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Boljoon, Cebu

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 10

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Identify the two methods of cooking ;

2. Classify the different cooking methods under Dry and Moist heat method.;

3. Value the importance of using the Methods of Cooking in our daily life.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Methods of Cooking Meat

Materials: Cartolina, Marker, Double sided tape, and Printed Pictures.

Reference: Cookery 10 Learning Module- Methods of cooking meat pp. 281-284.

Method: Lecture - Discussion

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Awareness

Let us all stand and start our day with a

prayer. May I request Catherine to lead
the prayer? (Catherine leads the prayer)

a. Opening Prayer

Lord we are here standing in front

of you praying and glorifying you, we are
here to confess our since and begging you
to forgive every since that we have done,
Lord we thank you that we arrived here at
school safe and sound, for this day give us
more, blessings, strength to learn,
knowledge, and understanding in order to
cope up with the lesson we will having for
today. These all we pray in Jesus name.

Good morning ma'am Buscato!
Good morning class!
(The students will pick the piece of paper
Before you take your sit kindly pick up under their chairs and arrange their chairs
some pieces of paper under your chairs properly)
and arrange your chair properly.
Thank you ma'am.
Okay, you may now take your sit.
We are good ma'am!
How are you today?

It is good to hear that everyone is doing

great today.

Checking of Attendance
I will now check your attendance
according to your seat plan, make sure
that you are sitting on the right place.

Only Donald is absent. For those who are

close friend of donald, kindly tell him to
present an excuse letter signed by his
Okay ma'am.
Review of the past lesson

Now, before we proceed to our new

lesson, let us have a short recap about our
previous discussion.

What was all about our discussion last

(Student raise their hands)
Yes, Geralden?
Ma’am, our discussion last meeting was
all about marinades.

Very Good, what is marinade class?

(calls a student) (Student raise their hands)

Marinade is sauce in which meat or fish is

soaked to add flavor or to make meat or
dish more tender.
Very Good. What are the examples of

Examples are pineapple marinade, port

chop marinade, pork rib marinade.
Yes, those are the examples of marinades.
Very good that you all remembered our
discussion last meeting. Are you ready for
our new lesson for this morning.

Yes ma'am.

B. Presentatio

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

But, before that we will have first a short

I will group you into 2 groups.

(you count 1,2..1,2) (Student's will count)

All number 1 you form a circle here at

the right side and all number 2 you form
a circle here at the left side.

At the count of 5, everybody must be in

your perpective group.
( teacher's count)

Are you now in your group? Yes ma’am.

Okay! Everybody settle down. Now that

you are in your group, I want you to
zipper your mouth and listen to my

I have here 2 envelopes. Inside in these

envelopes are cut out pictures that you
need to assemble and arrange it properly.
And after, paste your work here in the
board and then you choose one
representative in your group to tell us
what is in the picture.
I will give you 3 minutes to do your
work. Whoever the group who first paste
their work here in the board will receive
10 points.

Did you get my instructions? Yes Ma'am.

Please be aware of the time given and be

sure to cooperate with your group.

Your 3 minutes starts now?

2. Analysis
(After 3 minutes)

Okay, since group 2 was the first group

who pasted their work in the board. May
I request the representative to tell us
what is in the picture?

Very Good. How about the group 1?

Representative: In our pictures we have
Very Good! Group 1. Representative: In our picture we had the
Thank you for sharing your idea. Lets steam siomai
give her 'Three clap"

Kindly write your names in a 1/4 sheet

of paper and your group number. Okay ma'am.

So, how did you find the activity I gave I find the activity challenging because we
you a while a go? need to assemble the cut out pictures on
Okay, thank you for that.

Are you familiar with these pictures? Yes ma'am.

Have you tried this at home? Yes ma'am.

Which of this have you tried already? I tried Grilling ma'am.

Very Good! Who else? I tried Steaming ma'am.

Okay, Very Good!

Now, based in these pictures, what do

you think would be our topic for this I think our topic for this afternoon is the
morning. technique in cooking.
Very Good! You got the idea. Let's try

Yes, Abby? Abby: I think it is all about the Methods of

Cooking ma'am.
Very Good. Let's give her "Three clap''

Thank you, Ma’am.

