New Headway Beginner Czech Wordlist: Unit 1

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New Headway Beginner Czech wordlist

Unit 1
and ​conj /ænd/ ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks. And you?’ a
bag ​n /bæg/ This is my bag. taška
book ​n /bʊk/ ‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a book.’ kniha
bus ​n /bʌs/ This is my bus – see you later! autobus
Bye! /baɪ/ Bye! Have a nice day. Ahoj! (při loučení)
camera ​n /kæmrə/ ‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a camera.’ fotoaparát
car ​n /kɑ:(r)/ ‘What a lovely car!’ ‘Thank you!’ auto
coffee ​n /kɒfi/ A cup of coffee, please. káva
computer ​n /kəmˈpju:tə(r)/ ‘What’s in this picture?’ ‘Two computers.’ počítač
cup ​n /kʌp/ A cup of coffee, please. šálek
day ​n /deɪ/ What a lovely day! den
English ​adj /ɪnglɪʃ/ What’s this in English? anglický, angličtina
fine ​adj /faɪn/ How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks. And you?’ dobřý, pěkný
first name ​n /fɜ:st ˌneɪm/ ‘What’s your first name?’ ‘Pablo.’ křestní jméno
Good afternoon! /gʊd ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n/ ‘Good afternoon!’ ‘Good afternoon!’ Dobré odpoledne!
Good morning! /gʊd ˈmɔ:nɪŋ/ Good morning! How are you today? Dobré ráno!
Good night! /gʊdˈnaɪt/ Good night! Sleep well. Dobrou noc!
Goodbye! /gʊdˈbaɪ/ ‘Goodbye!’ ‘Bye! See you later.’ Na shledanou!
hamburger ​n /hæmbɜ:gə(r)/ A hamburger and a coffee, please. hamburger
Have a nice day! /ˌhæv ə naɪs ˈdeɪ/ Bye! Have a nice day. Hezký den!
hello ​n /helˈəʊ/ Hello. I’m Paula. ahoj
house ​n /haʊs/ This is my house. dům
How are you? /ˌhaʊ ə ˈju:/ ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ Jak se máš?
lovely ​adj /lʌvli/ What a lovely day! rozkošný, krásný
my /maɪ/ Hello. My name’s Paula. můj, moje
name ​n /neɪm/ Hello. My name’s Paula. jméno
Nice to meet you. /ˌnaɪs tə ˈmi:t ju/ ‘Hello. I’m Ben.’ ‘Nice to meet you, Ben.’ Těší mě.
OK ​adj /ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ/ ‘Hi, how are you?’ ‘OK, thanks.’ dobřý
phone ​n /fəʊn/ What a nice phone! telefon
photograph ​n /fəʊtəgrɑ:f/ What’s in this photograph? fotografie
please /pli:z/ A cup of coffee, please. prosím
sandwich ​n /sænwɪtʃ/ A cup of tea and a sandwich, please. sendvič
See you later! /ˌsi: ju ˈleɪtə(r)/ ‘Goodbye!’ ‘Bye! See you later.’ Uvidíme se později!
Sleep well! /sli:p ˌwel/ Good night! Sleep well. Dobře se vyspi!
surname ​n /sɜ:neɪm/ ‘What’s your surname?’ ‘Smith.’ příjmení
tea ​n /ti:/ A cup of tea, please. čaj
television ​n /telɪvɪʒn/ ‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a television.’ televize
thank you /θæŋkju:/ ‘How are you today?’ ‘Fine, thank you.’ děkuji
thanks /θæŋks/ ‘Hi, how are you?’ ‘OK, thanks.’ díky
this ​pron /ðɪs/ What’s this in English? tento
today ​n /təˈdeɪ/ ‘How are you today?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ dnes
very well /ˌveri ˈwel/ ‘Hi, how are you?’ ‘Very well, thanks.’ velmi dobře
What? /ˌwɒt/ What’s this in English? Co?
with ​prep /wɪð/ Work with a partner. s
your /jɔ:(r)/ What’s your name? tvůj

Numbers 1–10
one /wʌn/ ‘What’s in this picture?’ ‘One computer.’ jedna
two /tu:/ ‘What’s in this bag?’ ‘Two books.’ dvě
three /θri:/ ‘What’s in this photograph?’ ‘Three houses.’ tři
four /fɔ:(r)/ ‘What’s in this picture?’ ‘Four students.’ čtyři
five /faɪv/ ‘What’s in this bag?’ ‘Five sandwiches!’ pět
six /sɪks/ ‘What’s in this picture?’ ‘Six hamburgers.’ šest

© Oxford University Press  New Headway Beginner (fourth edition) Czech wordlist   1
seven /sevn/ ‘What’s in this photograph?’ ‘Seven cars.’ sedm
eight /eɪt/ ‘What’s in this picture?’ ‘Eight buses.’ osm
nine /naɪn/ ‘What’s in this photograph?’ ‘Nine bags.’ devět
ten /ten/ ‘What’s in this picture?’ ‘Ten phones.’ deset

Unit 2
about ​ prep /əˈbaʊt/ Ask about the students in the class. o
awful ​adj /ɔ:fl/ The weather is awful today. strašný, hrozný
beautiful ​adj /bju:tɪfl/ Wow! Central Park is beautiful. krásný
building ​n /bɪldɪŋ/ ‘What’s this building?’ ‘It’s a hospital.’ budova
centre ​n /sentə(r)/ His school is in the centre of Tokyo. střed, centrum
cities ​n pl /sɪtiz Where are the cities? Write the countries. města
countries ​n pl /kʌntriz/ Where are the cities? Write the countries. země
doctor ​n /dɒktə(r)/ He’s a doctor. This is his hospital. doktor
fantastic ​adj /fænˈtæstɪk/ What a fantastic picture. It’s beautiful! úžasný, fantastický
find ​v /faɪnd/ How old is she? Listen and find out. najít, zjistit
from ​prep /frɒm/ My name’s Bruno. I’m from Brazil. z
hear ​v /hɪə(r)/ Listen and tick the numbers you hear. slyšet
her /hɜ:(r)/ Her name’s Tatiana. She’s from Russia. její
his /hɪʒ/ His name’s Simon. He’s from England. jeho
hospital ​n /hɒspɪtl/ He’s a doctor. This is his hospital. nemocnice
How old? /haʊ ˈəʊld/ ‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m 18.’ Jak starý?
look at (sth) ​v /lʊk ət/ Look at this hamburger – it’s really good! podívat se na (něco)
map ​n /mæp/ Where’s your country on the map? mapa
married ​adj /mærid/ Claude and Holly are married. They are from Canada. ženatý, vdaná
on holiday /ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ/ I’m from London. I’m on holiday in New York. na dovolené
people ​n pl /pi:pl/ Where are the people from? lidé
really good ​adj /ˌri:əli ˈgʊd/ This coffee is really good! opravdu dobrý
school ​n /sku:l/ She’s a teacher. Her school is in Paris. škola
these ​pron /ði:z/ Find these countries on the map. tyto
too ​adv /tu:/ ‘I’m from Chicago.’ ‘Oh, I’m from Chicago, too!’ také
weather ​n /weðə(r)/ The weather is awful today. počasí
Where? ​adv /weə(r)/ ‘Where’s he from?’ ‘He’s from Japan.’ Kde?
world ​n /wɜ:ld/ This is a map of the world. svět

Australia ​n /ɒˈstreɪliə/ He’s from Sydney, in Australia. Austrálie
Brazil ​n /brəˈzɪl/ ‘Where’s São Paulo?’ ‘It’s in Brazil.’ Brazílie
Canada ​n /kænədə/ I’m from Montreal, in Canada. Kanada
China ​n /tʃaɪnə/ Yong is from Beijing, in China. Čína
Egypt ​n /i:dʒɪpt/ ‘Hi, I’m from Cairo.’ ‘Oh, I’m from Egypt, too!’ Egypt
England ​n /ɪŋglənd/ I’m a teacher. I’m from London, in England. Anglie
France ​n /frɑ:ns/ She’s from Paris. It’s in France. Francie
Hungary ​n /hʌŋgəri/ ‘Are you from Budapest?’ ‘Yes, it’s in Hungary.’ Maďarsko
Italy ​n /ɪtəli/ Donatella is from Rome, in Italy. Itálie
Japan ​n /dʒəˈpæn/ ‘Where’s Akemi from?’ ‘She’s from Tokyo, in Japan.’ Japonsko
Russia ​n /rʌʃə/ Her name’s Tatiana. She’s from Moscow, Russia. Rusko
Spain ​n /speɪn/ I’m from Madrid, in Spain. Španělsko
the United States ​n pl /ðəjuˌnaɪtɪd ˈsteɪts/ I’m on holiday in the United States. New York is fantastic! Spojené státy

Numbers 11–30
eleven /ɪˈlevn/ ‘How old is David?’ ‘He’s eleven.’ jedenáct
twelve /twelv/ ‘What’s in the picture?’ ‘Twelve bags.’ dvanáct
thirteen /θɜ:ˈti:n/ This is James. He’s thirteen tomorrow. třináct
fourteen /fɔ:ˈti:n/ Her name’s Julia. She’s fourteen. čtrnáct
fifteen /fɪfˈti:n/ ‘Are you fourteen?’ ‘No, I’m fifteen!’ patnáct
sixteen /sɪksˈti:n/ ‘How old is Maria?’ ‘I think she’s sixteen.’ šestnáct
seventeen /sevnˈti:n/ ‘What’s in the photograph?’ ‘Seventeen students.’ sedmnáct
eighteen /eɪˈti:n/ My name’s Mike. I’m nearly eighteen.’ osmnáct

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nineteen /naɪnˈti:n/ ‘How old is Felipe?’ ‘He’s nineteen.’ devatenáct
twenty /twenti/ ‘Are you twenty?’ ‘No, I’m eighteen.’ dvacet
twenty-one /ˌtwentiˈwʌn/ Max is twenty-one tomorrow. dvacet jedna
twenty-two /ˌtwentiˈtu:/ ‘What’s in the photograph?’ ‘Twenty-two cars.’ dvacet dva
twenty-three /ˌtwentiˈθri:/ ‘Are you thirty?’ ‘No, I’m twenty-three!’ dvacet tři
twenty-four /ˌtwentiˈfɔ:(r)/ His name’s Andy. He’s twenty-four. dvacet čtyři
twenty-five /ˌtwentiˈfaɪv/ James is a teacher. He’s twenty-five. dvacet pět
twenty-six /ˌtwentiˈsɪks/ ‘How old is she?’ ‘Nearly twenty-six.’ dvacet šest
twenty-seven /ˌtwentiˈsevn/ ‘Are you twenty-seven?’ ‘No, I’m thirty.’ dvacet sedm
twenty-eight /ˌtwentiˈeɪt/ Her name’s Petra. She’s twenty-eight. dvacet osm
twenty-nine /ˌtwentiˈnaɪn/ Marta’s a doctor. She’s twenty-nine. dvacet devět
thirty /θɜ:ti/ ‘What’s in the photograph?’ ‘Thirty buses.’ třicet

