Odion Key Functions

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Key Board Functions

The ODIN™ system requires a standard IBM-PC/AT compatible 104 keyboard. Additional functions are
supported by combination of [SHIFT], [CTRL] and [ALT] keys and appropriate function keys. Mouse
support is also provided to change the focus from one screen to another. In this section the following
topics are discussed in detail:
Generic User Navigation
ODIN™ Key Functions
Standard Windows Functionality

Generic User Navigation

In addition to the standard keys, the following keys are provided:

Functions Keys

Exit the current window ESC or CTRL + F4

To move to the next field TAB
To move to the previous field SHIFT+TAB
Send data to the System ENTER
Move to the first page of the screen HOME
Move to the last page of the screen END
Move up by one page PAGE UP
Move Down by one page PAGE DOWN
For cursor movement Arrow
To go to Menu Bar ALT
You can access the menus/menu commands/shortcut menus either with the help of a mouse or a keyboard.
You can accomplish tasks quickly by using access keys .

ODIN™ Key Functions

Functions Keys

Buy Order Entry window F1 or +

Sell Order Entry window F2 or -
Order Book F3
Market Watch F4
Best Five F6
Trade Book F8
Market Snapshot F9
Message Log F10
Fast Order Entry F11 (Press F1 for Fast Buy Order and F2 for Fast Sell
To Cancel a pending order SHIFT + F1
To Modify a pending order SHIFT + F2
To Cancel all pending orders SHIFT + F3
Ticker (Equity) SHIFT + F4
Ticker (Derivatives) CTRL + SHIFT + F4
Net Position SHIFT + F6
Security Information SHIFT + F7
Contract Information SHIFT + F8
Snap Quote (Equity) SHIFT + F9
Derivatives Snap Quote CTRL + F9
Most Active Securities Using Filter SHIFT + 10
Most Active Securities ALT + SHIFT + F10
Auction Inquiry SHIFT + F11
Market Movement SHIFT + F12
Derivatives Buy Order Entry window CTRL + F1
Derivatives Sell Order Entry window CTRL + F2
Spread Order CTRL + F3
Spread Orders Book CTRL + F8
Snap Quote (Derivatives) CTRL + F9
Top Gainers/Losers Using Filter Option CTRL + F10
Top Gainers/Losers ALT + CTRL + F10
Fast Order Entry (Derivatives) window CTRL + F11
Market Movement (Derivatives) CTRL + F12
Log on to the Server CTRL + L
Logoff from the Server CTRL + O
To Print a Screen CTRL + P
Go to Security Toolbar CTRL + S
Lock Workstation CTRL + W
Go to Start of the Page CTRL + HOME
Go to End of the Page CTRL + END
To Close a Screen/Window CTRL + F4/Esc
To Close a Screen/Window CTRL + F4/Esc
Spread Off-line CTRL + ALT + F3
Bulk Orders Book CTRL + ALT + F1
Basket Trading ALT + PAGE UP
On-line Back-up ALT + F7
Portfolio ALT +  F3
On-line Backup ALT + F7
Spread/Arbitrage Watch CTRL + G
Expression Builder SHIFT + B

Standard Windows Functionality

The ODIN™ Client system follows the standard Windows functionality such as use of the arrow keys, the
[Page Up, Page Down] keys.
For example
[SHIFT]+Arrow Keys for selection
[CTRL]+Home to go at the beginning of the page
[CTRL]+End to go at the end of the page

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