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There was this woman who was a professional model. She was the most beautiful woman in town.

her career progressed she went on many photoshoots to different exotic countries. Everyone adored for
her exquisite appearance .On one of these photoshoots , she was paired with a very handsome man.

JOHN; hi I,m jonathan. Nice to meet you. You can just call me john if you want to.

MARY; oh hi I’m mary. Nice meeting you too.

JOHN: by the way can I tell you something

MARY: what is it?

JOHN: can I just say that you are gradually one of the most beautiful I have ever seen in my entire 26

MARY: thank you very much. I appreciate it very much.

Mary and john begin dating and from time to time they began falling in love more and more.

After 3 years of dating, they got married in Italy and had their honeymoon there.

After a year of getting married, mary had wonderful news to tell her husband.

MARY; John! John! I need to tell you something.

JOHN : what is it? Why are you acting all crazy?

MARY; I’m pregnant

JOHN: are you serious? Oh my god! I love you so much.

All of their family members and friends complimented them for being such a great looking couple.

Some of them said that they are going to have the most beautiful child in the country.

However, when the child was born he was extremely hideous. The couple couldn’t bear to look at their

MARY; why is my baby so ugly looking? Doctor what have I done wrong? Is he not normal? Is he a child
with special needs?

DOCTOR: your son is completely normal. He’s in good condition. I don’t know why your son does not
look like what he should look.

MARY; please put him somewhere else. I cannot look at him. He’s not my son

JOHN: I’m sorry but I have to go to the restroom to throw up. I cannot even bear to look at that thing.

As the years pass, the boy’s face grew more and more ugly. His eyes was bugged out, his nose was
deformed and the skin around his mouth was rotting. By the time he was 4, he was completely hideous.

RAICHANT: Mummy can I go outside to play?

MARY: Honey no you cannot. What if all the people get scared looking at you?
Raichant: Why do you say that? I’m your son. Don’t you love me? I don’t care if I’m the ugliest kid in the
world. My face is the lord’s creation. We cannot change anything. I’m only 4 and I just wanna be myself
and have fun.

MARY; no I can’t say the word I love you yet. Your dad and I were discussing, we figured that its best if
you stayed in your room for most of time and only come out during eating times.

Raichant begin to cry but his parents just ignored him. He just wanted to be a happy 4 year old. He
looked himself in the mirror and said…

Raichant: I know I’m ugly. Even though mom and dad don’t love me, I love myself no matter how I look. I
wish I could be the kid out there playing around and being loved by their folks unconditionally.

One day, there was a knock on Raichant’s door.

MARY: Raichant, wanna go outside to play?

Raichant: Really mummy! Are you serious? Yay. Thanks mum. I love you.

The word I love you was stuck in Mary’s head. She was feeling guilty because she was going to do
something that no mother would do her only child.

MARY; Let’s go to the waterfall. I have prepared some food so we can have a picnic with a great view.

After a 5 minute drive, they arrived and set their picnic site beside the waterfall. Raichant was enjoying
himself because it was his first being outside.

RAICHANT: Thanks mummy for bringing me here.i really don’t know that you planned this for me and im
sorry for being stubborn all this time ….

Mary just smiling at Raichant 

Raichant : ouh Mummy I wanna pee

MARY: no worries. How about you go and be beside the cliff of the waterfall.

When he was peeing, his father suddenly appeared behind him. After he finish pee and turns .he
realized his father was behind him.

RAICHANT: Father ,why are you here ? do you want to join me ?

His father step forward towards him

Raichant : Dad …. Why are u come closer to me.. its freaking me out .. its dangerous in here cuz we
might fall down to the cliff..

John : not us , just you

With a cruel smile , his father suddenly push him until he fell down the cliff.

Mary was horrified, but then the strange look passed between them like he knew what his husband
trying to solve.
Without a word coming from their mouth, they packed up the picnic basket and blanket and drove back
home. In the car,

Mary : what are you trying to put in this situation?

John : I just want to make the situation fine as always.

Mary : what are that possible for us to tell the neighbor?

John : well then, we just said that the ‘thing’ are sick and die because of the disease. Apart from that, we
we’ll not have to burden with it anymore. So just chill n enjoy our life,

Mary : I think you may have point there. (sigh) he will never ever be my son since he was born in this
world. I bare witness he is not my son, because my child have to be beautiful or handsome like us .

After a few week, suddenly one of the neighbor ask them about their son.

Neighbor: hi, Mary, long time don’t see. How are u? hey, where is your son? I didn’t see him couple of
week ago.

Suddenly, Mary’s happy face turn sad immediately to make some expression of her son was die

Mary: ouh, my son, Raichant just passed away couple of weeks ago because of the disease.

Neighbor: (shock) since when Raichant got the disease? Why wouldn’t you invite me to his funeral?

Mary: personal reasons. Hey, I’ll meet you again later okay. I have work to do. Bye.

Neighbor: ouh, I see. Okay, see you later.

A year later, Mary became pregnant again with their second child. Initially, the couple was worried that
they would be cursed with another ugly son. However, their fear proved unfounded, because when the
baby was born they were delighted to discover that it was a beautiful baby girl.

MARY; honey, look at our daughter.

JOHN: She’s so beautiful, she looks like. She’s got your beautiful blue eyes. Let’s name her Isabelle.

Years have been gone by and their daughter became more and more beautiful. Isabelle get compliments
all the time. Her parents were very happy because the three of them got complimented for having a
beautiful family.

ISABELLE: Mummy I wanna go outside to play with the kids out there.

MARY: sure thing honey but don’t talk to starngers.

ISABELLE: thanks mummy.

As she was playing with all the other kids, most of them adored her and give her good compliments.
Everyone wanted to be friends with her due to her exquisite physical appearance.

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