a Scene involving a Question referenced by a Crossroad,
those PC’s with the Role of Power can create 1 Order that does occur in
the Scene, they may also create 1 Order that must be followed once a
Crossroad is full of Crossroad Tokens if the Crossroad choice it refers to
is Chosen; once the Crossroad is full of Crossroad Tokens, PC’s with
the Role of Power must Order the Kingdom to Choose a specific answer
to the Question on the Crossroad)
Interrupt Methods
    CHALLENGE (a Player Announces what a PC has done that they
want to Challenge with their PC and the Player who has done it, the
Player being Challenged is the Defender; the Player making the
Challenge must Dictate a Scene involving their PC and describing what
their PC does to Remove or Revise what the Defender did; if the
Challenge involves something the Defender did with one of the Role
Methods above and the Defender no longer has that Role, the
Challenge is automatically successful; if not, the Defender decides if the
Challenge succeeds, succeeds with Conditions, or fails; if a Challenge
succeeds with Conditions the player must agree to the Conditions or it
fails; if a Challenge succeeds the Player may Revise the Crossroad
affected by what the Defender did in order to eliminate
(cont.) Kingdom provides the following Optional Scene Methods:
Interrupt Methods
    CHALLENGE (cont.) or alter the effect –prediction, order, or
expression- of what the Defender did if it involved one of the Role
Methods; if a Challenge fails the Player making the Challenge can
immediately choose to escalate to Overthrowing the Defenders Role)
    CHANGE ROLE (a Player Announces that they are Changing Role
and the Role that they are Changing to; that Player must Dictate a
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Scene involving their PC and describing what their PC does to take on
their new Role as well as the Price the PC pays for giving up their old
Role; if a PC Changes Role during a Set Scene, that player cannot do
anything that would use their old or new Role to do something using a
Role Method until the next Scene that player is in; a Player cannot
choose for their PC to Change Roles until that PC has successfully used
their current Role in at least one Scene to do something using a Role
    OVERTHROW (a Player Announces which PC they will Overthrow,
the Player being Overthrown is the Defender, the Player making the
Announcement is the Attacker; the PC of the Attacker must have the
same Role as the PC of the Defender; if they do not, they must Change
Role to the same Role as the PC of the Defender as indicated above; if
the PC of the Attacker has the same Role as the PC of the Defender
already, or if the Defender’s PC only acquired their current Role during
the turn of the Attacker, then the Defender can choose to try and
Overthrow the PC of the Player who originally chose to Overthrow their
PC, resulting in an Overthrow Duel;
If there is an Overthrow Duel resolve each of the following steps
for each Player together, once as a Defender and once as an Attacker,
both completing each step before either moves on to the next;
A Player who chooses to Overthrow a PC must Dictate a Scene;
if the PC of the Defender currently has the Role of Power, the Dictated
Scene must describe how the PC of the Attacker takes away the
authority of the PC of the Defender or why the PC of the Defender does
not have the authority they think they have, if the PC of the Defender
currently has the Role of Perspective the Dictated Scene must describe
what the PC of the Defender is wrong about, if the PC of the Defender
currently has the Role of Touchstone the Dictated Scene must describe
how the people reflect the attitudes
(cont.) Kingdom provides the following Optional Scene Methods:
Interrupt Methods
    OVERTHROW (cont.) of the PC of the Attacker or how the PC of the
Defender feels that does not agree with what the PC of the Attacker
The Defender must decide if the Overthrow succeeds, succeeds
with Conditions, or fails; if the Overthrow succeeds, the PC of the
Defender must Change Roles
If the Overthrow succeeds with Conditions, the Attacker must
agree to the Conditions or it fails;

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If the Overthrow succeeds, the Attacker may immediately Revise
anything the Defender established with their PC in their old Role for any
Crossroad that is still unresolved for any Kingdom associated with the
PC of the Defender and the Defender must pick a new Role for their PC
If the Overthrow fails, the Role of the PC of the Defender does
not change, and both PCs now have the same Role as play passes
back into the regular Narrative Mode order of play)

Microscope utilizes the following Game Objects:

