Artsonia Teachers Compliments

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The following compliments have been sent to you from visitors to your school gallery.

Dear Ms. Sachse, Thank you for being a creative, encouraging and wonderful teacher to Aarna. I appreciate all your effort and time in helping her become a
better artist every year.

sent from on May 7, 2020

Thank you for all you do. You inspire art in James and bring out the best in him. He appreciates art and loves to draw and use his imagination. Thank you.

sent from on May 5, 2020

Thank you Ms Sachse for guiding Rithik on his Art work. We loved his Art.

sent from on May 4, 2020

Thank you Ms. Sachse for uploading Hailey and Harper's artwork. We've purchased some of their work for coffee mugs and magnets and will be a great
reminder of their creations for years to come. Frankie Ramirez Hailey and Harper's Dad

sent from on May 4, 2020

Thank you so much Ms.Sachse ........ my kid Nidhi from kinder loves your art and ideas.... Dhe waits for Monday email to see first homework from arts .....
she loves doing it ....... thank you so much ??

sent from on May 4, 2020

Thank you for all you do to encourage Sydney's creativity! Enjoy your summer--so well-deserved! Best, Hannah Gray

sent from on May 6, 2019

Thank you you so nice????????

sent from on May 3, 2019

Thank you so much Ms. Sachse for all the hard work you done with Hadi. We really appreciate it! Aasia Salman Muhammad Salman

sent from on May 3, 2019

Both my kids Gautam and Komali enjoy your class. They always look forward to your class

sent from on May 3, 2019

Mrs. Sache has been real inspiration for my child at Liscano and I see lot of progress and interest in my child towards art. Artsonia has been great platform
for the parents to connect with child's work.

sent from on May 3, 2019

We never knew that Ashwath could focus on something like art and really do well, thank you for working with him on this. Thanks and Regards Pradeep

sent from on May 3, 2019

Thank you Yeari for your commitment to your students and helping Harper bring out her creativity. - Frankie Ramirez

sent from on May 3, 2019

Dear Ms. Sachse, Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication with our kids. Aarna has come a long way in being creative. Thanks to you, she
says she will take Art in middle school as well. At home too, she has been painting and creating a lot. I really appreciate all that you do!!!

sent from on May 3, 2019

Hello Ms. Yeari, Ananya enjoys your art classes, and spoke about you and class lot of times. Many thanks for your hard work and dedication !!

sent from on May 3, 2019

Thank you Ms.Sachse for encouraging and developing Tamilini’s artwork...She is doing a great job...thank you for helping her and motivating her... Thanks,

sent from on May 3, 2019

Thanks for all the hard work you put in teaching art to your students. We are happy to see Ashwin enjoying his art class and exploring with creativity.

sent from on May 3, 2019

Hello Ms. Yeari, I am very glad to see Arjun’s improvement and interest in artwork. The kind of support and teaching you are showing on my child has been
helping him to think creatively. I appreciate so much for your work. Thanks, Mrinalini

sent from on May 3, 2019

Hello Ms. Sachse, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all your time and dedication to the kids at Liscano Elementary. I am a mom of three
kiddos at Liscano and they all love seeing you and learning from you. I can tell they really enjoy your class and I really love the work they bring home. I am
so thankful that my kids have an art teacher that loves what she does and loves to share her passion for art. Thank you so much for everything you do. You
truly make an impact on my kids and they will always remember those great memories making amazing things in your classroom. Thank you for being an
awesome teacher! From the bottom of our hearts, Ethan, Mia, and Liam Lopez and mom (Emily J. Lopez)

sent from on May 2, 2019

Thanks for working with Avery and Logan Quinn this year. They both have really enjoyed your class and I have enjoyed seeing their artwork. Krissi

sent from on May 2, 2019

Thanks Ms Yeari. We really appreciate all the help and work you do for the kids. Thanks, Kiran (Nivah's dad)

sent from on May 2, 2019

Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do. Sydney looks forward to art class.

sent from on May 2, 2019

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