Unit 3
address ​n /əˈdres/ My address is 15, High Street. adresa
all ​adv /ɔ:l/ They’re all from different countries. všichni
America ​n /əˈmerɪkə/ New York is in America. Amerika
another ​pron /əˈnʌðə(r)/ Write about another student. jiný, další
audition ​n /ɔ:ˈdɪʃn/ Is this your band? This is the audition. konkurz
band ​n /bænd/ They’re all singers in a band. skupina
boy ​n /bɔɪ/ Are the other boys in the band from Ireland? chlapec
brother ​n /brʌðə/ This is Donny. He’s my brother. bratr
builder ​n /bɪldə(r)/ Ronan’s a nurse and Donny’s a builder. stavitel, stavař
bus driver ​n /bʌs ˌdraɪvə(r)/ Paul’s a bus driver from Ireland. řidič autobusu
businessman ​n /bɪznəsmæn/ Her brother is a businessman in the city. obchodník, podnikatel
excited ​adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ We aren’t tired, we’re really excited! nadšený, vzrušený
Excuse me /ɪkˈskju:z ˌmi:/ Excuse me! Where’s the station? Promiňte
forty /fɔ:ti/ Diego isn’t forty, he’s forty-two. čtyřicet
good luck /gʊd ˈlʌk/ This is the audition! Good luck! hodně štěstí
Great! ​adv /greɪt/ ‘We’re all in a band.’ ‘That’s great!’ Skvělé!
happy ​adj /hæpi/ We’re really happy and excited. šťastný
here ​adv /hɪə(r)/ Las Vegas is great. It’s fantastic here! zde, tady
Hi /haɪ/ Hi, my name’s Donny. Ahoj
I don’t understand /aɪ ˌdəʊnt ʌndəˈstænd/ I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Nerozumím.
I’m sorry /aɪm ˈsɒri/ I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Promiňte.
interesting ​ adj /ɪntrəstɪŋ/ ‘We’re all from different countries.’ ‘Oh, interesting!’ zajímavý
interview ​n /ɪntəvju:/ Look – a magazine interview with Metro 5! rozhovor
Ireland ​n /aɪələnd/ Are all the boys in the band from Ireland? Irsko
job ​n /dʒɒb/ ‘What’s your job?’ ‘I’m a police officer.’ práce, zaměstnání
live ​v /lɪv/ We all live in different countries. žít
magazine ​n /ˌmægəˈzi:n/ Look – a magazine interview with Metro 5! časopis
now ​adv /naʊ/ She’s from Spain, but she isn’t in Spain now. She’s on holiday. nyní
nurse ​n /nɜ:s/ I’m not a doctor. I’m a nurse. zdravotní sestra
on tour ​n /ɒn ˈtʊə(r)/ The band are on tour in Brazil. na turné
other ​adj /ʌðə(r)/ Are the other boys from Ireland, too? ostatní, další
over there /ˌəʊvə ˈðeə/ ‘Where’s the car?’ ‘It’s over there.’ támhle
personal information ​n /ˌpɜ:sənl ɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/ Complete the personal information in the profile. osobní údaje
phone number ​n /fəʊn ˌnʌmbə(r)/ My phone number is 07700 955031. telefonní číslo
police officer ​n /pəˈli:s ˌɒfɪsə(r)/ ‘What’s your job?’ ‘I’m a police officer.’ policejní důstojník
same ​adj /seɪm/ They’re all from France. They’re from the same country. stejný
Scotland ​n /skɒtlənd/ They aren’t from Scotland, they’re from Ireland. Skotsko
shop assistant ​n /ʃɒp əˌsɪstənt/ ‘What’s your job?’ ‘I’m a shop assistant.’ prodavač
singer ​ n /sɪŋə/ He’s a singer in a band. zpěvák
sorry /sɒri/ I’m sorry, I don’t understand. zarmoucený, litující
station ​n /steɪʃn/ Excuse me! Where’s the station? stanice, nádraží
Sweden ​n /swi:dn/ Bo isn’t from Brazil, he’s from Sweden. Švédsko
Thanks a lot /ˌθæŋks ə ˈlɒt/ ‘Your band is fantastic!’ ‘Thanks a lot.’ Díky moc.
tired ​n /taɪəd/ We aren’t tired, we’re excited! unavený
town centre ​n /ˌtaʊn ˈsentə(r)/ The hospital is in the town centre. centrum města

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very ​adj /veri/ Thank you, that’s very kind. velmi
well ​exclamation /wel/ Well, yes, I am a builder, but I’m not from Scotland. no, dobře
winner ​n /wɪnə(r)/ Metro 5 are the winners of the audition. vítěz
yet ​adv /jet/ We haven’t decided yet. ještě

Unit 4
accountant ​n /əˈkaʊntənt/ Toni’s father is an accountant. účetní
age ​n /eɪdʒ/ ‘Name and age?’ ‘Ellie Green. I’m 20.’ věk
bank manager ​n /bæŋk ˌmænɪdʒə(r)/ Jim is a bank manager. bankovní manažer
bank ​n /bæŋk/ Jim’s bank in is the centre of town. banka
best friend ​n /ˌbest ˈfrend/ Toni’s my best friend – we have a good time together. nejlepší přítel
big ​adj /bɪg/ Annie and Jim have a big house in London. velký
both ​pron /bəʊθ/ Mark and Alison are both at school. oba
boyfriend ​n /bɔɪfrend/ Vince is Toni’s boyfriend. přítel
business card ​n /bɪznɪs ˌkɑ:d/ The name of my company is on my business card. vizitka
certainly ​adv /sɜ:tənli/ ‘Hello. The manager, please.’ ‘Certainly. I’m connecting you.’ jistě
children ​n pl /tʃɪldrən/ We have two children, Emma and Vince. děti
college ​n /kɒlɪdʒ/ Oscar is a student in college. střední/vysoká škola
Come on! /ˌkʌm ˈɒn/ Come on! Time for school! Honem!, Spěchej!
company ​n /kʌmpəni/ The name of my company is on my business card. společnost
connecting ​v /kəˈnektɪŋ/ ‘Hello. The manager, please.’ ‘Certainly. I’m connecting you.’ přepojovat
dancing ​n /dɑ:nsɪŋ/ I like music, and I like dancing! tančení
dictionary ​n /dɪkʃənri/ Check the new words in your dictionary. slovník
dog ​n /dɒg/ My parents have a dog. pes
evening ​n /i:vnɪŋ/ We have English classes in the evening. večer
everybody ​pron /evribɒdi/ Bye, everybody! See you later. všichni
family tree ​n /ˌfæməli ˈtri:/ This is my family tree – they’re my parents and this is my rodokmen
fans ​n pl /fænz/ We like football – we’re both Arsenal fans. fanoušci
football ​n /fʊtbɔ:l/ We like football – we’re both Arsenal fans. fotbal
friends ​n pl /frendz/ All my friends like rock music. přátelé
funny ​adj /fʌni/ I like Toni, she’s really funny. zábavný
Germany ​n /dʒɜ:məni/ My sister has a house in Germany. Německo
girlfriend ​n /gɜ:lfrend/ She’s his girlfriend – they’re both at university. přítelkyně
give ​v /gɪv/ Can you give me some information? dát
goal ​ n /gəʊl/ Yes! A goal! 2–1 to United! gól
good ​adj /gʊd/ Bye, Emma. Have a good day. dobrý
have ​v /hæv/ I have three sons, Paul, Donny and Connor. mít
home ​n /həʊm/ I’m tired. I think I’ll go home. domov
hotel ​n /həʊˈtel/ We have an apartment in a hotel. hotel
like ​v /laɪk/ I like music, and I like dancing! mít rád, líbit se
manager ​n /mænɪdʒə(r)/ Can I speak to the export manager, please? manažer, vedoucí pracovník
music ​n /mju:zɪk/ I really like rock music. hudba
near ​adj /nɪə(r)/ The hospital is near the town centre. blízko, poblíž
new ​adj /nju:/ He has a new girlfriend now – her name’s Susanna. nový
nice ​adj /naɪs/ We have a nice house in a village near Oxford. hezký
north ​n /nɔ:θ/ Toni’s from the north of England. sever
notice ​v /nəʊtɪs/ Notice how we say email addresses. všimnout si
of course /əv ˈkɔ:s/ ‘Can you give me some information, please?’ ‘Of course.’ samozřejmě
office ​n /ɒfɪs/ Vince is an accountant – this is his office. kancelář
our /aʊə(r)/ Our children are called Emma and Vince. náš
part of (sth) ​n /pɑ:t əv/ Match the photos with a part of the text. část (něčeho)
part-time ​adj /ˌpɑ:t ˈtaɪm/ My mother has a part-time job in a bank. na částečný úvazek
police ​n /pəˈli:s/ ‘NYPD’ means ‘New York Police Department’. policie
really ​adj /ri:əli/ We both really like rock ‘n’ roll music. skutečně, opravdu
rock ‘n’ roll ​n /ˌrɒkənˈrəʊl/ We both really like rock ‘n’ roll music. rokenrol
small ​adj /smɔ:l/ I have a small house in the north of England. malý
spell ​v /spel/ How do you spell your surname? hláskovat
sport ​n /spɔ:t/ I like sport. Football is my favourite. sport

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sports centre ​n /spɔ:ts ˌsentə(r)/ Bye, Mum – I’m off to the sports centre. sportovní centrum
their /ðeə(r)/ Jim and Annie are married. Their house is in London. jejich
together ​adv /təˈgeðə(r)/ My two children are at university together. dohromady, společně
university ​n /ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:səti/ My two children are at university together. univerzita
us ​pron /ʌs/ Conor is here with us, in Galway. nás, nám(i)
village ​n /vɪlɪdʒ/ We have a nice house in a village near Oxford. vesnice
want ​v /wɒnt/ ‘What does he want?’ ‘Some information.’ chtít

The family
brother ​n /brʌðə(r)/ I have two brothers and a sister. bratr
daughter ​n /dɔ:tə(r)/ This is our daughter, Emma. dcera
father ​n /fɑ:ðə(r)/ My father is a doctor in the hospital otec
husband ​n /hʌzbənd/ I’m married. My husband’s name is James. manžel
mother ​n /mʌðə(r)/ My mother and father aren’t here today. matka
parents ​n pl /peərənts/ Our parents live in Germany. rodiče
sister ​n /sɪstə(r)/ I have two brothers and a sister. sestra
son ​n /sʌn/ Our son, Oscar, is at college. syn
wife ​n /waɪf/ My wife and I have two children. manželka

Unit 5
actor ​n /æktə(r)/ I’m a drama student. I want to be an actor. herec
Arabic ​ n /ærəbɪk/ I speak French and Arabic. arabština, arabsky
beer ​n /bɪə(r)/ I like wine, but I don’t like beer. pivo
blue ​adj /blu:/ What a lovely blue car! modrý
cheese ​n /tʃi:z/ I don’t like cheese on my hamburger. sýr
chocolate ​n /tʃɒklət/ I like chocolate – it’s my favourite food! čokoláda
Coke ​n /kəʊk/ I don’t drink Coke. Kola
Come here! /ˌkʌm ˈhɪə(r)/ Come here! I want you to eat your food. Pojď sem!
count ​v /kaʊnt/ Count from 1 – round the class. počítat
delicious ​adj /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ Mmm! This ice-cream is delicious! lahodný, vynikající
drama ​n /drɑ:mə/ I’m a drama student. I want to be an actor. drama
drink ​v /drɪŋk/ Do you drink tea and coffee? pít
eat ​v /i:t/ I don’t eat Chinese food – I don’t like it. jíst
exciting ​adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ I think football is really exciting. úžasný, vzrušující
flat ​n /flæt/ Our flat is a bit small for three people. byt
food ​n /fu:d/ I love Italian food! jídlo
guys ​n pl /gaɪz/ Goodbye, guys. Time for work! hoši
How much? /ˌhaʊ ˈmʌtʃ/ ‘How much is the pizza?’ ‘£5.75.’ Kolik?, Za kolik?
ice-cream ​n /aɪskri:m/ Mmm! This ice-cream is delicious! zmrzlina
identity ​n /aɪˈdentɪti/ Think of a new identity and ask your partner questions. identita, totožnost
languages ​n pl /læŋgwɪdʒɪz/ How many languages do you speak? jazyky
list ​n /lɪst/ I have made a shopping list. seznam
love ​v /lʌv/ I love Italian food! milovat
Mexico ​n /meksɪkəʊ/ Paco and Maria are from Mexico. Mexiko
millionaire ​n /ˌmɪljəˈneə(r)/ I love money! I want to be a millionaire. milionář
nationalities ​n pl /ˌnæʃəˈnælətiz/ We have lots of nationalities in our language school. národnosti
orange ​n /ɒrɪndʒ/ I like Spanish oranges and French wine! pomeranč
order ​v /ɔ:də(r)/ Good evening. Do you want to order? objednat (si)
pair (of) ​n /peə(r) (əv)/ How much is this pair of shoes? pár
party ​n /pɑ:ti/ It’s a great party! Lovely food. večírek
pizza ​n /pi:tsə/ We both want pizzas, please. pizza
play ​v /pleɪ/ I don’t like football – I don’t play sports. hrát
Portugal ​n /pɔ:tʃʊgl/ Portugal is near Spain. Portugalsko
pounds ​n pl /paʊndz/ That’s two pounds forty, please. libry
prices ​n pl /praɪsɪz/ What are the prices of the sandwiches? ceny
restaurants ​n pl /restrɒnts/ They work in an Italian restaurant. restaurace
skiing ​n /ski:ɪŋ/ I love skiing, it’s really exciting. lyžování
sometimes ​adv /sʌmtaɪmz/ I sometimes drink coffee, but I don’t really like it. někdy
speak ​v /spi:k/ I speak three languages. mluvit

