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Chapter 70

Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Noel R. Rose1 and Ziya Kaya2
Department of Pathology and W. Harry Feinstone Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, The Johns Hopkins University Medical
Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2Department of Cardiology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Chapter Outline
Historical Background 1033 Immunologic Assessment of Biopsies 1038
Clinical, Pathologic, and Epidemiologic Features 1033 Genetic Features 1039
Myocarditis 1033 Environmental Features 1039
Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1035 Animal Models and Pathogenic Mechanisms 1040
Autoimmune Features and Immunologic Markers 1037 Treatment and Outcome 1043
Circulating Antibodies 1037 Personal Thoughts 1044
Immunofluorescence 1037 Acknowledgments 1044
Western Immunoblot 1038 References 1044
Immunoassay with Defined Antigens 1038

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND because of the availability of better antemortem diagnos-

tic tools, especially the endomyocardial biopsy, greater
The role of autoimmunity in cardiovascular disease has understanding of the role of cardiotropic viruses, and the
long been a topic of investigation in the clinic and the lab- potential of new modalities of therapy.
oratory. Years of research effort were devoted to establish-
ing a link between streptococcal infection and rheumatic
heart disease on the basis of an autoimmune response (see
Chapter 69). Chagas’ disease is still believed to be based CLINICAL, PATHOLOGIC, AND
on a cross-reaction of antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi EPIDEMIOLOGIC FEATURES
with myocardial or cardiac conductive tissue (Coura and
Borges-Pereira, 2012). Finally, post-pericardiotomy syn-
drome and post-myocardial infarction syndrome are some- While myocarditis may be asymptomatic, the major fea-
times cited as instances of an autoimmune response tures include arrhythmias (palpitations, dizziness, syncope,
instigated by damaged or necrotic tissue (Maisch et al., or sudden cardiac death), embolic events, congestive heart
1979). This chapter reviews the evidence linking autoim- failure, or cardiogenic shock. These clinical findings can
munity with two important forms of heart disease, myo- be supported by electrocardiographic changes, such as
carditis and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). It must be nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities and atrial or ventric-
stated, ab initio, that immunologic testing has so far not ular arrhythmias. Two-dimensional echocardiography, a
been effective in allowing a clear distinction between noninvasive way of evaluating heart size and function,
autoimmune and other etiologies of these diseases. may show normal ventricular size with thick walls and
The classic description of myocarditis was given by decreased contractility early in the illness or progressive
Corvisart in 1812 (referenced in Gravanis and Sternby, heart enlargement with thinning of the muscle in chronic
1991), but for many years progress in studying the disease cases. Biventricular enlargement is seen in chronic cases.
was impeded by the uncertainties of clinical diagnosis. A pericardial rub may be detected, indicating pericardial
Definitive diagnosis was dependent upon autopsy exami- irritation with or without a pericardial effusion. As the dis-
nation. Interest in the disease increased in recent years ease progresses, gallop rhythms and signs of congestive

N. Rose & I. Mackay (Eds): The Autoimmune Diseases, Fifth edition. DOI:
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1033
1034 PART | 14 Cardiovascular System and Lungs

heart failure appear. The patient may recall a recent

viral illness with symptoms of malaise, chills and TABLE 70.1 An Exemplary Classification Scheme for
fever, upper respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms, Myocarditis (Modified from Sagar et al., 2011)
myalgia, and chest pain. The majority of cases, however, Etiologic Histologic Clinicopathologic
cannot be traced back to an obvious preceding illness.
Viral, such as enteroviruses Eosinophilic Fulminant
Most patients with myocarditis present with either left
(e.g., Coxsackie B),
ventricular failure or arrhythmias as their only clinical Erythroviruses (eg, Giant cell Acute
signs. Parvovirus B19),
Studies of the occurrence of myocarditis in North adenoviruses, and Herpes
America, Europe, and Japan have suggested that the inci- viruses
Bacterial, such as Granulomatous Chronic active
dence varies widely in different areas (Jacobson et al.,
Corynebacterium diphtheria,
1997). Prevalence figures of 1.06, 3.5, 5.4, and as high as Staphylococcus aureus,
10 have been reported in different series (Gravanis and Borrelia burgdorferi, and
Sternby, 1991). The reasons for these wide differences are Ehrlichia species
not known, but may be related to the differing diagnostic Protozoal, such as Babesia Lymphocytic Chronic persistent
Trypanosomal, such as
criteria used or may reflect exposures to different
Trypanosoma cruzi
types and strains of cardiotropic viruses, as well as Toxic: alcohol, radiation,
genetic differences in the host populations. The 5-year chemicals (hydrocarbons
survival of biopsy-proven acute or chronic myocarditis in and Arsenic), and drugs,
adults is only 56% (Grogan et al., 1995). In pediatric including doxorubicin
populations, the prevalence and mortality are even
sulfonamides and penicillins
higher. Noren et al. (1976) described histologic evidence
of latent myocarditis in 4.2% of accidental deaths of
children and 16.7% of unexplained, unexpected deaths,
suggesting that unsuspected myocarditis may be a signifi-
cant cause of unexpected death in children (Liberthson,
1996). Fabre et al. describe myocarditis in up to 12% of 2 3 years (Lieberman et al., 1991). Patients with giant
cases of sudden death in young adults (Fabre and cell or necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis (Sagar et al.,
Sheppard, 2006). Prospective studies have also revealed a 2012) develop rapidly progressive mildly dilated but
grave prognosis for myocarditis patients, with a 5- to severely hypofunctional cardiomyopathy and have a life
10-year survival rate of 25 46%, mostly due to manifes- expectancy, without vigorous treatment, that is measured
tations of DCM and sudden cardiac death (Dec et al., in months.
1985; McCarthy et al., 2000; Magnani et al., 2006; The so-called Dallas criteria, the consensus of a group
Caforio et al., 2007). of cardiovascular pathologists, led to better standardiza-
The clinical diagnosis of myocarditis remains a chal- tion of the histopathologic examination (Aretz et al.,
lenge (Schultheiss and Kuhl, 2011). Myocarditis can be 1986). Active myocarditis requires the presence of mono-
classified by etiology, histology, immunohistology, clini- nuclear inflammation associated with adjacent myocyte
cal pathologic, or clinical criteria (Table 70.1). Felker damage (Figure 70.1). Myocyte damage can take the form
et al. (2000) and McCarthy et al. (2000) have demon- of necrosis or myocyte vacuolization. The term borderline
strated that the prognosis of cardiomyopathy in patients myocarditis is applied when an unequivocal diagnosis of
with myocarditis is dependent on the clinical pathologic myocarditis cannot be made either because the inflamma-
classification of their initial disorder. Patients with fulmi- tory infiltrate is too sparse or because the damage to the
nant myocarditis, who do not die within the first 2 weeks, myocyte is not clearly demonstrable (Figure 70.2). The
have a survival rate which is virtually identical to that of terminology used for subsequent biopsies is ongoing,
age-matched controls. Patients with subacute myocarditis resolving, or resolved myocarditis. Ongoing myocarditis
who develop persistent left ventricular dysfunction indicates persistent myocardial inflammation associated
have an outcome that is virtually identical to that of with myocyte damage. Resolving myocarditis resembles
patients with idiopathic DCM. Patients with chronic per- borderline myocarditis, but reparative fibrosis is evident.
sistent myocarditis, while they continue to have myocar- Resolved or healed myocarditis is diagnosed if no inflam-
dial inflammation, have no deterioration in ventricular matory infiltrate is seen. The Dallas criteria also require
function and usually have a normal survival. Patients that myocarditis be distinguished from the histologic
with chronic active myocarditis and who have ongoing pattern of myocardial injury evident in ischemic heart dis-
inflammation and fibrosis develop a restrictive cardiomy- ease. The inflammatory infiltrate in myocarditis is com-
opathy severe enough to require transplantation within posed primarily of mononuclear cells, although in the
Chapter | 70 Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1035

