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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

Vice Rectoría Académica

Facultad de Humanidades
Departamento de Lenguas y Literatura
English Program


I. Introduction of the Lesson Plan:

The lesson plan is guided by the Communicative Language Teaching Method, and the topic is listening to a Job Interview for Wh- Questions
and short/long answers, which students will be using in future real life situations when they start to seek for a Job opportunity. Using the
Communicative Language Teaching means that students will be able to learn with themselves, the class has diverse group activities, games in
which students will work together in order to implement the learning process, in this case the teacher will mainly work as a guide, but not as
the center of the class. The context of the Lesson Plan is situated in La Estancia School, with a class of 25 students which is an ideal number
for all the students to pay the same attention with no interruption. The classroom count with digital tools which will facilitate activities which
incorporate videos and audios. Using Communicative Language Teaching strengthens the classmate relationship between the students, and
makes the class activities more dynamic. The main focus of the class will be Listening, which is going to be faced through listening to a
Muppet show, to a YouTube video, and as a sub skill we will use speaking for the students to practice the responses to an interview.

II. General Information

School’s Name: La Estancia School

Level: 6th Grade
Class Time: 45 minutes
Subject: English Class
Section: B
Class Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Laboratory Schedule: Friday
Number of Students: 25 Students: 9 Boys 16 Girls
Topic: Listening to a job interview for Wh- Questions and short/ long answers
Vocabulary: Interview, receptionist, boss, application, applicant, hire
Language Skills: Listening
Grammar: Wh Questions
Teaching Method/ Approach: Communicative Language Teaching
Homeroom Teacher: Astrid Mitchell Flores
Date: April 6th, 2019

III-Competencies, objectives

3.1 General Objective:

At the end of the class students will be able to:

1) identify Wh- Questions in an interview in order to know the appropriate short and long answers they must use in real life situations.

3.2 Specific Objectives

At the end of the class, students will be able to:

3.2.1 Recognize the elements of an interview by looking to a series of pictures.

3.2.2 Identify wh- questions by performing a class game.
3.2.3 Interpret the appropriate answers to wh- Questions through a group work.
3.2.4 Perform an interview using Wh- Question by participating in a game.

First Meeting: Listening to a job interview for Wh- Questions and short/ long answers

Teaching Procedure
A. Pre-listening stage
Materials Time Techniques/ Evaluation
Step 1:
a. The teacher introduces the topic by 4 minutes Technique: Students
showing pictures of different -Teacher
activate prior
interviews and asking the students -Students Deduction
some questions for example: -Pictures of pictures
by describing
-What do you see in the picture? -Masking Tape pictures and
How many people do you see in answering
the picture? accurately to
-What are the people in the picture each
doing? question.
-Why do you think they are doing
b. Predicting/Guessing: -Teacher Make inferences
Students are asked to make guesses -Students inferences about the
about the purpose of the lesson, about the previous
e.g. What are we going to talk previous activity.
about today? activity

Step 2:
Strategy: Students
The teacher performs a Muppet show 6 Minutes Make inferences
-Teacher about the
simulating an Interview -Students inferences activity
carefully to Muppet Show. -Muppets about the
-Dialogue Sheet

Step 3:
Teacher provides “Mystery Box” to the -Mystery Box
8 Minutes Group Students
students, which contains wh- questions, -Teacher
-Students dynamics answer
related to the Muppet Show. accurately.
Teacher will play a song, while students
pass the mystery box one by one.
When the music stops, the student with the
box picks up a question, and answers it.

B) While-Listening stage
Step 5:
Students watch a video on YouTube - Teacher 8 Minutes Make Students
“Basic Office Interview” Students listen to inferences make
-Data Show inferences
the video twice, in order to pay attention to about the about the
all the details of the interview. interview.
Step 6:
Students are set into two groups. Each Students
group will be given the questions 7 Minutes Group organized the
-Cardboard strips with interview
disorganized and answers that appear in questions and answers dynamics. correctly.
the YouTube video and they have to
organize the question with the answer
The students work together, then students
and the teacher check the answers and
reproduce the video again to see if they are
well paired.