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swimming ​n /swɪmɪŋ/ Swimming is Anna’s favourite sport. plavání
Switzerland ​n /swɪtsələnd/ We love skiing in Switzerland. Švýcarsko
tennis ​ n /tenɪs/ I don’t play tennis, but I play American football. tenis
terrible ​adj /terəbl/ Oh no! It’s terrible – do it again. hrozný
the best ​adj /ðə ˈbest/ I like hamburgers, but I like Mum’s food the best! nejvíce, nejlepší
twin ​n /twɪn/ Harvey and Eva are twins, but they don’t like the same food. dvojče
waiter ​n /weɪtə(r)/ Colin is a waiter in a restaurant. číšník
wine ​n /waɪn/ I like wine, but I don’t like beer. víno

American /əˈmerɪkən/ He’s American. He’s from the United States. Američan, americký
Brazilian /brəˈzɪliən/ I love Brazilian dancing – it’s fantastic. Brazilec, brazilský
Chinese /tʃaɪˈni:z/ We sometimes eat Chinese food. Číňan, čínský
French /frentʃ/ I speak French and Arabic. Francouz, francouzský
German /dʒɜ:mən/ My parents live in Germany, but they don’t speak German. Němec, německý
Italian /ɪˈtæliən/ Pizza is my favourite Italian food. Ital, italský
Japanese /ˌdʒæpəˈni:z/ Japanese cars are the best! Japonec, japonský
Mexican /meksɪkən/ It’s a tortilla – it’s Mexican food. Mexičan, mexický
Portuguese /ˌpɔ:tʃʊˈgi:z/ They speak Portuguese in Brazil. Portugalec, portugalský
Spanish /spænɪʃ/ My mother’s Spanish class is in the evening. Španěl, španělský

Numbers 40–100
forty /fɔ:ti/ ‘Is the football forty pounds?’ ‘No, it’s fourteen pounds.’ čtyřicet
fifty /fɪfti/ ‘What is 50 and 50?’ ‘One hundred.’ padesát
sixty /sɪksti/ My parents are both sixty. šedesát
seventy /sevənti/ ‘How much is the chocolate?’ ‘Seventy p.’ sedmdesát
eighty /eɪti/ That’s four pounds eighty, please. osmdesát
ninety /naɪnti/ The big oranges are ninety p. devadesát
one hundred /wʌn ˈhʌndrəd/ ‘What is 50 and 50?’ ‘One hundred.’ sto

Unit 6
all day ​adj /ˌɔ:l ˈdeɪ/ I sometimes relax – I don’t work all day. celý den
always ​adv /ɔ:lweɪz/ Elliot always gets up at six o’clock. vždy
artist ​n /ɑ:tɪst/ Lois is an artist. She paints in her studio. umělec
as usual /əz ˈju:ʒuəl/ I’m busy today, as usual. jako obvykle
at the weekend /ət ðə ˌwi:kˈend/ Kim goes to bed late at the weekend. o víkendu
aunt ​n /ɑ:nt/ She’s my aunt – my dad’s sister. teta
beach ​n /bi:tʃ/ Lois goes to the beach with her dog after breakfast. pláž
bed ​n /bed/ What time do you go to bed in the evening? postel
between ​adv /bɪˈtwi:n/ Listen to a conversation between Lois and Elliot. mezi
breakfast ​n /brekfəst/ I have breakfast at 7.30 on schooldays. snídaně
businesswoman ​n /bɪznɪswʊmən/ My sister is a businesswoman in the city. podnikatelka
busy ​adj /bɪzi/ You’re always busy – you never relax! zaneprázdněný
buy ​v /baɪ/ He sometimes buys a pizza and eats it at home. koupit
come ​v /kʌm/ Come and visit me soon in my new house. přijít, přijet
cook ​v /kʊk/ I want to cook dinner for you. vařit, uvařit
dad ​ n /dæd/ She’s my aunt – my dad’s sister. táta
dinner ​n /dɪnə(r)/ I want to cook dinner for you. večeře
director ​n /dəˈrektə(r)/ He’s the director of an Internet shopping company. ředitel
drive ​v /draɪv/ He drives to work in his car. řídit
early ​adv /ɜ:li/ I never get up early at the weekend. brzy
eggs ​n pl /egz/ I often have eggs for breakfast. vejce
fill ​v /fɪl/ She fills her day with work and music. vyplnit
get home /ˌget ˈhəʊm/ He leaves work at eight and he gets home at 9.15. dostat se domů
get up /ˌget ˈʌp/ I never get up early at the weekend. vstávat
go out /ˌgəʊ ˈaʊt/ Kim sometimes goes out in the evening. vyjít si, vyrazit ven
go shopping /ˌgəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ I usually go shopping at lunch time. jít nakupovat
go to bed /ˌgəʊ tə ˈbed/ What time do you go to bed in the evening? jít spát
Good idea! /ˌgʊd aɪˈdiə/ ‘I want to go to the beach.’ ‘Good idea!’ Dobrý nápad!

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have a shower /ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə(r)/ I get up at 7.15 in the morning and have a shower. osprchovat se
in ​prep /ɪn/ I live in Yorkshire. v
Internet ​n /ɪntənet/ He’s the director of an Internet shopping company. internet
invite ​v /ɪnˈvaɪt/ He wants to invite Nancy for dinner on Sunday. pozvat
leave ​ v /li:v/ He leaves work at eight and he gets home at 9.15. odejít, opustit
lesson ​n /lesn/ We have an English lesson in the morning. (vyučovací) hodina
life ​n /laɪf/ Elliot has a very busy life – he works late every day. život
lifestyle ​n /laɪfstaɪl/ It’s a lifestyle questionnaire, about the things we do every day. životní styl
lunch ​n /lʌntʃ/ I usually have a sandwich for lunch at 12.30. oběd
morning ​n /mɔ:nɪŋ/ I get up at 7.15 in the morning and have a shower. ráno
never ​adv /nevə(r)/ I never get up early at the weekend. nikdy
next ​adj /nekst/ He wants to invite Nancy next weekend. další, příští
o’clock ​adv /əˈklɒk/ We have breakfast at eight o’clock on schooldays. hodin
often ​adv /ɒfn, ɒftən/ They often go to work by bus. často
paint ​v /peɪnt/ Lois is an artist. She paints in her studio. malovat
piano ​n /pi:ˈænəʊ/ Lois likes music and she plays the piano. klavír
questionnaire ​n /ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r)/ It’s a lifestyle questionnaire, about the things we do every day. dotazník
relax ​v /rɪˈlæks/ I sometimes relax – I don’t work all day. odpočívat
schooldays ​n pl /sku:ldeɪz/ We have breakfast at eight o’clock on schooldays. školní dny
sea ​n /si:/ Lois lives near the sea. She often walks on the beach. moře
seaside ​n /si:saɪd/ She lives in a seaside house, near the beach. pobřeží
shopping ​n /ʃɒpɪŋ/ We always go shopping for food at the weekend. nakupování
shower ​n /ʃaʊə(r)/ I get up at 7.15 in the morning and have a shower. sprcha
(web)site ​n /(ˈweb)saɪt/ Elliot’s company has fantastic computer website. (webová) stránka
soon ​ adv /su:n/ Come and visit me soon – I want to see you! brzy
stay ​v /steɪ/ They stay at home on Friday evening. zůstat, pobývat
stop ​v /stɒp/ You work all day. You never stop! zastavit
studio ​n /stju:diəʊ/ Lois is an artist. She paints in her studio. ateliér, studio
taxi ​n /tæksi/ Elliot goes to work by taxi. taxi
time ​n /taɪm/ What time do you usually start work in the morning? čas
toast ​n /təʊst/ Lois has eggs and toast for breakfast. toast, topinka
tomorrow ​adv /təˈmɒrəʊ/ It’s Monday today, so tomorrow is Tuesday. zítra
TV ​n /ˌti: ˈvi:/ I never watch TV, but I sometimes listen to music. televize
typical ​adj /tɪpɪkl/ Elliot’s typical day is very busy! typický, obvyklý
(the) US ​n pl /ju: ˈes/ We live in the US, in Chicago. USA
usually ​adv /ju:ʒuəli/ What time do you usually start work in the morning? obvykle
visit ​v /vɪzɪt/ He visits his parents at the weekend. navštívit
walk ​v /wɔ:k/ After breakfast Lois walks on the beach with her dog. chodit, procházet se
watch ​v /wɒtʃ/ I never watch TV, but I sometimes listen to music. dívat se, sledovat
week ​n /wi:k/ There are seven days in a week. týden
When? /wen/ When do you have English lessons? Kdy?

Days of the week

Monday ​n /mʌndeɪ/ I hate Monday morning! pondělí
Tuesday ​n /tju:zdeɪ/ It’s Monday today, so tomorrow is Tuesday. úterý
Wednesday ​n /wednzdeɪ/ We do sport at college on Wednesday afternoon. středa
Thursday ​n /θɜ:zdeɪ/ The TV programmes are good on Thursday evening. čtvrtek
Friday ​n /fraɪdeɪ/ Kim goes to bed late on Friday. pátek
Saturday ​n /sætədeɪ/ Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. sobota
Sunday ​n /sʌndeɪ/ I never get up early on Sunday. neděle

Unit 7
adore ​ v /əˈdɔ:(r)/ I have two children and I adore them both. zbožňovat
amazing ​adj /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ San Francisco is great. The golden Gate Bridge is amazing! úžasný
anything ​pron /enɪθɪŋ/ ‘Anything to eat?’ ‘No, thanks.’ cokoli, něco
aspirin ​n /æsprɪn/ Can I buy some aspirin in a chemist’s? aspirin
baby ​n /beɪbi/ This is our baby, he’s ten months old. malé dítě, mládě
because ​prep /bɪˈkɒz/ I work hard because I love my work. protože
bedrooms ​n pl /bedru:mz/ Our house is big – it has five bedrooms. ložnice

