Letter of Intent 2020

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4972 Hames Dr.

Concord, CA 94521

March 2, 2020

Mrs. Oliphant
Clayton Arts Academy
Clayton Valley Charter High School
1101 Alberta Way
Concord, CA 94521

Project Topic: ​Mental Health Awareness and Support in Schools

Essential Questions:​ How can we end the stigma of mental illness in today’s youth? What can
schools do to provide support to students who struggle with mental health? How can people my
age help bring awareness to this issue?
Possible Art Piece: ​Painting of mental illnesses, focusing on ending the stigma.

After much consideration, I have chosen to research how schools can bring support and
awareness to students struggling with mental health. Throughout my 4 years of high school I
have realized how many people around me struggle with mental health but have nowhere to turn
to for help. I also want to highlight the phrase, “ending the stigma”. There is often a stigma that
surrounds mental illness, making it more difficult for people to accept the fact that they are
struggling with mental health issues, and to reach out and receive help. This often leaves them
suffering in silence.

This project will be very challenging for me because I have never done a project that brings
awareness to an issue. If not done in the right way, it can come off as offensive to some people
who actually struggle with mental health. Creating a painting will be something that is more
challenging for me. Art has never been my strong suit but I feel as if this art medium would be
the best way to get my point across. Time management is also something I would need to put
into consideration. Having struggled with it during my Junior Project last year, I am hoping that I
will get better at it while working on my Senior Project.

I am excited because this project will involve researching a topic that I am most passionate
about. It will also give me the opportunity to expand my knowledge about this topic and my
artistic abilities. I hope to gain more communication skills as I interview others and learn from

I hope this meets with your approval and I look forward to your ongoing advice

Ashley Sabas
Period 1

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