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A free template to help you define your goals
& create an action plan for achieving them.
Goal Setting Worksheet

Setting goals is an essential part of any career and is especially important in

sales. Your goals tell you what you want to achieve in a certain timeframe.

Over the years, we’ve seen many professionals (and sellers and managers
and companies) get goal planning, action planning, and commitment to
execution right, and we’ve also seen many fall short.

Those who fall short tend to do so in three common ways:

1. Action plans to achieve goals are not concrete

2. Habits and behaviors to achieve different results are not outlined

3. There is no analysis of where time should be spent in order to

achieve goals

To the first point, once you define your goals, you need a clear path to get
there. You need to map out how you’ll achieve your goals with a concrete
action plan. Only when you’re crystal clear on the actions you must take to
reach your goal do you give yourself a fighting chance of achieving it.

Habit change is also an essential, yet rarely addressed, piece of the puzzle.
If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results.
As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again, but expecting different results.”

If you want to achieve your goals, you must do things differently. This
requires changing your behaviors, and often changing bad habits that
derail your focus, priorities, and, ultimately, your results.

Finally, you need to be mindful of how you spend your time. You need to
spend your time on activities that are most likely to generate an outsized
return. Once you choose where to spend your time, you need to avoid
distraction and maximize your output per work hour.

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5 Key Areas to the Goal Setting Worksheet

In this Goal Setting Worksheet, we focus on 5 key areas to not only set
your goals, but also give yourself the best shot at achieving them.

1. Goal Setting

2. Action Plan

3. Habits to Change


5. Avoiding Distraction

On the following pages, we’ll walk you through each of these sections and
provide an example of a completed Goal Setting Worksheet. We suggest
you download the blank template and begin to fill it in as you read about
each section.

1. Goal Setting
As you think about your goals, break them down into big picture goals,
three-year goals, and annual goals. Once you do that, you can break them
down into your action plan with quarterly priorities, monthly objectives,
and weekly and daily actions.

§§ Big Picture Goal: What’s your big picture goal? What do you want
to achieve over the long-term? It may be to retire at a certain age, to
achieve a specific number for your net worth, or to open a specific
kind of business or to have the flexibility to do what you want with
your time and feel free.

This may not be easy to answer. Sometimes it takes weeks, months,

or even years to sort out. It may also change over time. Don’t feel
pressured to come up with it today. Asking the question, however,
will help you begin your journey to defining it.

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§§ Three-Year Goals: Next, ask yourself, “What are my goals for the
next three years?” Most people overestimate what they can do in the
short-term and underestimate what they can do in the long-term.

While your big picture goal should be limited to one thing, you
might have two or three three-year goals that will put you on your
path to getting there.

§§ Annual Goals: This is where you’ll set specific targets for one year.
For example, if you’re in sales, you’ll at least set a sales and income
target. Even if you have a quota, you can set your personal goals to
be whatever you want them to be. If you want to be a top performer,
you often must reach a goal higher than your quota to get there.

Your annual goals don’t all have to be financial. You may want
to develop a specific expertise, be considered for a promotion,
or something else. Whatever they are, there should be no more
than five annual goals and one should be indicated as your most
important priority.

 Take action: Go over to the Goal Setting Worksheet and start writing
down your goals. This process is simple, straightforward and allows you to
set your eyes on the prize.

If you work with a coach or manager, share your goals with them. A good
coach can often provide insight to help you determine your goals. When
you do this, however, remove any personal big picture or three-year goals,
and focus only on the annual goals or those more focused on business.

2. Action Plan
Once you have your goals, it’s critical to lay out how you’ll achieve them. A
strong focus on weekly actions—we recommend just 20 minutes per week
planning them—will focus what you do and help you feel motivated to do it.

You can’t just go from annual goals to weekly goals. First, you must work
out your short-term priorities.

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§§ Priorities This Quarter: Build out your 90-day priorities. These are
the linchpins that bring the goals framework together, bridging the
gap between the long-term goals and the actions you’re going to
take right now to achieve them.

 Take action: In your worksheet, list out three to five 90-day

priorities. Keep the list as short as possible. Bold your most
important priority.

§§ Objectives This Month: Next create your monthly objectives. These

are things you need to do this month to work toward and achieve
your quarterly priorities.

 Take action: In your worksheet, list your monthly objectives. Be

realistic about what is achievable. Bold the most important objective.

§§ To Do This Week: The next step is to break down the monthly list of
actions into the big things you want to accomplish this week.