C) Post-Listening stage
Step 7:
Teacher provides a worksheet with a -Worksheet 5 Min Oral Accuracy and
dialogue of a Job interview -Teacher
production pronunciation
-Students at moment of
Teacher reads the dialogue by herself
reading the
Then all the Girls read the part of “Mike” interview.
together and the boys read the part of

Step 8: -Dialogue Worksheet 5 Minutes Oral Appropriate
Students stand up and mingle around the -Teacher production. way of
-Students asking and
When the teacher says “Stop” the Whole class following the
students have to practice the dialogue dialogue as a
with the person in front of them. guide.
2 Min Accuracy
Step 9: Whole class with words
Students sit down. Teacher ask the -Teacher and
discussion pronunciation
students if they have any question to -Students
at the
clarify or want to share a personal moment of
experience about the topic speaking

Teacher ends the class.

V. Evaluation and Assessment:

Students will be evaluated in their active participation, mostly in all the activities, which are going to be held communicatively in group, they
will complete a series of tasks, but in order to perform properly they have to listen to the audios, videos that the teacher will play to them. The
teacher will be acting as a guide, and let the class be student- centered this means that students will be active recipients of knowledge as well
and will work together to accomplish the topic of the day which is listening to an interview and Wh- Questions.

VI. Materials:


Dialogue for the Muppet Show:

A: Thank you for taking the time to interview me.

B: Hi there, I'm Bill Gotcha, the owner of Gotcha Enterprises. Did you find your way here OK?

A: Yes, of course! Your assistant gave me wonderful directions.

B: Why are you switching jobs at this point in your career?

A: Our company is moving overseas and I wish to stay in the United States.

B: What are you best at?

A: I am good at organizing systems that have been having problems.

B: What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills?

A: I don't like to sit around and so like to always find things to do to keep myself busy.

B: That is good to hear!

Mystery Box Questions:

What motivates you in general?

What are your strengths/ weaknesses?

Why did you leave your last job?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What kind of salary are you expecting?

What do you like and dislike about your current position?

What interests you about this job?

Why did you quit your job?

What major challenges have you handled?

What can you do for this company?

What are you best at?

Why are you switching jobs at this point in your career?

What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills?

Youtube Video:

Scramble Sentences:

Why do you want to join this company?

A// It would be a great honor to me to be part of a fast growing and reputable company like yours. I admire your product. I believe this is the
best place where I can apply my knowledge and skills and improve myself further

What kind of position are you looking for?

A// I have a strong ability with computers in relation to office applications as proven in my years of experience as a marketing officer.

Which are your strengths and weaknesses?

A// I never like to leave work until I have everything completely finished, sometimes this bothers me but I feel it is important, that would be
my weakness I think. My greatest strength is that I have a lot of initiative I’m always concerned about my company.
What is your expectation?

A// I would like to be compensated fairly for my experience and skills

Why should we hire you?

A// I have an unique combination of strong technical skills and the ability to build a long-term relationship, not only with costumers but also
with colleges and management alike

Dialogue to mingle around: Job interview conversation

Mike: Good Morning, John. I am Mike.

John: Good Morning.

Mike: How are you doing?

John: I am doing fine. Thank you.

Mike: How was the traffic coming over here?

John: I am so glad that the traffic was light this morning. No traffic jam and no accidents.

Mike: That is good. John, let’s start the interview. Are you ready?

John: Yes, I am.

Mike: First of all, let me properly introduce myself. I am the Finance Department Manager. As you know there is an open position in my
department, and I need to fill this position as soon as possible.

John: Please, tell me a little bit about the position.

Mike: It is an entry-level position. The new employee will have to work closely with the

Accounting department. He will also have to deal with the bank on a daily basis.

John: What type of qualifications do you require?

Mike: I require a four-year college degree in Finance. Some working experience would be helpful.

John: What kind of experience are you looking for?

Mike: Doing office work is good. However, since this is an entry-level position, I do not require a lot of experience. I am willing to train the
new person.

John: That is great!

Mike: John, tell me a little bit about yourself.

John: I was a student at West Coast University, and I just graduated with a Bachelor degree in

Finance. I have been working part-time as a payroll clerk for the last two years.

Mike: What are you looking for in a job?

John: The job should help me see what Finance is all about. I have learned a lot of Finance theories at school, and now it is time for me to put
them into practice.

Mike: Anything else?

John: I also hope that it will help me grow in my field.

Mike: What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?

John: I am a hard-working person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn, and I get along fine with people.

Mike: OK. Now, let me ask you a few quick questions. You do not mind working long hours, do you?

John: No, I do not.

Mike: Can you handle pressure?

