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Digital for Non art majors

Art & Design

Project 1 Sec 01
The bounding rectangle has also lost
its stroke color. To select it, first select
none, then use the white arrow with
Objective a plus sign (the group selection tool).
To become familiar with the creation Use it to select the bounding rectangle,
and manipulation of simple objects, then give it a stroke of black. Every
and with selecting, grouping, shape that you create by duplicating
duplicating and alignment, by (copy-paste in back) or resizing or
arranging those objects within a otherwise altering an existing shape
rectangle to produce a strong design/ will be a part of the clipping group.
composition. Select them using the group selection
tool. Any new shape you create using
Procedure the rectangle or ellipse tool will not be
Begin by creating a new document in a part of the clipping group. Therefore,
Illustrator. Go to View and make sure you should create all of your new
that Print Tiling is checked. Use the shapes by copying existing shapes.
rectangle tool to create a rectangle
within the dotted lines. Use the Aesthetics
properties pane to set the fill color of Consider grouping as an organizing
the rectangle to none and the stroke principle. Grouping occurs through
color to black. Use the rectangle and similarity of size, similarity of shape,
ellipse tools to create circles and and similarity of color. It also occurs
squares of various sizes. Hold down through alignment. A single shape can
the shift key as you create the shapes be part of more than one group. Use
in order to constrain them to squares this to create a dynamic flow through
and circles. Make some of your shapes your design. Try to see how innovative
black by selecting black as the fill color and surprising you can be within the
and none as the stroke color in the somewhat severe constraints of the
preference pane. Make other shapes project requirements. Use open space.
white by selecting none for the fill Use contrast of scale.
color and black for the stroke color.
Create a mask: Select the rectangle Use only black and white circles and
around the print tiling and bring it to squares. NO OVERLAPPING. Five
the front (under the arrange menu.) printed roughs will be due FEB. 3
Select all (Command-A) and select You should make them significantly
object>clipping mask>make. You have different from each other. We will
now turned the bounding rectangle discuss them as a class and select one
into a mask for the other objects. to refine. Three refinements will be
Together they form a clipping group. due FEB. 10

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