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best ​adj /best/ He’s my husband and he’s my best friend, too. nejlepší
black ​n /blæk/ I like your new black shoes. černý
boss ​n /bɒs/ Mark and I work together – he’s my boss. šéf
café ​n /kæfeɪ/ Can we buy a sandwich in that café? kavárna
card ​n /kɑ:d/ I want to post a card to my parents in France. pohlednice
carrots ​n pl /kærəts/ I like chips, but I hate carrots. mrkve
catch ​v /kætʃ/ You can catch a train at the railway station. chytit
cat ​n /kæt/ I hate dogs, but I adore cats. kočka
changing rooms ​n pl /tʃeɪndʒɪŋ ˌru:mz/ ‘Can I try this jumper?’ ‘Yes, the changing rooms are over there.’ zkušební kabinky
cheap ​adj /tʃi:p/ That bag is £2.50 – that’s really cheap! levný
chemist’s ​n /kemɪsts/ Can I buy some aspirin in a chemist’s? lékárna, drogerie
Chile ​n /tʃɪli/ This delicious wine is from Chile. Chile
chips ​n pl /tʃɪps/ I love chips. I eat them every day. hranolky, chipsy
clothes ​n pl /kləʊðz/ I want to buy a jumper in the clothes shop. oblečení
coat ​n /kəʊt/ I love that black coat, and the shoes are nice, too. kabát
cold ​adj /kəʊld/ I’m really cold – it’s seven degrees! chladný, zima
comfortable ​adj /kʌmftəbl/ Our hotel is old, but it’s comfortable. pohodlný
credit card ​n /kredɪt ˌkɑ:d/ Can I pay by credit card? kreditní karta
Czech Republic ​n /ˌtʃek rɪˈpʌblɪk/ I want to send this letter to the Czech Republic. Česká republika
degrees ​ n pl /dɪˈgri:z/ I’m really cold – it’s seven degrees! stupně
designer ​n /dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/ Chanel is my favourite designer. návrhář
divorced ​adj /dɪˈvɔ:st/ My parents are divorced now – my father lives in Spain. rozvedený
door ​n /dɔ:(r)/ Our classroom has two doors. dveře
easy ​adj /i:zi/ This exercise is really easy! snadný, jednoduchý
every /evri/ Gina does about eight fashion shows every year. každý
expensive ​adj /ɪkˈspensɪv/ Wow! £100! That’s an expensive coat. drahý, nákladný
fashion house ​n /fæʃn ˌhaʊs/ The fashion house chooses Gina’s clothes for the show. módní dům
fast ​adj /fɑ:st/ My boss has a really fast car, it’s fantastic. rychlý
favourite ​adj /feɪvrɪt/ I love chocolate ice-cream – it’s my favourite! oblíbený
film director ​n /fɪlm dəˌrektə(r)/ Lars is a film director – his films are often on TV. filmový režisér
fog ​n /fɒg/ The weather is awful today – rain and fog! mlha
free time ​n /ˌfri: ˈtaɪm/ In my free time I play the piano. volný čas
Frenchman ​n /frentʃmən/ He’s from France – he’s a Frenchman. Francouz
friendly ​adj /frendli/ I like the people here, they’re very friendly. přátelský
hat ​n /hæt/ It’s cold – where’s my hat and coat? klobouk, čepice
hate ​v /heɪt/ I like pizza, but I hate hamburgers. nenávidět
homework ​n /həʊmwɜ:k/ Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. domácí úkol
hot ​adj /hɒt/ It’s really hot in Rome – it’s 35 degrees today. horký, horko
How many? /ˌhaʊ ˈmeni/ How many shows do you do every year? Kolik?
international ​ adj /ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl/ English is an international language. mezinárodní
jacket ​n /dʒækɪt/ Can I try on this jacket, please? sako, bunda
jumper ​n /dʒʌmpə(r)/ I’d like to buy this white jumper, please. svetr
kids ​n pl /kɪdz/ The kids in the photo are my daughters. děti
large ​adj /lɑ:dʒ/ Can I have a large latte to take away, please? velký
latte ​n /læteɪ/ Can I have a large latte to take away, please? káva latté
learn ​v /lɜ:n/ Why do you want to learn English? učit se
look ​v /lʊk/ You all look happy in this photo. vypadat, dívat se
machine ​n /məˈʃi:n/ Put your card in the machine and enter your PIN number. automat, přístroj, bankomat
meet ​v /mi:t/ I sometimes meet my friends at the weekend. sejít se, seznámit se
mobile phones ​n pl /ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊnz/ ‘How much are the mobile phones?’ ‘They’re expensive!’ mobilní telefony
model ​n /mɒdl/ Gina is a fashion model. model/modelka
money ​n /mʌni/ How much money do you have on you? peníze
months ​n pl /mʌnθs/ Our baby is ten months old. měsíce
MP3 player ​n /ˌem pi: ˈθri: ˌpleɪə(r)/ I listen to music on my MP3 player. MP3 přehrávač
neighbours ​n pl /neɪbəz/ Our neighbours live very near us. sousedé
newspaper ​n /nju:zpeɪpə(r)/ My dad reads a newspaper every day. noviny
No problem /nəʊ ˌprɒbləm/ ‘Can I pay by credit card?’ ‘No problem.’ Bez problému.
October ​n /ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)/ October is my favourite month. říjen
old ​adj /əʊld/ My grandmother is very old. starý
over there /ˌəʊvə ˈðeə(r)/ The changing rooms are over there. támhle
packet ​n /pækɪt/ Can I have a packet of aspirin, please? krabička

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parcel ​n /pɑ:sl/ Can I send this parcel to Moscow, please? balíček
Pardon? /pɑ:dn/ Pardon? Can you say it again? Promiňte?
photographer ​n /fəˈtɒgrəfə(r)/ Julien is a fashion photographer in Paris. fotograf
PIN ​n /pɪn/ Put your card in the machine and enter your PIN number. PIN
place ​n /pleɪs/ San Francisco is a great place. místo
pop music ​n /pɒp ˌmju:zɪk/ I love pop music, but I hate rock ‘n’ roll. popová hudba
post ​v /pəʊst/ I want to post a letter to my parents in China. odeslat, poslat
post office ​n /pəʊst ˌɒfɪs/ Can I buy stamps at the post office? pošta
postcard ​n /pəʊstkɑ:d/ This postcard is from my friend in New York. pohlednice
present ​n /preznt/ ‘It’s a present for you.’ ‘For me? Thanks!’ dárek
programme ​n /prəʊgræm/ My favourite programme is on TV tomorrow. pořad, program
railway station ​n /reɪlweɪ ˌsteɪʃn/ You can catch a train at the railway station. železniční stanice
rain ​n /reɪn/ The weather is awful today – rain and fog! déšť
red ​adj /red/ I like red wine, but I don’t like white wine. červený
return ticket ​n /rɪˈtɜ:n ˌtɪkɪt/ Can I have a return ticket to Oxford, please? zpáteční lístek
sad ​adj /sæd/ It’s sad – Lars never visits his children. smutný
salad ​n /sæləd/ Can I have salad with my pizza? salát
scales ​n pl /skeɪlz/ Put the parcel on the scales, please. váha
seafood ​ n /si:fu:d/ The seafood is very good in San Francisco. mořské plody
shampoo ​n /ʃæmˈpu:/ Can I have some toothpaste and some shampoo, please? šampon
shoes ​n pl /ʃu:z/ Can I try on the black shoes? boty
shops ​n pl /ʃɒps/ The shops are great in New York. obchody
shows ​n pl /ʃəʊz/ How many fashion shows do you do every year? přehlídky
Singapore ​n /ˌsɪŋəˈpɔ:(r)/ What language do they speak in Singapore? Singapur
single ticket ​n /sɪŋgl ˌtɪkɪt/ A single ticket to London, please. jednosměrná jízdenka
song ​n /sɒŋ/ My favourite song is ‘Angels’, by Robbie Williams. píseň
stamp ​n /stæmp/ Can I have a stamp for this letter to Paris, please? známka
Swedish ​adj /swi:dɪʃ/ They speak Swedish in Sweden. švédsky
take away ​n /teɪkəweɪ/ A large latte to take away, please. jídlo/pití s sebou
teach ​v /ti:tʃ/ Does your teacher teach you Spanish? učit
that ​pron /ðæt/ Is that your phone? to, tamto
toothpaste ​n /tu:θpeɪst/ Can I have some toothpaste and some shampoo, please? zubní pasta
town ​n /taʊn/ I don’t live in a village, I live in a big town. město
train ​n /treɪn/ You can catch a train at the railway station. vlak
try (sth) on ​v /traɪ/ Can I try this red jumper on? vyzkoušet si
T-shirt ​n /ti:ʃɜ:t/ I want a new white T-shirt and a new jacket. tričko
understand ​v /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ Sorry, I don’t understand. rozumět, chápat
very much /ˌveri ˈmʌtʃ/ I love you very much. velice
website ​ n /websaɪt/ Gina’s website has some lovely photos. webová stránka
wet ​adj /wet/ The weather is awful – it’s cold and wet. mokrý, mokro
white ​adj /waɪt/ I want a new white T-shirt and a new jacket. bílý
Who? /hu:/ Who is Gina married to? Kdo?, Koho?
Why? /waɪ/ Why does Gina work so hard? Proč?
wonderful ​adj /wʌndəfl/ Paris is a wonderful city, I love it. báječný, nádherný
wrong ​adj /rɒŋ/ That’s the wrong answer, sorry. špatný
yellow ​adj /jeləʊ/ ‘I like the blue coat.’ ‘Really? I like the yellow one.’ žlutý

Unit 8
alarm clock ​n /əˈlɑ:m ˌklɒk/ There’s an alarm clock next to the bed. budík
any ​pron /eni/ Are there any chairs in the room? jakýkoli, nějaký
armchair ​n /ɑ:mtʃeə(r)/ There are three armchairs and a sofa in the living room. křeslo
autumn ​n /ɔ:təm/ It rains a lot in autumn and winter. podzim
bathroom ​n /bɑ:θru:m/ There’s a shower in the bathroom. koupelna
border ​n /bɔ:də(r)/ Vancouver is in Canada, near the US border. hranice
bus station ​n /bʌs ˌsteɪʃn/ The bus station is next to the theatre. autobusové nádraží
car keys ​n pl /kɑ: ˌki:z/ My car keys are in my bag. klíče od auta
car park ​n /kɑ: ˌpɑ:k/ Is there a car park near here? parkoviště
church ​n /tʃɜ:tʃ/ We usually go to church on Sunday. kostel
cinema ​n /sɪnəmə/ There’s a cinema and a theatre in our town. kino

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cooker ​ n /kʊkə(r)/ ‘Is there a cooker in the kitchen?’ ‘Of course!’ sporák, vařič
cosmopolitan ​adj /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/ It’s a cosmopolitan city – people from all over the world live here. kosmopolitní
cycling ​n /saɪklɪŋ/ I like cycling – I often cycle to work. jízda na kole
desk ​n /desk/ There’s a computer on the desk in my bedroom. psací stůl
dining room ​n /daɪnɪŋ ˌru:m/ We eat our lunch in the dining room. jídelna
directions ​n /dəˈrekʃnz/ Follow these directions to the supermarket. pokyny, instrukce
drawer ​n /drɔ:(r)/ I want a pen – is there one in the drawer? zásuvka, šuplík
DVD player ​n /ˌdi: vi: ˈdi: ˌpleɪə(r)/ There’s a DVD player and a PlayStation in the living room. DVD přehrávač
excellent ​adj /eksələnt/ The food is great in Vancouver – it has excellent restaurants. vynikající, znamenitý
ferry ​n /feri/ You don’t need a car, you can take the ferry. trajekt
festivals ​n pl /festɪvlz/ Vancouver has lots of music festivals. festivaly
fishing ​n /fɪʃɪŋ/ In summer we go fishing – I love seafood! rybaření
floor ​n /flɔ:(r)/ There’s a magazine on the floor under the sofa. podlaha
fresh ​adj /freʃ/ There’s always lots of fresh seafood in the restaurants. čerstvý
fridge ​n /frɪdʒ/ There’s some wine in the fridge in the kitchen. lednice
furniture ​n /fɜ:nɪtʃə(r)/ The furniture in the flat is very old, but it’s comfortable. nábytek
games ​n pl /geɪmz/ I have a PlayStation – I love all the games! hry
golf ​n /gɒlf/ We sometimes play golf at the weekend. golf
home town ​n /ˌhəʊm ˈtaʊn/ Vancouver is my home town – I love it here! rodné město
Indian ​adj /ɪndiən/ There are Chinese, Indian and Thai restaurants in the city. indický
Internet café ​ n /ɪntənet ˌkæfeɪ/ The Internet café has lots of computers, and the coffee is great. internetová kavárna
kinds of /kaɪndz əv/ There are all kinds of hotels – cheap ones and expensive ones. druhy (čeho)
kitchen ​n /kɪtʃn/ There’s some wine in the fridge in the kitchen. kuchyně
lamp ​n /læmp/ There are two lamps in the living room. lampa
laptop ​n /læptɒp/ My laptop is on the table in the living room. notebook
left /left/ Go straight on, and turn left at the pub. vlevo
living room ​n /lɪvɪŋ ˌru:m/ There are three armchairs and a sofa in the living room. obývací pokoj
mean ​v /mi:n/ ‘What does this sign mean?’ ‘It means turn left.’ znamenat, mínit
meetings ​n pl /mi:tɪŋz/ I have meetings with the boss every morning. schůzky, setkání
miles ​n pl /maɪlz/ Vancouver is 24 miles from the US border. míle
minutes ​n pl /mɪnɪts/ ‘Is it far to the bank?’ ‘About ten minutes.’ minuty
modern ​adj /mɒdn/ It’s an old flat, but the bathroom and kitchen are very modern. moderní
more ​pron /mɔ:(r)/ Beautiful beaches, spectacular mountains – Vancouver has all více
this, and more!
mountain ​n /maʊntən/ Beautiful beaches, spectacular mountains – Vancouver has all hora
this, and more!
need ​v /ni:d/ You don’t need a car – take the Sky Train. potřebovat
newsagent’s ​n /nju:zeɪdʒənts/ There are some English magazines in that newsagent’s. novinový stánek
next to ​prep /nekst tu:, tə/ The Internet café is next to the supermarket. vedle (koho, čeho)
night ​n /naɪt/ This hotel is expensive – $400 a night. noc
opera ​n /ɒprə/ There is theatre, opera, and music of every sort. opera
park ​n /pɑ:k/ Let’s get the bikes and cycle in the park. park
posters ​ n pl /pəʊstəz/ There are posters of Sydney and New York on the walls. plakáty
pub ​n /pʌb/ Go straight on, and turn left at the pub. hospoda
quick ​adj /kwɪk/ That was quick. You were only gone five minutes! rychlý
right ​adj /raɪt/ The bank is on the right, next to the supermarket. pravý, vpravo
rooms ​n pl /ru:mz/ James has a small apartment with four rooms. pokoje, místnosti
run ​v /rʌn/ I like to run for 5 miles every morning. běhat
sailing ​n /seɪlɪŋ/ In summer, Steve loves sailing and swimming. plachtění
signs ​n pl /saɪnz/ ‘What does this sign mean?’ ‘It means turn left.’ značky
sky ​n /skaɪ/ What a lovely day – the sky is very blue. obloha
slow ​adj /sləʊ/ The trolley buses are very old and slow. pomalý
snowboarding ​n /snəʊbɔ:dɪŋ/ In the winter we go skiing and snowboarding. jízda na snowboardu
sofa ​n /səʊfə/ There are three armchairs and a sofa in the living room. pohovka
some /sʌm/ There are some excellent hotels in the city. nějaký, některý
spectacular ​adj /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ The mountains are spectacular – they look fantastic from here. okázalý, nádherný
sports bag ​n /spɔ:ts ˌbæg/ You trainers are in your sports bag. sportovní taška
spring ​n /sprɪŋ/ Spring and summer are the best times to visit. jaro
straight on /ˌstreɪt ˈɒn/ Go straight on, and turn left at the pub. rovně
summer ​n /sʌmə(r)/ Spring and summer are the best times to visit. léto
sunbathe ​v /sʌnbeɪð/ Let’s go swimming today and sunbathe on the beach tomorrow. opalovat se

