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Please answer the following checklist questions for Bazaar Ceramics website porotype on the

downloadable copy, then email to:

Thanking you for your feedback.

Bazaar Ceramics website checklist

Design Please tick Yes No
1. Is the site visibly appealing?
2. Does the site look professional?
3. Will suggested images areas improve the visitors’ experiences?
On a scale of 1 – 9 with 1 being you don’t agree and 9 being
you strongly agree please answer the following:
4. Is the text clear and easy to read?
5. Does the background colours contrast well with the text?
Please comment on the following:
6. Does the text font, size and spacing make the text easy to read?

7. Does the most important information jump out at you?

8. Did you find it easy to access the information you were looking for?

9. Is the site’s purpose clear, or is a mixture of jumbled information provided

on each page?

Please tick Yes No
1. Are links easy to locate?
2. Are link names clear and informative?
3. Do all links work?
4. Are link buttons large enough?
5. Is the search button in an appropriate location?
6. Is the search button large enough?
Please comment on the following:
7. Is the yellow dropdown list clear to see and read?
8. Do you like the additional highlighting as you place your curser over items in
the drop-down list?

Please tick Yes No
1. Would you like more images?
2. Would you like less images?
3. Do you like the colour scheme?
Please comment on the following:
4. Do page titles match your expected content?

5. Do images underneath the links to printable order forms and online order
forms improve your visiting experience?

Optional Test
Please comment on the following:
1. New customer registration process, and login process.

2. Site wide search function.

3. Home Home page navigation links all function correctly.

The featured products and production images are all there and in focus.

4. About About page navigation links all function correctly.

The page sections for: Company History, Design processes, Production

processes, Products, and Our people, are clearly sectioned into individual

Does each section provides enough information and images.

5. Mission Mission page navigation links all function correctly.

The Mission statement is easy to read, with appropriate font, text size, and
non-interfering background colour.

6. Members Members page navigation links all function correctly.

There are clear images, descriptions, and prices shown for each sale item.

7. Products Products page navigation links all function correctly.

There are clear images, descriptions and prices shown for each product.

All available items are shown.

8. Ordering Ordering page navigation links all function correctly.

Link to printable order forms functions correctly, and printable order forms
can be printed.

Link to online order forms functions correctly, and online order forms
function correctly.

9. Contact Contact page navigation links all function correctly.

Bazaar Ceramics’ email link functions correctly.

Bazaar Ceramics’ telephone and fax numbers are easy to locate, are correct,
and readable.

Bazaar Ceramics’ mailing address is easy to locate, is correct, and readable.

The feedback form link is easy to locate and read.

The feedback form link functions correctly.

10. legal Legal page navigation links all function correctly.

The three sections: Information privacy, Selling & returns, and Delivery are
all individually defined so that information is not muddled across
information areas.

The scroll down arrow for each section rolls down the information correctly,
so that the reader can read all the information.

Any Additional Please add any additional comments you have here.

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