Nevertheless there is the diagnostic lack due to sampling

error. Noninvasive cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) may provide additional diagnostic value (Jesirich
et al., 2010). With the unique potential for tissue characteri-
zation using T1- and T2-weighted images, cardiac MRI can
evaluate three important markers of tissue injury: (1) intra-
cellular and interstitial edema; (2) hyperemia and capillary
leakage; and (3) necrosis and fibrosis (Mahrholdt et al.,
2004; Abdel-Aty et al., 2005; Gutberlet et al., 2008;
Friedrich et al., 2009). In practice, although the number of
medical centers performing endomyocardial biopsy has
been increased, it is still not routinely performed in all
patients and all centers.
There are several distinct histologic forms of myocarditis
(Basso et al., 2012). Drug- or allergy-mediated myocarditis
FIGURE 70.1 Lymphocytic myocarditis. There is a heavy infiltrate is characterized by an eosinophilic infiltrate. Fulminant myo-
of large activated lymphocytes throughout the myocardium. Myocyte carditis demonstrates intense infiltration in virtually all sec-
necrosis is noted in the middle of this image. Fibrosis is present on the
right side of the image. (H&E 4003)
tions with marked myocyte necrosis (Figure 70.3). Chronic
active myocarditis reveals ongoing myocardial inflammation
associated with fibrosis and occasional giant cells
more acute phases polymorphonuclear cell infiltration is (Lieberman et al., 1993). Giant-cell myocarditis is a rare but
common. Giant cells and prominent eosinophilia are seen frequently fatal form of myocarditis (Figure 70.4) (Elamm,
in some cases of myocarditis and often indicate a dire et al., 2012). The victims are primarily young, healthy adults
outcome. who die suddenly of heart failure or ventricular arrhythmia.
The Dallas criteria, which have been used extensively Although cardiac transplantation may be curative, several
for clinical trials, may be too insensitive to diagnose many instances of recurrent disease in the transplanted heart have
patients with inflammatory heart disease. In one trial, only been reported. Histologic findings in giant-cell myocarditis
9.6% of 2233 patients with a clinical diagnosis of myocar- are diffuse myocardial necrosis with numerous multinucle-
ditis were positive by the rigid Dallas criteria (Mason and ated giant cells and a mixed inflammatory infiltrate of lym-
O’Connell, 1989). Utilizing the Dallas criteria even in phocytes and macrophages. Collections of eosinophils are
patients who have died of myocarditis, and with five tissue seen in some of these patients.
samples, it is only possible to establish a histologic diagno-
sis of myocarditis in 54% of patients (Chow et al., 1989;
Hauck et al., 1989). Additionally, in Towbin et al.’s (1994)
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
study of children with suspected clinical myocarditis (67% Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a chronic form of heart
of these patients had adenoviral infection), 13 of the 26 disease characterized by left and right ventricular dilata-
patients positive for viral nucleic acid by the polymerase tion and impaired contraction (Gravanis and Ansari,
chain reaction (PCR) did not display the histopathologic 1987). The clinical spectrum is broad, ranging from indi-
features that would allow the diagnosis of myocarditis to viduals with asymptomatic cardiomegaly to patients who
be established. The standard Dallas criteria are further lim- present with severe congestive heart failure. Patients may
ited by variability in interpretation as well as low sensitiv- also display symptoms or signs of arrhythmia or systemic
ity. These limitations have led to alternative pathological embolization with or without congestive heart failure.
classifications. Wojnicz et al. (2001) and Frustaci et al. Other signs include systemic or pulmonary venous con-
(2003), utilizing upregulation of HLA by endomyocardial gestion, cardiomegaly, gallop rhythms, and mitral or tri-
biopsy or the presence of antiheart antibodies as markers of cuspid regurgitation. The diagnosis requires exclusion of
an autoimmune response, identified patients with suspected heart failure due to other causes, such as coronary artery
myocarditis who appeared to respond to immunosuppres- disease, toxic exposure, drug allergy, medication (adria-
sive therapy. mycin) effect, or physical agent injury. Once heart failure
Additional criteria rely on cell-specific immunoperoxi- is established in a patient with DCM, the expected out-
dase stains for surface antigens, such as anti-CD3, anti- come is poor, with a 5-year mortality of 46% (Grogan
CD4, anti-CD20, anti-CD68, and anti-human leukocyte et al., 1995). D’Ambrosio et al. describe in long-term fol-
antigen (HLA) (Herskowitz et al., 1990; Maisch et al., low-up studies in patients with acute myocarditis the
2000). Criteria that are based on immunoperoxidase stain- development of DCM in 21% of patients over a mean
ing have greater sensitivity and may have prognostic value. follow-up period of 3 years (D’Ambrosio et al., 2001).
1036 PART | 14 Cardiovascular System and Lungs

