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Business Partners:
Zainab Tahir
Wajeeha Ali Basham
Syed Zaid Ali
Muhammad Ehsan Pervez
Progress & Completion date:


1. Mission vision 4p’s Wajeeha 30 -march-19
Logo, Market range Done
products, Categories
FB Page
2. Company information Ehsan
and Marketing 30th-march-19 Done
3. SWOT and Objectives, Zaid 30th-march-19 Done
Categories FB Page
4. Executive summary,
Business description, Zainab 30th-march-19 Done
how come this idea,
Executive Summary
Company’s Profile
Business Description
How Comes This Idea
Glam Range Products
Product Categories
Current Marketing Situation (soon to be launched )
Marketing strategies
SWOT Analysis
Facebook Page
Executive Summary:
Over last few years, the importance of furniture has been turned into wants and demand
instead of need, because it is established fact that furniture is a major part of our cum facilities;
there is hardly any facility that you will come across that you won’t find a piece of furniture in it.
As we know, in today’s world internet is the most powerful tool. It helps us to spread our
business on social medias with a very profitable value as well as to target the market. This report
is all about Luxurious Living which is known as “Glam Range”. The tagline for the business
“Live With Innovation” inspiring the. Glam Range will meet all those customer’s needs, wants
and demands, who are looking forward to buy the most creative and innovative furniture of this
Name Glam Range
Production Type Luxuries Living
Physique Attractive tagline/quality protective
Vision To be the most competent, profitable and
innovative financial organization in the
Mission To connect our design savvy customers to a
curated selection of newest and splendid
furniture, home goods and Accessories.
Furniture refers to movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating
(e.g., chairs, stools, and sofas), eating (tables), and sleeping (e.g., beds). Furniture is also used to
hold objects at a convenient height for work (as horizontal surfaces above the ground, such as
tables and desks), or to store things (e.g., cupboards and shelves). Furniture can be a product of
design and is considered a form of decorative art. In addition to furniture's functional role, it can
serve a symbolic or religious purpose. It can be made from many materials, including metal,
plastic, and wood. Furniture can be made using a variety of woodworking joints which often
reflect the local culture.
People have been using natural objects, such as tree stumps, rocks and moss, as furniture since
the beginning of human civilization. Archaeological research shows that from around 30 years
ago, people began constructing and carving their own furniture, using wood, stone, and animal
bones. Early furniture from this period is known from artwork such as a Venus figurine found in
Russia, depicting the goddess on a throne. The first surviving extant furniture is in the homes of
Skara Brae in Scotland, and includes cupboards, dressers and beds all constructed from stone.
Complex construction techniques such as joinery began in the early dynastic period of ancient
Egypt. This era saw constructed wooden pieces, including stools and tables, sometimes
decorated with valuable metals or ivory. The evolution of furniture design continued in ancient
Greece and ancient Rome, with thrones being commonplace as well as the klinai, multipurpose
couches used for relaxing, eating, and sleeping. The furniture of the Middle Ages was usually
heavy, oak, and ornamented. Furniture design expanded during the Italian Renaissance of the
fourteenth and fifteenth century. The seventeenth century, in both Southern and Northern
Europe, was characterized by opulent, often gilded Baroque designs. The nineteenth century is
usually defined by revival styles. The first three-quarters of the twentieth century are often seen
as the march towards Modernism. One unique outgrowth of post-modern furniture design is a
return to natural shapes and textures.
Our business is about furniture with unexpected reorganizing and remodeling. We
strongly believe that in this 21st century and in upcoming era people want their furniture to be
decent, simple and stylish with amazing new devices. Nowadays, innovation is highly desirable
since it means progress and helps contemporary companies build their competitive advantage,
which is why the role of innovation in shaping the modern economy has recently become a key

Our business name is “Glam Range” and it is all about “A Break With Traditions”. Our

How comes this idea?

Furniture is being used for more than thousands of years, but that furniture used to cover
half of the room. Then, we noticed that most of the public wants some furniture that will not
cover up the whole room. From that point, furniture was in. People started demanding for the
furniture that doesn’t cover up the whole place. Slowly slowly, people stared to demand the
stylish and decent furniture. So we pop up with the most unique, most departure with new
modernization as they wanted their furniture to be. They want their furniture to be simple, decent
and stylish. So, here we are with some amazing innovations and creativity.