Palette (generic container of the Palette Items, contains two sections to

separate Palette Items that are either IN or OUT for a given Session)
Palette Item (has a Status of either IN or OUT for any given Session,
Players draw from the IN Palette Items to invoke a Game, Setting, or
Scene Object, I would suggest limiting Palette Items to 144 characters;
must be labeled either Light or Dark; may or may not be an Element,
Trend, or Impact)

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Lens (a Player to act as GM for a Fate Core Scene in a Spark Setting;
at the end of each round of play in the Narrative mode, the Lens passes
to the Left)
Focus (potentially any Setting or Scene Object)
Timeline (generic container of all Objects available during any given
Session; think of this as a 'Game Save Point', as future sessions could
potentially involve earlier 'alternate' versions of a given timeline) 
Story (the sum of all Objects between two Bookends, taken as a whole,
a single session may involve one or more Stories, but will only involve
one Timeline)
Bookends (The Starting Period and Ending Period of a Story
respectively, does not contain Events or Scenes, may reference a
Chronicle without an Event or Anchor)
Period (any Period of a Story, may contain Events and Scenes or other
Periods, Periods may overlap one another in the Timeline, but cannot
overlap a Bookend)
Event (any Event in a Period, has a Period Sequence, may contain a
Scene, may contain an Anchor, may have an Echo Sequence, may or
may not reference a Location)
Location (the Location where an Event or Scene occurs; may contain
other Locations, may reference a Kingdom)
Scene (has a Question which must be Answered by the Scene, has a
Period or Event Sequence, must be placed in either a Period or an
Event in a Setting, must reference a Location, if placed in an Event in a
Location, must reference either that Event's Location or a Location
within the Event's Location)
Legacy (a Player selects a Legacy at the end of each round of play in
the Narrative mode, can be any Element, may be selected as the Focus
during the dictated Scene at the end of each round of play in the
Narrative Mode) 
Microscope Explorer also gives us the following
Optional Game Objects

  Trends (any Deverbal Preposition or Present Participle, represents a

Change in a Focus causing the formation of a Story - Creation of,
Destruction of, Corruption of, Stagnation of, Rise of, Decline
of, Discovery of, Rejection of, Invention of, Advances of, Desire for,
Spread of, Sudden Appearance of, Slow Rise of. Changes of,
Abandoning, Exploiting, Ignoring, potentially adding any similar Palette
Item promoted to a Trend)

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  Impacts (any 3rd person Present Tense Verb, represents the Change
in a Focus caused by a Story - Creates, Destroys, Transforms, Corrupts,
Divides, Strengthens, Rebuilds, Undermines, Impedes, Accelerates,
Threatens, Gives false hope to, Overextends, Makes Obsolete,
potentially adding any similar Palette Item promoted to an Impact)
  Elements (any Palette Item available as a Focus)
  Oracle (The Oracle is a pre-game Object that contains 6 Trends, 6
Impacts, and 48 Elements, selected from the Palette Items that are
available as IN the Palette)
  Big Picture (the sum of two Elements joined by an Impact and a Trend
as follows: Trend + Element A + Impact + Element B; used as the
inspiration for the Bookends of a Story, only one Big Picture can be
generated per Session) 

Spark adds these Setting Objects

  Setting (each Scene must occur in at least one Setting, each Setting

must refer to at least 2 Factions)
  Setting Belief (max. 3 per Setting)
  Faction (min. 2, max. 6 per Setting, may be present in more than one
Setting, must refer to a Faction Mandate)
  Faction Mandate (min. 1 per Faction, each references 1 Setting
  Faction Tie (only one Tie allowed between any two Setting Factions)

Microscope Explorer (with Expansions for Kingdom/Eden) gives us

the following Optional Setting Objects:

  Faction (a Grouping of Periods across one or more Stories having at

least one Intervention, Hero's Union, or Kingdom in common, this is the
same object as the Spark Setting Object Faction; it is limited to a
maximum of 6 per Setting and must refer to a Faction Mandate)