(A) (B)

FIGURE 70.2 Borderline myocarditis. (A) A single cluster of perivascular lymphocytes is present. No myocardial damage is identified. (H&E
400 3 ). (B) A CD8 immunohistochemical stain highlights the infiltrating T lymphocytes. (H&E 4003)

years. Several circulating autoantibodies, some of them

heart specific, have been described in animal experiments
and first clinical pilot studies suggest that antibodies,
including antibodies to the β1-adrenoceptor, play a crucial
role in the induction and progression of heart failure. But
the precise mechanisms on how these autoantibodies per-
petuate or even induce an organ-specific autoimmune
response are not yet fully understood (Leuschner et al.,
2008; Deubner et al., 2010; Kaya et al., 2010, 2012).
Clinical observations on prognostic relevance of autoanti-
bodies have the prompted therapeutic trials focused on
nonspecific removal of autoantibodies from the circula-
tion via immunoadsorption. There are early reports on a
beneficial outcome in patients treated by immunoadsorp-
FIGURE 70.3 Fulminant myocarditis. The myocardium is replaced tion (Felix and Staudt, 2006).
by a marked polymorphous inflammatory infiltrate composed predomi- To address cardiac autoimmunity the prospective
nantly of lymphocytes and macrophages with rarer eosinophils and neu-
trophils. Global myocyte injury and loss is noted. No giant cells are
Etiology, Titer-Course, and effect on Survival (ETiCS) of
present. (H&E 100 3) cardiac autoantibodies has been initiated. It is the largest
European clinical diagnostic study initiated so far in the
Several studies have investigated the frequency of field of cardiac autoimmunity. ETiCS will enhance cur-
familial dilated cardiomyopathy. Petretta et al. report in rent knowledge on autoimmunity in human heart disease
their meta-analysis an estimated clinically confirmed and promote endeavors to develop novel therapies target-
FDC of 23% (95% confidence interval 0.17 to 0.31) was ing cardiac autoantibodies (Deubner et al., 2010).
found (Petretta et al., 2011). Furthermore, a large number In 1985, the prevalence of DCM in Olmsted County,
of other etiologic agents have been associated with DCM Minnesota, was 36.5 in 100,000. African American race
(Felker et al., 2000), including infections and metabolic, and male gender were associated with increased risk
endocrinologic, and nutritional disturbances, as well as (Cetta and Michels, 1995). The incidence of DCM in
toxins and drugs. However, in approximately 50% of Malmö, Sweden, was reported to be 10 in 100,000 per
patients, no specific etiology can be identified. The same year (Torp, 1981), and estimated in Great Britain at
pathologic process probably results from a number of dif- 0.7 7.5 in 100,000 per year, with a prevalence in 1985
ferent etiologies. of 8.3 cases in 100,000 (Williams and Olsen, 1985). In a
Evidence for pathophysiologic relevance of autoim- nationwide study in Finland, the incidence of DCM
munity in DCM has substantially increased over the past among children and adolescents was 0.34 in 100,000 per
Chapter | 70 Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1037

Initially, Bowles et al. (1986) and Kandolf et al. (1987)

demonstrated Coxsackievirus B-specific nucleic acid
sequences in heart tissue of a small number of patients
with DCM. Since then molecular testing has become
increasingly sophisticated. Towbin et al. (1994) demon-
strated that children with suspected myocarditis were
PCR positive for viral etiologies on endomyocardial
biopsy (26 of 38 samples from 34 patients). Additionally,
the viral sequences demonstrated were more frequently
adenoviral (15) than enteroviral (8).
In cases of DCM, the heart assumes a globular shape
due to enlargement of all of the chambers, especially the
left ventricle (Gravanis and Ansari, 1987). The histologic
findings are generally nonspecific, and include myocar-
dial cell hypertrophy and an increase in interstitial fibrous
connective tissue. In areas of degeneration of the myocar-
FIGURE 70.4 Giant cell myocarditis. The myocardium is infiltrated
by a patchy and diffuse inflammatory infiltrate composed primarily of
dial fibers, small clusters of lymphocytes may be seen.
lymphocytes and macrophages. Multiple collections of giant cells are This finding may blur the distinction of DCM from
seen within the infiltrate along with eosinophils. There is significant myocarditis.
injury and loss of myocytes in areas of inflammation, while adjacent
myocardium is relatively uninvolved. (H&E 503).
year, with a prevalence in 1991 of 2.6 in 100,000. In chil- IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS
dren, the incidence is higher in boys than girls, and higher
Circulating Antibodies
in babies younger than 1 year than in older children
(Jefferies and Towbin, 2010). Although the male predom- The ambiguities in diagnosing inflammatory disease of
inance in this disease is not great, it stands in contrast to the heart muscle are evident. Although the availability of
most autoimmune disorders that occur more frequently in endomyocardial biopsy has helped to clarify the situation,
females. The basis of the male predominance is still not many cases are still inconclusive. There is, at present, a
clearly understood, but appears to be related to sex-based need for noninvasive, inexpensive diagnostic procedures
differences in cytokine formation. The number of new to distinguish autoimmune from other forms of inflamma-
cases increased each year over the 10-year study period tory heart disease. Much evidence points to a significant
(Arola et al., 1997). Since a number of these patients uti- role of autoimmunity in some animal models of heart
lize significant medical resources in their care or eventu- muscle disease. It is logical, therefore, to propose that
ally require cardiac transplantation, there is a great need serologic tests, based on the demonstration of circulating
for early and definitive diagnosis. autoantibodies to cardiac antigens, might be useful in the
Cases representing progression from myocarditis to identification of autoimmune forms of myocarditis and
DCM can be termed inflammatory DCM (Maisch et al., DCM in humans. The literature has been reviewed by
2000); Kline and Saphir (1960) documented progressive Caforio et al. (2002), Cihakova and Rose (2008), and,
myocardial failure and death in a series of patients within most recently, Kaya et al. (2012).
months to years after acute myocarditis. Miklozek et al.
(1986) found that 12 of 16 patients diagnosed as having
viral myocarditis had continued cardiac functional
abnormalities. Abelmann (1984) reported that half of Immunofluorescence tests utilize cardiac tissue of rat or
16 patients had cardiac symptoms or physical evidence of human origin. Both frozen sections and isolated myocytes
persistent cardiac dysfunction after recovery from acute have been employed. Antibody generally localizes at the
myocarditis. Most symptomatic relatives of DCM patients surface of the myocyte, giving a sarcolemmal or myolem-
with left ventricular dysfunction have evidence of mal pattern, or on the striations, producing a fibrillar pat-
myocardial inflammation consistent with early or mild tern. Whether these two immunofluorescent patterns
myocarditis (Mahon et al., 2002). represent antibodies of different specificities is unclear,
Like myocarditis, DCM may be associated with because both patterns can be seen in sera from mice
Coxsackievirus infection. In 50 infants and children with immunized with purified cardiac myosin. A major prob-
DCM, Ayuthya et al. (1974) found significantly increased lem in the interpretation of indirect immunofluorescence
titers of neutralizing antibody to Coxsackieviruses B3. is the high prevalence of reactions obtained with sera
1038 PART | 14 Cardiovascular System and Lungs

