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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital


Human resource Management is the strategic and coherent

approach to the management of an organization most valued assets-the
people working there who individually and collectively contribute to
the achievement of the objectives of the business.

The terms “Human Resource Management” and “Human

Resource” (HR) have largely replaced the term “personal
management” as a description of the process involved in managing in
organization. In simple sense, HRM means employing people,
developing there resource, utilizing, maintaining and compensating
there services in tune with the job and organizational requirement.

The division of labor that the amount of skills needed to undertake

a specialized task was only the skill necessary to complete the task. He
analyses and documented the manufacture of pin and broke the
process down into seven elements to illustrate his point .this study

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

Important to the employers in the sense that they only had to pay for
the amount of skill required to complete a task.


William R. Tracey, in The Human resource Glossary defines

Human Resource as “The people that staff and operate an organization
as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an
organization. The organizational function that deals with the people”.


Human resource Management is the function within an

organization that focuses on recruitment of management of and
providing direction for the people who work in the organization.
Human Resources management can also be performed by line
managers.HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues
related people such as compensation, hiring performance management

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

organizational development ,safety ,wellness, benefits ,employee

motivation, communication, administration and training.


There is significant difference in the opinion of scholar regarding

nature of HRM. Some of the scholars say that it is a job and a
departmental responsibility, while some others have described it as
universal activity of management.


1. Human resource management is a departmental

2. Human resource management is a profession.
3. The utility of human resource is universal.

Meaning of socio economic

Well, the term socioeconomic is combination of two words – social
and economic. Social condition of a person means culture, society where
a person is living and his Interaction with the society. Economic refers to
financial status of person. So basically socioeconomic condition of an
individual refers to his society, culture, Environment, his interaction in
society and his financial status. Socioeconomic is sociological

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

classification. It is the relationship between someone’s Wealth and their

social status. It is studied by looking at persons wealth and their assets.

Meaning of socio economic background

It is your economic background, i.e.…did you come from poor
roots, middle class, or upper Class. Only in addition to how much money
your grandparents and parents may or may not Have had, it takes into
account social (society) reasons as to why your economic background Is
such…so for example, not to imply they are any worse off as a family,
but a poor family Coming from the inner city has slightly different
reasons as to why they are poor Compared to a poor family in the
mountains in Virginia. Both are considered Poor…face a lot of the same
problems, but technically when the reasons are broken Other end of the
spectrum…growing up were you middle or upper class in a nice
Neighborhood going to good schools? Was it your family that had
money, or were You raised modest with good work ethic and the drive to
make your own Millions…old money versus new money. These things
impact and are impacted by Your social surroundings. What was the
Corporate Social Resposibility background before independence of India?

People in India live in dismal conditions before independence of

India. Squatter Settlements and slums were rampant, which was a clear
indication of the level of Poverty in most regions. Over 500 million
Indians lived on less than one dollar Day. After independence, rapid
urban growth was experienced, and this helped Improve the conditions to
some extent. Socioeconomics (also known as Corporate Social
Resposibilitys or social economics) is the social Science that studied how
economic activity affects social processes. In general it Analyzes how

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or Regional

economy, or the global economy.

The goal of socioeconomic study is generally to bring about

socioeconomic Development, usually in terms of improvements in
metrics such as GDP, life Expectancy, literacy, levels of employment,
etc. Although harder to measure, changes in less-tangible factors are also
considered, Such as personal dignity, freedom of association, personal
safety and freedom from Fear of physical harm, and the extent of
participation in civil society.

The socioeconomic information is an attempt to synthesize relevant

Demographic, social, and economic data and to explain their relevance to
human Resource management. Social and economic factors are those
factors that characterize the individual Or group within the social
structure. Socioeconomic factor is nothing but the study of Society,
culture which is prevailing in an area. The Corporate Social Resposibility
background of Employee comprise of external social and economic
conditions that influence the Operation and performance of an employee.

In a company human play an imperative role as they are the key for
the Company’s growth and development. Let it be any company the main
aim of it is to Earn higher profit and wealth maximization. The
companies therefore want to Recruit best employees who can perform the
job best.