John: Yes, I can. When I was going to school, I took quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week. And,
I handled that situation very well.

Mike: Do you still have any questions for me?

John: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the job. I believe that I can handle it with ease, and I hope to have the opportunity to
work for you.

Mike: John, nice meeting you. Thank you for coming.

John: Nice meeting you too. Thank you for seeing me.

VII: Post reflection

Putting It Together: Essential Questions for Academic, Social and Linguistic Support
Based on the items above, a teacher who is thinking about providing academic, social and linguistic support can use the questions below to address
these issues:
What are the academic demands of this lesson?

A// Analyzing this plan and considering the guide we can deduce that the academic demands of this lesson are related with what we expect
from the students and what we offer as a teacher; in other words, the support that is necessary to offer in order to fill these expectations. In
this lesson plan or developing a class is established the objectives of a class, which are students will be able to identify Wh- Questions in an
interview in order to know the appropriate short and long answers they must use in real life situations, this as a general objective and the
following as specific objectives
1.Students will be able to recognize the elements of an interview by looking to a series of pictures.

2.Students will be able to identify wh- questions by performing a class game.
3.Students will be able to interpret the appropriate answers to wh- Questions through a group work, among others. On the other hand ,related
to other academics demands are the different activities ,in which I engage students to achieve the aforementioned objectives .These activities
provide opportunities for inferencing and the deducing some patterns of the language and they can predict the topic they will learn, For
example I include an introductory activity which consists in answer some questions based on the pictures that I present them ,in this way they
can make connections between the content and the pictures ,and before each activity that involve the performing of the students ,I provide a
previous activity that serves as a guide and prior preparation for them.

 What components of this lesson need to be adapted while still maintaining high expectations?

A// The components that I consider need to be adapted could be some activities, because is necessary to include activities that allows them to
create questions on their own, since the activities provided in this plan just gives opportunities to learn trough practice by following a
worksheet, listening and watching a video, so they don’t practice how to make questions in a writing way.

 How will I know whether each student is able to meet the lesson objective?

A// I will be capable to understand if students are meeting correctly with the lesson objectives through their participation in the activities
illustrated in the Lesson Plan. As a teacher, I a capable of observing their academic performance, therefore I can notice if they are
accomplishing them.

 What do I want the students to learn and be able to demonstrate upon completion of this lesson?

A// I want students to learn how to approach a Real- Life Interview. How to answer formally in order to obtain a job. Which are the
appropriate responses, and I think that the school is a magnificent place where students learn how to act and understand about Real- life

 What are the tasks/skills/background knowledge needed for the completion of this lesson? What are the student's strengths and weaknesses?
A// The prior knowledge students should have is knowing and being aware of what an interview is, and which are some component to have in
mind when approaching one. Students need to have a developed listening ability because all of the activities include a listening activity: a
Muppet Show, a YouTube video, an audio, so they must be susceptible to listening for details. Students also need to be familiar with Wh-
Questions and the simple tense form.

 What are the student's preferred learning styles and ways of communicating?
D/A I don’t have a previous opportunity to meet the students, for this reason I don’t have knowledge about their learning styles. However I
included varied activities, where they work in groups, in pairs too, they watch a video, listen an interview, also others dynamics activities as
the Muppet show, the mystery box. All of these activities could be satisfy the different ways of learning of my students.

 What tasks/skills/background knowledge will be challenging for the student?

Listening for specific details may be a challenge for the students, and remembering them, in order to help students in this case, the teacher
will suggest them to take notes, if they feel insecure about recalling all the details in order to complete the tasks. Also, to have prior
knowledge about the simple tense, because is necessary to know in order to make yes/no questions, to be familiar with the wh, to make
information questions and to be familiar with the auxiliary do in present and past tense.

How can the student make use of his/her strengths?

By participating actively in the activities planned for the lesson.

 What scaffolding and explicit instruction is needed (e.g., Think Sheets to help organize ideas; Editing and Revising guides; visual organizers
to help children understand where they are in the process of completing the task)?
Taking Notes will be explicitly required in order to scaffold their participation in the activities; they can go to their notes and use them to
complete the tasks when needed. Students are very visual therefore; an animated video from YouTube is a way of catching up their attention,
the usage of pictures in the first activities as well, for the students to familiarize with the upcoming topic.