  Kingdom (max 1 per Session; a Grouping of Factions with at least one

Location in common, this is a version of Setting, cannot contain more
Crisis Tokens then 1+ the number of Players during a Session; if this
occurs each Player must Dictate a Scene describing what the Crisis is
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and then a vote is required to determine whether or not the Kingdom is
Destroyed; if a Kingdom is Destroyed, each Player may Dictate a Scene
describing what happens to a Character they have played in a previous
Scene relative to this Crisis, all Crisis tokens are removed from the
Kingdom, and any objects related to this Kingdom are considered
Removed for the rest of the Session; if the Kingdom is not Destroyed
each Player may Dictate a Scene describing the perceptions and/or
actions, as the Crisis is resolved, of one of the Characters they have
played in a previous Scene relative to this Crisis, they may then remove
1 Crisis Token, they may also decide if the Character from their Dictated
Scene wishes to Escape from the Crisis; if their Character decided to
Escape, that Character is considered Removed for the rest of the
Session, is no longer associated with the Kingdom, and the Player must
Remove a Crisis token from the Kingdom; the decision to Escape may
be Challenged; if the Challenge is successful it cannot be escalated to
Overthrow, but the Character no longer Escapes, the Player must still
remove 1 Crisis Token from the Kingdom, but is not Removed for the
rest of the Session; once each Player has had a chance to remove a
Crisis Token; if no Crisis Tokens have been removed, then the Lens
must Dictate a Scene of how their Character Escapes the Kingdom)

  Kingdom Threats (3 and only 3 per Kingdom, this is a version of

Setting Belief)

Explorer/Kingdom/Eden Optional Setting Objects (cont.)

  Hero's Lineage (this is a version of Faction)

  Hero's Union (this is a version of Faction Tie, as well as a Period,

Event, or Scene that comes before a Hero’s Fate in the timeline,
invoked with this Hero as a Focus)

  Hero's Fate (this is a version of Faction Mandate, as well as a Period,

Event, or Scene that comes after a Hero's Union in the timeline, invoked
with this Hero as a Focus)

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  Chronicle (a Grouping of Periods across one or more Stories having
at least one Anchor in common, this is a version of Setting)

  Intervention (an Event involving two opposing Factions, references an

Echo, has an Echo Sequence which increases each time a Faction is
associated with a new Intervention, invoked with a Traveler as a Focus)

  Echo (an Event involving two opposing Factions, references an

Intervention, has the same Echo Sequence as the Intervention it
References, can be added to an existing Event as a Revision as long as
the Echo Sequence of this Echo is higher than the Echo Sequence of
the Event it is added to, when added to an existing Event with an
existing Contradiction Token it forces a vote as to whether or not the
Echo has successfully removed the Contradiction Token, this vote can
be delayed if the Players decide to recognize a Scene after the Revision
is proposed)

  Contradiction Token (a Token which references the Impact of an

Intervention and Trend of an Echo on any Event, Period, Scene, Face,
Anchor, or PC; while a Contradiction Token is present on an existing
Object, that Object cannot be invoked into a Scene except as part of
resolving an Echo)

Explorer/Kingdom/Eden Optional Setting Objects (cont.)

(a grouping of Scenes having the same Question, the Question
must be a Yes or No question, Scenes referencing this
Crossroad cannot be called earlier in a Period or Event
Sequence then the Period or Event Sequence of the first Scene
referencing this Crossroad; must also reference a Kingdom,
cannot be created without the agreement of all of the Players,
only one Crossroad can exist for any Kingdom in a given Period,
cannot contain more Crossroad Tokens then 1+ the number of
Players in a Session, cannot contain more Time Passes Tokens
then there are Players during a Session;
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if a Crossroad contains too many Crossroad Tokens, it
must be resolved as follows:
the Lens reads the content of the Crossroad
including the Question and any Predictions or Orders;
each Player declares a PC they have played in a
previous Scene relative to this Crossroad;
each Player who declared a PC who has the Role
of Power must now Dictate a Scene in which that PC
uses their power to affect the outcome of the Question as
either a Yes or No, no one else gets to vote;
count the number of Yes or No votes;
whichever alternative wins, the Predictions and
Orders associated with the other alternative are
for each Order that remains a Player who
declared a PC with the Role of Power who also controls
that Order may decide to Dictate a Scene showing how
they Cancel the Order,
if an Order is not Cancelled it takes effect,
if multiple Orders take effect that contradict
themselves, the Orders cancel each other as
directly as possible;

Explorer/Kingdom/Eden Optional Setting Objects (cont.)

