Periodontal Response To Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Diabetes-Induced Rats With or Without Periodontal Disease

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Received: 19 March 2017 Revised: 4 September 2017 Accepted: 8 September 2017

DOI: 10.1002/JPER.17-0190


Periodontal response to orthodontic tooth movement in

diabetes-induced rats with or without periodontal disease
Camila Lopes Ferreira1 Vinicius Clemente da Rocha1 Weber José da Silva Ursi2
Andrea Carvalho De Marco1 Milton Santamaria Jr.3 Mauro Pedrine Santamaria1
Maria Aparecida Neves Jardini1
1 Department of Diagnosis and Surgery,
UNESP São Paulo State University, School
of Sciences and Technology, São José dos Background: Systemic conditions can influence orthodontic tooth movement. This
Campos, Brazil study evaluates histologic periodontal responses to orthodontic tooth movement in
2 Department of Social and Pediatric Dentistry,
diabetes-induced rats with or without periodontal disease.
UNESP São Paulo State University, School of
Sciences and Technology Methods: Forty Wistar rats were divided according their systemic condition (SC)
3 Graduate Program of Orthodontics and Grad-
into diabetic (D) and non-diabetic (ND) groups. Each group was subdivided into con-
uate Program of Biomedical Sciences, Hemi-
nio Ometto University Center, UNIARARAS trol (C), orthodontic tooth movement (OM), ligature-induced periodontitis (P) and
Araras, Brazil ligature-induced periodontitis with orthodontic movement (P+OM) groups. Diabetes
Correspondence mellitus (DM) was induced with alloxan monohydrate, and after 30 days, the P group
Maria Aparecida Neves Jardini, Eng.
received a cotton ligature around their first lower molar crown. An orthodontic device
Francisco José Longo Ave. 777, 12245-000,
São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. was placed in OM and P+OM groups for 7 days, and the animals were then eutha-
Email: nized.

Results: Differences in OM between D and ND groups were not significant (6.87±

3.55 mm and 6.81 ± 3.28 mm, respectively), but intragroup analysis revealed statisti-
cally significant differences between the P+OM groups for both SCs. Bone loss was
greater in the D group (0.16 ± 0.07 mm2 ) than in the ND group (0.10 ± 0.03 mm2 ).
In intragroup analysis of the D condition, the P+OM group differed statistically from
the other groups, while in the ND condition, the P+OM group was different from
the C and OM groups. There was a statistically significant difference in bone density
between D and ND conditions (18.03 ± 8.09% and 22.53 ± 7.72%) in the C, P, and
P+OM groups.

Conclusion: DM has deleterious effects on bone density and bone loss in the fur-
cation region. These effects are maximized when associated with ligature-induced
periodontitis with orthodontic movement.

Alloxan diabetes, orthodontic tooth movement, periodontal disease

Currently, the number of adult orthodontic patients is diabetes mellitus (DM), they can negatively impact the peri-
increasing,1,2 and individuals sometimes have systemic con- odontium during tooth movement.5–7
ditions that can influence orthodontic tooth movement Orthodontic tooth movement comprises multiple biologic
(OM).2–4 In addition, when some conditions are manifested, processes characterized by consecutive reactions of the
such as periodontal disease, smoking-related diseases, and periodontal tissue in response to biomechanical forces.

