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Program of Study Code – MC226

Program of Study Title – Master of Engineering (Management)

Course Code – MANU2172

Course Title – System Engineering Principles

Assignment 1

Lecturer – Prof. John. Mo

Submission Date – 11/08/2019
Submitted By – s3796865 (Chirag Panchal)

This report is an assignment given by professor John. Mo. In the subject of System Engineering
Principles, taught at RMIT University. It is a case study on “Renewable Victoria 2030”, wherein
the focus will be drawn on the outline for expanding the renewable sources in Victoria.

Declaration –
This is my original work, nothing has been copied from another student’s assignment. This case
study has been solely prepared by me. I, Chirag Suresh Panchal, know that plagiarism is a kind
of cheating and an offence which can lead me to the exclusion from the course or university. It
may also lead to other penalties.

General Introduction
Greenhouse impact is the one of the major reasons of Environmental pollution in the Earth.
Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapour and some artificial
chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs effectively prevent longwave radiation from
leaving the atmosphere, which ultimately warms the Earth’s atmosphere by 33 degrees Celsius
hotter than it would somehow be, making our planet habitable.
Human activities like, burning of fossil fuels, agriculture, clearing of land have led to buildup of
extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, as a result the average surface temperature is

Figure 1 - Total greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990)

It is been clearly illustrated in the above graph that the effects of greenhouse are increasing. In
the year 1990 the greenhouse emissions were 37% and are increased to 54% by year 2015.

Table of Contents

General Introduction
1 Concept and Description .......................................................................................................... 1

1.1) Installed Renewable Energy Generation Capacity in Victoria ........................................ 2

1.2) Renewable Energy Development ....................................................................................... 4

1.3) Maximizing Opportunities ..................................................................................................... 4

2 Making it possible ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.1) Solar Trains ............................................................................................................................ 5

2.1.1) Solar Trains with Installed Panels ...................................................................... 6

2.2) Powering Homes with Renewable Energy ........................................................................ 9

2.2.1) Solar Rooftop System .......................................................................................... 9

2.2.2) Home Wind Electric System .............................................................................. 11

2.2.3) Hybrid Home Electrical System ........................................................................ 13

2.3) Smart Street lights and Bicycle Charging Stations ........................................................ 14

2.3.1) Hybrid Street Lights ............................................................................................ 14

2.3.2) Solar Bicycle Charging Station ......................................................................... 16

3 System Framework ................................................................................................................... 18

3.1) Five Challenges of System Engineering Principles ....................................................... 18

4 Project Proposal ........................................................................................................................ 19

4.1) Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 19

4.2) Proposed Plan ..................................................................................................................... 19

4.3) Proposed Design ................................................................................................................. 19

4.4) Benefits of Proposed System ............................................................................................ 20

5 References .................................................................................................................................. 21

1) Context and Description

Australia’s emissions recorded over the past year were the highest of all. Greenhouse gas
emissions continued to increase in recent months, with the most recent the second highest for
any quarter since 2011.

Figure 2 - Australia’s Greenhouse gas emissions

Even after the adapting few renewable sources of energy, the energy sector is the largest
source of greenhouse gas emissions, comprising 72.3 per cent of net emissions in the year
2016. This progress is pulling Australia away from the commitments made during the Paris
agreement in year 2015.

Figure 3 - Per capita emissions in Australia and by States/Territory, 2016

From the above bar chart, we can see that, Victoria contributes about 18.4% of total emissions
in Australia. In the past year Victoria was the largest carbon emission is Australia. Victoria is
lagging in the sector of renewable energy sources and needs an improvement for the same.


Figure 4 - Total net emissions and emissions by sector – Victoria, 1990 to 2016

In the above graph, of total emissions by Victoria in different categories, Energy has the
maximum contribution in the greenhouse gases in each year.
Victoria’s net emissions in 2016 were 114 mega tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. These
consisted 52% of emissions from electricity generation, 19.5% transport, 16.2% direct
combustion, 12.2% agriculture, 3.6% industrial processes and product use, 2.8% fugitive
emissions and 2.2% of waste.

1.1) Installed renewable energy generation capacity in Victoria -

Renewable sources in Australia incorporates Solar power, Wind power, Hydro-Electricity, Wave
and Solar-Thermal energy. Total of 378.7 PJ was produced by Australia of renewable power
source (including electricity) in the year 2017-18 which represented 6.2% of 6,146 PJ which was
Australia’s vitality usage. Renewable energy usage hiked by an annual average of 3.2%
between 2007 and 2017 and by 5.2% in 2016 to 2017. The growth in coal was1.9%, that of oil
was 1.7% and gas had about 2.9% for the same years 2007 to 2017.