from healthy control subjects. Maisch (1987) found that the presence of antibodies to β1-adrenergic receptors in
91% of patients with myocarditis gave positive reactions DCM is highly suggestive of a direct pathogenic effect,
with human or rat cardiocytes, but 31 35% of healthy since the antigen is accessible on the surface of the myo-
controls showed similar reactions, although generally at cardiocyte. β1-Adrenergic receptor antibodies can induce
lower levels. Neumann et al. (1990) used more conserva- apoptosis in isolated adult cardiomyocytes (Staudt et al.,
tive criteria, 59% of patients with biopsy-proven myocar- 2003) and antibodies activating the receptors are associ-
ditis being positive, as were 20% of patients with DCM. ated with reduced cardiac function in chronic heart failure
In contrast, none of the healthy controls and only 4% of (Jahns et al., 2010).
patients with ischemic heart disease were positive in this While the pathogenic importance of antibodies is still
test under the conditions used. controversial, the finding that reduction of immunoglo-
bulins in plasma by an immunoadsorption column bene-
fits cardiomyopathy patients provides strong evidence of
Western Immunoblot their involvement (Winters, 2012). Although immunoad-
The Western immunoblot is potentially more sensitive sorption does not establish the specificity of the autoan-
than immunofluorescence and is capable of identifying tibodies that are depleted, reduction of certain
particular antigens recognized by heart-reactive antibo- immunoglobulin subclasses (IgG3) may be especially
dies. Neumann et al. (1990) detected heart-reactive anti- beneficial (Nagatomo et al., 2011). In a preliminary
bodies in 48 of 103 samples from biopsy-proven study, absorption columns using β1-adrenergic receptors
myocarditis or DCM patients by immunofluorescence, benefited patients with the corresponding antibody
whereas 97 of the 103 samples exhibited reactivity by (Dandel et al., 2012).
Western immunoblotting. No single pattern of antigen Although the role of T cells in the pathogenesis of
reactivity was unique to patients with myocarditis or myocarditis has been difficult to study in humans, animal
DCM, but myocarditis sera showed an elevated preva- models have proved to be invaluable in discovering their
lence of antibody against myosin heavy chain, whereas pathogenic mechanisms. Findings in mice indicate that
cardiomyopathy sera exhibited a greater prevalence of they play a key role in inducing myocarditis (Smith and
reactivity against cardiac muscle actin. Many normal sera Allen, 1991).
reacted with the same antigen, but generally in lower
titers. A quantitative immunoassay, such as an enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using purified
Immunologic Assessment of Biopsies
human cardiac myosin heavy chain, therefore, is needed In addition to studies of circulating antibody, immuno-
for clinical evaluation of these antibodies. logic methods can contribute to the diagnosis of heart dis-
ease by the identification of immunoglobulin and
complement in biopsy specimens. Hammond et al. (1988)
Immunoassay with Defined Antigens found that 55% of patients with active myocarditis had
Among the well-characterized antigens used for the study deposits of IgG and complement component C3 in their
by immunoassay of antibodies in sera of patients with biopsies. Thirty-nine percent of borderline myocarditis
myocarditis and DCM are myosin (Neumann et al., 1990; (inflammation without myocyte necrosis) cases and 6% of
Caforio et al., 1992), laminin (Wolff et al., 1989), β1- DCM cases were also positive. Patients with other auto-
adrenergic receptors (Limas et al., 1989), and the mito- immune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus
chondrial components, adenine nucleotide translocator and scleroderma, sometimes showed deposits of IgG and
(ANT) protein (Schultheiss et al., 1986) and branched- C3 in their heart tissue, but these usually were coarse,
chain ketodehydrogenase (BCKD) (Ansari et al., 1988). granular deposits in the interstitial spaces of the myocar-
These results show that many patients with myocardi- dium or endocardium, probably representing immune
tis and DCM develop autoantibodies to a number of car- complexes.
diac constituents. Large-scale evaluation is necessary Immunofluorescence with defined antisera has been
before it can be concluded that detection of any single used to identify infiltrating cells in cardiac biopsies. Luppi
antibody, or group of antibodies, is sufficiently sensitive et al. (2003) found that the myocardium of myocarditis and
and specific to replace the endomyocardial biopsy as a DCM patients was infiltrated by macrophages and CD41
primary diagnostic tool. It does seem, even at this early and CD81 T lymphocytes. In the majority of patients, the T
stage of investigation, that a decline in some antibody cell receptor (TCR) repertoire was restricted with a poly-
titers during treatment may predict a favorable therapeutic clonal expansion of the Vb7 gene family. Evidence of
response (Müller et al., 2000). Coxsackievirus infection was also found.
None of these antibodies to cardiac antigens is known The expression of MHC class I and class II antigens
to play a direct pathogenic role in the disease. However, in biopsy specimens was evaluated by Herskowitz et al.
Chapter | 70 Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1039

