Doktrin Hukum: Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M

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Doktrin Hukum

Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M.

@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 1

• Sumber-sumber Teori Hukum;
• Doktrin Hukum ;

@ Prof. Dr Sigit Riyanto FH UGM 2



Teori Hukum & Kontestasi di Pengadilan
• “Law in the courtroom, when • “filling in the gaps in existing law
done well, is a competitive game, by making arguments about
an adversarial contest between what the law should be”.
parties trying to win.
Jurisprudence is about what must
be done to make this game good
and fair.”

Studium Generale OI 2016 @ Sigit Riyanto 4

Doktrin Hukum
• Apakah Doktrin hukum.
– Terminologi & Pengertian
• Proses terjadinya Doktrin Hukum
• Pembedaan Doktrin Hukum ( Karya Hukum) :
Hakim/Pengadilan vs Intelektual/Akademisi
• Relevansi doktrin hukum:
• Pengaruh Doktrin Hukum

@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 5

Legal Doctrine; Legal Dogmatics
• Tidak seragam : mencakup berbagai istilah /term.
– “analytical study of law”
– “doctrinal study of law.”
– “legal science”
– “constructive legal science”
– (Eropa : scientia juris, Rechtswissenschaft)
– Continental : “legal dogmatics” (Rechtsdogmatik).
• Dapat mencakup:
– sosiologi dan sejarah hukum ;
– penelitian hk
@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 6
• Doctrine = precedent ( sempit) : • Luas : kegiatan dan hasil ( karya)
hukum yg berasal dari ahli hk ( juristic works).
pengadilan. – Incl. Buku, penelitian, publikasi.
– “Judicial opinions create the rules – “subsidiary means for the
or standards that comprise legal determination of rules of law;”
doctrine”. – In other words, these are not
– Mengikat pada kasus ybs ( a quo) authorities, rather they are
evidence of the sources of law.

@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 7

• Muncul dari pertanyaan/permasalahan hk nyata.
• Historis : Romawi.
– “ Ius Publicae respondendi ex auctortate principis”
• The right of certain jurist to answer questions of law by authority of the
• ahli yang diakui memiliki otoritas ilmiah dan netral
– “ communis opinio doctorum”
– Sumber yg dapat dijadikan referensi dlm membuat keputusan

@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 8


Hkm /Pengadilan Ahli/intelektual hukum

• Opini yg mengikat langsung • Tdk langsung mengikat:
• Kasus nyata • Abstrak ; pendapat Umum
• Menanggapi perkara yg diajukan • Merumuskan masalah/persoalan
• Keputusan konkrit • Rekomendasi/ “Soft Law”/ “de
• Keputusan Majelis lege feranda”
• Analitis; kausalitas • Mandiri/individual
• Eksplanatoris

@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 9

• Membentuk (melahirkan/menegaskan • Mempromosikan keadilan dan
norma, standar hk); moralitas:
• Mengisi kekosongan norma; – Menapsirkan hk ( yg lama) dgn cara
– “filling in the gaps in existing law by pandang & konteks baru ( interpretasi;
making arguments about what the law relevansi);
should be.” – to change the law for the better.
• Rujukan /dasar/ argumen utk • Membangun kepercayaan ( trust) thd
penyelesaian masalah di masa y.a.d. hukum;
• Membentuk sistem hk yg akurat, • Meningkatkan universalitas (
koheren dan transparan ; globalisasi ) standar hukum:
– E.g. “pacta sunt servanda” ; unjust
enrichment; abuse of right
• Meningkatkan kepastian hk :
dihadapan sistem/dinamika politik.

@ Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, SH., LL.M. 10

• Capita Selecta
– Positivism
– Naturalism
– Legal Realism
– Sociological Jurisprudence
– Critical Legal Studies

@ Prof. Dr Sigit Riyanto FH UGM 11

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