Rep. Oliverson Pushed Back On Hidalgo's Rat Patrol: Launches Tattle-Tale Website

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IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Allen Blakemore

Friday, May 08, 2020 713-526-3399

Rep. Oliverson Pushed Back on Hidalgo’s Rat Patrol
Launches Tattle-Tale Website

HOUSTON TX– Texas State Representative Tom Oliverson released the following
statement today on the launch of the website

“No one liked the tattletales on the playground at school, and we won’t stand for it.
The liberal big-government democrats and social engineers are in high gear here in
Harris County. Like the Nazi and Vichy French, they think honest hard-working
people will rat-out their neighbors.

“Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is trying to punish businesses and business
owners for providing for their families. She is encouraging us to “tattletale” on our
neighbors. This is a classic totalitarian move. Harris County is starting to look more
like a police state than a free state.

“Judge Hidalgo should be focused on how to best open our economy in the safest
way, but instead she is focused on punishing those who are trying to move forward
through the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Today, we’re fighting back and in response to her misguided scheme I joined with
Sen. Paul Bettencourt to create to hear your
stories about the county government harassing its citizens.

“If you or your business have been burdened by this overreaching administration,
we want to hear about it. Go to the website and tell us your story, we’ll make sure it
gets heard and together we hold the Hidalgo’s stormtroopers responsible.”

More information about the campaign is available at


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