In a company there are 2 main types in which employees are

categorized i.e. Performers and Non-Performers. Performers are the one
who excel in there work And achieve higher target then the set target.
They are the one who prove Advantageous for there company. On the

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

other hand there are non performers who Are not up to the mark and are
not able top achieve the target set by the company.

In other words company tries to unearth the major factors that

make the Employee a “performer”. Company tries to find various factors
that affect an Employee’s performance. One such measurement is
analyzing performers Corporate Social Resposibility background.
According to me the social background and economical Background of
an employee play a vital role in there performance.

It is an analysis of economic background, i.e. did you come from

poor roots, Middle class, or upper class in addition to how much money
your grandparents and Parents may or may not have had, it takes into
account social (society) reasons as to Why your economic background is

This topic is studied by keeping in mind that the economical and

social Background does play a part in performance. In this I am trying to
analyze that what Are the factors that actually shape the performance of
the employee, that are related To social and economical background.

The aim of this paper is to describe the effect of Corporate Social

Resposibility background On the performer’s performance. The data used
is taken from two sources. The Personal data regarding the residence of
performer, age and tenure in the company Is taken from organization’s
database i.e. it is a secondary from of data. It is provided By the

The data other than this is collected by way of interview. The

analysis is the combination of two distinct research tasks, the study of
income determination and the study of socio mobility. The analysis is

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carried on in the field of social and economical background of the

performer. Factor affecting Performance of the employees:

Employees are the most valuable asset in any organization. A

successful and highly productive business can be achieved by engaging
them in improving their performance. All employees are not equal in their
working and they have different modes of working like some have
highest capability regardless of the incentive but other may have
occasional jump-start. If they are handled effectively, the result can be
greater productivity and increased employee morale.

1. Social Factors:

These are the factors which are socially related to the employees.
These are The factors related to social life of the employees. It is about
the factors which Describe the social background like employee’s friend
circle, employees area of Living and his relationship with peers.

2. Economical Factors:

Economical Factors play a very crucial role in an employee’s

performance. Economic factors such as no alternative source of income ,
less earnings etc creates a Lot of pressure on the employee and thus lead
to untidy performance on the job. Employee can work with full
concentration and determination only when his Mind is free from all
other issues. There are some concerns for any employee, which Are more
important for his as compare to the job he is performing.

3. Cultural Factors:

Culture has been a subject of investigation in social anthropology

where Researchers have sought to understand the shared meanings and
values held by Group in society which give significance to their actions.

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So to understand action and Behavior at religious ceremony in a

particular country, it would be most helpful to Have an insight in to the
underlying system of beliefs. Culture factors such as language, religion,
region etc plays very crucial role in Employee’s performance. If the
employee is not comfortable with the environment His work will be
affected. If the employee is working in some area and is not fluent With
the language used there, his efficiency will get affected.




5. 2.








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4. Technical factors:

Technical factors such as skills, knowledge , ability etc are must

for proper Completion of the job. In today’s scenario technology is
changing very fast and it ha become very important to keep updating
individual skills.

Skills have to be continuously worked upon and one need to

improve to keep informed and executes it as well. Performance and skills
are interrelated as an employee can outperform only if he has got good

Skill is playing an important role in improving confidence of the

employee And will also have a critical role in improving the level of
performance in any field of The job and ultimately will get an importance
place in performance of the employee. The skill can be achieved with
learning and experience. The ways of getting skills And improving skill
required on job for the performance of the employees and Ultimately for
the profitability of the organization.

Thus technical factors play a decisive role in performance.

Company need to

Analyze the skills of an employee i.e. right person at the right job.
Performance will

Not be at par if wrong person i.e. person with wrong skills made to
perform the job.

5. Other Factors:

Factors that effect performance of an employee have been shown

above, but There are some other factors which also play its parts in an

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employee’s performance. The factors can be employers’ constant

pressure to increase productivity, Profitability and revenue growth and it
often overshadows the importance of how And unengaged workforce
performance be affected.