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sunbathing ​n /sʌnbeɪðɪŋ/ I love sunbathing and swimming in summer. opalování
sunny ​ adj /sʌni/ It’s warm and sunny – let’s go to the beach. slunečný, slunečno
supermarket ​n /su:pəmɑ:kɪt/ We need some food – where’s the supermarket? supermarket
telephone ​n /telɪfəʊn/ Robert has a telephone – he often talks to his mother. telefon
Thai ​adj /taɪ/ We often buy Thai food on Friday and eat it at home. thajský
theatre ​n /θɪətə(r)/ There’s a cinema and a theatre in our town. divadlo
tidy ​adj /taɪdi/ My room’s not very tidy, but it’s really comfortable. uklizený
toilet ​n /tɔɪlət/ There’s a shower and a toilet in the bathroom. záchod
trainers ​n pl /treɪnəz/ Your trainers are in your sports bag. tenisky
travel ​v /trævl/ The best way to travel is by train. cestovat
trolley bus ​n /trɒli ˌbʌs/ The trolley bus is very old and slow. trolejbus
turn ​v /tɜ:n/ Go straight on, and turn left at the pub. odbočit, zahnout
under ​prep /ʌndə(r)/ There’s a magazine on the floor under the sofa. pod
walls ​n pl /wɔ:lz/ Are there any family photographs on the walls? stěny
warm ​adj /wɔ:m/ It’s warm and sunny – let’s go to the beach. teplý
water sports ​n /wɔ:tə ˌspɔ:ts/ Vancouver is good for water sports and fishing. vodní sporty
winter ​n /wɪntə(r)/ It rains a lot in autumn and winter. zima

Unit 9
art ​n /ɑ:t/ I like this modern art picture – it’s very colourful. umění
Austria ​n /ɒstriə/ Mozart was born in Salzburg, in Austria. Rakousko
back ​n /bæk/ That’s my picture – my name is on the back. zadní strana
birthday ​n /bɜ:θdeɪ/ My birthday is on the fifth of September. narozeniny
born ​v /bɔ:n/ I was born in London in 1976. narodit se
Canadian ​adj /kəˈneɪdiən/ She isn’t American, she’s Canadian. Kanadský, Kanaďan
charity shop ​n /tʃærəti ˌʃɒp/ She bought the painting for $5 from a charity shop. charitativní obchod
colourful ​adj /kʌləfl/ Jackson Pollock’s paintings are very colourful and modern. pestrobarevný
dear ​adj /dɪə(r)/ ‘… happy birthday dear Sarah, happy birthday to you!’ drahý, milý, vážený
do ​ v /du:/ I always do the housework on Saturday. dělat
eldest ​adj /eldɪst/ I have two brothers – the eldest one is a doctor. nejstarší
expert ​n /ekspɜ:t/ An expert said the painting was by Jackson Pollock. expert, odborník
famous ​adj /feɪməs/ Ayrton Senna was a famous racing driver. slavný
film ​n /fɪlm/ Marilyn Monroe was American. She made lots of films. film
film company ​n /fɪlm ˌkʌmpəni/ A film company made a film about Teri’s Jackson Pollock filmová společnost
fingerprint ​n /fɪŋgəprɪnt/ An expert found Pollock’s fingerprint on the painting. otisk prstu
for sale /fəˈseɪl/ Now the painting is for sale – price $50 million! na prodej
gallery ​n /ˌgæləri/ We saw some Andy Warhol paintings in the art gallery. galerie
go ​v /gəʊ/ The best time to go to Paris is in the spring. jet, jít
good time /ˌgʊd ˈtaɪm/ I had a good time at the beach – all my friends were there. hezké chvíle
grandfather ​n /grænfɑ:ðə(r)/ My grandfather is very old – he was born in 1927. dědeček
grandmother ​n /grænmʌðə(r)/ My mother is 42 and my grandmother is 70. babička
gym ​n /dʒɪm/ I love doing exercise, so I often go to the gym. posilovna, tělocvična
happy birthday /ˌhæpi ˈbɜ:θdeɪ/ Happy birthday! You’re 18 today! vše nejlepší k narozeninám
horrible ​adj /hɒrəbl/ The weather is horrible today – cold and wet. hrozný
housework ​n /haʊswɜ:k/ The house was a mess yesterday, so I did the housework. domácí práce
Irish ​adj /aɪrɪʃ/ She’s Irish – she was born in Ireland. Ir, Irka, irský
last year /ˌlɑ:st ˈjɪə(r)/(r)/ We went to Canada on holiday last year. loni
make ​v /meɪk/ A film company made a film about Teri’s Pollock painting. udělat
mess ​n /mes/ The house was a mess yesterday, so I did the housework. nepořádek
most /məʊst/ July has the most birthdays – six people were born in July. většina, nejvíce
musician ​n /mjuˈʒɪʃn/ Mozart was a famous musician. hudebník
next year /ˌnekst ˈjɪə(r)/ It’s 2013 now – next year it will be 2014. příští rok
older ​adj /əʊldə(r)/ My sister is older than me – I’m 20 and she’s 22. starší
pay ​v /peɪ/ He was happy to pay $9 million for the painting. zaplatit
politician ​n /ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn/ Benazir Bhutto was a politician in Pakistan. politik
princess ​n /ˌprɪnˈses/ Diana Spencer wasn’t a writer, she was a princess! princezna
racing driver ​n /reɪsɪŋ ˌdraɪvə(r)/ Ayrton Senna was a famous racing driver. závodník
real ​adj /ri:əl/ Some people said the painting wasn’t a real Pollock painting. pravý, skutečný

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rich ​adj /rɪtʃ/ A rich businessman paid $9 million for the painting. bohatý
scientist ​n /saɪəntɪst/ Einstein was a scientist – he wasn’t a singer! vědec
see ​v /si:/ We didn’t see any Andy Warhol paintings in the gallery. vidět
singer ​n /sɪŋə(r)/ Michael Jackson was my favourite singer. zpěvák/zpěvačka
south ​n /saʊθ/ My parents live in the south of France, near Nice. jih
still ​adj /stɪl/ I have a job, but my sister is still at university. stále
story ​n /stɔ:ri/ It’s a true story, I saw it in a magazine! příběh
thousand ​n /θaʊzənd/ There are a thousand students at my brother’s school. tisíc
TV company ​n /ˌti: ˈvi: ˌkʌmpəni/ A TV company made a film about Jane Austen last year. televizní společnost
uncle ​n /ʌŋkl/ My uncle Max is my father’s brother. strýc
writer ​n /raɪtə(r)/ Jane Austen was a famous English writer. spisovatel
year ​n /jɪə(r)/ Which month of the year is your birthday? rok
yesterday ​adv /jestədeɪ/ The house was a mess yesterday, so I did the housework. včera

Months of the year

January ​n /dʒænjuəri/ New Year’s Day is on 1 January. leden
February ​n /februəri/ There are usually 28 days in February. únor
March ​n /mɑ:tʃ/ It’s March now, so next month it’s April. březen
April ​n /eɪprəl/ It’s March now, so next month it’s April. duben
May ​n /meɪ/ The mountains are beautiful in April and May. květen
June ​ n /dʒu:n/ There are 30 days in the month of June. červen
July ​n /dʒuˈlaɪ/ The summer festival is on 25 July. červenec
August ​n /ɔ:gəst/ Our school holidays are in August. srpen
September ​n /sepˈtembə(r)/ September, October, and November are the months of autumn. září
October ​n /ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)/ September, October, and November are the months of autumn. říjen
November ​n /nəʊˈvembə(r)/ September, October, and November are the months of autumn. listopad
December ​n /dɪˈsembə(r)/ It is usually very cold in Chicago in December. prosinec

Ordinal numbers
first ​adj /fɜ:st/ New Year’s Day is the first day of January. první
second ​adj /sekənd/ It’s my daughter’s second birthday next week – she’s nearly two. druhý
third ​adj /θɜ:d/ I had two coffees this morning – this one is my third! třetí
fourth ​adj /fɔ:θ/ The fourth of July is a holiday in the US. čtvrtý
fifth ​adj /fɪfθ/ The fifth of November is an autumn festival in England. pátý
sixth ​adj /sɪksθ/ Saturday is the sixth day of the week. šestý
seventh ​adj /sevnθ/ Sunday is the seventh day of the week. sedmý
eighth ​adj /eɪtθ/ August is the eighth month of the year. osmý
ninth ​adj /naɪnθ/ September is the ninth month of the year. devátý
tenth ​adj /tenθ/ October is the tenth month of the year. desátý
eleventh ​adj /ɪˈlevənθ/ November is the eleventh month of the year. jedenáctý
twelfth ​adj /twelfθ/ December is the twelfth month of the year. dvanáctý
thirteenth ​adj /ˌθɜ:ˈti:nθ/ Some people think Friday the thirteenth is a bad day. třináctý
fourteenth ​adj /ˌfɔ:ˈti:nθ/ There were 14 bands at the audition, and we were fourteenth! čtrnáctý
fifteenth ​adj /ˌfɪfˈti:nθ/ I’m not 14! It was my fifteenth birthday yesterday! patnáctý
sixteenth ​adj /ˌsɪksˈti:nθ/ It’s the fifteenth of May – it’s the sixteenth tomorrow. šestnáctý
seventeenth ​adj /ˌsevnˈti:nθ/ The national day of Norway is on the seventeenth of May. sedmnáctý
eighteenth ​adj /ˌeɪˈti:nθ/ My father bought a car for my eighteenth birthday. osmnáctý
nineteenth ​ adj /ˌnaɪnˈti:nθ/ ‘Is the opera on the ninth of June?’ ‘No, the nineteenth.’ devatenáctý
twentieth ​adj /twentiəθ/ My holiday to New York is on the twentieth of June. dvacátý
thirtieth ​adj /θɜ:tiəθ/ My sister thinks she’s old – it’s her thirtieth birthday tomorrow! třicátý

Unit 10
ago ​adv /əˈgəʊ/ Alicia came to England a year ago. před (časově)
at ​prep /æt, ət/ At 1 o’clock I played tennis. u, v, na, při
bus tour ​n /bʌs ˌtʊə(r)/ On my last holiday I went on a bus tour of Prague. prohlídka autobusem
camping ​n /kæmpɪŋ/ Last year we went camping by a lake in the mountains. kempování
castle ​n /kɑ:sl/ Visitors usually go to the old town and see the castle. hrad
cathedral ​n /kəˈθi:drəl/ There’s a beautiful cathedral in the square. katedrála
clean ​v /kli:n/ On Saturday I got up early to clean my flat. uklidit, vyčistit