Particularly, about 16 percent of Victoria’s electricity was provided by renewable energy in the
year 2016. Other Australian states are far ahead. For example, in the same year, out of total
production of electricity, 48% of renewable energy was provided by South Australia.

But Victoria is catching up. The Victorian state government announced new renewable energy
targets in the year 2016. In the year 2018, 5345 MW capacity of renewable energy (hydro,
Wind, solar and bioenergy) was contributed by Victoria, when compared to 4983 MW of
capacity installed in 2017.


Figure 5 - Victorian Renewable Energy Generation (2014-2018)

Victoria generated around 8814 gigawatt hours (GWh) of renewable energy sources in the
2017-18. Total 18% of 48121 GWh of electricity in Victoria in year 2017-18 was renewable
energy. Contribution of hydroelectricity was 5.5%, wind 8.8%, and solar was 3%

Figure 6 - Victorian energy generation by all source (2017-18)


1.2) Renewable energy development-

There were 1707 MW capacity of renewable energy projects under construction in Victoria. This
contains 9 wind farm of around 1,441 MW and 3 solar farms of around 266 MW.

Wind Farms (1441 MW) -

 Salt Creek – 50 MW – 10 km North of Mortlake

 Bulgana – 194 MW – 20 km north of Ararat
 Crowlands – 79 MW – 20 km Ararat (north east)
 Mount Gellibrand – 132 MW – 25 km Colac (east)
 Murra Warra Stage 1 – 226 MW – 25 km north of Horsham
 Timboon West – 7 MW – 8 km north of Peterborough
 Lal Lal – 216 MW – 25 km south of Ballarat
 Stockyard Hill – 530 MW – 35 km west of Ballarat
 Yawong – 7 MW – 15 km north east of ST Arnaud

Solar Farms (266 MW) –

 Bannerton – 88 MW – Knight Rd and Wewak Rd, Bannerton

 Karadoc – 90 MW – Birkins Rd, Bannerton
 Wemen – 88 MW – Booth Rd, Liparoo

New renewable energy generation project development is expected to increase upcoming years
and will also contribute to the existing renewable sector of VIctoria.

1.3) Maximizing Opportunities-

Renewable energy sources in Victoria are very vast to

use. In regional Victoria, Barwon South-West, Gippsland
and Central Highlands have the highest wind growth
potential. Offshore wind has the highest opportunity

Rooftop solar PV have noticed highest growth in

urbanized areas and different sectors like commercial
and industrial. North-west of Victoria has started the
usage of solar PV.


2) Making it possible

2.1) Solar Trains

Trains, trams and bus are the public mode of transport of Victoria. The main mode of transport
in Victoria are trains.
Victoria, Melbourne train network runs on 1500 V DC overhead catenary system which was the
most advanced technology when introduced. It is assumed that trains carry 1400 passengers in
their 7 carriages. However, trams run on 600 V DC overhead catenary system. Both receive
power from various substations.
As the energy in the future will be clean, the Victorian transport network of trains and trams will
be replaced by solar power. This upgrade will deliver the best system of transport which will be
reliable, safe, sustainable and accessable.

Pros of this Upgrade-

 Never run out – Solar energy can be accessible in all areas and is present everyday. We
come up short on solar energy
 No damage to our environment – Solar energy is non-pollutant and don’t contribute to
global warming
 Low Maintenance – It requires less maintenance as compared to other methods.
 Low Operational costs
Cons of this upgrade-

 Cost – Initial cost of solar system in high as it includes solar panels, inverters, wires,
batteries, etc.
 Weather Dependent – Solar Panels are dependent on sunlight, so clouds and monsoon
can result into breakdown of trains and trams
 Storage of solar energy can be expensive

2.1.1) Solar trains with installed panels.

Solar Cars which run on solar energy is a challenge that the engineers must face. Cars require
a lot more energy, zigzag between sunlight and shadow, start and stop all the time and must
face the traffic. The surface required to install the solar panels is too small to produce enough
Trains in the other hand, have fixed route. They can run by the solar panels on the top and can
be recharged quickly at each stop using electricity generated by solar panels on the station roof


Figure 7

The curved solar panels on the roof of the train send the power to the battery storage on which
the train runs. The train has a lithium-ion battery of 77-kWh and runs at 410 volts. Train has two
electric motors (series permanent magnet AC units) which runs at 220 kW producing torque of
hundreds of Nm (Newton- Meter).