B. Abstraction
This morning, we are going to tacked
about '' Methods of Cooking Meat''

Now, one of the first steps in learning

how to cook is knowing the proper
cooking methods. And this commonly
used methods are divided into two
This are;

1. Dry Heat Cooking

2. Moist Heat Cooking

But we will focus first in Dry Heat

Cooking .
Now, what comes into your minds when
you hear the words ''Dry Heat Cooking''?

Dry heat ccoking is a technique in cooking

Okay, Very Good! where it involves high heat ma'am.

Everybody please read.

Students: Dry heat cooking refers to only
cooking technique where the heat is
transferred to the food item without using
any moisture.
In short, this method does not used water
to cook the food. But instead, the food is
left dry and heat is applied to cook the

Who can give me an example of dry heat

cooking? Students: Like when you cook letchon
manok ma'am.
Very good!

There are cooking methods under dry

heat cooking. This include:
Everybody, please read.
(Students read)
-Roasting and baking
-Grilling and broiling
-Sauteing and Pan-Frying
Now, what is roasting and baking? -Deep frying
Row 1, please read.
Row 1: Roasting and baking are forms of
dry heat cooking that use hot, dry air to
This involved applying a transfer of heat cook food.
to your food in an enclosed, it means
closed off on all sides like oven.

Who can give an example of this?

Very good! Example ma'am is roasting a whole

Have you tried to buy chooks to Go?

How did they cook their chicken. Yes ma'am.

In Chooks to Go they uses oven to roast They roast the chicken ma'am.
or cook the chicken. So, that is one of
the example of dry heat cooking.

Next is Grilling and broiling

Row 2, please read.

Row 2: Grilling and broiling is a method

that rely on heat being conducted through
Who can give an example of Grilling the air from an open flame.
and Broiling?

Very Good! Another is sinugbang Example is pork barbeque ma'am.

karneng baboy. Those foods require to
be closed to the heat to be cooked.

Have you eaten in Mang Inasal, in City

burger, or in Jo's by the Sea ?
Yes ma'am.
They cooked the chicken by grilling or

Next we have the Sauteing and pan-

frying. Row 3, please read.
Row 3: Sauteing and Pan-frying are
methods that uses a very hot pan and a
small amount of fat to cook the food very
This method involves heat and a little quickly.
amount of oil. Where the ingredients are
added once the oil starts to smoked

Who can give an example of sauteing

and pan-frying?
Example is when cook ampalaya with egg
Very Good! Another is when you cook a ma'am.
hotdog, and even a scrambled egg.

The last one is Deep-frying.

Row 4, please read.

Row 4: Deep-frying is a method that

In this method the food is completely involves submerging food in hot.
immersed or dip in the hot oil. Very
common example is deep frying a

Now, lets proceed to Moist Heat

Cooking Method.

What is Moist Heat Cooking?

Everybody, please read.

(Students read)
Moist heat cooking methods include any
technique that involves cooking with
moisture. Whether its stems, water, stocks
If dry heat cooking doesn't require any or some other liquid.
moisture to cook the food, in moist heat
cooking method it involves cooking with
moisture to cook the food.

And there are cooking methods under

moist heat cooking. This are:

Everybody, please read.

(Students read)
First is Simmering -Braising and Stewing

John, kindly read.

John: In this method, you will see bubbles

In simmering, the surface of the water is forming and gently rising to the surface of
quite flat. It has slowed, gentle and small the water.
bubbles only.

What have you observed in this pictures?

Simmering class is good for poaching an

egg because it has only a medium of There are just small bubbles ma'am.

Next is boiling.
- Boiling is the highest temperature for
If simmering has only small bubbles, in
boiling class the bubbles are already
rolling up to the top and the surface of
the water is completely moving all the

Who can give an example of food that

are cook by boiling?
Student's: Nilat-ang manok ma'am, nilat-
ang baboy ma'am.
Yes, Very Good! Nilat-ang manok, and
nilat-ang baboy is an example of boiling.

Next, we have steaming.

Everybody, please read.

The food is being cooked in a steamer.

(Student's read)
Steaming is a technique that employs
Who can give me an example of steam to conduct the heat to the food
steaming? items.

Very Good! "Morkon" is being cook in a

steamer. Another is siomai class, it is
cooked by a steamer. Right?
Student: Morkon ma'am.
Last but not the least is the Braising and
-is a form of moist-heat cooking in
which the items to cooked is partially Yes ma'am.
covered with liquid and then simmered
slowly at a low temperature.

