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3 Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated
4 Q1
Alexander J McMenamin1 and Elke Genersch2
5 53
6 Recent large-scale colony losses among managed Western increase in the number of managed honey bee colonies 54
7 honey bees (Apis mellifera) have alarmed researchers and does not meet the steadily increasing need for managed 55
8 apiculturists alike. Here, the existing correlative evidence pollinators in agriculture [6,8–10]. Hence, large scale 56
9 provided by monitoring studies is reviewed which (i) identified managed colony losses, as experienced in the recent past 57
10 members of the deformed wing virus and acute bee paralysis in some parts of the world, exacerbate the shortage of 58
11 virus clades as lethal pathogens for entire colonies, and (ii) pollinators and threaten human food security especially 59
12 identified novel viruses whose impact on honey bee health because wild pollinators are on the decline [11,12,13]. 60
13 remains elusive. Also discussed in this review is related
14 evidence obtained via controlled experimental infection assays Winter colony losses in general and CCD in 61
15 and RNAi approaches underscoring the damage inflicted by particular 62
16 some of these viruses on individuals and colonies. The It is worth noting that the death of a honey bee colony due 63
17 relevance of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor acting as to natural causes, including disease, is within the scope of 64
18 mechanical and biological virus vector for the enhanced reasonable expectations for a living organism [14,15]. 65
19 virulence of certain viruses or mite selected virus strains is However, reoccurring unusually high winter colony losses 66
carefully considered. at or above 30% in the recent past startled beekeepers and 67
21 Addresses scientists alike [16–18], in part because simple, causal 68
22 The Pennsylvania State University, Chemical Ecology Laboratory, relationships remained elusive. The picture that emerged 69
23 University Park, PA 16802, USA 70
24 2
Institute for Bee Research, Department of Molecular Microbiology and
over the last decade is that such losses are multifactorial
25 with weak Fall condition, starvation, queen failure, patho- 71
Bee Diseases, Friedrich-Engels-Str. 32, 16540 Hohen Neuendorf,
26 Germany gens, parasites, pesticides, and climate all playing a role. 72
27 The impact of each of these factors may differ on a case- 73
28 Corresponding author: Genersch, Elke ( 74
by-case basis and even regionally [15,19,20]. Often when
talking about colony losses, this general phenomenon is 75
conflated with CCD [20]. However, CCD has a very 76
Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:xx–yy
31 77
This review comes from a themed issue on Prstes/prstoid/biol. cnt.
specific case definition and is mainly characterized by
32 the presence of a live queen and a lot of capped brood, 78
33 Edited by Bryony Bonning 79
indicative of rapid loss of adult bees. Additionally, the
34 absence of dead bees in collapsed colonies and increased 80
pathogen incidence are diagnostic of CCD [17]. CCD 81
sensu stricto has so far only been reported from North 82
36 83
2214-5745/# 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
America where it has been identified as one of many
causes of winter mortality [21–23] and likely arises from 84
multiple etiological agents. However, it has not been 85
cited as a significant cause of winter losses since the 86
winter of 2006/2007 [19]. In this review we refer to winter 87
losses of managed A. mellifera colonies as the problem of 88
interest, though summer losses may also be substantial. 89
40 Introduction
41 Primarily, we will concisely review the role that recently 90
Industrial management of the Western honey bee (Apis
42 discovered and emerging viruses play in observed winter 91
mellifera) has a long history with honey as a source of
43 nutrition and trade for humans [1]. In addition to income colony losses. 92
44 from products directly harvested from honey bees, man-
45 aged colonies contributed an average of s147 million to Viruses associated with honey bees 93
46 94
annual crop productivity from 2002 to 2007, as they have Till date 23 viruses have been reported to infect honey
47 95
become an important supplement to pollination services bees worldwide, primarily positive-strand RNA viruses in
48 provided by native pollinators across the globe [2]. the families Dicistroviridae and Iflaviridae [24,25,26]. In
49 97
Indeed, managed honey bees are the single most impor- the absence of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor
50 tant global commercial insect pollinator [2,3–5]. De- (hereafter referred to as Varroa) many honey bee patho-
51 99
spite some decreasing trends in parts of Europe and North genic viruses only cause covert infections, which show no
52 100
America, the global number of managed colonies has risen clinical signs and have no detectable impact on infected
by about 45% over the last 60 years [6,7]. However, this bees or colonies (for a definition of covert/overt virus Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