Crossroad (cont.)
also for each Prediction that remains, a Player
who declared a PC who has the Role of Perspective who
also controls that Prediction may Dictate a Scene
showing how the Prediction turned out to be wrong,
if a Prediction did not turn out to be wrong,
it becomes true;
if a Player who declared a PC who has the
Role of Perspective, or that had Changed Role to
Perspective during the resolution of this
Crossroad, and who has not yet had an
opportunity to make a Prediction, they may decide
to Dictate a Scene to make a single new

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Prediction at this time, this Prediction also
becomes true;
if multiple Predictions blatantly contradict
each other, first check if one Prediction was made
by a PC who no longer has the Role of
Perspective and give preference to the Prediction
of the PC who still has the Role of Perspective,
then if there are still contradictions between
Predictions of PCs who all still have the Role of
Perspective check to see if any of the Players
would like to concede that their PC’s were wrong,
and if none are willing to concede and no Players
are willing to Change Role in order to Overthrow
one of the Predictions, then none of the conflicting
Predictions become true;
if no Players declared a PC with the Role
of Perspective each Player must hold up one or
two fingers;
if the total number of fingers
revealed is even a minor unexpected
consequence occurs,

Explorer/Kingdom/Eden Optional Setting Objects (cont.)

Crossroad (cont.)
if the total number of fingers
revealed is odd a major unexpected
consequence occurs,
and if everyone held up one finger
or if everyone held up two fingers then
nothing unexpected happens;
if a consequence occurs, the
Player to the right of the Player who
created the Crossroad may Dictate a
Scene describing a major or minor impact
of the outcome of the Crossroad on the
once all of the remaining Orders take effect and
all of the remaining Predictions become true, each Player
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who declared a PC with the Role of Touchstone may now
Dictate a Scene showing the reaction of the people of the
Kingdom to the outcome of the Crossroad and may also
choose to add or remove a single Crisis Token from the
Kingdom associated with this Crossroad;
if neither the Yes or No alternative to the Question
associated with the Crossroad wins, or if there are no
PC’s with the Power Role to decide the outcome, remove
two Crossroad Tokens from the Crossroad, each Player
who declared a PC with the Role of Touchstone may now
Dictate a Scene showing the reaction of the people of the
Kingdom to this impasse and may also choose to place
or remove a single Crisis Token from the Kingdom
associated with this Crossroad;
if two or more Players who declared a PC with the
Role of Touchstone and Dictated a Scene showing the
reaction of the people of the Kingdom describe
contradictory popular reactions then an additional Crisis
Token is added to the Kingdom associated with this
Crossroad for each such Player

Explorer/Kingdom/Eden Optional Setting Objects (cont.)

Crossroad (cont.)
unless those Players retract their statements or are
Challenged or Overthrown until no further contradictions
if no Player declared a PC with a Role of
Touchstone each Player must hold up one or two fingers;
if the total number of fingers revealed is even add one
Crisis Token to the Kingdom associated with this
Crossroad, if the total number of fingers revealed is odd
add two Crisis Tokens to the Kingdom associated with
this Crossroad, and if everyone held up one finger or if
everyone held up two fingers then nothing happens;
once each Player who declared a PC with the
Role of Touchstone has had a chance to affect the
outcome of the Crossroad, or if there were none and all
of the above has been completed, each Player may now
choose to Dictate a Scene describing their reflection on
the outcome of the Crossroad, they may also decide to
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Revise any single Wish or Fear of the PC they declared
during resolution of the Crossroad;
once each Player has had a chance to Dictate a
Scene of reflection remove all tokens from the Crossroad,
the Crossroad is now considered Removed for the rest of
the Session, and play passes back into the regular
Narrative Mode order of play)
Crisis Token (one Crisis token may be added or removed from a
Kingdom each time a Player with the Role of Touchstone leaves a
Scene involving that Kingdom by that Player)
Crossroad Token (added to a Crossroad by any player who wants to
escalate the resolution of the Crossroad each time the Players play a
Scene based on the Question a Crossroad references; each Player may
add only one Crossroad Token per Scene played, a Player may not add
a Crossroad Token following a scene if they have already added a Time
Passes or Crisis Token following a Scene involving the Question
referenced by the Crossroad)

Explorer/Kingdom/Eden Optional Setting Objects (cont.)