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coffee bar ​n /kɒfi ˌbɑ:(r)/ Let’s meet in the coffee bar for lunch. kavárna
dance ​v /dɑ:ns/ Was the music good at the party? Did you dance? tančit
date ​n /deɪt/ ‘What’s the date on the back of this photograph?’ ‘March 2009.’ datum
diner ​n /daɪnə(r)/ We usually eat out in restaurants or diners. občerstvení
enjoy ​v /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ They really enjoyed their holiday – they had a great time. užít si
free ​adj /fri:/ You don’t need any money – it’s free! volný, zdarma
get ​v /get/ I must get a passport application form. dostat, získat, sehnat
horse-riding ​n /hɔ:s ˌraɪdɪŋ/ Last year we did something different, we went horse-riding. jízda na koni
ice-skating ​n /aɪs ˌskeɪtɪŋ/ In the winter, our friends in Canada go skiing and ice-skating. bruslení na ledě
India ​ n /ɪndiə/ Emma liked India, but it was very hot. Indie
interested ​adj /ɪntrəstɪd/ We ask questions to show we are interested. mající zájem, zaujatý
lake ​n /leɪk/ Last year we went camping by a lake in the mountains. jezero
last ​adj /lɑ:st/ Last year we did something different, we went horse-riding. minulý, poslední
late ​adv /ˌleɪt/ It’s Sunday today, so I got up late. pozdě
leisure activity ​n /leʒər ækˌtɪvəti/ My favourite leisure activity is windsurfing. volnočasová aktivita
listened ​v /lɪsnd/ James stayed in last night and listened to music. poslouchat (min.č.)
lots ​pron /lɒts/ We met lots of lovely people on holiday. spousta, mnoho
lucky ​adj /lʌki/ She has a big house in the mountains – she’s very lucky. šťastný, mající štěstí
market ​n /mɑ:kɪt/ The bus goes from the museum, next to the market. trh
meal ​n /mi:l/ I didn’t eat out, I cooked a meal at home. jídlo
milk ​n /mɪlk/ Do you like milk in your coffee? mléko
much ​pron /mʌtʃ/ We didn’t do much at the weekend, we were too tired. hodně, mnoho
museum ​n /mjuˈzi:əm/ Visitors usually visit the museum and the old castle. muzeum
once ​adv /wʌns/ Once I went sailing, but I didn’t like it. jednou, kdysi
orange juice ​n /ɒrɪndʒ ˌdʒu:s/ I have a big breakfast, orange juice, eggs and toast. pomerančový džus
pasta ​n /pæstə/ I love pasta and pizza – all Italian food, really. těstoviny
playing cards ​n pl /pleɪɪŋ ˌkɑ:dz/ In the evening we usually get the playing cards out or read. hraní karet
Really? /ri:əli/ ‘I bought a new coat yesterday.’ ‘Really? How much was it?’ Skutečně?, Opravdu?
relaxing ​adj /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ Lying on the beach was very relaxing. uvolňující, odpočinkový
roast beef ​n /ˌrəʊst ˈbi:f/ Rick cooked roast beef for his sister on Sunday. hovězí pečeně
rugby ​n /rʌgbi/ Football is a good sport, but rugby is my favourite. rugby
show ​v /ʃəʊ/ Can you show me where we are on the map? ukázat
sightseeing ​n /saɪtsi:ɪŋ/ We want to go on a sightseeing tour of the city. prohlídka památek
sit ​v /sɪt/ Let’s sit in the sun and relax. sedět
skiing ​n /ski:ɪŋ/ In the winter, our friends in Canada go skiing and ice-skating. lyžování
special ​adj /speʃl/ We ate in restaurants – that’s very special for us because we zvláštní, výjimečný
usually cook at home.
square ​n /skweə(r)/ The market and the museum are in the town square. náměstí
start ​v /stɑ:t/ What time does the tour start? začít
sun ​n /sʌn/ Let’s sit in the sun and relax. slunce
swimming pool ​n /swɪmɪŋ ˌpu:l/ We can sunbathe by the swimming pool in our hotel. plavecký bazén
tour ​n /tʊə(r)/ We want to go on a sightseeing tour of the city. prohlídka
tourist ​ n /tʊərɪst/ Tourists usually visit the cathedral and the museum. turista
tourist office ​n /tʊərɪst ˌɒfɪs/ You can get a map from the tourist office. turistická kancelář
villa ​n /vɪlə/ Last year we stayed in a villa in the north of Italy. vila
walk ​v /wɔ:k/ Let’s go for a walk in the park. chodit, procházet se
weekend ​n /ˌwi:kˈend/ We went to Mary’s party at the weekend. víkend
windsurfing ​n /wɪndsɜ:fɪŋ/ My favourite leisure activity is windsurfing. surfování, windsurfing
zoo ​n /zu:/ There’s a lovely zoo in the big park by the lake. zoo

Unit 11
a little bit /ə ˈlɪtl ˌbɪt/ I speak French well, and German a little bit, too. troška, trochu
accident ​n /æksɪdənt/ I had an accident, and my arm hurts a bit. nehoda
act ​v /ækt/ James can act – he wants to be an actor. hrát
afraid ​adj /əˈfreɪd/ I’m afraid we don’t have coffee, but we have some tea. bojící se, ustaraný
airport ​n /eəpɔ:t/ Where’s your passport? It’s time to go to the airport. letiště
also ​adv /ɔ:lsəʊ/ I use the Internet for work. Also, I can chat to my friends. také
anywhere ​adv /eniweə(r)/ I can’t find my keys anywhere. kdekoli, nikde
architect ​n /ɑ:kɪtekt/ Laura is an architect – she can draw very well. architekt

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Argentina ​n /ˌɑ:dʒənˈti:nə/ Jenny teaches English in Argentina. Argentina
arm ​n /ɑ:m/ I can’t drive because I hurt my arm. paže
athlete ​n /æθli:t/ Is he an athlete? He can run very fast! atlet
barbecue ​n /bɑ:bɪkju:/ In Tucumán, Sunday is the day for barbecues. grilování
beef ​ n /bi:f/ We always have roast beef on Sunday. hovězí
better ​adj /betə(r)/ I speak Spanish a little bit, but I speak English better. lépe
bill ​n /bɪl/ You can pay your bills and do your shopping on the Internet. účet
blog ​n /blɒg/ I write a blog every day on the Internet about my life. blog
boring ​adj /bɔ:rɪŋ/ That was a boring film – really awful. nudný
button ​n /bʌtn/ Press the green button for your ticket. tlačítko, knoflík
cake ​n /keɪk/ My mum made a chocolate cake for my birthday. dort
can ​v /kæn/ I can speak three languages. umět, moci
chat ​v /tʃæt/ She chats to her friends on Facebook in the evening. povídat si
chess ​n /tʃes/ I like computer games, but I think chess is boring. šachy
communicate ​v /kəˈmju:nɪkeɪt/ The Internet makes it possible to communicate quickly. komunikovat
computer games ​n pl /kəmˈpju:tə ˌgeɪmz/ I play computer games on my laptop. počítačové hry
continue ​v /kənˈtɪnju:/ Continue the conversation with your partner. pokračovat
dangerous ​adj /deɪndʒərəs/ Motor racing is a fast and dangerous sport. nebezpečný
defense ​n /dɪˈfens/ The US Department of Defense started the Internet in the 1960s. obrana
department ​n /dɪˈpɑ:tmənt/ The US Department of Defense started the Internet. oddělení, ministerstvo
draw ​v /drɔ:/ Laura is an architect – she can draw very well. kreslit
endless ​ adj /endləs/ You can do anything on the Internet – the list is endless! nekonečný
everything ​pron /evriθɪŋ/ Turn everything off and try again. vše
farmer ​n /fɑ:mə(r)/ George is a farmer, he drives a tractor. farmář
film star ​n /fɪlm ˌstɑ:(r)/ She’s a film star and her husband is a famous director. filmová hvězda
fluently ​adj /flu:əntli/ My teacher can speak English fluently. plynně
fly ​v /flaɪ/ Justin is a pilot – he can fly planes. létat, řídit letadlo
football player ​n /fʊtbɔ:l ˌpleɪə/ He’s a football player – he plays for Real Madrid. fotbalista
geography ​n /dʒiˈɒgrəfi/ I need information about China for my geography homework. zeměpis
glass ​n /glɑ:s/ Can I have a glass of water, please? sklenice, sklo
grandma ​n /grænmɑ:/ My grandma makes fantastic cakes! babička
green ​adj /gri:n/ Put your money in the machine and press the green button. zelený
guitar ​n /gɪˈtɑ:(r)/ I can play the guitar, but I can’t dance. kytara
help ​v /help/ Can you help me with my homework, please? pomoci, pomáhat
history ​n /hɪstri/ I had history homework yesterday, and I have geography today. dějepis, historie
horse ​n /hɔ:s/ ‘Can you ride a horse?’ ‘Yes, I love horse-riding.’ kůň
hour ​n /aʊə(r)/ Mum says I can use the Internet for an hour every day. hodina
hurt ​v /hɜ:t/ ‘Does your arm hurt?’ ‘No, it’s OK.’ bolet, zranit
interpreter ​n /ɪnˈtɜ:prɪtə(r)/ Do you speak lots of languages? You can be an interpreter! tlumočník
jumbo jet ​n /ˌdʒʌmbəʊ ˈdʒet/ Did you fly to Paris in a jumbo jet? obří tryskové letadlo
kind ​adj /kaɪnd/ ‘I can help you.’ ‘That’s very kind of you.’ milý, laskavý
lift ​v /lɪft/ Can you lift these boxes for me please? zvednout
lost ​adj /lɒst/ I had a problem with a lost passport, but everything’s OK now. ztracený
message ​n /mesɪdʒ/ I can send messages to my friends on the Internet. zpráva
metres ​n pl /mi:təz/ He can run 100 metres very fast. metry
millions ​n pl /mɪljənz/ The Internet has millions of uses. miliony
miss ​v /mɪs/ Sorry I’m late, I missed the bus. zmeškat, chybět, postrádat
mostly ​ adv /məʊstli/ I use the Internet mostly for sending emails. většinou
motor racing ​n /məʊtə ˌreɪsɪŋ/ Motor racing is a fast and dangerous sport. motoristické závody
musical instrument ​n /ˌmju:zɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ ‘Can you play a musical instrument?’ ‘Yes, I can play the guitar.’ hudební nástroj
network ​n /netwɜ:k/ The Internet started as a computer network for the military. síť
news ​n /nju:z/ I can read all my friends’ news on Facebook. zprávy
offer ​v /ɒfə(r)/ I offered to help Oliver with his homework. nabízet
passport ​n /pɑ:spɔ:t/ You need a passport when you go on holiday to the US. cestovní pas
pilot ​n /paɪlət/ Justin is a pilot – he can fly planes. pilot
planes ​n pl /pleɪnz/ I want to be a pilot and fly planes when I’m big! letadla
pop group ​n /pɒp ˌgru:p/ Paco plays the guitar in a pop group. popová skupina
possible ​adj /pɒsəbl/ The Internet makes it possible to communicate worldwide. možný
problem ​n /prɒbləm/ There’s a problem with this machine – I can’t get my ticket. problém
push ​v /pʊʃ/ Put your money in and push the green button. zmáčknout, zatlačit
radio ​n /reɪdiəʊ/ I can listen to the radio on the Internet. rádio

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really well ​adj /ˌri:əli ˈwel/ Belinda loves golf, she plays it really well. opravdu dobře
request ​n /rɪˈkwest/ Make a request to your partner for help. žádost
ride ​v /raɪd/ She can ride a horse very well. jezdit
safe ​adj /seɪf/ My car isn’t fast and exciting, but it’s very safe! bezpečný
science ​n /saɪəns/ You can find a lot of information about science on Wikipedia. věda
scientist ​n /saɪəntɪst/ I love science at school, and I want to be a scientist. vědec
send ​ v /send/ I send lots of emails to my friends every day. zaslat, poslat
share ​v /ʃeə(r)/ My friends and I share our photographs on Facebook. sdílet
slowly ​adj /sləʊli/ Can you speak slowly, please? I don’t understand. pomalu
something ​pron /sʌmθɪŋ/ There’s something wrong with my car, I can’t start it. něco
swim ​v /swɪm/ I want to go sailing, but I can’t swim. plavat
tall ​adj /tɔ:l/ My brother is very tall, 1.9 metres. vysoký
the Net ​n /ðə ˈnet/ The Net went worldwide in the 1980s. internet
ticket ​n /tɪkɪt/ Push the green button for your ticket. lístek, vstupenka
ticket machine ​n /tɪkɪt məˌʃi:n/ Put your money in the ticket machine and push the button. automat na lístky
tractor ​n /træktə(r)/ George is a farmer, he drives a tractor. traktor
try ​v /traɪ/ Try again. I know you can do it! zkusit
turn off ​v /ˌtɜ:n ˈɒf/ Turn the computer off now, it’s time for dinner. vypnout
use ​v /ju:z/ We use computers all the time at school. používat
water ​n /wɔ:tə(r)/ Can I have a glass of water, please? voda
What’s the matter? /ˌwɒts ðə ˈmætə(r)/ What’s the matter? Are you OK? Co se děje?, Co se stalo?
worldwide ​adj /wɜ:ldwaɪd/ The Net went worldwide in the 1980s. po celém světě
young ​adj /jʌŋ/ Oliver is very young, but he can use a computer really well. mladý

