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ClaytonArts Academy Plus 2 - ​Senior Project

Project Proposal Plan

Ending the Stigma

Respectfully Submitted by: ​Ashley Sabas

​ arch 6, 2020
Date: M

Goals & Objectives:

● Create awareness of mental health issues in students
● Research and create ideas about how schools can support students struggling with mental
● Remove the negative connotation that comes along with mental illnesses

Project Description:
For my Senior Project I am researching how schools can bring support and awareness to students
struggling with their mental health. There is often a stigma that comes with the phrase “mental
illness”. Schools play a huge part in this “stigma”, as mental health is not talked about or brought
up often in schools. To advocate this project, I am in between choosing to make either a painting
or a video. I want to interview people who struggle with mental health, along with people who
don’t, so I can get some inspiration for my art.

Materials List:
● Paint
● Paint brushes
● A canvas
● A video camera
● People to interview/be in my video

Procedure and Timeline:

See It/Believe It:
I was drawn to this topic because mental health has been something I have grown to
become passionate about since my junior year. Seeing people struggle because of the stigma has
made me realize how big of an issue it really is, and has made me want to speak out about it. I
feel that more people need to be aware of this issue and how serious it can become. I will use art
to draw attention to this issue by making a PSA.
Research It:
To research this project, I will use a mixture of the internet and personal interviews with
others. I will research questions such as, “how do schools help students with mental health”,
“how does the stigma that surrounds mental illness affect those who struggle with it”, and similar
questions along those lines. There are organizations that highlight this topic and help support it.
Through this project, I’m hoping to impact the youth; mainly because of how much the stigma
affects them, leaving them suffering in silence.

For my project, I will interview mostly people my age. The purpose for these interviews
is to get real and genuine answers from people who have experienced setbacks with mental
health. These interviews will allow me to get more personal answers compared to the ones on
the internet.

Build It/Do It:

To build this project, I’ll first start by doing my research and expanding my knowledge
about this topic. Once I get the research done, I’ll start interviewing people to get more
information from a personal standpoint. I’ll then begin working on my art piece and then work
on putting together my presentation.

Present It:
To present this project, I will create a Pencha Kucha containing all the parts that lead to
my final piece of work. I’ll present this in front of other Arts Academy members and teachers.

Reflect On It:
While working on this project, I will track how much my knowledge has grown about my
topic. I hope this project will help me grow as a student, artist, and activist. Researching a project
about a social issue I am passionate about will help me present it in a more genuine way.

Desired Outcome:
After my presentation, I hope my audience will have a deeper understanding of mental health,
and realize how big the stigma is that comes with it. I think schools should start taking students’
mental health into consideration, and have a way where they can get help and talk to someone.

Importance Of Project As An Artist:

Although I am still unsure of what I want my art medium to be, I believe that through this piece
of art, I will be able to fully express myself. I’ve learned throughout all my years of high school,
art is the best way I can express my ideas and feelings.

Importance Of Project As An Activist:

This topic has been extremely important to me within the past couple years. Being affected by
the stigma myself, and seeing how others are affected by it as well, it made me want to stand up
and speak out about it.

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