Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Fitness Stations and Basketball Dribbling

Unit: Basketball
Teacher: Ms. Armstrong
Date: April 24, 2020
Day of unit 1 of 13

Grade Level Number of Lesson

5 Students 50 Length 45

Major Proper form for the exercises in the fitness circuit, stationary
Activities basketball dribbling, dribbling a basketball while moving

CA Content Standards Addressed:

Standard 1 Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns
needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
1.14 Dribble a ball by hand while preventing another person from
stealing the ball
Standard 3 Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to
improve health and performance.
3.1 Demonstrate how to warm up muscles and joints before
running, jumping, kicking, throwing, and striking.
3.7 Sustain continuous movement for an increasing period of time
while participating in moderate to vigorous physical activities.
Standard 4 Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts,
principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
4.3 Develop and describe three short-term and three long-term
fitness goals.
4.7 Describe the principles of training and the application to each of
the components of health-related fitness.

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
4.13 Explain the benefits of having strong arm, chest, and back

Common Core Standards Addressed:

SL1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-
on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on
grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
L3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing,
speaking, reading, or listening.

English Language Development Standards Addressed:

Emerging Exchanging information/ideas: Contribute to conversations and
express ideas by asking and answering yes-no and wh-
questions and responding using short phrases.
Expanding Exchanging information/ideas: Contribute to class, group, and
partner discussions, including sustained dialogue, by following
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
and adding relevant information.
Bridging Exchanging information/ideas: Contribute to class, group, and
partner discussions, including sustained dialogue, by following
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
adding relevant information, building on responses, and
providing useful feedback.

Behavioral Objectives
Motor 1. Students will perform warm up/cool down activities and
exercises with proper form 9 out of 10 times.
2. Students will complete each exercise at each fitness
station continuously for 45 seconds.
3. Students will dribble a basketball in place (stationary) at
least 10 times without losing control of the ball.
4. Students will dribble a basketball while moving at least 5
times without losing control of the ball.

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
Cognitive 1. Students will distinguish the primary muscles used in the
exercises performed at each fitness station.
2. Students will explain the proper way to dribble a
basketball while stationary.
3. Students will explain the proper way to dribble a
basketball while moving.
Affective 1. Students will be encouraging to their classmates when
participating in the fitness circuit and the basketball drills.
2. Students will respect all of the exercise equipment.
3. Students will return the exercise equipment to its correct
place when instructed to do so.

Describe the Plickers will be used to assess the students. Plickers is an

Assessment/s interactive technology tool that uses printable paper Plickers. Each
used in the student will be assigned a Plicker card. Students will hold up their
lesson that Plicker cards and rotate them to the answer they think is correct.
addresses The teacher will then scan the Plicker cards using an electronic
the device. Plicker cards are a good way to assess students because
objectives. students will be able to answer questions without their classmates
knowing the answer that they chose. Plickers will also decrease the
chance of students being embarrassed when answering questions.
Moreover, if some students do not answer a question correctly,
the teacher will know what to focus on and who may need extra
cues or a tutorial throughout the lesson. Plickers will be used to
assess the students understanding of basketball dribbling.

Type and Quantity of Equipment:

Large cones with slits on the top to hold signs 12
Signs printed out from the computer that tell 12
students which exercise to do at each station and
a diaphragm illustrating proper form
Jump ropes
Hula hoops
Ipad/electronic device to scan Plickers

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
Radio/speaker for music 1

Safety Precautions:
- Have students warm up before exercising
- Ensure students are using proper form
- Ensure all students shoes are tied
- Check equipment to make sure it is safe to use
- Check areas where students will exercise to ensure it is safe
- Instruct students to have adequate spacing between each other while
engaging in physical activity

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Skills, Activities, Methods and Organization Instructional Cues,

Topics & Time (Skill Progressions & Diagrams) Skill Modifications
Activity #1 Intro:
Warm Up The students will dress out and then walk Modifications:
into the gymnasium. They will sit on their Students can
Time: 5 minutes spots for attendance and wait for perform some of the
instructions and warm-up. warmup exercises at
Objective their own pace, such
Addressed Activity: as running in place.
MO1 The students will play a game of Simon Says
led by the teacher. The Simon Says game Cues:
CA Content will consist of the following movements:
Standard • 20 jumping jacks “Let’s warm up our
3.1 • 10 arm circles forward muscles.”
3.7 • 10 arm circles backward
• 10 Lunges “Make sure to use
Common Core • Running in place proper form.”
L3 Diagram of activity/layout:

Emerging 1 11 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42 Roll
3 13 23 33 43 numbers
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6 16 26 36 46
7 17 27 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49
10 20 30 40 50

Dynamic stretching before a workout offers
more benefits than static stretching before a
workout. Dynamic stretching has the ability
to promote dynamic flexibility and to
replicate the movement patterns and range
of motion required for sport activities. It also

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
increases students heart rates and body
temperature, which gets their muscles ready
for activity.

(Baechle, T. R., & Earle, R. W., 2008, p. 300-


Transition Time Once we have finished the warmup, we will “Let’s get ready to
2 minutes get ready to begin the fitness circuit. There go to our fitness
will be 12 stations. Twelve groups will be stations.”
created for the fitness stations via group “I will let you know
maker on Class Dojo. Groups will be created which fitness station
ahead of time. The teacher will dismiss to go to.”
students to the stations by their names.
Activity #2 Intro:
Fitness We will complete a fitness circuit consisting Cues:
Development of 12 stations. At some stations you will be
working upper body. At other stations you “Focus on proper
Time: 12 minutes will be working lower body or core. The form.”
signs on the cone will illustrate exactly which
Objective muscles you will be working. You will get a “When the music is
Addressed full body workout! When the music is on, on you should be
MO2 you should be moving. When the music moving.”
CO1 stops, you will walk to the next station. If
AO1 you’re in station 1, you go to station 2. If Push up
AO2 you’re in station 2, you go to station 3 and modification:
so on. If we don’t finish the entire circuit students can
CA Content today, we will finish it tomorrow. perform pushups on
Standard their knees or
3.7 Activity: against the wall.
4.13 The teacher will ensure students are on task
and will guide them through proper form
Common Core and technique. Students will exercise at each
SL1 station for 45 minutes and rest and
transition to the next station for 45 minutes.

Station 1: Jumping jacks

Station 2: Arm circles
Station 3: Lunges

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
Station 4: Curl ups
Station 5: Pushups
Station 6: Wall sit
Station 7: Jump Rope
Station 8: Plank
Station 9: Squats
Station 10: Russian twist
Station 11: Front/back hops
Station 12: Run in place

Jumping Jacks:
- Stand upright with your legs together
and your arms at your side
- Bend your knees slightly and jump
- When you jump, spread your legs to
about shoulder width apart and
stretch your arms out and over your
- Repeat
Arm Circles:
- Extend your arms out to the side. Arm circles: “You can
Arms should be at shoulder height perform arm circles
- Start to make circles with each forward and
outstretched arm backward.” “You can
Lunges: create large arm
- Step forward and lunge circles and small arm
- Keep your hips forward circles.”
- Keep your front and back knee at a
90-degree angle. Lunges: “Knees
- Keep your back straight and core should not travel
tight past your toes.”
- Knees should be behind your toes
Curl ups:
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your legs at the knee
- Raise your upper body off the floor
by flexing your abdominal muscles.
- While raising your upper body off the
floor, slide your hands along the mat.

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
- Once you bring your upper body up,
return to starting position.
Pushups: Pushups: “Use your
- Get into the pushup position. Put arms to lower your
your hands on the floor. Arms should body.” “Keep your
be approximately shoulder width body in a straight
apart. The toes of your feet should be line.”
touching the floor.
- Straighten your arms and legs
- Lower your body until your elbows
form a 90 degree-angle and your
chest almost touches the floor.
- Push yourself back up to starting
Wall sit: Wall sit: “Keep your
- Stand with your feet shoulder width back against the
apart and about 2 inches away from wall.”
the wall.
- Put your back flat against the wall.
- While your back is flat against the
wall, bend your legs until they reach a
90-degree angle.
- Hold this position and engage your
abdominal muscles
Jump rope:
- Choose an appropriate jump rope
length according to your height.
- Grip the jump rope loosely with the
pads of your fingers.
- Place the jump rope behind you and
turn the jump rope up and over your
- Slightly bend your knees when
jumping rope.
- Use your wrists to turn the jump rope.
Plank: Plank: “Keep your
- Get into the plank position. Put your body in a straight
forearms and feet on the floor to line.”
form a straight line with your body.