 Take action: Break down your weekly to-do list by day and time.
This is often a list of three to five core activities you’re going to push

§§ To Do – Core List: This is your catch-all. Maybe there’s a report you

need to produce for a manager, three run-of-the-mill sales calls on
your calendar, a weekly internal sales meeting, a reminder to catch
up with a teammate on an important opportunity, etc. This differs
from the To Do This Week list in that it’s typically the longer laundry
list. By separating the two lists, you’re forced to prioritize what’s
really important to get done.

 Take action: Write down everything you need to do this week.

If it’s on this list, it may not directly contribute to your monthly

§§ Greatest Impact Activity: Your Greatest Impact Activity (GIA in the

worksheet) is the one activity that, should you do it, will get you the
greatest eventual return on your time investment.

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Your GIA is rarely the easiest activity on your to-do list. It may be
making 25 prospecting touches each day, brainstorming value-adding
growth ideas for a specific account, or developing a big play to win
a large new client. Whatever the specifics, it’s the one activity that is
most likely to help you make forward progress toward your goals.

 Take action: Identify your GIA, add it to your worksheet, and put
it first every day to make strides toward the long-term reward of
achieving the career success you seek.

§§ Sharing Your Actions: This last piece is critical. Don’t just plan your
weekly actions, track them with someone who’ll help you successfully
achieve those objectives and hold you accountable.

We call this your accountability partner. Take a minute to type up

your weekly plan and send it to your partner. Then, the next week, at
a set time in your calendar, follow up with your partner. Indicate the
activities you completed and which you didn’t, and send along your
plan for the following week.

This simple, three-minute practice can double your success rate in

accomplishing what you want to get done each week.

 Take action: Find an accountability partner who’s willing to help

keep you on track and provide honest feedback, and send them your
weekly plan.

3. Habits to Change
You have to do things differently, and do different things, if you want
different results.

You may know your goals and define your action plan for the week, but all
is for naught if, when you start working, you’re too easily derailed.

Maybe you’re in the habit of checking your email first thing in the morning
and responding to all of your messages. If so, you’re not alone! Most
people do this, and it’s a productivity killer.

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Maybe you like to read sports or news stories and you find yourself
opening a web browser and mindlessly web surfing.

Maybe you’re a slave to your phone and you feel the need to check your
messages every time you hear that ding or buzz, or you simply pick it up
constantly to check a series of applications.

Whatever the case, you must change your habits if you want to achieve
your goals. Assuming you’re conscious of the habits you want to change,
you can intervene in several different places around the 4 Elements of
Habit. You can change the (1) trigger, (2) thought, (3) response, or define
and increase the desirably of your (4) reward.

1. Trigger: Something happens that cues a sequence of actions you

tend to do (e.g., your phone buzzes).

2. Thought: The cue triggers a thought (e.g., “I should check the


3. Response: You take an action (e.g., you pick up the phone and check
the message).

4. Reward: This is your gain or payoff (e.g., “Oh great, that report I’m
waiting for is in. I’ll stop what I’m doing and take a look”).

If you want to change this or any other habit, you must change the trigger
(turn off alerts), thought (“If my phone buzzes, I don’t need to look at it
right now”), response (keep working), or reward (achieving the priority for
this week).

 Take action: Identify the habits you want to change or begin that
will help you achieve your goals. Write them in your worksheet. See the
example Goal Setting Worksheet on page 10 for a few ideas.

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Achieving goals is all about spending your time on the right activities. You
can think about your time in the context of the following four levels:

4. Treasured: Time you hold dear. This is where you want to get. It’s
spending time doing the things that make you happy. The key to
maximining happiness and fulfilment is taking Treasured TIME.

3. Investment: Time you focus on becoming more effective, getting

the right things done, and achieving top performance. The key to
achieving your goals is maximizing your Investment TIME.

2. Mandatory: Time spent doing things you feel you must do like
commuting to work, shaving, mowing the lawn, filling out expense
reports, attending certain meetings, etc. The key to Mandatory TIME
is minimizing or converting it into Treasured or Investment TIME.

1. Empty: Time spent, nothing gained. The key to Empty TIME is to

eliminate as much of it as you can.

Why are these levels important? If you want to achieve your goals, you
must Obsess Over TIME. In fact, this is one of The 9 Habits of Extreme
Productivity (click to download the white paper).

