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System Engineering Principles

System Requirements:

System characteristics are the specifications which a device requires to provide for stable and
effective operation of a firmware program. Failure to achieve these criteria will cause difficulties
with the implementation and efficiency. Those system requirements are noted below

● Efficiency of the solar Photovoltaic System

● Output Power
● Longevity and Stability
● Power storage resources

Function - 01 : Transportation

I. Over the roof of the trains and cars the solar cell must be able to supply ample amounts of
energy to recharge the battery and power the railways and vehicles.
II. The battery backup which is the standby energy source of the vehicle should be capable
of making the engine running for maximum kilometers.
III. The hatchback Electric vehicle suits with a storage of 12–18kWh, the mid-size model
series will have a capacity of 22–32kWh, and premium brand versions like those of Tesla
hold about with an oversized battery capacity of 60-100kWh offering increased driving
range and maximum efficiency.
IV. Publicly accessible 'quick charger' and 'mega charger' connectors give the battery
additional capacity. The power rate is usually between 25 kW and 135 kW and also can
recharge an Electric vehicle battery in around 30 minutes.

Function - 02 : Residential

I. A median Victorian home uses 15–20kWh per day. But households will vary
considerably in use; a single-person residence typically uses an average of 8-9kWh every
day, while a five-person residence with a pool would use 33kWh each day.
II. The batteries used during the accumulated energy storage must be able to store adequate
energy reserves for the home.
III. A typical system for the energy storage ranges in size from 3 to 12 kWh. The kWh
capacity of the storage device for each household is calculated by:
➢ The residential configuration and housing layout
➢ Average household electricity consumption
➢ The period of the day when you use domestic power
➢ The scale of a home's solar array system and the electricity that it generates
➢ How does one want to use the batteries in terms of using the accumulated energy only for
household necessities and making self-sufficient.

Function - 03: Commercial Sector

I. The renewable energy system on the tops of the school roof must be enough to support
the entire school including the education labs that needed more electricity.
II. In terms of energy production and transmission the integrated system should be capable
of communicating with one another.
III. The additional energy generated should be transferred to the electricity grid.

System Validation Plan

Testing of Subsystems in function 01 - Transportation

Subsystem 01: Electric Car

Components/Features Description Test/Procedures

Solar Photovoltaic Panels It transforms solar energy into Solar panels can pass tests both
electrical power which is internal and external. In internal
deposited in storage batteries testing the fractures or defects
and then used when necessary that are unnoticeable to naked
to charge the electric car. eyes on the solar cell are
detected. This involves Flashing
and optical evaluation. The
panels are kept exposed to the
sunlight during external
processing, where they will be
examined under practical-world

Electric wagon output Battery discharge capacity The experiments relating to this
after charging from the solar unique are carried out in the test
energy is essential for the environment along with all the
car's output. The vehicle is other preliminary car studies.
evaluated for maximum Testing such as the analysis for
discharge in terms of battery discharge level and the
performance and distances evaluation for high velocity
covered. resistance.
Solar Energy Collection This control system attaches During analysis, a
Control system the charger to the batteries microcontroller is used which
and disengages it by detects the car's battery voltage
providing full influence over and then disengages the charging
the exact amount of voltage to system after complete charging.
be supplied for both charging This process prevents the solar
and ending the charging. panel from overheating and
reduces other elements' failure

Inverter Inverter transforms the Direct The inverter is tested using

Current power from the solar intermittent Solar Panel Inverter
cells accumulated in the Check. Connects to the major
batteries into Alternating flip in the existing probe
Current power which can then indicating when the inverter
be used for charging the converts the electricity. The DC
electric vehicle. source isn't detached from the
inverter throughout this test time.

Subsystem - 02: Solar Trains

Components / Features Description Tests / Procedures

Solar panel Rooftop on the solar energy from solar Solar panels could be examined
Trains radiation is transformed into on top of the train using the
electrical power, which is Array method. In the above
used to drive the engine, and process, all of the solar panels
it also loads the batteries of are wired together so that it
the train. forms a series array arrangement
and then the solar radiation is
focused on it. The voltage
between certain interfaces is
tested, and that should match the
particular Voltage.

Electric motors in the Train The electric motors to power The voltmeter can be used to
the train are energized by the measure motor efficiency and
batteries. Speed output testing is
conducted on the motor by
integrating the variable resistor
across the battery and motor, and
then fluctuating the potential
will help to record the
tachometer reading of the motor
in rpm.

The solar train can run in peak summer season, if the atmosphere is not sunny then the backup
batteries charged by the solar pv on top of the railway station can be used for train movement. In
the unforeseen scenario the diesel engine is present in the train which helps to complete the
train's particular trip.

Subsystem - 03: Electric Car charging Station.