(1990). In control samples, only low levels of MHC class reported that Coxsackievirus group B infections were
I molecules were expressed on interstitial cells and vascu- associated with at least half of the acute cases of myocar-
lar epithelium, while MHC class II could not be demon- ditis. By immunofluorescence, Burch et al. (1968) found
strated immunohistologically. Increased myocardial Coxsackievirus B antigen in the myocardium of 30.9% of
expression of MHC class I and de novo expression of routine autopsy specimens of myocarditis. Serotype B3 is
class II antigens were found in 85% of the myocarditis identified most frequently. Other studies have suggested
patients and 33% of the DCM patients. that adenoviruses are more prevalent in pediatric patients
(Bowles et al., 2003).
By using molecular genetic methods, enteroviral and
GENETIC FEATURES adenoviral genomes were detected in 10 35% of endo-
Because of the possible autoimmune origin of myocarditis myocardial biopsies from patients with myocarditis or
and DCM in humans, and the well-documented associa- DCM (Baboonian and McKenna, 2003; Pauschinger
tion of experimental myocarditis with the major histocom- et al., 2004). In a study in Europe, 32.6% of biopsies in
patibility complex (MHC) in mice (Rose et al., 1988), a the study group contained enteroviral RNA, 8.1% adeno-
number of studies to determine the relationship with the virus DNA, 36.6% parvovirus B19 DNA, and 10.5%
human MHC (HLA) have been carried out. Anderson human herpesvirus type 6 DNA. In 12.2% of the samples,
et al. (1984) reported that DCM patients had an increased dual infection with PVB19 and herpesvirus was present
frequency of HLA-DR4 and a decreased frequency of (Kuhl et al., 2003). A study carried out in the United
HLA-DR6. These findings were corroborated by Limas States identified parvovirus DNA in 12% of samples, but
et al. (1990), who also demonstrated an increased fre- its presence did not correlate with clinical presentation
quency of HLA-DR4 in DCM patients. A genetic (Stewart et al., 2011).
predisposition toward cardiac autoimmunity was demon- Like other enteroviruses, Coxsackieviruses enter the
strated, in that 72% of HLA-DR41 patients had anti-β1- alimentary tract and are acid stable. They multiply in the
adrenergic receptor antibodies compared with 21% of small intestine. Following replication, viremia develops,
HLA-DR42 patients. In the largest study to date, seeding the infectious agents in selected tissues. As an
Carlquist et al. (1991) reconfirmed these findings and also obligatory intracellular parasite, the virus must enter a
found that the DR4-DQw4 haplotype conferred height- cell through receptor-mediated endocytosis. The virus
ened risk of disease. In a meta-analysis of five studies, receptor determines the tropism of the virus. Cardiotropic
they confirmed that the DR4 association with myocarditis CB3 employs myocyte surface molecules as receptors,
was sustained among different patient populations. No dif- whereas hepatotropic or diabetogenic virus strains utilize
ferences in disease phenotypes have been reported. receptors on hepatocytes or pancreatic islet cells, respec-
A predominance of myocarditis in males has been tively. The infection may cause cell death directly, or act
reported in a number of studies. The proportion of male indirectly to stimulate an immunopathic host response
patients is about 60% (Lieberman et al., 1991; et al., (Huber, 1997). Coxsackievirus B3 RNA can persist in the
1995). In this respect, myocarditis differs from most myocardium for many days after infectious virus is no
autoimmune diseases, which predominantly affect longer demonstrable (Klingel et al., 1992) and may, even
females. without the ability to multiply, cause ventricular compro-
mise in the face of a stimulated immune system (Wessely
et al., 1998; Esfandiarei and McManus, 2008).
ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The CB3 genome is a single molecule of positive-
Myocarditis has both infectious and noninfectious causes. sense RNA of approximately 7400 nucleotides in length.
As noninfectious agents of myocarditis, a number of The genome codes for four capsid proteins as well as for
drugs have been implicated, acting either directly as toxic the nonstructural proteins necessary for viral replication.
agents or as triggers of an allergic response. This section A comparison of cloned cDNA from cardiovirulent and
deals with infectious myocarditis; there is less informa- noncardiovirulent strains showed that sites within a non-
tion on cardiac autoimmunity in other forms (see translated region and in the capsid protein affect virulence
Table 70.1). (Tracy et al., 1996).
Acute myocarditis is associated with infections of Nutrition also plays a role in determining susceptibil-
many types, including bacterial, rickettsial, viral, mycotic, ity to viral myocarditis. Beck et al. (1995) demonstrated
protozoan, and helminthic. Several viruses have been that mice fed a diet deficient in selenium and infected
implicated in this disease and, in some cases, multiple with a noncardiovirulent strain of CB3 developed severe
viruses may be detected in the heart. In Europe and North myocardial damage. Virus isolated from the hearts was
America, among the most common agents are the entero- fully virulent; six point mutations distinguished the viru-
viruses and the adenoviruses. Grist and Bell (1974) lent strains. The accumulation of these multiple mutations
1040 PART | 14 Cardiovascular System and Lungs

