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Money and shopping

Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

a) Dora earns/gains/wins more money in her job than I do.

b) The factory workers asked for a rise in their income/reward/wages.
c) Paul borrowed/lent/loaned some money from me but didn’t pay it back.
d) I’m sorry but we don’t accept credit cards, only cash/coins/money.
e) Is it all right if I pay with cheque/by cheque/from cheque?
f) We don’t exchange goods unless you still have the bill/cheque/receipt.
g) I’m afraid I’ve only got a ₤50 note. Do you have change/money/rest?
h) I still debt/owe/own the bank more than ₤5000.

Complete the sentence using a compound noun formed from two words. One word is used
twice. Some compounds are written as one word.

assistant, bag, book, carrier, card, cash, credit, cut,

department, desk, money, pocket, price, shop, store

a) Most parents give their children some ……….to spend.

b) Perhaps you left your wallet at the ……..when you paid.
c) Jane buys all her CDs cheap in a/an ……….store.
d) I bought the new novel by Richard Francis in my local ………..
e) You can buy nearly anything in a big ……….
f) The ………..who served me helped me buy what I wanted.
g) When I go abroad I always take a ………..with me.
h) I brought my shopping home in a strong …………

Complete each phrase with a suitable word: bar, box, bunch, carton, loaf, packet, tin, tube.

a) a …………....of biscuits
b) a …………....of toothpaste
c) a …………....of tomatoes
d) a ……………of milk
e) a large ……………of tissues
f) a …………….of chocolate
g) a …………….of bananas
h) a …………….of bread

Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Shopping in the street

When I (1) ……shopping, I enjoy visiting street (2) ……and looking for (3) …… I wander around
looking at each (4) ……, and asking about (5) …… Many (6) ……on sale are less (7) ……than
those in high-street shops, though the (8) ……is not always as good. It also depends on how much
you want to (9) …… Clothes are often (10) ……, but it is difficult to (11) ……them on. It’s always
(12) ……looking at second-hand books, because you can (13) ……a lot of money in this way.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are usually good (14) ……, and there is also an excellent selection. The
main problem is whether you can carry home lots of ……(15) bags!

1) A. like B. make C. go D. do
2) A. markets B. trades C. shops D. sales
3) A. values B. cheaper C. special D. bargains
4) A. counter B. table C. stall D. department
5) A. cost B. prices C. values D. figures
6) A. produces B. shopkeepers C. offers D. goods
7) A. expensive B. cost C. priced D. cheaper
8) A. expense B. package C. kind D. quality
9) A. spend B. use C. make D. cash
10) A. fashion B. cheaper C. worn D. logical
11) A. purchase B. carry C. try D. wrap
12) A. worth B. more C. been D. time
13) A. borrow B. spend C. save D. count
14) A. health B. value C. time D. taste
15) A. hand B. papers C. more D. heavy

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