2 Prstes/prstoid/biol. cnt.

101 126
102 infections see [27]). However, for acute bee paralysis symptomatic, asymptomatic, and not otherwise specified 127
103 virus (ABPV), chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), black colonies), positive experimental evidence (infection 128
104 queen cell virus (BQCV), and sacbrood virus (SBV) assays), and negative experimental evidence (RNAi 129
105 historical reports from the pre-Varroa era on overt disease approaches) for associations between viruses and colony 130
106 outbreaks exist indicative of clinically significant infec- losses with a final section on the role of Varroa in virus 131
107 tions in the absence of Varroa (Table 1; for historical amplification and dissemination. 132
108 references see [28]). However, we know from molecular
109 data that even these four viruses can frequently be Correlative evidence for virus infections 133
110 detected in seemingly healthy colonies [16,29–31], hence, associated with colony losses 134
111 also for these viruses covert infections are common. Most Recently, numerous prevalence studies have underscored 135
112 of the honey bee viruses might not even be honey bee the role of viral infections in honey bee colony losses 136
113 specific because they infect a wide range of arthropod [16,17,25,26,29–31,40–45,46,47]. However, the design 137
114 species [32,33–35]. In the wake of Varroa, prevalence of of many of these studies was rather weak. In most cases, 138
115 virus infections has increased dramatically. This mite the study period was one year or less, colonies were 139
116 very quickly became established as a mechanical and sampled once or twice, and whole bee extracts of pooled 140
117 biological vector of honey bee viruses as it spread though bee samples were analyzed by RT-PCR for the presence 141
118 European honey bee populations since the 1980s (for a of six to eight known bee viruses (ABPV, IAPV, KBV, 142
119 recent review see [36]). Augmented prevalence and viru- CBPV, SBV, DWV, VDV-1, and BQCV). Diagnostic 143
120 lence due to mite transmission was marked for members results were then related either to the health status of 144
121 of the DWV/VDV-1 (V. destructor virus-1) and ABPV/ the sampled colonies or to incidences of large scale colony 145
122 KBV/IAPV (Kashmir bee virus/Israeli acute bee paralysis losses in the sampled region. These studies substantiated 146
123 virus) clades [37–39]). the observation that covert virus infections are wide- 147
124 spread and common in asymptomatic colonies [29–31]. 148
125 The remainder of the review is divided into the following At the same time they provided correlative evidence for 149
126 sections: correlative evidence (prevalence studies in members of the ABPV/KBV/IAPV and the DWV/VDV-1 150

Table 1

This list gives a summary of the most common (designated with *) and recently emerging (designated with ») honey bee viruses, whether they
are vectored by Varroa, and their symptoms. If Varroa has been shown to be a significant biological vector, the virus was designated with
(+++). If the virus is frequently associated with Varroa but the mite has not been determined to be a biological vector, the vector status was
designated with (++). Finally, if the virus is sporadically associated with tissues of the mite, or the vectoring status is in question but possible,
it was designated with (+). The final column is a reference where more details can be found about the virus, including symptomology, the
evidence of its association with Varroa, prevalence data, association with colony collapse, among other things.

Virus Family Varroa vector Symptoms of overt infection Reference

*ABPV clade Dicistroviridae ++ – Paralysis [77,82]
– Darkened cuticle pigment
– Impaired cognition and homing ability
– Mortality (adult and immature bees)
– Colony collapse
»ALPV Dicistroviridae Unknown – Unknown [25]
*BQCV Dicistroviridae + – Pale-yellowish, leathery cuticle of capped larva [24]
– Failure of larva to pupate
– Sac-like appearance
– Mortality (of larvae)
– Deceased larvae and walls of cell turn black
»BRSV Dicistroviridae Unknown – Unknown [25]
*DWV clade Iflaviridae +++ – Deformed wings [37]
– Learning deficits
– Discoloring
– Shortened and bloated abdomens
– Mortality (adult and immature bees)
– Colony collapse
»LSV1/2 Nodaviridae Unknown – Unknown [25]
*SBV Picornavirales ++ – Pale-yellowish, leathery cuticle of capped larva [24]
(super family) – Failure of larva to pupate
– Sac-like appearance
– Mortality (potentially of adults, certainly capped larvae)
– Dead larva becomes dark, brittle scale
»TRSV Secoviridae + – Winter colony collapse? (correlative only) [26]