Each employee may have different effect from different thing at

workplace. Their employee and behavior can play a vital role in their
performance. Class room training, computer based / e-learning and on job
training is also a Considerable way of getting positive performance
improvements if they are getting In a very professional way. It will also
give a view of finding the importance of the Said training and its effect on
the performance of the employees in playing profitable Role in any

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Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors - both in terms of

revenue and employment. Healthcare comprises hospitals, medical
devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health
insurance and medical equipment. The Indian healthcare sector is
growing at a brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services and
increasing expenditure by public as well private players.
Indian healthcare delivery system is categorised into two major
components - public and private. The Government, i.e. public healthcare
system comprises limited secondary and tertiary care institutions in key
cities and focuses on providing basic healthcare facilities in the form of
primary healthcare centres (PHCs) in rural areas. The private sector
provides majority of secondary, tertiary and quaternary care institutions
with a major concentration in metros, tier I and tier II cities.
India's competitive advantage lies in its large pool of well-trained medical
professionals. India is also cost competitive compared to its peers in Asia
and Western countries. The cost of surgery in India is about one-tenth of
that in the US or Western Europe. India ranks 145th among 195 countries
in terms of quality and accessibility of healthcare.
Market Size
The healthcare market can increase three-fold to Rs 8.6 trillion (US$
133.44 billion) by 2022.
Indian medical tourism market is growing at the rate of 18 per cent year
on year and is expected to reach US$ 9 billion by 2020. There is a
significant scope for enhancing healthcare services considering that
healthcare spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is
rising. The government’s expenditure on the health sector has grown to

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1.4 per cent in FY18E from 1.2 per cent in FY14. The Government of
India is planning to increase public health spending to 2.5 per cent of the
country's GDP by 2025.
Health insurance is gaining momentum in India. Gross direct premium
income underwritten by health insurance grew 18.2 per cent y-o-y to Rs
24,864.01 crore (US$ 3.56 billion) in FY20 (up to September 2019).
The hospital and diagnostic centers attracted Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) worth US$ 6.34 billion between April 2000 and June 2019,
according to data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion (DIPP). Some of the recent investments in the Indian
healthcare industry are as follows:

 The value of merger and acquisition (M&A) deals in hospital

sector jumped by record 155 percent at Rs 7,615 crore (US$ 1.09
billion) in FY19.
 In August 2019, Microsoft India and Apollo Hospitals Group
entered in agreement to set up a National Clinical Coordination
Committee for AI-powered Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score
 In January 2019, National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
approved Tri-County Premier Hearing Services Inc’s plan to
acquire Bhilai Scan and Research Pvt Ltd (BSR) Diagnostics Ltd
for Rs 67 crore (US$ 9.29 million).
 Healthcare sector in India witnessed 23 deals worth US$ 679
million in H12018.
 India and Cuba have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) to increase cooperation in the areas of health and medicine,

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according to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government

of India.
 Fortis Healthcare has approved the de-merger of its hospital
business with Manipal Hospital Enterprises. TPG and Dr. Ranjan
Pal could invest Rs. 3,900 crore (US$ 602.41 million) in Manipal
Hospital Enterprise.

Government Initiatives
Some of the major initiatives taken by the Government of India to
promote Indian healthcare industry are as follows:

 The Government of India aims to increase healthcare spending to

three percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2022.
 In February 2019, the Government of India established new All
India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Manethi, District
Rewari, Haryana at a cost of Rs 1,299 crore (US$ 180.04 million).
 The Union Cabinet approved setting up of National Nutrition
Mission (NNM) with a three-year budget of Rs 9,046 crore (US$
1.29 billion) to monitor, supervise, fix targets and guide the
nutrition related interventions across ministries.
 On September 23, 2018, Government of India launched Pradhan
Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), to provide health insurance
worth Rs 500,000 (US$ 7,124.54) to over 100 million families
every year.
 In August 2018, the Government of India has approved Ayushman
Bharat-National Health Protection Mission as a centrally
Sponsored Scheme contributed by both center and state
government at a ratio of 60:40 for all States, 90:10 for hilly North
Eastern States and 60:40 for Union Territories with legislature. The

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center will contribute 100 per cent for Union Territories without
 The Government of India has launched Mission Indradhanush with
the aim of improving coverage of immunisation in the country. It
aims to achieve atleast 90 per cent immunisation coverage by
December 2018 which will cover unvaccinated and partially
vaccinated children in rural and urban areas of India.