Most people waste a great deal of time in the Mandatory and Empty
categories without realizing it. Identifying where you spend your time will
go a long way to helping you realize where you can make changes that will
ultimately help you achieve your goals.

 Take action: Use the worksheet to track your TIME. For two or three
days, obsessively track your time down to the minute. Once you know
where you’re spending your time, write down strategies in your worksheet
to take Treasured TIME, increase Investment TIME, minimize Mandatory
TIME, and eliminate Empty TIME.

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5. Avoiding Distraction
Distraction is an epidemic. From co-workers to meetings to messaging
alerts, there are 10 times more interruptions at work today than there were
just five years ago.

If you want to achieve your goals, follow these tips to avoid distraction:

§§ Be Impossible to Distract: Play hard to get. When you’re focusing,

don’t allow yourself to be interrupted. The first step is to recognize
your distractions and then develop strategies for how to avoid them.

One constant distraction is technology alerts. Our advice here is

simple, powerful, effective and (emotionally) difficult to do. Turn
off your alerts. With alerts on, there’s no way to avoid constant
interruption. Turn off email, phone, social media, chat, and all other
alerts. Take back control and make a conscious choice when you
check alerts; don’t let them control you.

 Take action: In your worksheet, identify what distractions derail

your focus and write down how you plan to avoid them.

§§ My “To Don’t” List: If you have 42 priorities, you have none. With a
colleague, manager, or coach, be brutal about your to-do list and say
“no” to lower priorities.

When you say “no,” it doesn’t mean, “never.” Instead, it means, “not
right now.” To capture these items, create a to don’t list. Recognize
them as priorities—priorities you’re not getting to right now.

 Take action: In your worksheet, move the priorities that you’re not
getting to right now to your “To Don’t” list.

§§ Maximizing Energy: When you’re tired, drained, or down, it’s hard

to focus and your results suffer. While time is finite, energy is not. It
can be renewed and strengthened. Think about your energy across
you mind, body, and spirit.

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Now that you understand each of the components of the Goal Setting
Worksheet, take some time to complete yours.

It’s essential that you complete the entire worksheet. If you set your goals
and action plan, but don’t identify the habits you need to change or
where you need to spend your time to achieve your goals, you are unlikely
to be successful.

For some, this guide and worksheet are enough to help you get on the
path to setting and achieving your goals.

If, however, you’re serious about achieving your goals this year and want
additional guidance and advice, consider our 90-day Extreme Productivity
Challenge. It’s available as an online self-study program for individuals, or
an onsite workshop that includes 90-days of coaching for teams.

Either way, embrace the Goal Setting Worksheet and use it. Make it a part
of your regular routine to review your goals, set your priorities, and develop
your action plan. Tap an accountability partner to review progress weekly.

Do this and you’re much more likely to not only achieve your annual goals,
but also reach your long-term and big picture ones, all while living a
happier, more fulfilled life.

Click here to download an editable version of

the Goal Setting Worksheet. >>

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Goal Setting Worksheet Example

Goal Setting

Big Picture Goal - My New Reality

Define the destination of your journey. Big picture, what do you want?

I want to retire in 12 years at 55 with enough money in the bank to enjoy my retirement and pay for my 2
children’s college.

The Foundation - Why

Your “why” is the foundation of your goals and will help you stick to them long-term. Why have you chosen
your big picture goal?

Giving back to my children, being around at 55 when they are still at home in school for several years, and
being able to live free of debt or financial worry will allow me live a great majority of my life focused on
giving back and enjoying Treasured Time every day.

Three Year Goals Between: ________________________________

2019 and ________________________________

What do I need to achieve in 3 years that will put me on the path to achieving my Big Picture Goal?
§§ Retirement savings of XXX in 3 years
§§ Total compensation of Y

§§ Positioned internally as the go to expert on the XYZ Technology
§§ Get promoted to Vice President of Strategic Accounts

Annual Goals Between: ________________________________

2019 and ________________________________

List your goals for this year. Write down no more than five (as few as possible). Put your most important
priority first.