Unit 12
anyone ​pron /eniwʌn/ Don’t tell anyone it’s my birthday today. kdokoli, někdo
Anything else? /ˌeniθɪŋ ˈels/ ‘A coffee, please.’ ‘Anything else?’ Ještě něco?
apple pie ​n /ˌæpl ˈpaɪ/ I’d like apple pie for dessert, please. jablkový koláč
around /əˈraʊnd/ You can see signs all around the city. kolem, okolo
bar ​n /bɑ:/ Let’s have a glass of wine in the bar. bar
beans ​n pl /bi:nz/ Would you like beans with your egg? fazole
bike ​n /baɪk/ We bought Joe a bike – he rides it to school. kolo
bookshop ​n /bʊkʃɒp/ Well, this is the bookshop, but I can’t see any dictionaries. knihkupectví
bottle ​n /bɒtl/ I need a bottle of shampoo and some conditioner. láhev
bread ​n /bred/ Would you like some bread with your meal? chleba
cereal ​n /sɪəriəl/ I usually have cereal with milk for breakfast. cereálie
chicken ​n /tʃɪkɪn/ I don’t eat red meat, but I like chicken. kuře
chocolate cake ​n /tʃɒklət ˌkeɪk/ Can I have some chocolate cake for dessert? čokoládový dort
coffee shop ​n /kɒfi ˌʃɒp/ We can both have a latte in the coffee shop. kavárna, bistro
conditioner ​n /kənˈdɪʃənə(r)/ I need a bottle of shampoo and some conditioner. kondicionér
customers ​n pl /kʌstəməz/ Were there a lot of customers in the shop today? zákazníci
describe ​v /dɪˈskraɪb/ ‘Can you describe John?’ ‘Well, he’s very tall.’ popsat
dessert ​n /dɪˈzɜ:t/ What would you like for dessert, chocolate cake or ice-cream? dezert, zákusek
diet ​n /daɪət/ We have a good diet – we eat lots of fruit and vegetables. dieta, strava
dishes ​ n pl /dɪʃɪz/ In my lunch box I have small dishes of rice, eggs and meat. pokrmy, nádobí
dollars ​n pl /dɒləz/ You can get US dollars from a bank. dolary
dry ​adj /draɪ/ I’d like some conditioner for dry hair, please. suchý
feel ​v /fi:l/ I’m 30 next week, and I feel old! cítit (se)
first class ​adj /ˌfɜ:st ˈklɑ:s/ Can I have some first class stamps, please? prvotřídní
fish ​n /fɪʃ/ I don’t eat meat, but I eat a lot of fish. ryba
floors ​n pl /flɔ:z/ Our room is on the second floor of the hotel. podlaží, patra
follow ​v /ˈfɒləʊ/ I’d like soup, please, and to follow I’d like the fish. následovat, sledovat
followed by /fɒləʊd baɪ/ OK, so that’s tomato salad followed by hamburger and chips. následovaný (někým, něčím)
forget ​v /fəˈget/ I feel old! I’d like to forget my birthday this year. zapomenout
fruit ​n /fru:t/ A good diet has lots of fruit and vegetables. ovoce
garden ​n /gɑ:dn/ It’s a lovely day, can we have lunch in the garden? zahrada
gate ​n /geɪt/ We can’t go in, there’s a ‘no entry’ sign on the gate. brána, branka
glass of wine ​n /ˌglɑ:s əv ˈwaɪn/ Would you like a glass of wine with your meal? sklenička vína
hair ​n /heə(r)/ I’d like some conditioner for dry hair, please. vlasy

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ham ​n /hæm/ We don’t have any cheese sandwiches, but we have some ham. šunka
immediately ​adv /ɪˈmi:diətli/ Thank you for your order. I’ll bring your coffees immediately. ihned, okamžitě
jam ​n /dzæm/ Would you like some jam on your toast? džem
juice ​n /dʒu:s/ We have orange juice and apple juice on the menu today. džus
just ​adv /dzʌst/ No wine for me, just a glass of water, please. zrovna, pouze
kilometres ​ n pl /kɪləmi:təz/ I run 10 kilometres after work every day. kilometry
little ​adj /lɪtl/ I eat very little. I don’t have breakfast or lunch, just dinner. málo
lunch box ​n /lʌntʃ ˌbɒks/ In my lunch box I have small dishes of rice, eggs and meat. krabička na oběd
mains ​n pl /meɪnz/ What mains are there on the menu? Do they have pizza? hlavní jídla
marathon ​n /mærəθən/ I want to run the London Marathon next year. maratón
maybe ​adv /meɪbi/ I don’t want a birthday party this year. Maybe next year! možná
mayonnaise ​n /ˌmeɪəˈneɪz/ I’d like a chicken salad with mayonnaise, please. majonéza
meat ​n /mi:t/ I don’t eat meat – do you have any sandwiches with cheese? maso
menu ​n /menju:/ We have some delicious food on the menu today. jídelníček
mineral water ​n /mɪnərəl ˌwɔ:tə(r)/ A glass of red wine and a bottle of mineral water, please. minerálka
mixed salad ​n /ˌmɪkst ˈsæləd/ I’d like pizza with a mixed salad, please. míchaný salát
mobile phone ​n /ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn/ I’d like an iPod or a new mobile phone for my birthday. mobilní telefon
move into /ˌmu:v ˈɪntu, ɪntə/ They moved into their new house yesterday. nastěhovat se
nearly ​adv /nɪəli/ Oh, I nearly forgot – I need some stamps from the post office. téměř
normal ​adj /nɔ:ml/ Would you like shampoo for dry or normal hair? normální
on the side /ˌɒn ðə ˈsaɪd/ I’d like the salmon salad with chips on the side. zvlášť, stranou
onion ​n /ˌʌniən/ The soup of the day is French onion soup. cibule
order ​v /ɔ:dərɪŋ/ Are you ready to order your meal? objednat (si)
perhaps ​adv /pəˈhæps/ I’d like some lunch, perhaps some pasta and a salad. snad
plate ​n /pleɪt/ We don’t put a lot of food on our plate, so we don’t eat too much. talíř
polite ​ adj /pəˈlaɪt/ The waiters in that restaurant are always very polite. zdvořilý
programs ​n pl /prəʊgræmz/ My computer is so old that the new programs don’t work on it. programy
pull ​v /pʊl/ Pull the door to open it, don’t push it. táhnout
report ​v /rɪˈpɔ:t/ Ithink I should report this to your manager. oznámit, nahlásit
rice ​n /raɪs/ In Japan we eat rice at every meal. rýže
salmon ​n /sæmən/ I love all fish, but salmon is my favourite. losos
second class ​adj /ˌsekənd/ Can I have ten second class stamps, please? druhé třídy
service ​n /sɜ:vɪs/ We always receive excellent customer service here. služba
side orders ​n pl /saɪd ˌɔ:dəz/ ‘What side orders are there?’ ‘Chips, salad, or mixed vegetables.’ přílohy
siesta ​n /siˈestə/ In Spain, some people have a siesta after lunch. odpočinek, siesta
silly ​adj /sɪli/ ‘Don’t tell anyone it’s my birthday.’ ‘Oh, that’s silly!’ hloupý
Sir ​n /sɜ:/ What would you like for your dessert, sir? pan, sir
slices ​n pl /slaɪsɪz/ For lunch I had two slices of ham and some bread. plátky, krajíce
smaller ​adj /smɔ:lə(r)/ Lunch is a big meal, but dinner is usually smaller. menší
smallest ​adj /smɔ:lɪst/ Breakfast is the smallest meal of the day. nejmenší
smile ​n /smaɪl/ He has a lovely smile. úsměv
smoke ​v /sməʊk/ A ‘No smoking’ sign means you can’t smoke here. kouřit
snack ​v /snæk/ Too many people don’t cook good food, they snack all the time. svačit
soup ​n /su:p/ I’d like soup for my starter, please. polévka
sparkling ​adj /spɑ:klɪŋ/ Can we have a bottle of sparkling mineral water, please? perlivý
stand ​ v /stænd/ It says ‘Queue here’, it means stand and wait. stát
starters ​n /stɑ:təz/ We have two starters on the menu – soup and green salad. předkrmy
sugar ​n /ʃʊgə(r)/ Could I have some sugar in my tea, please? cukr
swap ​v /swɒp/ Swap information about your text with your partner. vyměnit, prohodit
take photos ​v /ˌteɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz/ We took photos of our holiday and posted them on the Internet. fotit
tapas ​n /tæpəs/ You can have tapas in bars in Spain – they’re little dishes of food. chuťovky, předkrmy
thirsty ​adj /θɜ:sti/ Are you thirsty? Would you like a drink? žíznivý
till ​prep /tɪl/ I work late, I don’t get home till 9.30 p.m. až do
tomato ​n /təˈmɑ:təʊ/ I had tomato soup and Maria had chicken soup. rajče
too many /ˌtu: ˈmeni/ I’d like some chips, but not too many, please. příliš mnoho
too much /ˌtu: ˈmʌtʃ/ I don’t put a lot of food on my plate, so I don’t eat too much. příliš mnoho
US dollars ​n pl /ˌju: es ˈdɒləz/ You can get US dollars from a bank. americké dolary
vegetable ​n /vedʒtəbl/ You need fruit and vegetables for a good diet. zelenina
wait ​v /weɪt/ There aren’t any seats, could you wait here, please? počkat

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waitress ​n /weɪtrəs/ I’m a waitress in a diner, so I’m on my feet all day. číšnice
world ​n /wɜ:ld/ What food do people eat in different parts of the world? svět

Unit 13
actions ​n pl /ækʃnz/ Can you guess the actions I’m doing? činy, akce, kroky
angry ​adj /æŋgri/ He’s angry because United lost 1–0. rozčílený, rozzlobený
apartments ​n pl /əˈpɑ:tmənts/ We live in a big apartment on the first floor. apartmány, byty
arrive ​v /əˈraɪv/ He usually arrives home at 6.15 p.m. přijet
at the moment ​adv /ət ðə ˈməʊmənt/ At the moment I’m writing an email. v současné době, momentálně
boots ​n pl /bu:ts/ Susan is wearing black boots and a jacket. vysoké boty
bored ​ adj /bɔ:d/ She’s bored because there isn’t anything to do. znuděný
bring ​v /brɪŋ/ Please bring your dictionaries to class tomorrow. přinést
build ​v /bɪld/ Colin wants to help them build a new hostel. stavět, postavit
business ​n /bɪznəs/ He has a very successful business, and he’s a millionaire. podnik
call ​v /kɔ:l/ His boss called him because there was a problem at work. volat
carry ​v /kærɪ/ Can you help me carry this bag? nést, nosit
choose ​v /tʃu:s/ Did you choose the chocolate cake or the apple pie? vybrat si
close ​v /kləʊz/ Please close the door, it’s cold. zavřít
colours ​n pl /kʌləz/ I like blue, but my favourite colour is red. barvy
country house ​n /ˌkʌntri ˈhaʊs/ They’re very rich, they live in a big country house near Oxford. dům na venkově
do well /ˌdu: ˈwel/ I want to do well at school so I can be a doctor. vést si dobře
dress ​n /dres/ Sara’s wearing a beautiful yellow dress. šaty
end ​n /end/ It’s my birthday at the end of the week. konec
especially ​adv /ɪˈspeʃəli/ I want to help people, especially young people. obzvláště
espresso ​n /eˈspresəʊ/ Two espressos and latte, please. káva espresso
extra ​adj /ekstrə/ I was cold, so I put on an extra jumper. extra, navíc, další
finish ​v /fɪnɪʃ/ The film starts at 7 and finishes at 10. končit
guess ​v /ges/ Can you guess what Elisa is doing? odhadnout, tušit
happening ​v /hæpənɪŋ/ Do you know what’s happening now? stát se, dít se
have a cold ​ v /hæv ə kəʊld/ Oh dear, you have a cold – go to bed. být nachlazený
headache ​n /hedeɪk/ Can I have an aspirin? I have a headache. bolest hlavy
helping ​v /helpɪŋ/ He’s helping them build a new hostel. pomáhat
homeless ​adj /həʊmləs/ The hostel is for homeless teenage boys. bez domova
hostel ​n /hɒstəl/ He wants to give them £100,000 to build a new hostel. ubytovna, hostel
hungry ​adj /hʌŋgri/ I’m hungry, can I have a sandwich? hladový
jeans ​n pl /dji:nz/ He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. rifle, džíny
lose ​v /lu:z/ ‘Did you win your match?’ ‘No, I lost!’ prohrát, ztratit
open ​v /əʊpən/ Open your books at page 32. otevřít
pleased ​adj /pli:zd/ ‘Hello, lovely to meet you.’ ‘I’m pleased to be here.’ spokojený, potěšený
poor ​adj /pɔ:(r)/ Moss Side is a poor area of Manchester. chudý
private plane ​n /ˌpraɪvət ˈpleɪn/ Colin has a sports car and a private plane. soukromé letadlo
public transport ​n /ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔ:t/ I don’t drive a car, I use public transport. veřejná doprava
put on ​v /pʊt ˈɒn/ Are you cold? Put on a jumper. obléknout si
remember ​v /rɪˈmembə(r)/ ‘Did you remember your dictionary?’ ‘Oh, no – I forgot!’ pamatovat si, vzpomenout si
road ​n /rəʊd/ Go straight down this road and the bank is on the left. cesta
scarf ​n /skɑ:f/ Nigel is wearing a coat and a blue scarf. šála
secret ​n /si:krət/ It’s a secret, don’t tell anyone. tajemství
sell ​v /sel/ I want to sell my old car and buy a new one. prodávat, prodat
shirt ​n /ʃɜ:t/ I need a white shirt for work tomorrow. košile
shorts ​ n pl /ʃɔ:ts/ She’s wearing shorts because it’s warm and sunny. kraťasy
skirt ​n /skɜ:t/ Do you like my new skirt and jacket? sukně
sleep ​v /sli:p/ John’s sleeping at the moment, can you call later? spát
socks ​n pl /sɒks/ Wow! Jim’s wearing red socks and blue shoes! ponožky
someone ​pron /sʌmwʌn/ Nigel is talking to someone on the phone. někdo
spend money ​v /ˌspend ˈmʌni/ I usually spend my money on clothes. utratit peníze
spend time ​v /ˌspend ˈtaɪm/ I don’t spend much time on my homework. trávit čas
strawberry ​n /strɔ:bəri/ I’d like some strawberry ice-cream, please. jahoda
successful ​adj /səkˈsesfl/ Colin is a successful businessman, he’s very rich. úspěšný
suit ​n /su:t/ He’s a bank manager and he wears a suit to work every day. oblek