Following are the achievements of the government in the year 2017:

 As of July 2019, around 125.7 million families have enrolled as

beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY).
The scheme has enrolled 16,085 hospitals, including 8,059 private
hospitals and 7,980 public hospitals. It to include 19 Ayush
packages in the treatment scheme.
 As of September 2019, about 50 lakh people have received free
treatment under the Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan
Arogya Yojana.
 The number medical colleges in India increased to 529 in FY19
from 381 in FY13.
 According to Sample Registration System Bulletin-2016, India has
registered a 26.9 per cent reduction in Maternal Mortality Ratio
(MMR) since 2013.

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Wockhardt Hospital's existence is the result of a 50-year tradition of

caring and innovation nurtured by Wockhardt Ltd, India's 5th largest
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare company with a presence in 20 countries
across the globe.

Within a short period since its inception, Wockhardt Hospitals has

become a leading health service provider with its strong presence in the
western parts of the country i.e. Mumbai, Nagpur, Rajkot, Nasik and
Surat. This group of 9 hospitals fulfills the need of the community in its
chosen field of super specialty like Cardiology, Orthopedics, Neurology,
Gastroenterology, Urology, Aesthetics and Minimal Access Surgery.

We follow process driven quality systems that adhere to international

standards of clinical care, safe environment, infection control and respect
for patient rights & privacy. With state of the art multi-disciplinary
capabilities and world-class infrastructure and technology, we enrich the
quality of life of every patient in a caring and nurturing environment and
greatest respect for human dignity and life.

Many of the Wockhardt group of hospitals has accreditation of the

NABH (National Accreditation Board of Hospitals & Healthcare), the
highest and the most stringent quality standards institution in India and
the National authority in healthcare accreditation. To meet these
standards the hospital needs to have a quality driven approach right from
the patient registration, admission, pre-surgery & post-surgery protocols,
discharge from the hospitals to follow ups after discharge.

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In pursuance of its vision to establish state-of-the-art medical facilities in

India along with a high degree of clinical excellence, we have entered
into strategic alliances with Partners Medical International, USA,
whereby Wockhardt has access to Harvard's expertise and experience in
the fields of surgery and other Medicare services.

Partners Medical International (a non- profit organization) serves as a

catalyst in bringing together healthcare professionals from around the
globe towards improving the delivery of healthcare through education
and implementing its vision that every citizen of the world should have
access to quality healthcare in their own country. Today, Harvard
Medical International has selective collaborations with medical
communities, Wockhardt hospitals being one of them.

Wockhardt group of hospitals in India is a preferred destination for

patients from Europe, USA, Africa, Middle East and South Asia. Most of
the doctors/surgeons have been trained or worked extensively at some of
the best medical institutions in US, Europe and other advanced countries.

Wockhardt Hospitals are one of the tertiary care, super speciality

healthcare networks in India offering healthcare services. The chain of
hospitals is owned by the parent company Wockhardt Ltd., India's 5th
largest Pharmaceutical and Healthcare company with a presence in 20
countries across the globe.[1] Wockhardt hospitals, originally called First
hospitals and Heart Institute, were one of the early movers among
corporate health-care chains in India. The company was established in
1989 and it started its first operations with a medical center in Kolkata,
1989 and a heart hospital in Bangalore two years later. Today the

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company has its presence across India with 9 multi speciality hospital


Wockhardt Hospitals was incorporated on 28 August 1991 under the

Companies Act, 1956 as a public limited company. The Company was
originally named First Hospitals and Heart Institute Limited. On 11
September 2000 the name was changed to Wockhardt Health Sciences
Limited and subsequently on 19 October 2000 the name was changed to
Wockhardt Hospitals Limited

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 To study the existing duties and responsibility of employees of

serious level of Wackhardt Hospital Nagpur.
 To study the employees satisfaction towards the present rights and
responsibility of the Hospital.
 To study which rights & responsibility employees are dissatisfied
 To recognize the all important role that Responsibility played in an
employee’s performance.
 To explore the core reason behind the excellent show by the
performance i.e. what motivates them the most.
 To check whether the returns given by the company are
satisfactory or not.