Figure 8 – Concept of Working

The on-batteries are fed by 6.5 kW array of solar panel on the roof top. During peak sunshine
period, the panels on top can supply enough energy required for the train’s duty cycle.
The supply from the batteries passes through the AC traction inverters which provide battery
charge (more electrical energy) through regenerative braking (about 25% of energy used by
acceleration). The energy is then provided to dual electric AC traction motor which is used to
run the train.


Figure 9 – Charging from Station Platform

At the station, the train can be further charged for more power by plugging in from the solar
panels on the roof top of the train station. The power from station can directly be fed to recharge
the on-board batteries in the train by dual 3 phase outlets at the platform. When there is not
train on the platform, the solar energy from the station roof tops can be fed to the grid and can
be drawn back when the charging is required.
When the weather is cloudy where the sunlight is not available, the train will run on the on-board
batteries. If there’s a long period without sun the train can be plugged in to get renewable
energy from the local grid. In case of an electrical failure, the train also has a diesel engine as a
last-case scenario (emergency backup). The Diesel engine is not required for normal operation,
even in cases of prolonged lack of sunshine.
The large solar array on the station platform coupled with the curved solar panels on the top of
the train can together produce more electrical energy per day that it is required to operate an
hourly return service. With one full charge, the train can make 5-6 trips. The amount shed by the
solar panels on the train and train storage over a twelve-month period can produce equivalent
amount of energy required to operate the train and also power 17.5 three person homes for a


3.2) Powering homes with renewable energy-

Using renewable energy to power houses have several benefits-

 It generates no carbon dioxide as the energy is clean

 All appliances in the house can be powered
 High amount of output with lesser maintenance
 Excessive generation of energy can be fed to electrical grid.
 Reduced or zero utility bills
 Tax incentives for installing renewables
Recently, most of the Victorians are adapting home renewable energy system, which helps
them to take full control over their electricity supply and importantly helps in clean environment.

3.2.1) Solar rooftop system.

Many houses in Victoria have thousands of solar panels installed on houses which boosts the
energy supply which results in slashing power bills. The most recent year recorded about 49000
installations which included 42000 solar rooftops on homes. This shows the increment of solar
panel houses in recent years.


Figure 10 – Capacity installed

The above figure illustrates installations of solar PV in different sectors including residential.
Particularly, residential installations were at continuous growth with around capacity of 1300
MW in the year 2019.

Figure 11 – Illustration of Working System

From the sundown, first the solar cells within the solar panel acts as a semiconductor which
converts the daylight (solar energy from sun) into electricity. As the electricity generated by the
panels is DC (Direct Current), the electricity is supplied to inverters where it is converted into AC
(Alternating current) so that it can be used in the home.


Further it flows through bi-directional metering system. When the solar energy demand is less
than supply from PV system, the excess electricity is supplied to the electricity grid via the
metering system which adds the units to your utility bill by reverse metering.
This is the great system that have a useful life of over 25 years – with zero moving parts, minor
probability of things goes wrong in panel.

3.2.2) Home wind electric systems

The production of renewable energy from the wind is growing day by day. Australia has an huge
wind resource, which, if used to generate electricity, could save significant greenhouse gas
emissions. Wind turbines are most commonly found in windfarms or in offshore farms. Large
wind turbine is used for major areas which create heavy amount of energy.

Figure 12 – Wind turbine evolution

Many houses are interested in generating their own electricity by using small scale wind
turbines, either on their roofs or in their back gardens. Small wind turbine can generate enough
energy to power your home. Small wind energy is clean, powerful and can save you money.


Figure 13 – Wind turbine Generation of Electricity

A wind turbine converts the wind energy into electrical energy due to rotation of the blades
which as similar to helicopter rotor blade. When the wind flows across the blades of wind
turbine, the rotor spins due the difference in the air pressure across the two sides of the blade.
The rotor is connected to the generator by two ways – either directly or via shaft and gear box.
This aerodynamic translation forces the rotation of the generator which creates electricity.
This generated energy is then forwarded to fuse box via inverter and then supplied to home.
This power flows through a bi-directional meter. If your wind turbine produces more power than
your demand, that power is fed back to the local electricity grid. When the demand of energy is
too high for the wind turbine, extra power is drawn from the electricity grid.
This system has following benefits-

 Lower your electricity bills by 50-90%

 Helps avoid high cost of utility power
 Uninterrupted power supply


3.2.3) Hybrid Home electrical System

Hybrid systems in house consist of both wind turbines and solar panels to multiply your
renewable energy generation. These systems are most reliable and considered to be best in
efficiency, since the wind and sunlight are available at different times. Wind speeds are low
during summer and solar energy i.e. the sunlight is longest, and winds are stronger than
sunlight during the winters. Hybrid system are much likely to generate more power than any
other system because, the operating times for wind and solar systems occur at different times of
the day and year.