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

Viruses associated to honey bee colony losses McMenamin and Genersch 3

150 173
151 clade being involved in colony losses, an interpretation to the aphid-pathogenic virus Rhopalosiphum padi virus 174
152 that was later validated by studies which have improved (RhPV) but sufficiently divergent to justify a new species. 175
153 on these previous designs by increasing the length of the LSV1 and LSV2 are two novel RNA viruses showing 176
154 sampling period [16,40], improving screening precision some similarity to CBPV and presumably belonging to 177
155 by analyzing specific tissues [16,47], or even using ad- the Nodavirales superfamily. Based on the ability of these 178
156 vanced genomic techniques like next generation se- viruses to replicate in adult honey bees and their abun- 179
157 quencing (NGS) or microarrays for detection of novel dance compared to other significant honey bee viruses, 180
158 honey bee pathogens [25,26,40,46,47]. the authors suggested that they may play a significant role 181
159 in colony health (Figure 1). A comparative study on 182
160 At least two long term studies provided strong correlative pathogen loads of CCD and non-CCD colonies revealed 183
161 evidence for IAPV and ABPV (both are members of the additional LSV variants and suggested a potential associ- 184
162 ABPV/KBV/IAPV clade) being involved in winter colony ation between LSV strain and CCD status [47]. However, 185
163 losses in the U.S. and Germany, respectively, [16,40] and the role of LSV or certain LSV variants in colony losses 186
164 DWV being a key factor for overwintering colony losses in still needs to be established (Figure 1). 187
165 Germany [16]. A recent survey of a large-scale migratory 188
166 beekeeping operation in the U.S. identified for the first The occurrence of ALPV, LSV1, and LSV2 in the honey 189
167 time a strain of aphid lethal paralysis virus (ALPV strain bee population is obviously not restricted to the U.S., as 190
168 Brookings, Dicistroviridae) as a putative honey bee patho- similar viruses were also identified in a Spanish honey bee 191
169 genic virus (Table 1). However, its relevance to colony colony [46]. Most recently, two independent studies 192
170 losses needs further investigation. [25]. In addition, three reported Tobacco ring spot virus (TRSV) and Turnip 193
171 novel viruses, Big Sioux river virus (BSRV), Lake Sinai ring spot virus (TuRSV), two plant pathogenic viruses of 194
172 virus 1 (LSV1), and Lake Sinai virus 2 (LSV2) were the family Secoviridae, to be associated with honey bees 195
173 identified (Table 1). BSRV is a novel dicistrovirus, similar [26,46]. TuRSV was proposed to be passively present 196

Figure 1


Varroa destructor
ABPV clade
DWV clade


Current Opinion in Insect Science

Viruses affecting honey bees. Till date, 23 viruses have been found to infect honey bees. Although most bee viruses cause covert infections, some
viruses do cause visible symptoms and death of individual bees (e.g. SBV, BQCV, and DWV). However, colony losses due to these viruses are
rather rare. Members of the DWV and ABPV clade not only kill individual bees but have been related to the collapse of entire colonies, especially
in the presence of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa. Recently, three novel bee viruses were discovered (LSV1, LSV2, and BSRV) and two known
viruses were described for the first time to infect honey bees (ALPV, TRSV). The exact impact of these five viruses on individuals and colonies is
still elusive (illustrated by the question mark) and awaits final experimental proof or disproof. Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