J Periodontol. 2018;89:341–350. © 2018 American Academy of Periodontology 341


Types of tissue changes in tooth movement include alveolar at São Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil
bone remodeling by bone resorption on the pressure side (1/2014-PA/2014).
and bone apposition on the tension side.8 The mechanical
stress generated during orthodontic movement causes tissue 1.1 Sample distribution
injury that triggers the activation of inflammatory mediators,
resulting in a new condition of periodontal homeostasis.9 A total of 40 male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinos),
Therefore, inflammation is an important requirement for aged 90 days and weighing around 300 g each, were kept in
induced tooth movement.10 healthy conditions and fed with standard food and water ad
The presence of factors that modify inflammatory response, libitum.
such as DM, can also change the host's response to orthodon- The animals were randomly divided into two conditions:
tic force.3 Animals studies7,11–13 have demonstrated that DM diabetic (D) and non-diabetic (ND). Each condition was sub-
can accelerate periodontal collapse during tooth movement in divided into four experimental groups: control (C), orthodon-
diabetic animals and in animals that had greater alveolar bone tic movement (OM), ligature-induced periodontitis (P), and
loss during an orthodontic treatment than in healthy animals. ligature-induced periodontitis with orthodontic movement
Few studies have been conducted on humans3,14,15 to (P+OM).
evaluate the influence of DM on orthodontic treatments.
The authors agreed that, in the case of patients with well- 1.2 Experimental diabetes
controlled diabetes, there would be no contraindication if
good oral hygiene conditions are maintained. However, they DM was induced intraperitoneally with alloxan monohydrate∗
claimed that the biologic and clinical effects of DM can actu- in a sterile saline solution at a concentration of 150 mg/kg.23
ally affect orthodontic treatment due to unexpected compli- After 12 hours, a dilute glucose solution at a concentration
cations, thus suggesting that diabetic patients may react to an of 10% was administered to prevent hypoglycemia. After
orthodontic treatment differently than non-diabetic patients. 72 hours, a blood sample was collected from each animal,
Periodontal disease is characterized by inflammation of and a glycemic test was performed to verify the animals’ DM
the gingival and periodontal tissue induced by bacterial condition. The rats were considered diabetic when their blood
biofilm, thus leading to periodontal attachment destruction glucose level had reached ≥200 mg/dL.23 This measure was
and tooth loss.16 Adults in the United States aged 30 years repeated weekly for the following 3 weeks. Any animal that
and older have a high prevalence of periodontitis, at almost showed a glucose level lower than 200 mg/dL was excluded
50% of this population.17 Approximately 10% of the global and replaced (Figure 1).
population has severe periodontitis, depending on the geo-
graphic region.18 The prevalence and severity of periodontal 1.3 Ligature-induced periodontitis
disease can be even worse when DM is present.16,19 It is well
established that the presence of DM increases the risk of After 30 days of DM induction, periodontal disease was
onset and/or progression of periodontal disease.20 Because induced by ligature placement. The animals were then anes-
these two conditions are highly prevalent among the adult thetized with a solution of 13 mg/kg 2-(2,6-xylidine)-5-
population21,22 and many adults now seek orthodontic treat- 6dihydro-4H-1,3 thiazine chlorhydrate† and 33 mg/kg of
ment, these conditions may be manifested during orthodontic ketamine base,‡ intramuscularly. After general anesthesia, a
treatments. cotton ligature was wrapped around the cervical region of
Any periodontal condition, such as periodontal disease the first lower molar, according to a study conducted by
or biofilm accumulation, must be controlled before any Holzhausen et al.24
orthodontic therapy can be performed. Studies on orthodon-
tic tooth movement in patients with DM conditions associ- 1.4 Orthodontic device
ated with periodontal disease should be conducted to improve
knowledge regarding this association. There are only a few After 7 days of periodontitis induction, the animals were anes-
studies in the literature on this relationship.3,14,15 Thus, the thetized to receive an orthodontic device. A 0.10 mm stainless
aim of the present study is to evaluate periodontal responses steel ligature wire§ was inserted into the interproximal space
after orthodontic movement in rats presenting induced DM, between the first and second molars, which was connected to
with or without periodontal disease. a 4-mm closed-coil spring made of CrNi§ that was connected

∗ Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO.

1 M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S
† Bayer, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee on the ‡ Agribrands, Paulínea SP, Brazil.
Use of Animals of the Institute of Science and Technology § Morelli, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil.

