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Research Report: Every student is required to pick 1 published research paper on any

topic in business of his/her choice, summarize it and submit the report. You should get my
approval of the paper. By the end of the 4th week (Feb. 17, 12 am), you should submit the
report. Late submissions will not be graded.
When reviewing and preparing a discussion of a research paper, you should be prepared to
address the following issues:
1) What is the research question?
2) What is the motivation for the research question? Who is the target audience and why is
the question interesting or important for them?
3) What are the hypotheses or expectation of the authors?
4) Explain the relevance of chain of thoughts established to develop the hypotheses or
expectations of the study.
5) What type of data was used in study? What is the source of data?
6) What statistical models were used to test the hypotheses?
7) Was there a need for additional test? If yes, what model was used to perform the
additional test?
8) What are the implications of the study for the target audience?
9) What questions or issues are left unresolved, and perhaps warrant further investigation?
10) What follow-up research would you suggest and why?
11) How would you design the methodology of the follow-up research? What statistical
model would use to address the hypothesis?
Assessment will be based on grading rubric.

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