4 Prstes/prstoid/biol. cnt.

196 252
197 in bees due to the ingestion of contaminated pollen [46]. and whether transmission route affects virulence. Indeed, 253
198 However, TRSV was shown to replicate in nearly every it has been shown that mimicking mite-vectored trans- 254
199 bee tissue and elevated virus levels were found in weak mission by injecting isolated DWV particles into virus- 255
200 colonies [26] (Table 1). This novel and surprising free white-eyed pupae, results in dose-dependent mor- 256
201 finding of TRSV replicating in honey bees caused some tality of pupae and emergence of adults with deformed 257
202 debate [48,49] although this is not the first example of a wings [67] which are also not viable [68]. Furthermore, it 258
203 plant virus replicating in both plants and insects. So far, has been demonstrated that when a feeding Varroa mite is 259
204 such viruses have been described from the RNA virus actively infected with DWV, and therefore acting as a 260
205 families Bunyaviridae, Nodaviridae, and Rhabdoviridae biological vector, a bee is more likely to acquire a clini- 261
206 which are vectored by insects via persistent propagative cally significant DWV infection from the transmitting 262
207 transmission mode [50,51,52,53]. However, TRSV is a mite [69]. 263
208 member of the genus Nepovirus which is not transmitted 264
209 through insects but through pollen [54]. It is long since Transmitting DWV to adult bees via injection, thus 265
210 known that honey bees mediate transmission of pollen- mimicking vectorial DWV transmission by phoretic 266
211 borne plant pathogenic viruses between infected and mites, resulted in a systemic infection which included 267
212 non-infected plants [55,56]. Hence, pollen collecting the nervous system when at least 10E+08 virus particles 268
213 honey bees are exposed to plant viruses and it is conceiv- were injected [67] which may lead to cognitive im- 269
214 able that especially honey bee larvae fed with plant virus pairment and learning deficits [70]. It is not clear, how- 270
215 contaminated pollen might get infected and might then ever, whether this latter effect was due to the virus or 271
216 show infection in several tissues of the adult bee. The other components that may have been present in the 272
217 recent discovery of such an infection is likely for lack of whole bee extract used in this study. Therefore, this link 273
218 looking for it. Hence, further investigations are necessary between covert DWV infection and cognitive malfunc- 274
219 to unravel whether the TRSV–honey bee interaction is tioning has yet to be adequately demonstrated. Recent 275
220 indeed another example of viral host range spanning the studies have demonstrated the role of Varroa and the 276
221 plant and animal kingdom and if so, it would be worth- route of transmission in the evolution of virulence in 277
222 while to search for other similar relationships. DWV. 278
223 Experimental evidence for virus infections In 2011, Moore and colleagues began to clear up just how 280
224 causing death of bees by infection assays Varroa was augmenting the clinical severity of DWV 281
225 (positive evidence) infections in honey bees when they demonstrated that 282
226 Surveillance studies are at a disadvantage compared to only certain variants of the DWV sequence space pre- 283
227 controlled exposure bioassays because the former can dominated in mite-infested colonies. Specifically, var- 284
228 only generate correlative evidence, as opposed to the iants of the DWV quasi-species that had VDV-1 capsid 285
229 causal relationship demonstrated by the latter. During proteins and DWV non-capsid proteins prevailed [71]. In 286
230 the infancy of honey bee virology, around 50 years ago, it 2014, Ryabov along with Moore and colleagues demon- 287
231 was via experimental infection that scientists identified strated that augmentation of DWV titers by Varroa mites 288
232 ABPV and CBPV as etiological agents of bee paralysis is clearly due to facilitation of this specific virulent vari- 289
233 [57]. Additionally, the authors describe not only plasticity ant. A follow-up injection assay showed that it was the 290
234 of symptomology depending on route of transmission injection of the virus directly into the hemolymph, thus 291
235 (injection versus ingestion), but they also noted the mimicking virus inoculation by the mite, that selected for 292
236 existence of covert infections caused by these commonly this recombinant [72]. It is conceivable, then, that these 293
237 lethal viruses [57,58]. While years following led to dis- virulent DWV variants may be the precipitating factor for 294
238 covery of novel viruses, it was not until Varroa began PMS. 295
239 infesting the European honey bee that we began to see 296
240 their potential lethality when contributing to Parasitic It is possible that even oral transmission of DWV plays a 297
241 Mite Syndrome (PMS) [59–65]. In fact, it was in Varroa significant role in increased mortality of larvae/pupae and 298
242 infested colonies in the 1980s that symptomatic DWV the emergence of deformed adults, though the study did 299
243 infections were noticed for the first time (i.e. crippled not evaluate this as no dose information was provided 300
244 wings), driving the identification of this typically asymp- [73]. However, the role of oral transmission seems to be 301
245 tomatic virus. However, as a factor within PMS, DWV has substantiated by the infection of midgut epithelium, 302
246 quickly become tightly associated with colony collapse particularly in mite infested colonies suffering from 303
247 (Figure 1), and is therefore one of the most well-charac- PMS, which is conceivably DWV/VDV-induced rather 304
248 terized honey bee viruses [28,66]. than mite-induced [37,67]. In fact, highly infected brood 305
249 are preferentially canibalized by workers, who then are 306
250 This unique relationship has led to quite a few controlled likely to become infected given that the pupae being 307
251 experimental infections of bees of varying ages with canibalized have even higher viral titers than deformed 308
DWV in order to elucidate its mechanism of virulence adults [74,75]. Despite the restriction of infection in the