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 Employees are satisfied with the present duties & responsibility

providing at Wackhardt hospital.

 Employees are not satisfied with the present duties & responsibility
providing at Wackhardt hospital.

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital


Karim Ahmed. A, Ph.D. (2003) evaluated the human rights dimensions of

significant environmental and public health issues and concluded in the
following way: It should be apparent that environmental and human
rights are inextricably linked - - to talk about the one implies the other.
As we increasingly recognize the serious impact of a degraded
environment on human health and well being, we are better placed to
adjust our policies and cultural practices to reflect our enhanced
understanding of the close linkages between environmental protection,
public health and human rights. As a result, we should be able to protect
human rights and human dignity within its broader social, economic and
cultural context by drawing from and contributing to those who are
actively engaged in the environmental and public health arenas.

Campbell and Farrel 1985; Garcia, Powell and Sachez, 1990; King 1983;
Merrick 1988; Rich 1990; Ruiz 1982; and Swadener 1986, 1988,
Researchers found similar results for anti-bias education efforts. In order
to effectively address bias and prejudice and promote inter-group
harmony among students, researchers have found that certain dynamics
must be in place. Anti-bias efforts are most beneficial: a. When all
students are involved b. When in-depth, long term and infused into
overall curriculum c. When students are introduced to multicultural
activities as young an age as possible and d. when teachers have the
attitudes, training, materials and support to deliver the activities and

Peter D. Hart Research Associates (1997) conducted a survey similar to

the above as part of Human Rights USA project. The results of this study
suggests that less 8% of the adults and 4% of the young people in the

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USA are aware of Human Rights and they can name the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights”. 24% of all adults, 18% of African
Americans and 24% of Latinos had heard of UDHR. 39.7% of the women
married by arranged marriage were not able to see their husbands before
marriage and 28.6% of them were married against their will.

Augustin Velloso (1998), under a title ‘Peace and Human Rights

Education in the Middle East Comparing Jewish and Palestinian
Experiences’ concludes that the Washington agreement of 1993 gave a
new impetus to attempts by Palestine and Israeli leaders to find a peaceful
solution to their differences. The author asks to what extent their process
has been accompanied by peace/human rights education progress for
Israeli and Palestinians. While such progress exists, they are very limited
and have so far made little impact in reversing the long educational
legacy or mutual distrust and hostility, which the article examines in
detail. Furthermore, the continuing conflicts between the two
communities make peace/human rights education difficult.

21NARANGEREL RINCHIN (1998), conducted a study to find out the

extent of understanding of human rights among various social groups,
especially teachers and students at the basic and tertiary levels. It was
found: i. 77.8% said that human rights are discussed only very briefly and
in a limited way. ii. 98.6% listed following violations in the class room:
humiliation of students by teachers inside the classroom; superficial
participation of students in school head councils; teachers’ stereotyped
view of students; breaches of relations between students and teachers;
excessive subject load that limits deeper learning, widespread pressure on
students; and reprisals against students by teachers. iii. There is evidence
that students are physically punished for not doing their homework and
teachers sometimes teach while drunk. iv. 46.1% of the respondents

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favour the development of new subjects on human rights; 32.6% want

special rules on human rights to be enforced in secondary schools; 30.7%
want human rights to be integrated in history and humanities subjects;
19.2% want special pedagogical activities in learning human rights; and
15.3% want human rights to be integrated in history and sociology

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Research as “ The Manipulation of things, concepts of symbols for

the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge,
whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of
an art.”

Meaning Of Research

Research is common sense refers to a search for knowledge.

Research is a systematic search for particular information on a specific
topic. Research Is an art from scientific investigation.