 When and how can I make supports optional (e.g., when are they no longer needed) so control of activities is transferred to the learner?
The support is made when students need clarification or make mistakes with the responses of Wh- Questions, or when the students is not used
to listening activities and have problems catching up to the details therefore the teacher clarifies any doubt or corrects any misunderstood. It
would be optional, if the students are completing the tasks correctly which would mean the students understand the main point of the lesson.

What are the social demands of this lesson (e.g., cooperation, listening, sharing, following directions)?

A// In this lesson plan the activities are detailed with their respective instructions, each one of the activities specify how they are going to be
developed either it is in groups or individually. Regarding the instructions, the teacher will mimic them in case students have doubts about
them, it is also specified what the students have to do in each activity

 How can I help each learner meet these demands?

By providing motivation to the students, by letting them know if they are doing great, and if they are mistaken, ask them to reevaluate and
make sure there is not another way of improving their performance. By following directions, I can help them by doing mimics of the actions
they must do and sharing by creating a comfortable environment in which they feel secure of sharing their ideas thoughts or experiences.

 Do I have major routines in place that help learners know what is expected?
Yes, I do. I have included activities that allow them to predict them what is expected, for example the activity in which I provide an interview
and read it with them, through this activity they can learn how is the organization of an interview ,the kind of questions included in an
interview ,other meaningful activity is the one in which they interview a classmates with this activity they learn how to carry out an interview

 Have I provided modeling, thinking aloud, and rubrics that help learners understand the particular task to be done and how it is to be done?
No, I have not provided rubrics because the students practice what they are learning, but I have provided exercises that have very clear
instructions about how they have to be done. The thinking aloud is given at the very beginning of class when students distinguish elements
from the pictures.

 Have I provided language (helper words) and modeled when/how to use them (e.g., who, what, when; sentence starters)?
Yes, I have, through the activities of the lesson plan, when to give short answers to Wh- Questions and when to give long answers.

 Have I provided visual cues (e.g., lists of expected behaviors) as reminders to all students and to reduce demands on those with memory
processing problems?

What are the linguistic demands of this lesson?

A//The language demands of this lesson are the language abilities which students need in order to participate effectively, and in this plan, we
can clearly to notice that these are to know the correct responses to Wh- Questions. Other thing required is to know the components of the
interviews, which has specific vocabulary. Related with the skills this plan required listening for comprehension to seek for specific details
from the listening input in order to complete the different tasks and produce speaking output in the activity in which they have to discuss
about the interviews proposed in the activity in order to know how to answer Wh questions using the knowledge acquired and finally the
vocabulary introduced in those activities and they have to learn.

 How can I help each learner meet these demands?

By working as a guide, by guiding the learning process, the activities, but at the same time letting the students participate and share their
knowledge on the topic for the activities.

 Does my lesson employ multiple strategies, lots of student input, and a range of learning options (e.g., listening, speaking, reading and
Yes, I do, even though the main target is listening skill, the students will develop as a sub skill, speaking, to practice; students will receive a
lot of input from different sources, for them to keep entertained. I use multiple strategies like individual work, group work and game

 Do all students have multiple opportunities to speak, make mistakes, and rely on the success of communication to develop their linguistic
Yes, I do, the students have different activities in which they can express themselves, in which they will work together, share ideas, find out a
way to accomplish the tasks, the activities led to a dynamic environment for them to practice their English and learn from their mistakes

 Am I careful to avoid the use of slang, idioms and phrasal verbs (e.g., get over, get by, get through, get around) that are confusing to those
whose first language is not English?
Yes, I was careful about the words I chose. Formal words through the lesson plan.

 Do I use ample non-verbal cues (e.g., gestures, pictures, concrete objects) to assist in comprehension?
At the beginning of the class pictures are going to be used for students to have an idea and prepare themselves about the topic that is going to
be taught, the pictures will help the students familiarize with the topic, as well the usage of a YouTube video.
 Am I aware of each student’s cultural preferences and traditions for communicating (e.g., eye contact; language routines; what to be called;

 Are objects in my classroom labeled in multiple languages to acknowledge the first language of each learner?

 Since all language acquisition is literacy development, do students whose first language is not English have opportunities to use their first
The teacher does not provide opportunities to use the first language in cases of students which their native language is not English. The lesson
plan is planned to be developed in English all the time

VIII. References:

EasyPaceLearning. (n.d.). Easy Pace Learning. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from


Very good job!


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