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Roshini, MAEMA Part 2

Roll No.: 27

Survey Questions:

1. Email Id

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Occupation (homemaker, student, working)

5. Do you use social networking sites? (Yes or no)

6. Which social networking site do you use? (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat)

7. Is your social networking profile private or public?

8. Are you concerned or worried about your data privacy? (Yes, no, maybe)

9. Do you think there is any privacy issue related to social networking sites? (Agree, disagree,
strongly agree, and strongly disagree)

10. How frequent are you active on social networking sites? (Almost always, every day,
twice a day, once a week, twice a month, once a month)

11. For what purpose do you use social networking sites? (Entertainment, chatting, gathering
friends, business)

12. Are you aware of how much personal information you provide to social networking sites?
(Yes, no, maybe).

13. What do you do to protect your privacy of Facebook? (Limit my profile availability,
avoid adding unknown people, I don’t even know my privacy is at risk, I know my privacy is
at risk but I don’t do anything about it)

14. What information do you think third parties collect? (Personal information, information
about your behaviour, information about your location, None of the above)

15. Do you know who can see your profile and the information in it? (Yes, no, maybe)

16. Are you aware that you can change your privacy settings? (Yes or no)

17. Have you ever used your privacy settings? (Yes or no)
18. What problems have you encountered in using Facebook? (Being hacked, being stalked,
being humiliated, being a victim of online abusers, if other specify)

19. Have you read the Facebook privacy policy? (no because it’s too long, no because I don’t
find it useful, yes because I know it’s meant for safety, yes but I don’t take it seriously)

20. Are you aware of cybercrime, identity theft or blackmailing through social networking

21. How much control do you feel you have over the information you have disclosed on
social networking sites (e.g., ability to change, delete or correct)? 

22. It was easy to change the default setting of your personal profile. (Strongly agree, agree,
neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree)

23. The personal data should not be kept in a form by which the data subject can be
identified. (Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree)

24. Reading and understanding the privacy policy of a website helps me in protection of my
privacy. (Yes or no).

25. How did people’s opinion of Facebook change after Cambridge Analytica? (More
negative, no difference in opinion, more positive)

Sample size location Mumbai gender 28 to 35 35 to 55 55 and above

Chart based on gender more women are more open to privacy threat

9. to know the frequency

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