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CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 1 CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 2

System Components – System Components –

File Management Secondary Storage Management
ì  A file is a collec+on of related informa+on defined by ì  Since main memory (primary storage) is vola+le and too
its creator. small to accommodate all data and programs
ì  The opera+ng system is responsible for the following permanently, the computer system must provide
ac+vi+es in connec+on with file management: secondary storage to back up main memory.
ì  Most modern computer systems use disks as the
ì  File/directory crea+on and dele+on
principle storage medium, for both programs and data.
ì  Support of primi+ves for manipula+ng files and directories
ì  The opera+ng system is responsible for the following
ì  Access control available on most systems ac+vi+es in connec+on with disk management:
ì  ì 


CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 3 CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 4

Performance of Various Levels of Storage Migration of Integer A from Disk to Register

ì  Movement between levels of storage hierarchy can be ì  Mul+tasking environments must be careful to use
explicit or implicit most recent value, no maFer where it is stored in the
storage hierarchy

ì  Mul+processor environment must provide cache
coherency in hardware such that all CPUs have the
most recent value in their cache
ì  Distributed environment situa+on even more complex
ì  Several copies of a datum can exist
CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 5 CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 6

System Components –
I/O System Management
Protection and Security

ì  One purpose of OS is to hide peculiari+es of hardware ì  Protec'on – any mechanism for controlling access of
devices from the user processes or users to resources defined by the OS
The I/O system consists of: ì  Security – defense of the system against internal and
external aFacks
ì  A buffer-caching system
ì  A general device-driver interface


ì  Drivers for specific hardware devices

CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 7 CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 8

Protection and Security Computing Environments

ì  Systems generally first dis+nguish among users, to ■  Client-Server Computing
determine who can do what ●  Dumb terminals supplanted by smart PCs
ì  User iden++es (user IDs, security IDs) include name and ●  Many systems now servers, responding to requests generated by
associated number, one per user
!  Compute-server:

ì  User ID then associated with all files, processes of that user
to determine access control !  File-server:
ì  Group iden+fier (group ID) allows set of users to be defined
and controls managed, then also associated with each
process, file
ì  Privilege escala'on allows user to change to effec+ve ID
with more rights
CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 9 CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 10

Peer-to-Peer Computing Web-Based Computing

ì  Another model for a distributed system ì  Web has become ubiquitous

ì  P2P does not dis+nguish clients and servers ì  More devices becoming networked to allow web
ì  access
ì  New category of devices to manage web traffic among
ì  similar servers: load balancers

ì  Use of opera+ng systems like Windows 95, client-side,
ì  Node must join P2P network
have evolved into Linux, Mac OS/X and Windows 7/10,
ì  Registers its service with central lookup service on network, or which can be clients and servers
ì  Broadcast request for service and respond to requests for
service via discovery protocol
ì  Examples include Napster and Gnutella

CMPT 300 Chapter 1 Page 11

Open-Source Operating Systems

ì  Opera+ng systems made available in source-code

format rather than just binary closed-source
ì  Counter to the copy protec+on and Digital Rights
Management (DRM) movement
ì  Started by Free Soaware Founda+on (FSF), which has
“copylea” GNU Public License (GPL)
ì  Examples include GNU/Linux and BSD UNIX (including
core of Mac OS X)

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