may be the result of greater viral replication in the hearts conjunctivitis, dysmorphic skin rashes, indurative angioede-
of selenium-deficient mice and may be attributable to ma of hands and feet, and cervical lymphadenopathy (Kuo
decreased immune responses compared to selenium- et al., 2012). Although the etiology is uncertain, available
adequate mice (Levander and Beck, 1997). These results evidence implicates bacterial infection. Cunningham et al.
may shed light on the etiology of an endemic form of car- (1999) showed that sera from five of 13 patients with
diomyopathy known as Keshan disease, seen primarily in Kawasaki syndrome recognized peptides from the light
selenium-deficient regions of China (Abelmann, 1984). meromysin region of human cardiac myosin and had a dif-
Chagas’ disease is a major cause of heart muscle dis- ferent pattern of reactivity from acute rheumatic fever sera.
ease in Latin America, responsible for 8 to 9 million
cases annually (Hashimoto and Yoshioka, 2012). It is
caused by the hemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi, which ANIMAL MODELS AND PATHOGENIC
is transmitted to humans via the bite of the reduviid
triatomine bug. Most patients initially have only mild,
influenza-like symptoms, but 10 30% of infected indi- Since enteroviruses are most often implicated in human
viduals develop fulminant myocarditis. Chronic myocarditis and DCM, these agents have been widely used
Chagas’ disease may present with arrhythmias, throm- to investigate the pathogenic mechanisms of these diseases.
boembolic events, and congestive heart failure. It repre- Although infections by CB3 are relatively common, the
sents a particularly lethal form of cardiomyopathy, as development of clinically significant, ongoing myocardial
survival after presentation is two- to four-fold shorter disease in humans is relatively uncommon, suggesting that
than that of patients with other forms of DCM (Cunha- differences in host response play a critical role in disease
Neto et al., 2004). susceptibility. These differences are likely to be genetically
Antibodies to a number of cardiac antigens, including determined and may relate to the expression of virus-
fibronectin, laminin, and myosin, are found in many specific receptor on heart tissue or to the immune response
patients with chronic Chagas’ disease, as well as with of the host. Because it is difficult to examine the role that
other forms of DCM (Ballinas-Vedugo et al., 2003). genetic polymorphisms play in humans, investigators have
Molecular mimicry between T. cruzi and heart disease developed models of Coxsackievirus-induced myocarditis
has been cited as a mechanism to explain the production in mice, for which a large number of genetically different,
of autoantibodies during infection (Kalil and Cunha- inbred strains are available.
Neto, 1996). A number of candidate antigens have been A model of the timecourse of viral myocarditis is illus-
described, including a heart-specific epitope of cardiac trated in Figure 70.5. All strains of mice tested developed
myosin heavy chain and a 12-amino acid peptide of acute myocarditis starting 2 or 3 days after CB3 infection.
Fl160, a 160-kDa protein on the surface of T. cruzi that The disease reached its peak on day 7 and gradually
mimics a similar protein found on mammalian axonal resolved so that by day 21 the heart was histologically nor-
and myenteric plexus cells (Van Voorhis et al., 1991). mal. No infectious virus was found after day 9. In a few
The latter antibody is of special interest because of the strains of mice, however, the myocarditis persisted (Rose
occurrence of megacolon, megaesophagus, and other et al., 1987; Cihakova and Rose, 2008), but the histologic
neuropathies during chronic Chagas’ disease. Among the picture shifted. The first phase was characterized by focal
other antigens described as possible initiators of cross- necrosis of myocytes and accompanying a focal acute
reactive responses are a peptide of the second extracellu- inflammatory response with a mixed cell infiltrate consist-
lar loop of the β1-adrenergic receptor (Ferrari et al., ing of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. In those
1995), a T. cruzi ribosomal protein R13 (Motran et al., mice that developed the second phase of disease, the
2000), a ribosomal P protein (Kaplan et al., 1997), and inflammatory process was diffuse rather than focal and
Cha. The latter antigen is recognized by T cells of consisted mainly of mononuclear interstitial infiltrates,
patients as well as antibodies (Girones et al., 2001). An including both T and B lymphocytes and little or no myo-
early decision about the course of immunity is made dur- cyte necrosis. In the mice that developed the second phase
ing the early innate response determined by activation of of disease, heart-reactive autoantibodies were present and
Toll-like receptors and macrophage development. The shown to be specific for the cardiac isoform of myosin
subsequent adaptive immunity may be protective or path- (Neu et al., 1987a). This finding suggested that the second
ogenic (Pellegrini et al 2012). phase represented an autoimmune response initiated by the
Kawasaki syndrome is an acute febrile disease of viral infection. Direct evidence to support this hypothesis
infants and young children that is often associated with was produced by immunizing the susceptible strains of
myocarditis (see Chapter 72). In addition to prolonged mice with purified cardiac myosin and showing that they
fever lasting more than 5 days, the principal signs are dif- developed a very similar histologic picture of myocarditis
fuse mucosal inflammation, bilateral nonpurulent (Neu et al., 1987b). No heart disease was found in animals
Chapter | 70 Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1041

FIGURE 70.5 Schematic of the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis.

