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Julia Serrato

Professor Swiger
ENG 1301
February 13 2020

Twelve Easy Steps

A community cleanup brings volunteers together to clean, fix, and make the community a better

place, such as vacant lots, properties around, and places that have been misused. Cleanups show

that the community cares for their environment and want to maintain a proper appearance.

According to the Us Department Of Justice Program a community cleanup can prevent crime.

Keeping a territory clean and neat it could become less attractive to criminals and more attractive

to the community which creates a safe environment. Many people are not aware of the overall

damage that not only the community suffers but the lives around it suffer from it not being kept

clean. The following article explains how to address it in a good manner. In the TWELVE

STEPS document a group of students from Irving Texas wrote a twelve step plan to successfully

plan a community clean up. The project was very successful and they decided to share it with

everybody else, in the article the steps are explained with detail and great debt to help whoever is

reading the article understand what they are doing without having to question it.

Many people don’t know how to begin a community clean up, it takes much more than

simply setting up a plan. There is time management and organization that has to be implied since

the beginning and the goal has to be clearly addressed. Logos is a very important factor in this

resource because it implies logic and reason as well as an order that has to be followed for a

successful follow through. The steps in the article are followed with reasoning explaining the

importance and significance each one of them have and the impact they have on the project. It’s

very debatable to say that the community clean up can only help and not do any harm, Because

of all the things that are being done and the positivity that would come out of it that as the article

says “Will only help for the better Bob Horton p9”.
Julia Serrato
Professor Swiger
ENG 1301
February 13 2020
One of the main points of interest and the overall reason for the article is to allow the

readers to know that the outcome will only have a positive impact on the community, nothing

less. It will allow local residents and the community around to feel proud and make them realize

how from the act of a group of people a huge impact was made and accomplished. The impact a

project has on a community is very important because it is what insures that it will happen again.

Nobody would do an activity they know was not successful the first time around. Work that is

accomplished correctly needs publicity to be known.

Publicity is a very important topic in the article EASY TWELVE STEPS and plays a

significant role. It is the way people hear about the movement, how people and the community

get together to help out as one. An example of publicity the article gave included making flyers

or hosting an information party.Pathos takes a great part in the article by giving examples of

how if the community is not kept clean many animals living nearby may be affected. How the

litter and other trash make the community seem unclean and dangerous and overall present a bad

presentation for anyone who is not from around there. All these examples reflect on the readers

and the audience and make them internally feel a certain type of way towards the article.

The article impacts the reader in a way that makes him or her think and plan. The

TWELVE EASY STEPS are steps that can be followed by anyone who is good at planning and

is willing to put in the effort. Since many people are not aware of how to start setting up a

community cleanup the Irving community decided to set up almost something like a tutorial for

other students or people looking to get involved with the project and successfully build up to it.

Ethos takes up a big section in the article because it is constructed with credibility, the

website on the page that is presented in the beginning of the article is the official irving page
Julia Serrato
Professor Swiger
ENG 1301
February 13 2020
where anyone can access the community activities that are presented. Not only that but it

definitely bias and argues how a community clean up will only help the community and make it

a better place and make citizens look better as a whole. The argument it shows on multiple

paragraphs are explained within the same sentences in response to the points that are being said.

Many examples are shown throughout the article to address that the point is being made clear.

Because their idea and perspective is that the person reading the article does not know where to

begin with the idea of a community cleanup.

In conclusion the article summarizes a long process of community clean up in TWELVE

EASY STEPS. The article that is based on a real life activity from the students of Irving Texas

that have done the experiment/project in real life and successfully accomplished it. They address

many rhetorical appeals and expand on them. The article has many real life examples because

they explain what they (the students of Irving) experienced whenever they made their own

community cleanup. The outcome that comes out of the article and the main idea all lead up

multiple positive impacts, and also impact the reader his or herself in a way that makes them

want to participate. The article also includes main points of interests like how publicity and

organization play a big role in the process. The end of the article addresses how the community

cleanup should end the process with setting up a date for the future so that it could happen again.

The whole idea of the article is to help those who maybe stuck and give them an idea and or what

could be considered a tutorial for those starting fresh.

Julia Serrato
Professor Swiger
ENG 1301
February 13 2020

12 EASY STEPS, 2019,


“Pedophilia.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-

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