In this method, every food is cooked

together at the same time in a one pot.

Who can give me an example of braising

and stewing?

Yes Diane?

Another? Yes, Cristian?

Very Good!
Where the chopped meats and the
vegetables are cook together in a pot. Diane: Like when you cook pinakbet
So, those are the methods of cooking
meat. Where dry heat cooking doesn't Christian: like when you cook pinatatasan
require moisture to cook the food. While ma'am.
the moist heat cooking requires moisture
to cook the food.

So, do you think it is important to know

the methods of cooking?


Yes, Anna?

Yes ma'am.
Precisely! By using the appropriate
cooking method for the type of food that
is being prepared it could give a better Anna: So that we will be aware of what
result in the foods that we cooked. technique or methods are we going to use
in cooking.

Do you have any questions class?

C. Application
Since you don’t have any questions. We
will have another activity, with the same
group, group 1 you will be orange team None ma'am.
and group 2 will be pink team.

Listen to the instruction class. I have

here a list of menus, All you have to do
is to identify the menu its either a dry
heat cooking or a Moist heat cooking. If
you've think its belong to a dry heat
cooking then you paste here in the right
side and if it is belong to a Moist heat
cooking then you paste it here in the left


Okay, I will give you 3 minutes to do it.

Your time starts now!.

Dry Heat Cooking Moist Heat Cooking

Yes ma'am.

All your answers are correct! Let's give

ourselves "a round of applause"

Again, what are the 2 methods in

Yes, Remie?

Now, what are the cooking method

under Dry heat method class?

(Call a students)

Remie: Dry heat cooking method and

Very Good! moist heat method ma'am.

How about the cooking methods under

moist heat cooking. (Student's raise their hands)

Yes, Estella? Those are roasting and baking, grilling

and broiling, sautening and pan-frying,
Very Good! and deep frying.
Now, are this cooking methods very
important in our daily life?
Why do you say so?

Estella: Those are simmering, boiling,

Yes! Very good. steaming, and braising and stewing.

Okay, now I want you to get one half Yes ma'am!
crosswise. I will read the question twice
and choose your answer here in the box. Because we will be able to know what are
Simmering Broiling Roasting the methods that we may use in cooking
our favorite foods.
Searing Dry heat method

Moist heat cooking Pan-frying

Grilling Sauteing Baking

Steaming Boiling

1. Is generally same as baking but refers

more to proteins and vegetables.
2. Include any techniques that involve
cooking with moisture.
3. Is done by adding enough fat to a hot
pan so that the fat comes up about half
an inch up the side of the pan.
4. Is a form of cooking that involves dry
heat applied to the surface of food
commonly from above, below or from
the side.
5. Is a dry heat cooking method that rely
on heat being conducted through the air
from an open flame.
6. Is a form of dry heat cooking that uses
a very hot pan and a small amount of fat
to cook the food very quickly.
7. Is done by adding enough fat to a hot
pan so that the fat comes up the side of
the pan.
8. Refers to any cooking technique
where the heat transferred to the food
item without using any moisture.
9. Is a technique used in grilling, baking,
braising, roasting, sauteing, etc, in which
the surface of the food is cooked at high
temperature until a browned crust forms.
10. Is a food preparation technique by
which foods are cooked in hot liquids
kept just below the boiling point of water
and above poaching temperature.
Okay! Ballpen's up! On a count of five, I
want the papers to be pass on the center

(Teacher's count 1-5)

Okay, let's check! Please put corrected
by on the paper you are checking.

1. Roasting
2. Moist heat cooking
3. Pan frying
4. Grilling
5. Broiling
6. Sauteing
7. Pan frying
8. Dry heat method
9. Searing
10. Simmering

Okay, return the paper to the owner.

Now, who got 6 and above?
Pass your papers to the front silently, and
late papers will not accepted.

Who got 5 below? Pass the papers to the


For your assigment. Please take note.
1. Read pages 284-285 on your learning

2. List down the factors affecting choice

of cooking methods in meat. (Write in a
1 whole sheet of paper).

Are you done?

Please pick up some pieces of papers and

plastics under your chairs. (Student's returned the papers to the
And, let us all stand for closing prayer.
Goodbye class!

Yes ma'am.

"All for thee, all my Jesus, all for thee,

Goodbye ma'am!

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