According to Advanced learners Dictionary, ’’Research is a careful

investigation or enquiry Specially to search for infect in any branch of
knowledge”. According to Redman, “Research is a systematic effort to
gain a goods knowledge”.

Aim Of The Study

The aim of studying this is to know the effect of social and

economic background on the performance of the employee.

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

Research Design

Phase 1 : Collection of secondary data

o Internet
o Publications of the organizations

Phase 2 : Collection of primary data

o Observing employees working in the organization

o Talking employees working in the organization
o Design questionnaire
o Conduct survey

Sampling Technique And Size

A research is to search or investigate exhaustively. It is a careful or

diligent Search, studious inquiry or examination especially investigation
or experimentation Aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts,
revision of accepted theories or Laws in the light of new facts or practical
application about a particular subject.

A sample is a finite part of a statistical population whose properties

are Studied to gain information about the whole (Webster, 1985). When
dealing with People , it can be defined as a set of respondents (people)
selected from a larger Population for the purpose of a survey.

Sampling is the act =, process, or technique of selecting a suitable

sample, or a Representative part of a population for the purpose of
determining parameters or Characteristics of the whole population.

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Sampling technique

The sampling technique used for carrying out this study is Random
Sampling Technique.

Sampling Size

The sampling size on which the analysis is based is 50.

Tools For Data Collection

There are two types of data collection i.e.

1) Primary Data
2) Secondary Data

In this study the methods use to collect data were;

1) Primary Data :- Primary source is used to collect initial material

during the Research process. Primary data is the data that the
research collects himself using Methods such as survey’s, direct
observation, interviews, as well as logs. Primary data is a reliable
way to collect data because the research will know Where it come
from & how it was collected & analyzed since he did it himself On
specific components of the system.
2) Secondary Data :- Secondary source are edited primary source,
second-hand Version. They represent thinking of someone else.
Secondary data are data that Were collected by person or agencies
for purposes other than solving the Problem at hand . they are one
of the cheapest & easiest means of access to Information. Hence,
the first think a research should do is to search for Secondary data
available on the topic.

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The purpose of carrying out this research is to explore the effect on

social life Of employee on their work life. The purpose of this research is
to find out the Relationship between financial position of an employee
and their performance.

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1. The data is restricted to Wackhardt Hospital, Nagpur.

2. The study is carried on sales manager and employees of the
3. The data collected through questionnaire may be true or false
depending upon the perception of that person. So it may vary from
person to person.

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Data analysis will be carried out by arranging the data received by

the Performers in an excel sheet. This data will then converted in to
graphics; forms i.e. in the charts and further interpretation will be carried

A Corporate Social Resposibility survey was conducted to study

the profile of Performing sales managers & in various employees in the
company. 50 employees Were covered and the findings of the study are
stated below.

The study is divided into 2 major parts as shown in the diagram,



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1. Performer personal details:

In this part of the questionnaire personal details regarding the performer is Requested.
This part of the questionnaire is prepared for knowing the basic of the Performer.

The information regarding following fields of the performer is asked for

- Name - Age
- Education - Grade
- Material Status - Sex
- Children - Total Duration Of Service
- Duration Of Service - Working Hours
- Father’s Occupation - Mother’s Occupations
- Wife’s Occupation

2. Performer’s Corporate Social Resposibility Background:

This part of questionnaire is designed in a way so that the information Regarding

employee’s social and economical background could be collected and a Proper
analysis of the same can be done. In this part the researcher have also tried to cover
employee’s information Regarding their educational background and also their
relationship with there Peers. This part is extremely important as its gives me the base
for my study. The data Which was collected in the second part is given below.

Educational Background
Family and Economic Background

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A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

1) What are the existing policies?

Opinion Percentage
Yes 70
No 30





From the above graph it is clear that the 70% Existing the
policies of Employees and 30% not.

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 30

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

2) Are you satisfied with your policies and existing light?

Opinion Percentage
Yes 60
No 40




From the above graph it is clear that the 60% Employees

satisfied by the Policies provided by the organization and 40% not

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 31

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

3) Are you Happy with the goals that are set for the employee?