that received skeletal myosin and none appeared in the produce a mainly fibrotic disease. As the process contin-
strains of mice that were not genetically susceptible to the ued, there was a thinning of the ventricular cell walls and
second phase. They found evidence that this form of a large increase in size of the left ventricle. By day 35,
inflammatory heart disease was due to an immune after infection or immunization there were definite signs
response to cardiac myosin, assembled by inducing spe- of cardiac insufficiency and by day 60, most of the ani-
cific tolerance to cardiac myosin (Wang et al., 2000; mals with these changes died of heart failure. This form
Fousteri et al., 2011). This finding suggested that the sec- of the disease, whether induced by viral infection or myo-
ond phase represents an autoimmune response initiated by sin autoimmunity, replicated the major characteristics of
molecular mimicry between the virus and heart antigens dilated cardiomyopathy, suggesting that DCM can repre-
(Cunningham, 2004). On the other hand, available evi- sent an end stage of autoimmune myocarditis in some
dence suggests that the autoimmune response depends instances.
upon virus-induced damage to the heart since Horwitz The striking finding from the investigations described
et al. (2000) found that transgenic mice expressing inter- above was that strains of mice highly susceptible to the
feron gamma (IFN-γ) in their pancreatic cells failed to autoimmune myocarditis following viral infection were
produce CB3-induced myocarditis, even though the virus also the strains most susceptible to the myosin-induced
proliferated great in other sites. These findings suggest disease. On the other hand, other strains were relatively
that the virus infection may serve as an adjuvant for car- resistant to both forms of myocarditis. These observations
diac antigens that have been expressed or liberated during indicated that the disease susceptibility was under a large
the viral infection of the heart (Rose, 2000). Of importance measure of genetic control. As in most autoimmune dis-
is the finding that a number of other viruses unrelated to eases, genes of the major histocompatibility complex
Coxsackieviruses such as cytomegalovirus produce a simi- have an important influence on the development and
lar autoimmune myocarditis following infection. The course of autoimmune disease (Li et al., 2008a). Thus, in
experiments showing that myocarditis can be produced by both the viral and myosin-induced models, the H-2s,
immunization with cardiac myosin in animals that have H-2a, and H-2b alleles were associated with increased
not undergone viral infection demonstrate that the disease morbidity of autoimmune myocarditis, whereas the H-2b
does not depend upon persisting virus even though it is allele is associated with a relatively low susceptibility.
possible to demonstrate traces of viral RNA in the heart of These MHC polymorphisms were further reflected in the
Coxsackievirus B3 infected animals. prevalence and titer of cardiac-specific autoantibodies.
Unless subjected to exercise stress, most mice survived The genetic findings in the mouse can be related to
the autoimmune phase of myocarditis whether induced by human myocarditis through experiments by Hayward
viruses, infection, or by immunization with cardiac myo- et al. (2006) and Taneja and David (2009), who demon-
sin. Gradually the disease waned in severity (Rose and strated a spontaneous myocarditis model in NOD mice
Hill, 1996; Cihakova and Rose, 2008). Under some condi- carrying the transgenically introduced human HLA-DQ8
tions, however, the histologic picture changed again to allele associated with greater susceptibility to human
1042 PART | 14 Cardiovascular System and Lungs

DCM. Like many autoimmune diseases in animals and greater production of IL-12 P40 (a Th1 signal), IL-4 (a
humans, non-MHC genes play a determining role in sus- Th2 signal), and IL-23 (a signal of the Th17 response)
ceptibility to myocarditis. To determine the non-MHC (Rose, 2011). On the other hand, IFN-γ, a signature of
genes that affect susceptibility to myosin-induced myo- Th1 responses, definitely retards the development of
carditis, genome-wide linkage analysis was carried out autoimmune myocarditis as do two cytokines associated
and revealed at least two prominent loci that had signifi- with Th2 responses, IL-10 and IL-13. These findings are
cant effects on susceptibility to autoimmune myocarditis. striking examples of the cytokine “interactome”; they
A putative susceptibility gene, eam1, was located on the further suggest a balance of cytokines affects not only
proximal end of chromosome 1 and eam2 on the distal the severity, but the profile of inflammation. For exam-
region of chromosome 6. Both of these chromosomal seg- ple, IL-4 promotes a particularly severe form of eosino-
ments bore genes determining susceptibility to a number philic giant-cell myocarditis in A/J mice. IL-17A, a
of other autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune cytokine associated with neutrophilic inflammation in
encephalomyelitis and autoimmune arthritis as well as some other autoimmune conditions, has little impact on
spontaneous diabetes. the severity of inflammation in the myosin-induced auto-
In addition to lending themselves to genetic studies, immune disease. It is, however, critical for the later pro-
the experimental models of autoimmune myocarditis gression to dilated cardiomyopathy; animals deprived of
provide the opportunity of following the inflammatory IL-17A fail to develop the subsequent fibrotic disease.
process from the beginning to the end (Rose, 2011). The The disease can actually be prevented by administering
first major question to be considered was the basis of the antibody to IL-17A earlier in the course of inflamma-
susceptibility to autoimmune myocarditis following the tion. This key role of IL-17 may be related to its estab-
virus infection. Studies show that two critical cytokines, lished ability to increase granulocyte proliferation as
IL-1β and TNF-α, were both necessary and sufficient for well as to activate macrophages. A cytokine acting with
the progression from viral myocarditis to autoimmune IL-17, i-GM-CSF, stimulates both granulocytes and
myocarditis. Blocking either one of these two cytokines monocytes. On the other hand, M-CSF, which acts only
prevented the transition from viral to autoimmune myo- to increase monocytes, retards the development of
carditis even in the most highly susceptible strains. Even dilated cardiomyopathy.
more important was the demonstration that providing An issue critical to understanding the pathogenesis
either of these two cytokines in recombinant form of autoimmune myocarditis is the dynamic balance of
allowed normally resistant mice to develop the autoim- mediators tending to favor inflammation and cardio-
mune form of myocarditis just like their genetically sus- myocyte injury with mediators that reduce or retard
ceptible counterparts. The earlier signs of susceptibility inflammation. In contrast to some other experimental
to autoimmune myocarditis become evident very early models of autoimmune disease, IFN-γ is downregula-
in the course of viral infection. In fact, significant eleva- tory in myocarditis and its deficiency produces a partic-
tions of IL-1β were found as early as 8 hours after viral ularly severe form of the disease. IL-10 and IL-13 are
infection (Fairweather et al., 2004a,b). Thus, the innate also downregulatory whereas IL-4 and IL-5 contribute
immune response to the virus is the determining factor to severity of the disease. In fact, elevated IL-5 produc-
in later susceptibility to autoimmune disease. Some evi- tion induces a disease with a Th2 phenotype and exten-
dence points to the mast cell as particularly important in sive infiltration by eosinophils, like the disease in
producing the mediators that determine the course of humans, eosinophilic myocarditis in mice tends to be
innate immunity to the virus. In addition, NK cells rapidly fatal.
which are also activated during the innate immune As mentioned previously, other cardiac-specific anti-
response are responsible for downregulating susceptibil- gens can induce autoimmune myocarditis. Goser et al.
ity to the autoimmune response. (2006) demonstrated the provocation of an autoimmune
An important lesson to be learned from these experi- response to cardiac troponin I, which induces severe
ments is that the early steps in innate immunity deter- inflammation in the myocardium of mice followed by
mine the later course of adaptive autoimmune diseases. fibrosis and heart failure, with marked mortality. These
Adoptive transfer experiments using myosin or myosin investigators identified two sequence motifs of cardiac
peptide-induced disease have shown that the induction troponin I that induced inflammation and fibrosis in the
of autoimmune myocarditis depends upon myosin- myocardium (Kaya et al., 2008). Interestingly, these same
specific CD4 T cells (Smith and Allen, 1991; Li et al., animals eventually developed immunity to cardiac myo-
2008b; Chen et al., 2012). The course of the inflamma- sin following at least 90 days of inflammation. Thus,
tion during autoimmune myocarditis can be traced to the autoimmune myocarditis, like most autoimmune diseases,
relative proportions of certain key cytokines. Severe is characterized by the production of multiple organ-
forms of autoimmune myocarditis are associated with specific autoantibodies.
Chapter | 70 Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1043

