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1. Why are so many people fascinated with the study of ancient Egypt?

Many people are fascinated with the study of ancient Egypt because the article states
that, “Egyptians came as close as is humanly possible to living a near –perfect life.” This reveals
how Egyptians had many reasons to study them. For example, “a variety of reasons for their
addiction the beauty of the art, the skill of the craftsmen, the intricacies of the language, the
certainties of the priests” This reveals the reasons that people study Egyptians, for their art,
craftsmanship and etc.

2. How did Egypt influence other civilizations?

Egyptians influence other civilizations by inspiring places such as Rome during the
Roman period to modern day life. One example is, “a skill that stimulated Greek
mathematicians, including Pythagoras, to perfect their work. The Great Pyramid, built by Khufu
(Cheops) in 2550 BC” This shows that Egypt has helped perfect word of mathematicians as the
Egyptians at their time were really advanced. To add on, “Some of these myths passed from
Egypt to Rome, and have had a direct effect on the development of modern religious belief.”
This explains that Egypt has influenced Rome’s myths and our current religions today.

3. Which details from the article did you find most surprising? Explain

The details from the article that I found the most surprising was how Egyptians believed
that they can resurrect from death. According to the article, “the Egyptians buried their dead in
the Red Land, with all the goods they considered they would need in what they thought of as
the 'afterlife'.” Furthermore, they used fragile items in order to preserve the tomb that they
thought brought them to the “afterlife”. However that did lead us to the findings of mummies
in Egypt.

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