FIGURE 1 Graphic representation of the experimental periods

to the incisors. To avoid injuring the animals with the tips 1.8 Statistical analysis
of the ligatures, a photopolymerizable composite resin∗ was
The data were statistically analyzed using three different
placed after acid etching.* Henceforth, the animals’ food sup-
softwares.¶ #‖ All analyses were performed by an experi-
ply was ground up to avoid possible damage to the orthodontic
enced and calibrated researcher (MPS) with no prior knowl-
appliance. A force of 40 g was exerted on the first molar for
edge of the groups under evaluation. Descriptive statis-
7 days.
tics included calculation of means and standard deviations.
Inferential statistics performed included analysis of vari-
1.5 Euthanasia ance and intergroup analysis (Tukey test at 5% significance
The animals were euthanized by cardiac perfusion with 4%
formalin. The hemimandibles were removed and fixed in a
10% formaldehyde solution, pH 7.4, for 48 hours.

1.6 Analysis of tooth movement 2.1 Histologic description

The sections of the samples were analyzed to verify char-
Tooth movement from the first molar mesial to the third molar
acteristics of the periodontal ligament and bone loss in the
distal was quantified using a digital caliper† after dissecting
furcation region of the lower first molars. Histologic analy-
the jaws.
sis revealed tissue differences between the diabetic and non-
diabetic groups, thus providing evidence of bone alterations
1.7 Histologic analysis in the furcation area.
Among the diabetic animals, group C presented a discrete
The hemimandibles were dissected, and histologic procedures mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate that was diffusely dis-
for slide preparation were performed in accordance with Jar- tributed along the periodontal ligament and areas of bone
dini et al.25 Quantitative microscopic analyses of bone loss in resorption with osteoclasts (Figure 2A). In the OM group,
the furcation region and of bone mineral density in semise- there was an increase in periodontal ligament space with dif-
quential histologic sections were conducted. A calibrated and fusely distributed and intense inflammatory infiltrate, edema,
blinded examiner captured selected images at 50 × magnifica- and evidence of clastic cells reabsorbing bone tissue and
tion using an light microscope‡ and software,‡ and the images cement (Figure 2C). The P group presented increased lig-
were analyzed by a public domain software.§ ament space with intense bone resorption and moderately
For each sample, the area of bone loss in the space occu- diffuse mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate permeating the
pied by the periodontal ligament and bone loss was measured periodontal ligament cells (Figure 2E). Finally, a large area
in mm2 along the furcation region of the first lower molar in of bone destruction was observed in the P+OM group that
10 semisequential sections. Bone density was evaluated by exposed the furcation region and led to a significant increase
counting the intersection points on five sections per sample, in periodontal ligament space and localized areas of intense
i.e., the proportion of empty space to mineralized bone in an mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate, thus revealing the focal
area of 1,000 𝜇m under the furcation area. For this, a grid was areas of cement resorption (Figure 2G).
created to count the intersection points, and then the value Among the ND groups, the furcation region of group
obtained was converted into percentage terms according to C's first lower molar presented normal characteristics in the
Feitosa et al.26 periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and cementum surface
(Figure 2B) without any type of intervention. In the OM
∗ 3M, Sumaré, SP, Brazil.
† Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic, Suzano, SP, Brazil. ¶ GraphPad Software, version 6.01, San Diego, CA.
‡ Axiovision Rel 4.7, ZEISS, Oberkochen, BW, Germany. # Minitab Inc., version 17.1, State College, PA.
§ Image J 1.49v, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. ‖ Analytical Software Inc., version 9.0, Palo Alto, CA.

FIGURE 2 Photomicrograph illustrating the periodontal structures in the furcation region. Left column shows diabetic groups in four evaluated
conditions: A) control (C); C) orthodontic movement (OM); E) ligature-induced periodontitis (P); G) ligature-induced periodontitis+orthodontic
movement (P+OM). Right column shows non-diabetic groups in four evaluated conditions: B) control (C); D) orthodontic movement (OM); F)
ligature-induced periodontitis (P); H) ligature-induced periodontitis+orthodontic movement (P+OM) (Original magnification, × 50). Dental pulp, ●;
periodontal ligament, ▲; alveolar bone, ■; dentin, ♦

group, the bone remodeling was compatible with the histo- ing the bone surface as well as increased ligament space
logic patterns of tooth movement, thus presenting an increase with intense inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 2F). Regarding
in periodontal ligament space and the focal areas of mononu- orthodontic movement, there was significant bone destruction
clear inflammatory infiltrate as well as mild edema (Fig- in the P+OM group, with diffuse mononuclear inflammatory
ure 2D). On the other hand, there was bone destruction infiltrate in the periodontal ligament space and areas of intense
in group P, with a large number of osteoclasts permeat- cement resorption (Figure 2H).