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
- Engage your core and tighten your
- Begin by placing your feet shoulder
width apart.
- Stand upright with your head facing
- Lower your body until your
quadriceps are parallel to the floor
and form a 90-degree angle.
- Your knees should not travel passed
your toes.
- Keep your body upright and push
through your heels when returning to
starting position.
Russian twist:
- Slightly tilt your upper body back so
that your body forms a V shape.
- Bend your legs at the knees.
- Twist your arms to the right side and
then twist your arms to the left side.
- Complete this motion continuously Front/back hoops:
Front/back hops: “Land completely
- Jump high enough over the hoop to inside of the hula
land completely inside of it. hoop.”
- Land completely inside of the hoop
so you do not slip.
Run in place:
- Stand with your feet shoulder width
apart of slightly narrower.
- Take a step forward with your right
foot while pumping the opposite arm
up and forward.
- Take a step forward with your left
foot while pumping the opposite arm
up and forward.
- Continue this motion continuously

Diagram of activity/layout:

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
= station

= gymnasium

5 6 7 8

2 11

1 12

Faigebaum and Myer conducted a study to
examine the benefits and risks of children
and adolescence engaging in strength
training. Their results indicated that strength
training among children and adolescence is
a safe and healthy practice as long as long
as they are using proper technique and
form, follow age-appropriate resistance
training guidelines, and are provided quality
instruction. Benefits of children and
adolescence engaging in strength training
include increased muscular strength,
improved body composition, increased bone
mineral density and more.

(Faigebaum & Myer, 2010 p. 161-168)

Transition Time Students will stay in the same area where “Have one person in
2 minutes they completed their last station. They will your station/group
put equipment to the side if they have get 2 basketballs.”
equipment at their station. One person from
each station will get 2 basketballs from the
cart and take it back to their station/group.

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Activity #3 Intro:
Skill We will practice dribbling a basketball Modifications:
Development: today! To dribble a basketball, we have to
Dribbling push the basketball with the pads of our Students can dribble
fingers and keep the non-dribbling arm up at their own pace
Time: 10 minutes to protect the ball.
Students can begin
Objective Activity: dribbling by looking
Addressed Stationary Dribbling at the ball and then
MO3 - Students will practice stationary transition to looking
MO4 dribbling with their dominant hand up.
CO2 and protecting with their non-
CO3 dominant hand. Students who are
AO1 - Students will practice dribbling with more advanced can
AO2 their nondominant hand and work on crossing the
AO3 protecting with their dominant hand. ball over.
- There will be 2 basketballs for every 4
CA Content people, so students will take turns. Cues:
Standard The first student will take 10 dribbles
1.14 with their dominant hand, share the “Keep your head up
3.7 basketball with the other student, and while dribbling.”
then take 10 dribbles with their
Common Core nondominant hand. “Protect the ball with
SL1 Dribble and Move your non-dribbling
- Students will dribble and move in arm.”
ELD their area.
Emerging - Each student will maintain personal “Stay low.”
Expanding space while dribbling by keeping his
or her head up. “Eyes up.”
- Student will start with dominant hand
dribble and then change to non- “Dribble to waist
dominant hand dribble. height.”
- Students will share the basketballs
like in the previous activity. “Use your finger
Diagram of activity/layout:

= basketball

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
= station

5 6 7 8

4 9

3 10

2 11

1 12

According to Barney and McGaha, it is
important for students to practice drills and
activities for the sport they are learning.
Practicing drills will allow students to build
the confidence they need to play in an
actual game. There are many different drills
students can practice. In order to maximize
the amount of time students have to
execute drills, students should use all
basketball courts in the gym.

Barney & McGaga, 2005, p 7-8

Transition Time The student who brought the 2 basketballs “If you brought the
2 minutes to their group/station will return the balls. basketballs to your
The last class to use the stations will put the station/group,
equipment away. please return them.”