Components/Features Description Tests / Procedures

EV-compliant connector The connector is specifically These connectors provide

intended for 120 V or 240 V many layers of security
single stage power against shocks, ensuring the
distribution, which were used safety of recharging even
in various countries where the under humid conditions.
electric vehicles are high in When mated, the contact pins
number. The connector has are shielded on the inside of
been engineered to tolerate the plug, providing no
thousands of mating cycles (a physical access to those
contact and then a connections. The connections
detachment) and component don't have energy voltages at
display. the pins when not mated, and
loading energy doesn't flow
until the vehicle is in charge

Batteries The batteries are used for The Input or Output test will
storing energy from the solar check the battery power
cells whenever the vehicle is backup. The battery input is
not in operation measured by voltmeter. And
the performance can also be
measured by the same
voltmeter when the batteries
are being used by the vehicle
for charging. This analysis
also provides the batteries
output voltage when in

Cable Network A container linked between The evaluation can be

the vehicle plug and the achieved by applying the
connector plug which monitor pilot signal's right
provides the connectivity duty variable.
between automobile and
charge channel. This helps
them to recharge the electric
vehicle completely in a
relatively short period of time
at up to 22 kW, based on the
form of CEE socket.

Residual current apparatus A residual current system is A test database must be

nothing but a protective preserved until further testing
switch, which prevents you or till the system gets
by the most common cause of discarded.
electrocution-a shock from
electricity that passes through
the body into the ground. It
will provide some safety from
electrical fires.

Testing of Subsystems in Function 02 – Residential

Subsystem 1 – Solar Roof tops

Components/Features Description Tests / Procedures

Solar Photovoltaic Cell Photovoltaics are renowned Photovoltaic cells are simple to
as a way of producing power examine. The assembled solar
utilizing solar panels to turn panel can be measured using the
the energy of the sun's multimeter.
photovoltaic influence into a
flow of electrons. Solar
panels produce direct current
that can be used to drive
equipment or to recharge a

Solar PV Inverter Inverter is a circuit regulator Solar PV inverters have different

that transforms direct current purposes suited to photovoltaic
(DC) to alternating Current systems, including maximum
(AC). Incoming, outgoing, power point monitoring (MPPT)
frequency voltage and total and shielding protection.
power distribution rely on this
system or circuit model. The
inverter does not produce
electricity; the DC source
provides the power and
conversion of that DC current
takes pace by inverter

Electrical Switch plates An electronic switchboard is a As this is one of the key bearers
network which directs from electrocution, the switch
electricity through one or plates should be regularly
more distribution outputs up checked to Australian standards
into multiple regions of use. It to guarantee it is in good
is an assembly of several working condition.
boards, each of which
contains switches which
allow electricity to be

Grid Network A grid-based photovoltaic Solar Array Simulation test can

array is an energy-generating be conducted for the evaluation.
solar PV system connected to
the power grid for returning
the excess current produced
or to use the electricity in
unforeseen situations.

Waterproofing Several elements have been Using a dielectric strength

used to keep them waterproof measure, the DC voltage of up to
when developing photovoltaic 1000 V plus the peak system
panels. Solar panels are voltage twice is attached to the
normally coated in a thin module throughout testing. The
glass plate at the front and PV unit should show no surface
protected by lateral surveillance, no organizational
membranes. The rear plate is failure or creation of leakage
generally made from a pathways to pass the analysis.
substance that is rigid and
reliable on materials.
Testing of subsystems in Function 3 – Commercial

Subsystem 1 – Hybrid solar and wind roof tops

Components / Features Description Tests / Procedures

Charge Controller It regulates the energy Deleting the relation between

demands and requirements for the solar panel and the power
battery power bank charging. bank will charge the
controller. Following this, the
PV panel's negative terminal
and the and positive terminal
of the multimeter is used to
test the current. If it displays
any reading without the
controller and by adding the
controller it does not display
the reading, then the charge
controller is faulty.

Wind turbine Wind turbine is a producer of One can assess the wind
wind energy. When the wind turbine physically by placing
forces turn the turbines, a strong-power fan at the
electric power is extracted front of the wind turbine. The
that is used with solar energy turbine voltmeter is attached
to power the schools into the output ports. When
the fan is turned off it should
not generate energy, we can
test these producers by using
a voltmeter

Bidirectional meter Installing a bidirectional By passing the current from

meter helps in recording both either side of the meter we
inwards current used, and can determine whether the
outwards current sent to the bidirectional meter is working
grid, since hybrid systems in a good condition.
produce a lot more energy
when compared to others.
Subsystem 02: Irrigation sector

components /Features Description Test/Procedures

Solar PV Panels Electricity generation using Photovoltaic cells are easy to

solar energy and converting test. Multimeter may be used
the produced electricity into to test the mounted solar
other forms of energy like panel.
mechanical energy in
irrigation sector

Inverter Inverter is a circuit regulator Solar PV inverters have

that transforms direct current different purposes suited to
(DC) to alternating Current photovoltaic systems,
(AC). including maximum power
point monitoring (MPPT) and
shielding protection.

Battery storage The accumulated energy Battery testing can be done

which is excessive from the using multimeter where the
usage has to be stored in the average fully charged battery
battery for further usage. should be 66Watt when

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