Time Passes Token (added to a Crossroad by any player that wants

to add the Crossroad to another Period following a Scene played in the
Crossroad, each Player may add only one Time Passes Token per
Scene played, a Player may not add a Time Passes Token following a
scene if they have already added a Crossroad or Crisis Token following
a Scene involving the Question referenced by the Crossroad; once there
are as many Time Passes Tokens on a Crossroad as there are Players
in the Session, all Time Passes Tokens are removed from that
Crossroad, Scenes involving the Question of this Crossroad can no
longer be played in the current Period; when the Time Passes Tokens
are removed, a vote is also made to remove Crisis Tokens from the
Kingdom referenced by this Crossroad, with the lowest number
receiving any votes being the number of Crisis Tokens thus removed)

Spark also gives us these Scene Objects:

  Faction Agenda (1 and only 1 for each Faction in a Scene)

  Face (min. 1 for each Faction in a Scene)
  Face Strength (2 and only 2 for each Face)
  Face Weakness (1 and only 1 for each Face)
  PC (1 and only 1 for each Player in a Scene)
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  PC Faction (min. 1)
  PC Agenda (min. 1)
  PC Beliefs (max. 3)
  PC Talents (7 per PC, must be Broad +1,Common +2,or Deep +3)

Microscope Explorer also gives us the following

Optional Scene Objects:
  PC (each Player must declare a PC when entering a Scene, may
reference a Kingdom, may or may not be an Anchor, Traveler, or Hero)
  Anchor (references a Chronicle, 1 and only 1 can be invoked for each
Period a Chronicle is linked to, must be created the 1st time a Chronicle
is linked to a Period by adding an Event referencing the Anchor to that
Period, This may be a version of PC or Face, and a potential Focus of
the referenced Period, Event, or Scene)

Microscope Explorer Optional Scene Objects (cont.)

  Traveler (a Traveler can only be present in an Intervention Event or a

Scene in an Intervention Event, this is a version of PC or Face, and
must be the Focus of the referenced Event or Scene)
  Hero (references a Lineage, references a Hero’s Deed –max. of 3-, a
Hero’s Necessity -1 and only 1-, a Hero’s Traits –max. of 7-, any Hero’s
Offspring, and any Hero’s Parents; this is a version of PC or Face, as
well as a potential Focus for a Period, Event, or Scene)
  Hero's Deed (analogous to a PC Belief)
  Hero's Necessity (analogous to a PC Agenda)
  Hero's Trait (this is a version of PC Talent)
  Hero's Offspring (min 1 per Union, this is a version of PC or Face,
can be promoted to a Hero by revision)
  Hero's Parent (min 1 per Union, this is a version of PC or Face, can
be promoted to Hero by revision)
  PC Role (1 and only 1 for each PC in a Scene, references a Kingdom,
can either be a Power, Perspective, or Touchstone; for PC Roles to
apply, at least one of each type of PC Role must be assigned to the PCs
declared by the Players when entering a Scene)
PC Issue (1 per PC, this is a version of PC Agenda, references a
PC Wish or Fear (1 per PC, this is a version of PC Belief, references a

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PC Bond (2 and only 2 per PC, this is a version of a PC Belief, 1 is a
reference to the Bond created by the Player to this Player’s right, the
other is created by this Player as a Bond referencing the PC of the
Player to this Player’s left)

Playing a Scene with Tri-Stat Rules (optional)

Spark also provides the following Scene Stats (which also seem to
translate rather easily to the Tri-Stat system):

  Setting Body
  Setting Heart
  Setting Mind
  Setting Spark
  PC Body
  PC Heart
  PC Mind
  PC Spark

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Playing a Scene with Fate Core Rules (optional)

Below is an example for the Fate Core Game Objects, which could also
be used to run Scenes::

  Issue (Each Fate Core Scene requires at least one Issue which is
automatically the Focus of the current Lens, additionally the Player
calling the Scene may introduce any Issue which can be any other
Object from the Narrative mode of play)
PC High Concept
PC Trouble
PC Background
PC Supporting Role 1
PC Supporting Role 2
PC Skills (1 Great, 2 Good, 3 Fair, and 4 Average)
PC Stunts (3 to 5)
PC Starting Fate Points (3 minus the number of PC Stunts of this PC
over 3)
PC Mental Stress (2 to 4 boxes)
PC Physical Stress (2 to 4 boxes)
PC Consequences (3 to 4 slots)

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The straylogic system could also potentially allow Viewers to provide

additional 'Enhancements' to these Fate Core Objects.