Figure 14 – Diagram of the Generation system

A hybrid system of adding the power from both wind turbine and the sunlight stored in a battery
can increase the system reliability. It includes battery which is used to store the generated
energy from the sources.
When the wind source is available the system uses wind turbine to generate the energy, and
when sunlight is available the system uses PV panels for the energy generation. When both the
sources are available, the system uses both sources simultaneously.
When both the sources are not available, uninterrupted power supply will be provided by the
batteries connected in the system.


3.3) Smart Street lights and Bicycle Charging stations

There are various steps taken under consideration for the Victorian renewable targets. The
installation of solar and wind farms is growing year by year. Various projects under different
sectors such as, residential, commercial, public and industrial are developed for clean energy
which results in zero emissions.
Streetlights operating on solar-wind hybrid system and bikes charging through solar is an
additional step taken for the renewable public sector.

3.3.1) Hybrid Street Lights

There are thousands of streetlights installed and are expected to grow more. Overall 0.5% of
total electricity generated is consumed by them. Hybrid streetlights are the environmentally
friendly replacements to the traditional street lighting system. Hybrid system comprises of solar
and wind energy.

Advantages –

 High Efficiency
 Longer life
 Low operational and maintenance costs
 Uninterrupted power supply


Figure 15 – Hybrid Street lighting system

Hybrid lighting does not have any running costs after installation as it is an off-grid solution. The
main advantage of the system is that, when solar and wind generations are both used together,
the reliability of the system is increased.
Wind solar hybrid lighting is an excellent lighting system composed of solar panels and wind
turbines as the source of power. A stable supply of energy is generated even when its cloudy.
The system further comprises of batteries which will be used during night. Hence the system will
provide stable and constant flow of power.
When the environment becomes dark, by the use of sensors in the system, the lighting can be
started automatically. The lights can be turned on and off automatically by controller. This
provides with 8-10 hours of average lighting period.


3.3.2) Solar bicycle charging station

Active transport is very important for the people in Victoria. It is been researched that 21% of
journeys in the morning are made by walking or cycling. More than 50% or the trips in
Melbourne are short trips of less than 6 km. More people cycling means less congestion, lower
vehicle operating costs, clean environment and better health.

Figure 16 – Bicycle Usage

It is seen that the growth of consumption of bicycles are increasing. Last year recorded
approximately 36% of increase in usage of bicycles in Victoria.
There are two types of bicycles, pedal and electric bikes. Bicycle with an integrated motor in it is
known as electric bike.
To charge the bikes you need to take out the battery out of the bike, turning off the battery
connect to the power supply. Charging of battery costs 0.12$ per kWh. Charging the bikes from
solar power can save the cost and also oppose the emissions.

Figure 17 – Solar Charging Station Concept


Figure 18 – Block Diagram

The solar panel on the top of the bicycle station converts the sunlight into electrical energy (DC).
This DC is stored into batteries and when bicycle is connected to the plug, the DC electricity is
fed to the bicycle’s battery via a solar regulator and ensures that the charging of the battery is
properly completed without any damage.
When the solar panel generates excessive power, it can be used to light the surrounding


3) System Framework
3.1) Five challenges of System Engineering principles
Below are the five system engineering challenges: –

 Integrity
 Stability
 Compatibility
 Safety
 Sustainability
Detailed explanation of the system meeting above challenges

Integrity The proposed system design works with no harm or disturbance to

surrounding or the operator. There is no risk involved with the system as it
has gone with various tests and trails.
The solar train has been worked with high efficiency. It worked with its
intended functions with no disruptions. The rooftop system, Hybrid
streetlight and bicycle charging system is very simplistic with no negative
impact on surroundings or on the system user.

Stability The stability of the system is extremely important factor in system

engineering. All the aspects of the system operate in a stable working
conditions without any discontinuation of the service. All the proposed
system has balanced voltage and currents in input and output so that the
system performances at its best.
Compatibility Compatibility of the system is one of the main features of the system. If the
operation of the solar train is disturbed with no sunlight the train can be
made run on the stored energy in the on-board batteries. The trains battery
can be charged with the stored energy from the station platform. Similarly,
in the solar and wind house rooftop system and Bicycle charging stations,
if the source of energy is not available the system can consume power
from the stored energy in the batteries. In Hybrid system of rooftop homes
and streetlights and highest compatibility, because if one source is not
available the system can be made run on either source or energy. If both
sources are not available, the system can operate on stored energy in

Safety As the system has lowest failure rate and requires less maintenance it is
considered to safe. Rooftops systems for houses are one-time setup and
are doesn’t have any danger to user.
Sustainability All the system is expected to run for a minimum period of 25 years.
Technology changes from time to time, so all the concept of the systems is
designed in simplistic manner so that any required upgrade in the system
can be made resulting into reduction of the cost of operation and
maintenance, and also to cope up with the latest technologies.