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take off ​v /teɪk ɒf/ Take off your coat, it isn’t raining now. svléci
teenage ​adj /ti:neɪdʒ/ The hostel is for homeless teenage boys. dospívající
tie ​n /taɪ/ Do you wear a suit and tie for work? kravata
trousers ​n pl /traʊzəz/ I need some new black trousers for my new job. kalhoty
turn on ​v /ˌtɜ:n ˈɒn/ Let’s turn on the TV and watch a film. zapnout
turn off ​v /ˌtɜ:n ˈɒf/ Don’t turn the TV off, I’m watching it. vypnout
TV programme ​n /ˌti: ˈvi: ˌprəʊgræm/ My favourite TV programme is on this evening. televizní program
video ​ n /vɪdiəʊ/ Are they watching a video or playing a computer game? video
wear ​v /weə/ She’s wearing her new shoes. nosit, mít na sobě
window ​n /wɪndəʊ/ Can I close the window, please? I’m cold. okno
win ​v /wɪn/ I played tennis with Joe, but I didn’t win. zvítězit, vyhrát
work ​v /wɜ:k/ She’s a waitress, she works in a restaurant. pracovat
worried ​adj /wʌrid/ She’s worried, there’s a problem at work. ustaraný
worth ​adj /wɜ:θ/ Colin’s country house is worth £60 million. mít cenu

black ​adj /blæk/ George is wearing a black suit and a white shirt. černý
blue ​adj /bluː/ My favourite dress is blue and white. modrý
brown ​adj /braʊn/ I don’t to wear brown shoes with my black trousers. hnědý
green ​adj /griːn/ Can I have a green salad, please? zelený
grey ​adj /greɪ/ The hostel is an old, grey building in a busy road. šedý
red ​adj /red/ James is wearing a red T-shirt. červený
white ​adj /waɪt/ I bought a white jacket in the market, it was £15! bílý
yellow ​adj /ˈjeləʊ/ Colin drives a yellow sports car. žlutý

Unit 14
abroad ​v /əˈbrɔ:d/ I’m going to New York – it’s my first time abroad! v zahraničí
across ​adv /əˈkrɒs/ They’re going across the English Channel by ferry. přes
all year round /ˌɔ:l jɪə ˈraʊnd/ The weather in Cape Town is good all year round. po celý rok
along ​prep /əˈlɒŋ/ We’re going for a boat cruise along the river. po, podél
assistant ​n /əˈsɪstənt/ Paula is a shop assistant, she works in the chemist’s. asistent, prodavač
autoroute ​n /ɔ:təʊru:t/ We’re going to take the autoroute from Switzerland to France. dálnice
balcony ​n /bælkəni/ Our hotel bedroom has a balcony with a good view. balkón
banana ​n /bəˈnɑ:nə/ I love fruit, especially strawberries and bananas. banán
begin ​v /bɪˈgɪn/ Our holiday begins tomorrow – we’re flying at 3.30. začít
Belgium ​n /beldʒəm/ We’re going to visit France and Belgium first. Belgie
biology ​n /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ I studied biology and chemistry at school. biologie
party ​n /pɑ:ti/ I’m having a party for my birthday next week. večírek, oslava
bistro ​ n /bi:strəʊ/ We’re going to have a romantic dinner in a French bistro. bistro
boat ​n /bəʊt/ We’re going for a boat cruise along the river. člun
bridge ​n /brɪdʒ/ I really want to drive over the Europa Bridge! most
campus ​n /kæmpəs/ I’m going to live on the university campus when I’m a student. kampus, areál vysoké školy
canals ​n pl /kəˈnælz/ We are going on a boat ride along the canals in Venice. kanály
carefully ​adj /keəfəli/ Drive carefully, the weather is awful. opatrně
check in ​v /ˌtʃek ˈɪn/ We’re going to check into our hotel, then go on a bus tour. ubytovat se
chef ​n /ʃef/ Diana works as a chef in a restaurant. šéfkuchař
chemistry ​n /kemɪstri/ Archie studied physics and chemistry at school. chemie
connection ​n /kəˈnekʃn/ What’s the connection between these words? spojení
cost ​v /kɒst/ ‘How much is your holiday going to cost?’ ‘£500.’ stát (o ceně)
cruise ​n /kru:z/ We’re going for a boat cruise along the river. výletní plavba
developing countries ​ /dɪˌveləpɪŋ ˈkʌntriz/ He’s a doctor, and he wants to work in developing countries. rozvojové země
n pl
doctors ​n pl /dɒktəz/ They’re going to train doctors in villages near the hospital. doktoři, lékaři
east ​n /i:st/ New York is in the east of the US. východ
economics ​n /ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪks/ I studied economics and I want to work in banking. ekonomie
Europe ​n /jʊərəp/ They want to visit seven countries in Europe. Evropa
events ​ n pl /ɪˈvents/ Put the life events into the correct order. události
exam ​n /ɪgˈzæm/ Good luck in your English exam! zkouška
explain ​v /ɪkˈspleɪn/ Explain the connection between these words. vysvětlit

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flight ​n /flaɪt/ We’re leaving tomorrow – our flight is at 5.30. let
future ​n /fju:tʃə(r)/ In the future, I’m going to do something really different. budoucnost
grow up ​v /ˌgrəʊ ˈʌp/ I was born in London, but I grew up in France. vyrůst
gymnasium ​n /dʒɪmˈneɪziəm/ I go to the gymnasium to keep fit. tělocvična
hope ​v /həʊp/ The people are wonderful, and I hope we can help them. doufat
housewife ​n /haʊswaɪf/ My mother is a housewife – she works at home! žena v domácnosti
How long? ​adv /ˌhaʊ ˈlɒŋ/ How long are you going to stay? Jak dlouho?
imagine ​v /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ Imagine you are on holiday. What would you like to do? představit si
important ​adj /ɪmˈpɔ:tənt/ I work with tourists, so it’s important that I speak English well. důležitý
jeep ​n /dʒi:p/ When I’m on safari, I’m going to travel by jeep. džíp
journalist ​n /dʒɜ:nəlɪst/ He’s a journalist, he works for a newspaper. novinář
know ​v /nəʊ/ Do you know where you’re going to stay? vědět, znát
local ​adj /ləʊkl/ I work for a local company near my home. místní
medicine ​n /medsn/ I’m a doctor, I studied medicine at university. medicína
modern languages ​n pl /ˌmɒdn ˈlæŋgwɪdʒɪz/ I’m going to study modern languages at university. moderní jazyky
motorbike ​n /məʊtəbaɪk/ He’s going to ride a motorbike across America. motorka
move ​v /mu:v/ We moved to Hamburg when I was six. přestěhovat se, hýbat se
nearby ​ adj /nɪəbaɪ/ We’re going to the castle, and we’re staying in a hotel nearby. poblíž, nedaleko
nervous ​adj /nɜ:vəs/ I’m a bit nervous about the flight, I don’t like planes! nervózní
overnight ​adv /ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt/ We’re going to stay overnight in a local hotel. přes noc
painter ​n /peɪntə(r)/ Some very famous painters have pictures in the Louvre. malíř
physics ​n /fɪzɪks/ Archie studied physics and chemistry at school. fyzika
piece of information ​n /ˌpi:s əv ɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/ I’ll remember that useful piece of information, thank you. informace, údaj
plans ​n pl /plænz/ ‘What are your plans for your holiday?’ ‘I’m going on safari.’ plány
pleasure ​n /pleʒə(r)/ ‘Thanks for everything.’ ‘It’s a pleasure.’ potěšení
psychology ​n /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ Jennie studied languages and psychology at university. psychologie
quickly ​adv /kwɪkli/ We’re going to stop quickly in London, then drive to Oxford. rychle
quite often ​adv /ˌkwaɪt ˈɒfn/ I see my father quite often, he lives nearby. docela často
research company ​n /rɪˈsɜ:tʃ ˌkʌmpəni/ His mother works for a research company, Bayer. společnost pro výzkum
revision ​n /rɪˈvɪʒn/ She had to do a lot of revision for the exam. opakování
ride ​v /raɪd/ He’s going to ride a motorbike across America. jezdit
romantic ​adj /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ We’re going to have a romantic dinner in a French bistro. romantický
rucksack ​n /rʌksæk/ All my clothes are in this rucksack. batoh
safari ​n /səˈfɑ:ri/ When I’m on safari, I’m going to travel by jeep. safari
Same to you /ˌseɪm tu ˈju:/ ‘Have a nice day!’ ‘Thanks, same to you!’ Tobě také!
Scottish ​adj /skɒtɪʃ/ He’s Scottish, he was born in Scotland. Skot, skotský
See you again soon /ˌsi: ju əgen ˈsu:n/ Goodbye! See you again soon. Opět brzy na shledanou.
South Africa ​n /ˌsaʊθ ˈæfrɪkə/ I’m going to stay in Cape town, in South Africa. Jižní Afrika
souvenir ​n /ˌsu:vəˈnɪə(r)/ Did you buy any souvenirs of your holiday? suvenýr
steak ​n /steɪk/ ‘Do you like steak?’ ‘No, I don’t eat meat.’ steak
sunshine ​n /sʌnʃaɪn/ We had beautiful weather, lovely sunshine every day. sluneční světlo
tent ​n /tent/ I’m going camping; I bought a new tent yesterday. stan
there ​adv /ðeə(r)/ I love Zambia; I went there for a holiday when I was a student. tam
transport ​n /trænspɔ:t/ Do you drive your car to work, or use public transport? doprava
trip ​n /trɪp/ Katia went on a school trip to the museum. výlet
tunnel ​n /tʌnl/ We drove through the tunnel in the mountains to Switzerland. tunel
women ​n pl /wɪmɪn/ The men and women in the village were very poor. ženy
Zambia ​n /zæmbiə/ I wanted to go to Africa, so I got a job in a hospital in Zambia. Zambie

© Oxford University Press  New Headway Beginner (fourth edition) Czech wordlist   19

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