Total compensation of Z at 120% of quota ¨ Behind ¨ On Track ¨ Ahead

Selling my first cross-functional deal at the enterprise level ¨ Behind ¨ On Track ¨ Ahead

Growing 3 of my accounts to over $500k in revenue each ¨ Behind ¨ On Track ¨ Ahead

Building a plan with leadership to become a VP and executing

¨ Behind ¨ On Track ¨ Ahead
on that plan

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Goal Setting Worksheet Example

Action Plan

Accountability Partner Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Jim Appleton
Fridays at 1 p.m.
Report Progress on (day and time): __________________________________________________________________

Priorities This Quarter Objectives This Month

No more than 5. As few as possible. Bold the most As few as possible. Bold the most important
important priority. objective.
§§ Prospecting: Double my efforts for net new §§ Spend 25% of time prospecting
logos §§ Build and approve 2 account plans
§§ Account growth: build and execute plans to grow §§ Focus on my top 15 deals in the pipeline to drive
5 of my 15 most important accounts 6 figure proposals
§§ Drive 5 new proposals for greater than 6 figures §§ Avoid small sales to increase time for big ones

Success Metrics: Success Metrics:

§§ Pipeline growth from $4.5m to $5.5m §§ 15 proactively set new meetings
§§ 5 new six figure opportunities in the pipeline §§ 2 account plans approved
§§ 5 completed and approved account plans
§§ My SVP approving my career advancement plan

To Do This Week

Plan actions and calendar investment activities for next week on (day and time).
§§ Calendar 15 hours of prospecting and don’t get distracted
§§ Hold account plan meeting #1 and begin building accounts
§§ Write and present the ACME proposal
§§ Prepare strongly for my 3 most important sales meetings
§§ Build an opportunity plan to win the Smith deal and give the competition no chance

To Do - Core List

GIA Today: Prospecting: 4 hours calendared! No distractions.

§§ Do morning routine every day

<To do list of all items goes here. Look at your to do this week and prioritize them in order.>

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Goal Setting Worksheet Example

Habits to Change or Develop

Habits I Want to Change or How I Plan to Change or

Why Am I Doing This?
Develop (focus on work habit) Develop This Habit
Calendar it. Do a commitment
Lose 15 lbs. Feel better. More
I don’t work out. contract. Positive self talk “I can
work out!”
Need to work on the increasing
Work with Steve. Set priorities one Need to do this to drive account
my professional development time
by one and execute them. growth and get promoted to VP
every month.
I need to power through work I
I get distracted when doing work I Need to stop a) wasting time, and
don’t love when I need to do it:
don’t love. b) missing my quarterly priorities
sprint and relay
Stop being cranky. Fix my attitude
Can’t grow accounts unless I do
before meetings. Say, “I’m
Be a better relationship developer. this. Can’t get promoted to VP
likeable.” Focus on rapport time.
unless I show success here.
Make lunch appointments.

Stop wasting time in the a.m. on Say “When I open a browser, close
Save 5 hours a week.
reading web articles. it and look at my priority list.”


Treasured TIME I Want

§§ Time with family
§§ Golf regularly
§§ Travel with my spouse one-on-one
§§ Travel with family – new adventures
§§ Charity work and events
§§ Time with friends, deeper relationships

Investment TIME for My Focus (in order of importance)

Topic Why

Prospecting Drives pipeline, necessary for sales growth

Account development Best and smartest opportunity to beat quota

Winning major sales Can increase win rate from 35% to 55%

Professional development Keep focus on growth and promotion

Mindfulness Gives focus, clarity, calm, energy

Exercise Feel better, more energy, healthier, happier

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Goal Setting Worksheet Example

Mandatory TIME

Hours Saved Target

Topic Minimize or Outsource Strategy
(per week)
§§ Work from home on concentrate days
Commuting 2
§§ Listen to business books when driving
House work Outsource laundry, cleaning, filing, yardwork 2

Errands Give to Jim, others 4

Empty TIME

Topic Minimize Strategy Hours Saved Target

Stop using Facebook so much Log in only once a week 4

§§ Plan in advance what to watch
Watch only 1 TV show a night 6
§§ Say 3...2...1 Stop! if I’m channel surfing
Only open browsers at night, not during the
Stop mindless web browsing 5
work day

Avoiding Distraction

Be Impossible to Distract (Focus on work environment)

Distraction How I Will Avoid

Alerts Turn of all alerts

People coming to door and interrupting Close door, signal do not disturb

Phone rings Turn on DND so it doesn’t ring

Phone and email checking habit Sprint - don’t look at phone/tech when sprinting

General interruptions Periodically turn on OOO on concentrate days

Bulk schedule meetings and calendar concentrate

Intermittent meetings kill concentration time
time; get Jim’s help here

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Goal Setting Worksheet Example

My “To Don’t” List

Possible priorities or actions that are good, but not great right now, or great but not priorities right now.
Focus on work.
§§ Focusing on deals under $25k unless they are at strategic accounts
§§ Focusing on accounts that can’t be at least $250k
§§ Joining meetings when asked unless I’m really needed or it helps me meet my goals
§§ Web surfing during the work day

Maximizing Energy

How I’ll manage energy across the following.