4) Project Proposal

4.1) Project Summary –

Development of energy sector is very fast. Our system plan for renewable energy is similar to
the system that is recently followed by Victoria. The investments in energy technology has been
seen by a significant increment. The proposed system ensures to the Victorians to continuously
get advantages from renewable energy system in future.
The residential and commercial sectors are facing the problems of the system that doubt to be
affordable, reliable and emission free. Thankfully, there are various methods to transit our
system, which helps to achieve a renewable energy system and change the way of living. We
are aware of the challenges and risks that are related to this transition. This is the reason we
are working with Victorian businesses to capitalize on this transition. This plan is strategic and
productive with high level of efficiency. With this plan the energy target can be met.

4.2) Project Plan –

Affordability, Reliability and Renewable energy supply will be assured by the system proposed
by us by using solar, wind and hybrid sources with grid stability. By this step we will contribute
Victoria’s pathway to net zero emissions energy sector by the year 2030.

4.3) Proposed design –

Current electricity powers are in high demand and require fossil fuels for operation. To avoid too
much pollution and emissions renewable energy should be adopted.
The renewable energy system is a $50 million comprehensive and strategic development for
recognizing the purposed developments.
The proposed system is to use the clean energies like solar and wind in different sectors like,
transport system, residential purpose and other areas. These sources of energies can be
utilized in their pure form or can be made to run together with other sources in a hybrid system.
The trains are made to run on solar panels which increases the efficiency of the system and
doesn’t create any kind of pollution to the environment. The solar energy from panels can also
be stored in batteries when sunlight is not available. Trains can be charged on station platforms.
This system is made to be run on 100% clean energy
In the residential usage, the solar energy and wind energy can both be used to produce
electricity from PV panels and wind turbines on rooftops on the houses respectively. Enough
power can be generated to power the house. Furthermore, hybrid system of solar and wind
energy can also be coupled together and be made to produce energy for the residential usage.
Streetlights can also be powered by a hybrid arrangement of solar and wind energy. The energy
generated can be stored in the batteries and can be utilized when required. The bicycle


charging station can also b used to charge the E-bikes (electrical bicycle) via solar charging
With less maintenance there will be no global warming emissions with the energy generation
and usage the system is made to operate on high efficiency.

4.4) Benefits of proposed system

The key points of our renewable energy system for Victoria are ensuring that-

 Our system is economic as more users and consumers can have greater control over
the usage of their energy, generation and storage
 Our system provides high reliability
 The new energy technologies sector creates jobs, attracts investment and grows the
economy for the benefit of all Victorians
 Low maintenance
 High sustainability
Economic, social and environmental benefits of Victoria can be produced from this


5) References
Commonwealth of Australia 2018a, State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2016,
Department of the Environment and Energy (Australian National Greenhouse Accounts, 2018),
viewed 22 June 2018. (

Clean Energy Regulator 2017, Electricity sector emissions and generation data 2015-16,
Designated Generation Facility Data 2015 – 2016, published 27 October 2017, viewed 27 July

Department of Environment and Energy 2018c, Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information

System -– Scope 2 Emissions, Indirect emissions from purchased electricity – Victoria, sourced
27 July 2018.
Department of Energy, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,” 2003 Jul. 2, Available:
EC-JRC/PBL (2017) Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research v4.3.2. Joint
Research Centre of the European Commission/PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment
Agency. (

Electricity Supply Board.(2014,Charge Point Categories),Available: (

Holland, D., & Holland, D. (2019). World's First 100% Solar Powered Train (Video) |
CleanTechnica. Retrieved 26 April 2019, from (
Soni, R. (2017). JREDA - Jharkhand Renewable Energy Development Agency - State Govt.
Agency under Department of Energy | Ranchi | Jharkhand | India. Retrieved 11 March 2017,
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Z. Ye, Lehman, B., de Palma, J. F., Mosesian, J., Lyons, R., "Challenges to overcurrent
protection devices under line-line faults in solar photovoltaic arrays," in Energy Conversion
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