Faith Experience - Theo

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Light in the Middle of Darkness

Everything happens for a reason. This quote really suited of the situation we are facing
right now. Everyone is struggling with this pandemic not only our country but the world as a
whole. But have we ever question ourselves why this pandemic came so sudden? What is the
reason of its existence? Where did it came from? Is it all about science lapses? Or is it God's
will? Well, this are the questions that were running on my mind for almost 2 months now, and
yet it's still unanswerable.

Actually at first I dont really know how to and what to react with the effect of virus.
I'm just the not so concern citizen of this country who only cares for my family and my studies.
But as the days goes that became weeks and then months, it made me worry for the situation
we are right now. I became worried for the effect it has given not only to our country but to the
people. My life is not normal anymore, the life that I used to have.

But what made me worry and felt unease is that it's been 2 months already that I
wasn't able to visit the church because we are prohibited to do so. But it doesn't mean that I
have lost my faith, instead it made my faith stronger than before. It is the time where I think
God most of the time. Thanking Him for the health, asking forgiveness for my sins, and praying
and asking for him to heal everyone. Praying that the government and other agencies can
formulate a vaccine for this crisis.

I just realize that God never leave me behind despite the sins that I've done. He's
always there for me, hearing all my prayers and granting what my heart really desire. He
became my light in this darkness. A light that always guide and guard me from the danger of

I don't know if this really a science lapses or it is God's will. But what made me so sure
is that this situation will not be given to us if we cannot do it. Maybe this is God's simple way
for us to remember him, to have faith in him and to hold a grip of His hand. Maybe the virus
brought a lot of damage in our country especially in our economy and in our health, but this is
the situation where we became more prayerful and hopeful. It made our faith stronger than
what we expect.
In the midst of the chaotic and fearful situation we are facing now there will always be
a glimpse of smile in my face knowing that we as a Filipinos doesn't lose hope, we always keep
our faith with God and trust Him all the time. And this is the very reason why I am proud to be a
Filipino because we are united, we pray as one, we act as one, and we heal as one.

Indeed, there is a reason for everything. We may not know the real answer of it but I
know time will come and it will be answered by our God. The important here is that we learn a
lesson in the midst of a chaotic and very dangerous situation.

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