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

Viruses associated to honey bee colony losses McMenamin and Genersch 5

309 365
310 gut to the midgut epithelium [67], the threat that canni- invertebrate antiviral immunity and are crucial for sup- 366
311 balism of infected pupae poses to the adult must be pressing viruses producing double-stranded RNA 367
312 further evaluated. (dsRNA) intermediates. Dicer acts as a sensor of viral 368
313 dsRNA. After binding and cleaving of virus-derived 369
314 For members of the ABPV clade, especially for IAPV and dsRNA molecules into siRNAs, it delivers these siRNAs 370
315 ABPV, good correlative evidence exist that they are to the host’s RISC complex where they then can target 371
316 involved in large scale colony losses [40] or winter losses viral RNA for inhibition [81]. Therefore, in honey bee 372
317 [16] (Figure 1). Like DWV, these viruses are also effec- virology RNAi approaches with experimentally delivered 373
318 tively transmitted by Varroa [59,60,76] (Figure 1). ABPV virus-specific dsRNAs can be used to investigate the 374
319 was first isolated and described 50 years ago after adult relation between certain viruses and symptoms observed 375
320 bees were observed darkening in pigment following in individual bees and bee colonies. 376
321 infection with some unknown agent [57]. We now know 377
322 that IAPV, first described in 2007, causes similar symp- There is only one study applying RNAi approaches to 378
323 toms. However, it was also shown that IAPV-injected DWV infected bees. Honey bee larvae orally infected in 379
324 adult bees die within 4 days, while oral transmission laboratory experiments with high enough DWV titers 380
325 resulted in death after only 10 days [77]. Two recent either died during larval development or developed into 381
326 studies [78,79] aimed at a better and more detailed adult bees exhibiting wing deformities [73]. Preventive 382
327 understanding of how IAPV infections damage honey feeding of DWV-dsRNA revealed a more than 300-fold 383
328 bees. reduction in DWV levels in adult bees (21 days post egg 384
329 hatching and infection) relative to bees developed from 385
330 Pupae injected with 10E+04 genome equivalents of IAPV larvae that were fed with virus or with virus and GFP- 386
331 showed a heterogeneous pattern of symptoms. Compared dsRNA. In addition, significantly reduced frequencies of 387
332 to controls (PBS (phosphate buffered saline) injected), wing deformities relative to other virus-fed treatments 388
333 IAPV injected pupae either stopped developing without were observed [73] confirming that DWV is the etiologi- 389
334 any further symptoms or showed darkening of body parts cal agent of the deformed wing syndrome. 390
335 [78]. It is uncertain however whether the darkening is 391
336 due to virus induced tissue damage and necrosis, or For IAPV infections, data obtained through RNAi 392
337 melanization of tissue as a result of host immune re- approaches at colony level are available. Maori and co- 393
338 sponse. Remarkably, studies suggest that heterogeneous workers [82] used queen-right mini colonies with approx- 394
339 pathology is dependent not just on IAPV strain diversity, imately 200 worker bees and experimentally infected 395
340 but also on colony- dependent or patriline-dependent these colonies by feeding IAPV in sucrose solution. By 396
341 differences in susceptibility of the bees to IAPV infection day 8 post infection, bee mortality in the non-infected 397
342 [77,80]. As with DWV, IAPV has been found in healthy control group was approximately 25% while around 80% 398
343 colonies despite being associated also with collapsing of IAPV-infected bees had died. Preventive feeding of 399
344 colonies [40]. IAPV-specific dsRNA preparations (calculated as approx- 400
345 imately 1 mg per bee) for three days prior to virus infec- 401
346 Honey bee colonies might not only suffer from collapse tion significantly reduced bee mortality in IAPV-infected 402
347 when mortality rates of brood and adult bees increase due bees to a level not significantly different from control 403
348 to virus infection but also when virus infections negative- mortality. Hence, ingesting IAPV-dsRNA obviously trig- 404
349 ly affect bee behavior and, thus, colony performance. gered an antiviral immune response in honey bees and 405
350 This aspect has been studied in adult forager bees prevented the bees from succumbing to a subsequently 406
351 injected with as little as 44 copies of IAPV and equipped initiated IAPV-infection under laboratory conditions. 407
352 with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. While no This promising laboratory effect was then evaluated 408
353 mortality was observed, homing ability was significantly under natural bee keeping conditions using a total of 409
354 reduced at 2 and 3 days post-infection. Indeed, only 160 bee hives in Florida (USA) and Pennsylvania (USA) 410
355 between 2.3% and 0% of IAPV infected foragers found [83]. However, no significant correlation between in- 411
356 their way back, compared to 50% of those injected with creased colony or individual mortality and IAPV infection 412
357 PBS [79]. It is reasonable to suspect that a considerable was observed in this study and, hence, it was difficult to 413
358 proportion of foragers not returning to the hive may have conclusively assess the effect of dsRNA treatment on 414
359 detrimental effects on the colony and contribute to weak- IAPV infection and colony survival. However, indirect 415
360 ening and eventually collapse of the entire colony. measures suggested that IAPV-dsRNA treatment had 416
some positive effect at the colony level. 417
361 Experimental evidence for the impact of 418
362 viruses on honey bees by treatment with A more recent study [80] suggested the existence of an 419
363 dsRNA (negative evidence) IAPV-encoded viral suppressor of RNAi (VSR). In labora- 420
364 RNA interference (RNAi) and Dicer, a multi-domain tory experiments with IAPV-infected caged bees it was 421
enzyme with RNase III activity, are key regulators in demonstrated that silencing this putative viral interference Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