Opinion Percentage
Yes 65
No 35





From the above graph it is clear that the 65% Employees

Happy with the goals that are set and 35% not Happy.

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 32

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

4) What are the rights & responsibility of employees that are you

Opinion Percentage
Yes 55
No 45

45 Yes



From the above graph it is clear that the 55% Employees

Satisfied by the Rights & Responsibilities of the Employees and 45%
Dissatisfied by the Responsibility.

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 33

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

5) Does the employees get personality involved in your

community source activities?

Opinion Percentage
Yes 70
No 30





From the above graph it is clear that the 70% Employees get
personality involved in the activities and 30% not personality.

6) Are you satisfied with your job and rewards?

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 34

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

Opinion Percentage
Yes 55
No 45

45 Yes



From the above graph it is clear that the 55% are satisfied by
the Job in the organization and 45% not satisfied by the job.

7) Does the hospital measures the employees organization

Opinion Percentage

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 35

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

Yes 65
No 35





From the above graph it is clear that the 65% Hospital

Facilities measures the employees in the organization and 35%
employees are not measures.

8) Does the hospital demonstrate their commitment to growing

and training of employees.

Opinion Percentage

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 36

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

Yes 70
No 30





From the above graph it is clear that the 70% Employees

Training in the organization and Hospital Demonstrate the
Commitment to Growing and 30% not.

9) Does the hospital feels like they are here for prepare by and
gorse for got?

Opinion Percentage

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 37

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

Yes 80
No 20





From the above graph it is clear that the 80% Employees

Hospital feels for prepare by the gorse and 20% not prepare.


The findings of the study are stated here and as per the findings
Recommendations are given to bring improvement wherever required.

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 38

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

o The Employees Resposibility Background of an employee plays a

very significant role In the performance of an employee.

o The added responsibility of family and no other source of income

make the Employee work harder and perform exceptionally well.

o The friend circle of an employee also proves to be crucial element

in there Performance.

o The returns given by the company in from of incentives and other

stuffs is Found to be not that attractive to the employees as they
expect a little Improvement in it.

o About 60% of performers do not have any other source of income

so they Expect more from company.

o Factors that motivates performers the most is Salary, Recognition

and status.


Tirpude Institute of Management Education 39

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

o This hypothesis was measured on various scale such as, Parents

and family income, other source of income etc.

o After study the above given hypothesis was found to be Accurate

resulting in a successful completion of the project.


o Company should try to motivate employees by way of increment in

salary as Well as status.

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 40

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

o Company should recognize the efforts taken by an employee.

o Company should try to add on to the status of the employee. Company

can Create some post which looks attractive and also help increase
employees Status.

o Company should improve on its incentives and perks policy, so that it

can lift The moral of other employees also.

o In case of new recruitment company should check applicant’s

 Employees Responsibility Background

 Family Responsibility on him



Tirpude Institute of Management Education 41

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

1. Himalaya Publications – Human Resource Management

2. “Prof. Mr. Subbarao” – Human Resource Management System
3. “V.S.P. Rao” – Human Resource Management


1. www.hrivillage.com
2. www.citehr.com
3. www.humanresource management.info
4. www.Wackhardthospital.com



1) What are the existing policies?

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 42

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

 Yes
 No

2) Are you satisfied with your policies and existing light?

 Yes
 No

3) Are you Happy with the goals that are set for the employee?

 Yes
 No

4) What are the rights & responsibility of employees that are you

 Yes
 No

5) Does the employees get personality involved in your

community source activities?

 Yes
 No

6) Are you satisfied with your job and rewards?

 Yes
 No

7) Does the hospital measures the employees organization

 Yes
 No

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 43

A Study the Impact of Rights and Responsibility of the employees of Wackhardt Hospital

8) Does the hospital demonstrate their commitment to growing

and training of employees.

 Yes
 No

9) Does the hospital feels like they are here for prepare by and
gorse for got?

 Yes
 No

Tirpude Institute of Management Education 44

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