Health Class Quiz

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Health Class: Nutrition

October 12, 2018

Quiz 1

Name: _______________________________________
Grade level: _______________

1. Casein is a protein found in dairy products. Which of the following according to the
documentary film is TRUE about casein?
a. It is necessary for the human body as a best source of protein for the cells
b. It lowers inflammation and therefore a healing component of food
c. It has a pathway to the brain that acts like an addictive drug to make a young cow consume
more milk to the mother.
d. It is the substance that lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

2. Which of the following best describes chronic illness?

a. Lifestyle diseases
b. Diseases developed over a long period of time due to bad choices in life such as diet, stress
and bad habits
c. A and B
d. None of the choices

3. What foods are considered as class A carcinogenic by the World Health Organization?

4. Can cooking thoroughly the food (identified as carcinogenic) lessen its carcinogencity? How
about the burnt food such as barbeque? Explain.

5. According to the documentary, how is it possible to reverse most of the killer diseases?

6. What does the quote from Hypocrates “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
mean and what is your opinion about it?

7. What did the film maker/researcher found out about why the medical organizations such as
American heart organization and diabetes foundation is still recommending eating carcinogenic
food identified by WHO?

8. WHO said that we are nearing a post-antibiotic era in medicine due to massive antibiotics we
consume from meat that we eat. (True or False) ___________________

9. Based on the documentary what food is the culprit for diabetes?


10. What is your honest opinion/realization/reflection about the (perhaps) new information that
this documentary presented to us?

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