6 Prstes/prstoid/biol. cnt.

422 478
423 protein via RNAi through feeding of VSR-specific siRNA the introduction of Varroa to a naive population greatly 479
424 resulted in a remarkable reduction in IAPV replication reduced the strain diversity of DWV while increasing the 480
425 within 24 hours post treatment. The authors concluded prevalence of infection [86]. These results supported the 481
426 that the studies on IAPV inhibition through RNAi rein- hypothesis that Varroa facilitates the dominance of cer- 482
427 force the therapeutic potential of carefully designed siR- tain strains which might be associated with increased viral 483
428 NAs for treatment of viral infections in honey bees. virulence. Some hallmarks of such a virulent variant may 484
429 have been identified recently [71,72]. The described 485
430 Hence, the laboratory studies so far implied that there is a variants were characterized by the capsid protein coding 486
431 curative effect of virus-specific dsRNA on the severity region of VDV-1 (a member of the DWV clade originally 487
432 and outcome of infections with the corresponding virus. isolated as virus replicating in Varroa [87]) and the coding 488
433 However, a more recent study demonstrated that any region for the non-structural proteins from DWV. How- 489
434 dsRNA might serve as a viral pathogen associated molec- ever, the question of whether this variant was selected by 490
435 ular pattern (PAMP) in honey bees triggering an antiviral amplification in the mite or by transmission route was not 491
436 response that controls virus infection in general [84]. fully solved. Both of these studies further our understand- 492
437 Therefore, approaches using virus-specific dsRNAs ing of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the in- 493
438 might not be suitable to prove the role of a specific virus creased virulence of DWV in the presence of Varroa. 494
439 or viral protein in a certain context but rather the involve- 495
440 ment of viruses in a more general sense. Furthermore, the Although ABPV and its close relatives are also associated 496
441 use of dsRNA as a management strategy for viruses in the with Varroa and colony losses, a similarly fatal triangular 497
442 field might rather not help to control a specific virus but relationship between virus, Varroa, and honey bees could 498
443 may activate a nonspecific antiviral immunity resulting in not develop. Members of the ABPV clade, when injected 499
444 a general positive effect at the colony level as observed by into pupae by mites, rapidly kill the infected pupa there- 500
445 Hunter and co-workers [83]. by preventing the developing bee from emerging and 501
interrupting the reproduction of the mite which is trapped 502
446 Impact of V. destructor in the capped cell. Therefore, although mite transmitted 503
447 It is without question that Varroa infestation poses the ABPV/IAPV/KBV infections are lethal and contribute to 504
448 most serious threat to the Western honey bee colonies colony losses (Figure 1), mite transmission of this virus 505
449 and that this is related to the mite’s ability to vector virus clade is a dead-end hampering any further virulence 506
450 infections or to exacerbate preexisting infections [39]. evolution [38]. 507
451 Virus infections of honey bees became a serious health
452 problem for entire colonies only after Varroa started to 508
453 infest honey bee colonies. Varroa theoretically can take Conclusion 509
454 up any virus present in bee hemolymph and, hence, can This review is not an exhaustive review on colony losses 510
455 mechanically vector any virus back into the hemolymph but rather collects on different levels recent evidence for 511
456 when feeding on the next bee or pupa. Therefore, it is the involvement of viruses in colony losses (Figure 1). 512
457 not surprising that since the introduction of Varroa the Hence, we did not include all factors involved in the 513
458 prevalence of honey bee viruses and infections in- collapse of honey bee colonies such as non-viral patho- 514
459 creased. However, for most viruses, conclusive evi- gens, metazoan parasites other than Varroa, pesticides, 515
460 dence linking them to colony losses is still lacking malnutrition, climate, and beekeeping practice although 516
461 despite the nearly ubiquitous presence of the virus we are aware of the relevance of these factors. It is 517
462 vector Varroa in the honey bee population. Only mem- important to point out, that THE colony loss or THE 518
463 bers of the ABPV clade and the DWV clade are thought honey bee decline does not exist. Instead, the phenome- 519
464 to play a major role in colony losses in the presence of non of colony losses, although globally observed and 520
465 mite infestation. reported, has different dimensions, reasons, and key 521
466 players varying by region and time. It is also important 522
467 Overt DWV infections, the development of the deformed to note that large scale colony losses are not happening for 523
468 wing syndrome, and colony collapse due to the PMS are the first time but rather similar losses have been described 524
469 closely associated with the vectorial transmission of DWV in the historical past. This recurrence far from detracts 525
470 by Varroa (Figure 1). It is widely accepted by now that from the importance of studying honey bee health, but 526
471 Varroa serves as a biological vector of DWV, and thereby rather increases the interest from the perspective of not 527
472 plays a crucial role in the virulence of DWV. The selec- only agriculture, but also basic science and ecology. 528
473 tion of an especially virulent variant of DWV through Indeed, this is the first time in history that honey bee 529
474 Varroa has been anticipated and discussed for some time. colony losses have attracted so much attention which has 530
475 Primarily, because it became obvious that DWV replica- in turn boosted scientific interest and research in the field 531
476 tion in the mite is necessary and sufficient for enhanced of honey bee diseases. Much of this research is interesting 532
477 virulence of DWV as well as the development of de- in its broader applicability in terms of potential control 533
formed wings [69,85]. A recent study in Hawaii found that strategies for viral infections.

Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

Viruses associated to honey bee colony losses McMenamin and Genersch 7

533 602
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595 32. Levitt AL, Singh R, Cox-Foster DL, Rajotte E, Hoover K, Ostiguy N,
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597 This study convincingly shows that viruses once thought to be bee- 667
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600 German bee monitoring project: a long term study to bees and in pollinator populations. Importantly, it also highlights the 671
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Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),
COIS 94 1–9

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730 47. Cornman RS, Tarpy DR, Chen Y, Jeffreys L, Lopez D, Pettis JS, 796
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732 Virol 2009, 90:463-467. 798
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737 Peng WJ, Wu J, Hamilton M, Boncristiani HF et al.: Reply to 71. Moore J, Jironkin A, Chandler D, Burroughs N, Evans DJ, 803
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740 50. Ammar E-D, Tsai C-W, Whitfield AE, Redinbaugh MG, 806
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Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

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COIS 94 1–9

Viruses associated to honey bee colony losses McMenamin and Genersch 9

807 Varroa destructor-mediated, or in vitro, transmission. PLoS 79. Li Z, Chen Y, Zhang S, Chen S, Li W, Yan L, Shi L, Wu L, Sohr A, 862
Path 2014, 10:e1004230.  Su S: Viral infection affects sucrose responsiveness and 863
810 This paper describes the characterization of a virulent DWV variant homing ability of forager honey bees, Apis mellifera L.. PLoS 864
811 characterized by the capsid protein coding region of VDV-1 and the ONE 2013, 8:e77354.
812 coding region for the non-structural proteins from DWV. The authors This paper provides good evidence for sublethal effects of IAPV. It shows 865
813 demonstrate that route of transmission has serious and relevant impacts that IAPV infection impairs homing ability of forager bees which might in 867
814 on infection and virulence. It highlights the importance of studying in detail turn negatively affect colony performance and survival.
815 how these viruses are being transmitted and how transmission routes 868
impact virulence and strain identity/diversity. 80. Chen YP, Pettis JS, Corona M, Chen WP, Li CJ, Spivak M, 869
816  Visscher PK, DeGrandi-Hoffman G, Boncristiani H, Zhao Y et al.: 870
817 73. Desai SD, Eu Y-J, Whyard S, Currie RW: Reduction in deformed Israeli acute paralysis virus: epidemiology, pathogenesis and 871
818  wing virus infection in larval and adult honey bees (Apis implications for honey bee health. PLoS Pathog 2014, 872
819 mellifera L.) by double-stranded RNA ingestion. Insect Mol Biol 10:e1004261.
2012, 21:446-455. In this study considerable genetic variation between strains of IAPV was 873
821 This study provides further evidence that DWV infection causes pupal demonstrated and it was suggested that these differences may account 875
822 death and/or wing deformities. Feeding larvae with DWV-dsRNA (RNAi for the difference in virulence properties and severity of disease mani- 876
823 approach) prior to an oral infection with DWV reduced larval/pupal festations among IAPV strains. Most importantly, the authors identified a 877
824 mortality and the frequency of wing deformities compared to infected putative immune-suppressive protein, VSR (viral suppressor of RNAi) 878
825 but untreated control larvae. The study therefore not only further impli- encoded by IAPV and demonstrated that silencing expression of this 879
826 cates DWV as the etiological agent of deformed wings and PMS, but also protein could effectively inhibit replication of IAPV and confer significant 880
827 provides proof of concept for the use of RNAi technology as a research antiviral activity in honey bees. This study not only begins to hint at 881
tool, and perhaps even a clinical tool in honey bees. options for clinical control of infection, but it also opens the way for basic 882
828 science aimed at describing honey bee viruses in the detail that we 883