Mind: Body: Spirit:

§§ Practice mindfulness §§ Exercise 3x per week §§ Practice mindfulness
§§ Get consistently good sleep §§ Walk around a lot during §§ Take Treasured Time on list
§§ Keep eating healthy

Track Your TIME

Activity Minutes
(T, I, M, or E)

Commute I 35

Email M 10

Sales meeting M 25

Quarterly pipeline metrics I 45

Football scores E 15

Lunch with Doug T 60

Helpful Hints

§§ Download your blank copy of the Goal Setting Worksheet here.

§§ Start your daily to-do list with a GIA and do it first. No matter what.

§§ Print three copies of the time tracker (page 3 of the Goal Setting Worksheet) and complete it for at
least three days to get a realistic picture of how you spend your TIME.

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Extreme Productivity Challenge
Help Your Team Achieve Exceptional Increases in Productivity and Results

Sellers today are more distracted than ever. The never-ending dings, rings, and buzzes that interrupt workflow
every few minutes are killing focus and productivity.

And they’re killing your sales results.

You need a highly-motivated and focused sales team that brings

their A-game day in and day out. In a unique, transformational,
90-day experience, the Extreme Productivity Challenge (XPC)
teaches your sellers and sales managers how to get more done in
the time they have, helping them to achieve exceptional increases
in productivity and results. 64%
In the Extreme Productivity Challenge, participants learn how to:

§§ Maximize motivation, make consistent progress, and of companies do not believe their
achieve goals sellers manage their time, focus, and
§§ Control TIME with the simplest, most effective time personal effectiveness well.
management system
Program Approach
§§ Ignore distractions, focus, and get in the Extreme
Productivity Zone §§ Extreme Productivity
§§ Master The XP3 and 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity
§§ 1-Day Intensive Workshop
§§ Implement an accountability system to maximize execution
§§ 90-Day Extreme Productivity
§§ Achieve maximum output per work hour by focusing on Coaching
the activities that get outsized returns §§ Ongoing reinforcement

Your team will be introduced to the 90-Day XPC Plan, Roadmap

to Habit Change, and TIME Analysis and Tracking Template, three proprietary tools that will help your sellers
internalize their new knowledge and maximize their efficiency and productivity.

Contact Us to Transform Your Team

If your team needs to learn to:

§§ Develop quarterly, monthly, and weekly productivity plans

§§ Change habits
§§ Recover lost TIME and regain focus

Contact RAIN Group today at 508-405-0438 or info@raingroup.com.

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About RAIN Group
Unleash the Sales Potential of Your Team with RAIN Group

RAIN Group is a sales training, assessment, and performance improvement company that helps leading
organizations improve sales results. We’ve helped hundreds of thousands of salespeople, managers, and
professionals in more than 73 countries increase their sales significantly with RAIN Group’s consulting and
sales methodology.

Implement Sales Training that Delivers Real Results Identify Who Can and Will Sell with Great Success
RAIN Group’s sales training system inspires real Our assessments measure sales attributes and skills,
change and delivers results that last. Our rigorous identifying the factors that really make a difference
approach includes sales team evaluation, customized in sales performance. Whether you’re looking to hire
training programs, robust reinforcement, and someone who can and will sell, or looking to improve
coaching to help you and your team develop sales sales performance, we’ll help you build the most
and negotiation skills, and maximize your results. successful sales team.

Grow Your Key Accounts Implement World-Class Sales Coaching

At most companies, there’s a huge, untapped We coach sellers, professionals, and leaders
opportunity to add more value—and thus sell more— individually and in groups to achieve the greatest
to existing accounts. We help our clients capitalize increase in sales results. And we train and certify
on these revenue growth opportunities. Whether leaders and managers in our RAIN Sales Coaching
it’s simply increasing cross-selling and up-selling or system. Often, it’s RAIN Sales Coaching that truly
implementing a major strategic account management unlocks the team’s potential, and keeps them
program, we can help. motivated to produce the best results consistently.

Find out more about how RAIN Group can help you
unleash the sales potential of your team by visiting
raingroup.com or calling (508) 405-0438.

RAIN Group’s Clients

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