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Lesson Plan

1) Making your opinion known: Voting a Class President

2) Third Grade
3) 24 students
4) ELA- Reading and writing
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
6) Given a topic (choose one of your classmate’s and describe why they would make a good class
president) students will be able to write 3-6 sentences with an 80% accuracy as measurement
by the student checklist as implemented by the Gen Ed teacher.
7) - White board
- White board marker
- Paper
- Writing utensil
- Student checklist (beginning capital letter, correct ending punctuation, relates back to the
topic, makes sense, complete sentence)
8) Advanced organizer: -Good morning class!
-So today’s agenda looks like this: first, we are going to learn about opinions
and what they are. Next, we will form our own opinions and elect who you think
will be a good candidate for the classroom. We will make a list of some good
adjectives to describe classmates then you will make your own sentences.
-To start off, can someone tell me what and opinion is? (student answers)
-Great answer! An opinion is something you believe and you back it up by giving
your own reasons.
(Ask open ended questions on when they have needed to give their opinions on
Modeling/Demonstration: Now I am going to model to all of you how to write complete
sentences based on my opinion. I am going to try and convince my boss to give me a raise. So,
my topic is “I Need a Raise” Since I am going to plan ahead on what I am going to write, first, I
will make a small circle map describing myself: hard working, responsible, friendly, respectful.
When I am writing my opinion based sentences I need to refer back to the topic in order for it to
be complete, so it will look something like this…. I should get a raise because I am hard working
and responsible. I always do a good job at work. I never miss any days of work and always get
everything done correctly. You see class, I stated my opinion, but I also supported my idea by
describing myself and giving valid explanations. It is important to make your statement detailed
enough to convince someone of what you are trying to persuade them in. (check for
understandings: Thumbs up/ nod head etc.)
Guided Practice: Okay class, now we are going to come up with sentences together. What
should our topic be? (Allow students to try and come up with a topic, must be one that can be
broken down in a circle map and has two sides to the topic, if not choose “Students should get a
longer summer vacation”) We are going to create a circle map as a class with reasons to support
out claim. You will raise your hands and give me ideas and I will write them on the board. Let’s
get started! (Students will give ideas and you will write them on the board) Those are great
reasons 3rd grade! Now, let’s come up with our sentences/ students should get a longer summer
vacation because they get tired of school and they will have more time to go on vacation with
their families. If they get a longer summer vacation, they will get more time to rest and be able
to come back more focused the next year. These are awesome sentences 3 rd grade! We planned
out our ideas and put them into actual sentences. Our sentences match the checklist we have
for us to follow. (Go over student checklist and check for understanding again)
Independent Practice: (Have the students come up with adjectives and reasons on the board in
relation to their topic, class president) It is now time for all of you to work on your own. The
circle map of adjectives is on the board and you can use these in your sentences to describe
which one of your classmates would make a good candidate for class president. You must write
3-6 complete sentences. Remember to refer to the student checklist on the board when you are
writing. You will have about 15 minutes to do this, so make sure you are working. (check for
student understanding)
Post Organizer: (Bring class back together and review the student check list. Have students
switch papers and check if they meet all categories of student checklist. Allow students to share
their sentences allowed to the class.) So today, we learned how to give our opinions using full
sentences. This is going to help improve your writing and you speaking skills. You will be
professionals at convincing anyone to do what you want to do! You always have an opinion and
it is never wrong because everyone thinks differently. Great job today 3 rd grade!

9) Students writing sentences based on the topic with accurate use of the student check list. Also
incorporate student participation throughout the lesson.

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