Ed Tech ECDE Activity Plan

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Asia Crandall Activity Title: Planting Seeds

Number of children participating at one time: 6 Ages: 3 yrs.

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the
Ohio Early Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Learning &
Strand: Science Inquiry and Application
Standards: Topic: Inquiry

List at least 1 standard Standard Statement: Identify patterns and relationships.

that is addressed by
this activity. Write out
each component
completely and exactly,
as published in ELDS.

Lesson Summary:
Students will learn how flowers grow. We will discuss what happens when soil, water,
sunlight, and seeds combine to produce flowers. The students will be able to plant seeds of
their own.

Estimated Duration: This lesson will be incorporated into the theme for the week (300 min). Each day will focus on
a sub-topic of the main topic. Each lesson will also be divided into 60 minutes each day with
each session broken down into smaller sessions per day.

Preparation of What preparation is needed?

materials and Go over this entire schedule with your co-teacher beforehand. Make sure all the
environment supplies needed for the entire week are available. Test the equipment for audio
and visual prior to the lessons. Have a “plan B” just in case.

What materials will be used?

Smartboard Musical instruments- food coloring- 1 bucket- water-seeds- soil- 14
flowerpots- construction paper- playdough

How will the learning environment be set up?

The circle time area, art area, and dramatic play area will be prearranged for each

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1: 10 min: Students will gather on the circle time carpet to listen to a story about soil/mud and how its formed and the nutrients it provides plants.

15 min: Next, the class will dance and sing to a youtube video on the smartboard about soil and ask questions of their choice.

30 min: The students will be divided into two groups. Group 1 will participate in a art project (making soil) Group 2 will participate in an online interactive
lesson about soil and how it’s produced.

Day 2: 10 min: Students will gather on the circle time carpet to listen to a story about different types of seeds. We will discuss the various flowers, plants and foods
that are produced from tiny seeds.

15 min: Next, the students will dance and sing to a youtube video on the smartboard about seeds and ask questions of their choice.

30 min: The students will be divided into two groups. Group 1 will participate in an art project (glue different sized and shapes of seeds on construction
paper). Group 2 will participate in an online interactive lesson about seeds and where we can find them.

Day 3: 10 min: Students will gather on the circle time carpet to listen to a story about water ant its contribution and importance to plants.

15 min: Next, the will students dance and sing to a youtube video on the smartboard about water and ask questions of their choice.

30 min: The students will be divided into two groups. Group 1 will participate in an art project (making whirlwinds with water in a bottle). Group 2 will be set
up in the science/sensory area to create rain using a water pot.

Day 4: 10 min: Students will gather on the circle time carpet to listen to a story about the sun and how it helps plants grow with warm heat and sunshine.

15 min: Next, the class will dance and sing to a youtube video on the smartboard about the sun and ask questions of their choice.

30 min: The students will be divided into two groups. Group 1 will participate in a art project (making soil) Group 2 will participate in an online interactive
lesson about soil and how it’s produced.

Day 5: 10 min: I will read….

15 min: Next, the students will use the smart board to create plants and flowers from this week’s lessons.

30- 45 min: The students will be able to plant seeds using the materials displayed on their tables. They will each place soil in their small pts, use their fingers
to poke a hole in the soil, place their seeds in the hole of the soil, cover the seeds, pour water over the soil then place the pots on the window for sunlight.

Extension: https://montessori.edokiacademy.com/en/?
The above website is an educational resource for preschool students. It targets areas of academic and life skill subjects.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: Design by children’s learning styles, pair children together who have similar
interests and use assistive technology (keyboards, hearing device, dem lighting).
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
Build with blocks, dress up, play in the gross motor room and read in a quiet space.

Vocabulary: measurements sunray potting compost stem organism nutrients nourishment water cycle

For teachers
I will use a smart pen, a smartbaord and one Ipad.

For students Students will use gloves, water pale an a hand held shovel
Students will use the smartbaord to interactively design and create their flowers.

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