829 74. Schöning C, Gisder S, Geiselhardt S, Kretschmann I, Bienefeld K, understand human viruses.
830  Hilker M, Genersch E: Evidence for damage-dependent 884
831 hygienic behaviour towards Varroa destructor parasitised 81. Kingsolver MB, Huang Z, Hardy RW: Insect antiviral innate 885
832 brood in the western honey bee, Apis mellifera. J Exp Biol 2012, immunity: pathways, effectors, and connections. J Mol Biol 886
215:264-271. 2013, 425:4921-4936.
834 This study convincingly shows that bees engaged in hygienic behavior 887
835 preferentially remove brood infested by mites carrying replicating DWV 82. Maori E, Paldi N, Shafir S, Kalev H, Tsur E, Glick E, Sela I: IAPV, a 888
836 thus confirming that mites acting as biological vector of DWV are more bee-affecting virus associated with Colony Collapse Disorder 889
837 damaging than mites just mechanically transmitting DWV. This study also can be silenced by dsRNA ingestion. Insect Mol Biol 2009, 890
points toward DWV as being the etiological agent of the purported PMS. 18:55-60.
838 891
839 75. Chen YP, Higgins JA, Feldlaufer MF: Quantitative real-time
83. Hunter W, Ellis J, vanEngelsdorp D, Hayes J, Westervelt D, Glick E, 892
840 Williams M, Sela I, Maori E, Pettis J et al.: Large-scale field 893
reverse transcription-PCR analysis of deformed wing virus
841 infection in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Appl Environ
application of RNAi technology reducing Israeli acute 894
Microbiol 2005, 71:436-441.
paralysis virus disease in honey bees (Apis mellifera, 895
842 Hymenoptera: Apidae). PLoS Path 2010, 6:e1001160.
843 76. Di Prisco G, Pennachio F, Caprio E, Boncristiani HF, Evans JD, 896
844 84. Flenniken ML, Andino R: Non-specific dsRNA-mediated 897
Chen Y: Varroa destructor is an effective vector of Israeli acute  antiviral response in the honey bee. PLoS ONE 2013, 8:e77623.
845 paralysis virus in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. J Gen Virol 2011, The authors provide convincing evidence that in honey bees any or most 898
92:151-155. dsRNAs might serve as a viral pathogen associated molecular pattern 900
847 77. Maori E, Lavi S, Mozes-Koch R, Gantman Y, Edelbaum O, Tanne E, (PAMP). Hence, dsRNA, be it virus specific or not, might trigger an 901
848 Sela I: Isolation and characterization of IAPV, a dicistrovirus antiviral response that controls virus infection in honey bees. These 902
849 affecting honeybees in Israel: evidence for intra- and inter- results are important to consider when interpreting results obtained with 903
species recombination. J Gen Virol 2007, 88 34-28-3438. virus specific RNAi approaches against viruses in honey bees.
850 904
851 85. Yue C, Genersch E: RT-PCR analysis of Deformed wing virus in 905
78. Boncristiani HF, Evans JD, Chen Y, Pettis J, Murphy C, Lopez DL,
852  Simone-Finstrom M, Strand M, Tarpy DR, Rueppell O: In vitro
honeybees (Apis mellifera) and mites (Varroa destructor). J 906
853 infection of pupae with Israeli acute paralysis virus suggests
Gen Virol 2005, 86:3419-3424.
854 disturbance of transcriptional homeostasis in honey bees
86. Martin SJ, Highfield AC, Brettell L, Villalobos EM, Budge GE, Powell M, 908
(Apis mellifera). PLoS ONE 2013, 8:e73429. Nikaido S, Schroeder DC: Global honey bee viral landscape altered 909
This study used injections of IAPV into honey bee pupae reared ex situ by a parasitic mite. Science 2012, 336:1304-1306.
857 under laboratory conditions to elucidate the interactions between IAPV
858 910
859 and honey bees. Based on their results they suggest that there is 87. Ongus JR, Peters D, Bonmatin J-M, Bengsch E, Vlak JM, van 911
genotypic variation in virus susceptibility and reaction towards virus Oers MM: Complete sequence of a picorna-like virus of the 912
860 infection between bees and colonies. Selective breeding for virus resis- genus Iflavirus replicating in the mite Varroa destructor. J Gen 913
861 tance would thus be possible. Virol 2004, 85:3747-3755. 914
862 914 Current Opinion in Insect Science 2015, 8:1–9

Please cite this article in press as: McMenamin AJ, Genersch E: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony losses and associated Q1viruses, Curr Opin Insect Sci (2015),

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