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
Activity #4 Activity:
Cool down In their groups/stations, students will Modifications:
perform stretches as a cool down. A student can have
Time: 4 minutes their classmate help
1. Standing quadriceps stretch them with stretching
Objective - Stand up straight. Slightly pull if needed. For
Addressed: your right leg backward with example, a student
MO1 your hand. You should be can help their
gently pulling your right foot classmate keep their
CA Content balance during the
upward toward your glutes.
Standard standing quadriceps
Hold this stretch for 20
seconds. Repeat for the left
Common Core
SL1 leg. Perform 3 sets per leg. Cues:
2. Sitting hamstring stretch
ELD - Sit on the floor with your right “Take your cool
Emerging leg out straight. Bend the left down stretches
Expanding leg at the knee and position seriously.”
the sole of your left foot
against your right inner thigh. “Get a good stretch.”
Extend your arms and reach
forward over your right leg. “Stretch until mild
Hold this position for 20 discomfort, not
seconds. Repeat for your left
leg. Perform 3 sets per leg.
3. Butterfly stretch
- Sit down on the floor. Sit up
straight with your knees bent.
Bring your soles of your feet
together, so that they are
touching. Your knees should
be going out to the sides.
Grasp your feet and ankles
with your hands, and lean
forward. Make sure to keep
your spine straight. Hold this
position for 30 seconds.
Perform 2 sets. This stretches

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
your inner thighs, hips, groin,
and knees.
4. Arm across chest stretch
- Use your right arm to slightly
pull your left arm across your
body. Repeat for the other
side. Hold for 30 seconds.
Perform 2 sets per arm.
5. Shoulder stretch
- Interlock your fingers and
reach your arms above your
head. Your lower back should
be flat or slightly arched. You
can perform this exercise when
sitting or standing. Hold the
stretch for 30 seconds.
Perform 2 sets.
6. Biceps stretch
- Stand with your hands clasped
behind your back. Straighten
your arms and then rotate
them so your palms face
downward. Raise your arms up
and hold until you feel a
stretch in your biceps. Hold for
20 seconds. Perform 3 sets.
7. Triceps stretch
- Raise your right arm. Bend
your right arm at the elbow
and place your right hand on
your back. Use your left arm to
slowly pull your elbow
backwards. Repeat for the left
arm. Hold for 20 seconds.
Perform 3 sets.

Diagram of Activity/Layout:

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Transition Time Students will get their Plicker card and sit in “Get your Plicker
2 minutes a horseshoe shape around the teacher. cards.”
“Sit around me in a
horseshoe shape.”
Closure and Closure:
Assessment - The teacher will review the concepts “Choose your
and activities taught during the answer by rotating
Time: 6 minutes lesson, including the exercises in the your plicker cards.”
fitness circuit and the proper way to
Objective dribble a basketball “Return your plicker
Addressed - The teacher will ask the students to card.”
CO2 think about some goals they want to
CO3 achieve by the end of the unit “What goals do you
Assessment: want to achieve by
CA Content - The teacher will ask picker questions, the end of this unit?”
Standard such as “Where should you look
4.3 when dribbling a basketball?” and
4.7 “What part of your hand should you
use to dribble a basketball?”
Common Core

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan
SL1 - The teacher will scan all of the plicker
L3 cards
- The teacher will say the correct
answers aloud to the class

Closure should occur at the end of the
lesson and it typically only lasts two or three
minutes. At this time during the lesson,
teachers check for understanding. Teachers
may review the key points of the lesson, ask
questions, have students complete a quick
written assessment related to the lesson, or
assign homework. In addition to checking
for understanding, closure allows students
to wind down before returning to the

(Graham, 2008, p. 89)

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020
Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Baechle, T. R., & Earle, R. W. (2008, p. 300-301). Essentials of strength training and

conditioning. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Barney, D., & Mcgaha, P. (2005). Dribbling a Basketball: Activities for Fun and

Improvement. Strategies, 18(4), 7–8. doi:


Faigenbaum, A. D., & Myer, G. D. (2010). Pediatric Resistance Training. Current

Sports Medicine Reports, 9(3), 161–168. doi:


Graham, G. (2008). Teaching children physical education: becoming a master

teacher. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

PETE Lesson Plan SP 2020

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