Micro Spark Fate and the Straylogic system

The straylogic system could allow Viewers to provide prompts for many
Game Objects and/or Stats as inputs either pre-game or during the
Narrative play mode of a session, any necessary missing inputs could
be filled in or introduced by Players as needed per the regular rules of

Pre-Game Purchasables

  These could potentially be run via Patreon, Discord, or StrayLogic:

  Create a Faction, Chronicle, or Kingdom (any 144 characters,
assigned as IN the Pallet by default, labelled as (Faction), (Chronicle),
or (Kingdom))
  Create a new Face, PC, Hero, Anchor, or Traveler (the player gets
to provide any 144 character name for this new character; they must
also assign an existing Faction, Chronicle, or Kingdom from IN the
Pallet; assigned as IN the Pallet by default, labelled as (PC), (PC:Hero),
(PC:Anchor), (PC:Traveler), or (Face))
    Vote to Create, Ignore, or Focus any Palette Item (Unlimited Votes,
Unlimited Categories)
    Vote on who will be the first Lens (Unlimited Votes, could be
Ranked Choice among all of the Players calling a Session, or single
vote winner take all, I propose to have a minimum of 4 and a maximum
of 6 players for any Session)

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    or Vote on the order of Seating from Left to Right (ranked choice
voting for Lens yields a Seating Order from Highest Vote Ranking to
Least Vote Ranking)

  These would be best run right before a session 

    Promote a Palette Item to an Element of the Oracle (max. 48,
these would be purchasable on a first come first served basis, after a
suitable cut-off period the Players could add items from the Palette as
necessary until the Oracle is complete with 48 Elements)
    Promote a Trend or Impact to the Oracle (max. 6 Trends, 6
    Vote on Big Picture (once the Oracle is complete, a random
selection of Big Pictures are generated, one per Player, only one Big
Picture is selected for each Session)

Micro Spark Fate and the Straylogic system (cont.)

Narrative Mode In-Game Purchasables

  Assign Contradictions (Viewer purchases and places a pair of
Contradiction Tokens on any two of the following Objects: Events,
Periods, Scenes, Faces, or PCs; these Contradiction Tokens can be
removed in the regular course of play, the Viewer may also provide a
short 144 character explanation of what the Contradiction is between
the two Elements)     
  Assign a Focus for the Next Round (the Viewer/s decide/s on the
Palette Item that will be used to reference the Focus for the next round)
  Assign a Lens for the Next Round (the Viewer/s decide/s on the
Player that will be the Lens for the next round)
  Musical Chairs (all Players randomly change position around the
table, changing the order of play, but not the Lens for the current round)

Frames of Play
The Help frame would best be done as a pop up ‘notecard’, possibly
with a standard location for icon tags, a location for a graphic, and a text
section with hyperlinking to other ‘notecards’… and accessible from the
labels for any of the Objects displayed in any of the other Frames…

The following frames would either be full screen or inset in a wire-cast to

allow player interaction to be shown ‘around the table’, during the show,
and also hosted to their own web page so that they could be
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Micro-Spark-Fate in The Land of Make Believe
viewed/interacted with separately from the show, during/after/before the

Pre-Game Frame of Play (ex: we don’t

necessarily have to use visuwords… we could even just use upvote or a
discord forum or polls) This frame of play would be hosted outside of
the show somewhere…

Narrative Frame of Play (ex:

the-frontier-microscope-game we don’t necessarily have to use Trello…
there are lots of Timeline templates for webpages, some of which are
more interactive than others, some of which may be voice command

Scene Frame of Play (ex: this is an example

of a custom coded map… I have coded solutions for other campaigns,
this is an example of my code: we could
just use roll20 - or FantasyGrounds, which has FateCore support - for
during the game)

The next page is a screenshot of the “Oracle” from Microscope:

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(we would want to dress this up a bit…)

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