TREATMENT AND OUTCOME After a 6-month treatment with 6-methylprednisolone, 23

experienced objective improvement in cardiac function.
Until recently, the only treatment for myocarditis and The suggestion of this study is that in a subgroup of
DCM was supportive therapies, such as bedrest and treat- patients with an active immunopathologic process immu-
ment of heart failure, arrhythmias, and embolic events if nosuppressive treatment will confer clinical benefit.
present. In many centers, cardiac transplantation has Wojnicz et al. (2001) evaluated 202 patients with idio-
become the eventual treatment of choice in patients with pathic DCM by endomyocardial biopsy. Eighty-four of
refractory heart failure. In patients whose condition dete- these 202 on biopsy had expression of HLA class II mole-
riorates despite optimal medical management, mechanical cules. Those patients were randomized to immunosup-
circulatory support, such as ventricular assist devices or pressive therapy or placebo. While the major outcome of
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, serve as a bridge the trial (death, transplantation, or hospitalization) was
to transplantation or recovery. unchanged by treatment, the ejection fraction in the trea-
The role of immunosuppressive therapy in myocarditis ted population rose from 24 to 36%, while it was virtually
remains controversial (Maisch et al., 2004). Numerous unchanged in the placebo group (25 to 27%). In addition,
reported studies on relatively small numbers of patients subjective parameters of improvement were noted at 3
have generally found that, while some individuals respond months in 72% of the immunosuppressive therapy
well to immunosuppression (prednisone and cyclospor- patients compared with only 21% of the control group.
ine), others fail to respond or even have serious adverse Frustaci et al. (2003) identified 112 of 652 patients with
reactions that preclude continued treatment. The major new-onset left ventricular compromise who had a presen-
problem at present is surely the difficulty in distinguish- tation compatible with myocarditis. Forty-one of the 112
ing immune-mediated cardiac disease from infectious, had progressive heart failure despite standard heart failure
genetic, or toxic forms of the disease. Obviously, until management. This patient population was treated with
there are reliable biomarkers to distinguish autoimmune prednisone and azathioprine. Twenty of the 41 patients
myocarditis/DCM, treatment cannot be rational or capable responded while 21 did not. The investigators determined
of statistical evaluation. retrospectively that those who responded had antiheart
A placebo-controlled study of the treatment of idio- antibodies by immunofluorescence, and those who failed
pathic DCM was performed by Parrillo et al. (1989). to respond had persistent virus demonstrated by PCR
The study demonstrated that unselected patients with analysis of the endomyocardial biopsy. Additionally,
DCM overall did not benefit substantially from immu- Jones et al. (1991) demonstrated that in 20 patients with
nosuppressive therapy, but a small, if transient, benefit Dallas criteria-positive myocarditis, those with borderline
was demonstrated in patients who had histologic evi- myocarditis had a greater improvement in their ejection
dence of active inflammation by biopsy. fraction by echocardiography and stroke work index from
Mason et al. (1995) assigned a series of patients with right heart catheterization than those with frank myocardi-
a histopathologic diagnosis of myocarditis (based on the tis. These studies suggest that there soon may be more
Dallas criteria) and a low left ventricular ejection fraction sensitive and specific biomarkers for immune-mediated
to receive conventional therapy, with or without a heart disease than are currently available by the Dallas
24-week course of prednisone plus cyclosporine or azathi- criteria.
oprine. The outcome assessed was improvement in the Different myocarditis populations may respond dif-
left ventricular ejection fraction at 28 weeks compared ferently. Patients with fulminant myocarditis usually
with a placebo control group. No significant functional resolve spontaneously and there is suggestive evidence
improvement was seen with immunosuppressive therapy. that immunosuppressive therapy may worsen the out-
It should be noted, however, that during the establishment come. In contrast, the treatment of giant-cell myocarditis
of the trial as many as 2233 patients with a clinical and with immunosuppression may improve the prognosis by
pathologic diagnosis of myocarditis were presented for slowing progression of the disease (Cooper, 2002),
entry by their cardiologists, but only 111 met the strict suggesting that this form of the disease is an autoim-
Dallas criteria; i.e., some 95% of patients with a prelimi- mune variant.
nary diagnosis of myocarditis failed to fulfill the Dallas Other therapeutic approaches have been based on the
criteria. The patients who would be expected to benefit possible pathogenic role of humoral antibodies. As
most from immunosuppressive treatment are those with described above, several investigators reduced the level
primarily autoimmune rather than viral myocarditis. of circulating immunoglobulin by means of an immu-
This interpretation is favored by the report of Kühl noabsorption column, and showed improvement in car-
and Schultheiss (1995), who selected 48 patients present- diac function. McNamara et al. (2001) demonstrated in
ing with mild-to-severe heart failure and immunohistolo- a trial of 72 patients with new onset cardiomyopathy
gic evidence of an active immunologic process on biopsy. that 2 g/kg of intravenous immunoglobulin failed to
1044 PART | 14 Cardiovascular System and Lungs

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