FIGURE 3 Charts of tooth movement measurements of both conditions. *Statistically significant difference between groups

2.2 Tooth movement P+OM groups, indicating that diabetes leads to greater bone
loss. When comparing the diabetic animals, the P+OM group
The tooth movement results are shown in Figure 3. The dif-
showed greater bone loss, which was statistically significant
ferences between the D and ND groups in the amount of tooth
compared with that of groups C, OM, and P (P < 0.05).
movement were not significant. However, in the D group, the
Among the non-diabetic animals, P+OM showed greater bone
P+OM group showed greater tooth movement, which is sta-
loss, which is also statistically significant in comparison with
tistically significant compared with groups C, OM, and P. A
C and OM groups. However, the difference was not signifi-
similar situation was observed in the ND group.
cant when the P+OM group was compared with the P group
(P > 0.05).
2.3 Bone loss
Bone loss in the furcation area is presented in Figure 4.
2.4 Bone density
There was a statistically significant difference between dia- The bone density values are presented in Figure 5. An inter-
betic and non-diabetic conditions among the C, OM, P, and group comparison showed statistically significant differences

FIGURE 4 Charts of bone loss measurements of both conditions. *Statistically significant difference between groups

when comparing the diabetic C, P, and P+OM groups with similarly high, and periodontal disease becomes more severe
the non-diabetic groups. When bone density underwent intra- and frequent in the presence of DM.16 Moreover, global
group analysis, the diabetic P+OM group presented a statisti- life expectancies and demand for restorative and aesthetic
cally greater proportion than diabetic groups C and OM, and dental procedures have increased. Thus, demand among
the P group also had altered bone density when compared with adult patients has increased for orthodontic procedures for
the C group. The non-diabetic groups showed a statistically sequential corrections of periodontal disease 27 or to address
significant difference between the P+OM and C groups and a lack of opportunity to correct dental positioning during
between the P and C groups. childhood or adolescence. These patients can be carriers
of DM.3,15 Thus, it is necessary to understand the biologic
processes of tooth movement associated with periodontal
3 D I S CU S SI O N disease in this condition.
The experimental tooth movement technique used herein is
DM is currently one of the most important global pub- effective and viable, and has been used in several studies.28–30
lic health problems, and thousands of individuals have Forces of 20, 40, and 60 g stimulate substantial amounts
this disease.21 The prevalence of periodontal disease is of tooth movement in rat molars.28,31 In the present study,

FIGURE 5 Charts of bone density measurements of conditions. *Statistically significant difference between groups

40 g force was used. Among the diabetic and non-diabetic confirmed by the current study. Bone resorption and apposi-
conditions, greater tooth movement was observed when the tion take place without major damage in healthy animals sub-
induced periodontal disease was present. However, the differ- jected to adequate orthodontic forces. However, the number of
ence between the diabetic and non-diabetic conditions was not osteoclasts is prolonged in diabetic animals, thus leading to a
significant, which suggests that the presence of periodontal larger amount of bone destruction. Diabetes increases the risk
disease may play a role in the amount of tooth movement. The of periodontal disease onset/progression.20 Hyperglycemia
literature's results regarding the influence of diabetes on tooth causes metabolic alterations leading to tissue damage through
movement are unclear, with one study showing greater tooth diminished neutrophil function, exacerbated production of
movement in the presence of diabetes12 and others showing inflammatory cytokines, and increased rates of osteoclast and
otherwise.32,33 periodontal ligament fibroblast apoptosis, which favor peri-
Li et al.11 found that rapid bone resorption and destruc- odontal destruction and impair bone repair.34,35
tion of the periodontal ligament are present when orthodon- Concerning orthodontic tooth movement, bone resorption
tic movement is applied to diabetic animals, which has been and new bone formation are key processes for degradation and

