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Reyna Franco

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

The Praxis Core Exam is a mandatory assessment of reading, writing and math

skills that determines whether one has obtained the skills required to move forward in

their journey of becoming a teacher. The reason why Praxis is important to pass in order

to be admitted to the college of education at UNLV, NSC, or UNR and to continue to

pursue a bachelor’s degree in Education is because it allows one to see if the individual is

ready to teach the students. As future educators, we are required to know the content

needed to succeed in a classroom. The passing score for Reading is 156, Writing is 162,

and for Math is 150.

Exam Preparation

I did not practice for the Praxis Core Exam. All I did was look over the Reading

section on the ETS website. I did not prepare myself at all for the Praxis Core Exam. I

just went for it, I did not think I had time to study or do any practice questions so I

decided to go ahead and do the Praxis with no preparation.

Exam Results

I have not taken the official Praxis Core Exam; however, I have taken the practice

Praxis Core Exam. I scored a 41% in Reading and a 33% in Writing. These scores

indicate that I need significant improvement in Reading and Writing, which means I am

not likely of passing the official Praxis. In Math I scored a 74%. This indicates that I am

at the borderline; which means I am likely to pass.

Future Exam Preparation

Reyna Franco

To further prepare myself for the official Praxis I would study this time around. I have

investigated a program at CSN that gives free tutoring for those who are preparing to take

the Praxis. I plan on enrolling in this program. I also plan on reading the information on

the ETS website, as well as doing the practice questions provided. I hope this plan is

good enough to prepare myself in order to pass all sections in the Praxis Core Exam.

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