remodeling of the periodontal ligament. Li et al.11 showed P animals. Therefore, this variability is expected regardless of
that DM affects these processes by extending them, thus the presence of periodontal disease.
jeopardizing the recovery of damage caused by orthodon- While the change in density has been attributed to both
tic movement. One-sided or jiggling forces applied to a the formation of less bone and a higher rate of bone loss, it
healthy periodontium do not cause periodontal pocket forma- has not been demonstrated in patients with type 2 diabetes.
tion or loss of periodontal attachment.36,37 However, these Experimental models of diabetes have shown reductions in
forces can enlarge the periodontal ligament space, which may both bone formation and bone resorption, which can account
not be reversible.38 Yang et al.39 showed that orthodontic for this apparently contradictory effect.48
movement exacerbates the inflammatory response of peri- When comparing bone loss and bone density among the
odontal tissue and induces greater inflammation, leading diabetic and non-diabetic animals, statistically significant dif-
to extensive destruction of the periodontium. The present ferences between these conditions were found, which demon-
study confirms this finding because the P+OM group in strates that changes in collagen levels involved in periodon-
both diabetic and non-diabetic conditions had greater bone tal ligament remodeling take longer to complete among dia-
loss as well as increased tooth mobility at the time of betic rats when compared with non-diabetic rats, and dia-
euthanasia. betic rats have higher and more persistent inflammatory
The bone loss and bone density results confirm these data, reactions.43 These changes in extracellular matrix even-
but there were no statistically significant differences between tually modify both bone formation and bone remodeling
the diabetic and non-diabetic OM groups in the present study, processes.49
which agrees with Plut et al.,7 who noted no statistically sig- Nogueira et al.50 demonstrated that the orthodontic
nificant difference between diabetic and non-diabetic rats in force exerted on diseased periodontal tissues modulates the
terms of orthodontic tooth movement. response to periodontal disease by increasing the expression
Bone loss was significant in the furcation area of the first of inflammation mediators, thus increasing bone resorption.
lower molar in diabetic animals when compared with non- The literature shows an association between periodontal
diabetic animals. Several studies corroborate these results, disease and DM15,16,19,20 as well as periodontal disease and
thus showing that rats with experimental diabetes present orthodontic tooth movement,1,27,50 but no histologic or clini-
slower bone repair after orthodontic movement.7,11–13,33,37,40 cal data associate periodontal disease with orthodontic tooth
Regarding periodontal disease, hyperglycemia inhibits the movement in patients with DM; thus, a direct comparison with
proliferation and differentiation of fibroblasts, which con- other studies was not possible. Therefore, this study creates a
tributes to insufficient periodontal repair.11,41,42 In addition, line of research that has already demonstrated histomorpho-
there is an important relationship between hyperglycemia and metric results and makes way for more complex analyses of
immune inflammatory response.43,44 inflammatory reactions to systemic conditions that have not
In the present study, the diabetic and non-diabetic OM rats yet been evaluated, such as DM.
did not have altered bone density in the furcation area, but
the diabetic P and P+OM animals had changes in bone den-
sity. This can be explained by the presence of periodontal dis- 4 CO NC LU SI O N
ease because periodontitis is a complex disease that involves
biofilm interactions with the host's immune-inflammatory The results obtained in this study indicate that DM has delete-
response and subsequent alterations in the homeostasis of rious effects, especially regarding bone loss and bone density
bone and connective tissue.45 in the furcation region. These effects are maximized when DM
One interesting finding is that bone density was greater is associated with periodontal disease and orthodontic move-
in diabetic P+OM animals than in the non-diabetic P+OM ment.
group. This finding was unexpected and is hard to explain.
However, other studies in the literature have shown similar
results.34,46,47 The change in bone density among diabetic ACK NOW L E D G M E N T
patients has not yet been sufficiently clarified. There have been The authors report no conflicts of interest related to this study.
many reports on the impact of diabetes on bone mineral den-
sity, which reflects physiologic bone remodeling. It is gener-
ally accepted that type 1diabetes causes diminished bone min- REFERENCES
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