We make storage and dining furniture designed with functionality in mind. We develop and
manufacture furniture of high quality at affordable prices for retailers worldwide.

We aim at being one of the best furniture manufactures of storage and dining furniture designed
with functionality, high quality and affordable prices in mind

Key objectives of the company are as follows:
1. Promote the belief in local products
2. Create an efficient and fluid workplace
3. Make profit out of the venture
4. Create a harmonious work environment suitable for all those in it
5. Take advantage of import ban on furniture products
6. Maximize marketability of the plant’s output
7. Create a sustainable forest, preserve the environment and assure wood supply
8. Revolutionize the methods of the industry through innovation, service and overall value.
9. Create an effective household brand name.


 Striking Make over
 Luxury Suite
 Home Furniture
 Office Furniture
 Hotels and motels furniture
 Wedding Halls Furniture
 School Furniture

 Panel board furniture Designs:
Sophisticated and dignified designs with so much elegance
 Dining table Designs:
Our craftsman can easily make these designs

The two main marketing principles are:

 Entire efforts of a company should be directed towards satisfying customers.
 Sales volume which is possible is more important than maximum sales volume.

Marketing Strategy:
Is identifying customers groups and serves them better than its competitor by offering
tailor making product, prices, distribution and promotional methods to that segment, The
strategy should address a net customer needs that earned potential profitability.
Targeting Strategy:
Identifying separate customers who make large groups which helps to locate their needs
more specifically. This smaller segment of the general market convenient for market
research and information helps to serve this segment better. This segmentation can be
done in two ways
Geographical segmentation – serving customers needs in a particular geographical area.
Customer segmentation – identifying those people who buy products and services and
targeting those groups.

Products and service:

To satisfy the target markets product is very important. This is how organizations earn
revenue. These products may be in the form of goods, services or ideas.

Promotional strategy:

Promotion is communication process with the customers about the products through
advertisements and direct customer interactions. This helps companies to distinguish their
product from competitors.

Pricing strategy

The right price is the crucial for maximizing total revenue. In general higher prices means
lower volume and vice versa.

4P’s :
 Price
 Product
 Promotion
 Place

 Consumer Market:
Product range should consist furniture with appealing design to all age groups. Consumer
prefers good looking furniture which is comfortably fits in their rooms and easy to
mobilize during house shift
 Business Market:
Business market includes buyers like hotels, restaurants, etc. who don’t shift often. They
prefer durable furniture which lasts long and design of furniture is very important in
setting up a good ambiance and image in market place

Pricing strategy varies between consumer and business markets as the buying pattern differs.
Business clients place bulk orders and consumers buy individual pieces of furniture. Furniture
manufactured for business purpose could be costlier as it is manufactured according to the
specifications of business client.

Furniture is sold through retail stores at different locations for convenience of individual
consumers to shop and transport. There would be no specific location to sell furniture for
business purpose. Manufactured furniture according to the clients order would be transported
directly from factory.

Television advertisements, ads in newspapers and magazines, hoardings, exhibitions and other
promotional methods are adopted to reach consumer markets. Catalogues would be designed
with products picture and key information which are distributed to clients personally by
marketing team.
SWOT Analysis
 Skilled Labor Force
 Wood seasoning facility center is available
 Suppliers of raw material are available
 Local tools available
 350 furniture manufacturing units 8,000 people (approx.) are directly and indirectly
attached with this occupation
 Strong historical background of craftsmen

 High cost of production due to high rate of raw material
 Lack of educated, certified and professionally trained, work force
 Unavailability of ready to use raw material No Designing and R&D facilities available
 Unawareness of Social compliance and Environmental issues
 Unawareness of any quality control and standards
 Lack of international marketing skills Unavailability of ready-to use seasoned wood
 Constraint of Technology
 Fluctuating prices of the raw material.

 Technical up gradation
 International exhibitions
 International warehouses
 Networking & linkages of cluster players/stakeholders
 Development of consortiums with specified objectives

 Migration of trained work forces from the sector
 Raw material cost increase (shortage in the stock of Sheesham wood at any stage because
no further plantation as required) Import of low price articles from China and India
 Instable political set up of the country.

 Soon they will launch vintage Furniture collection.

 Convertible Coffee table and folding bed.
 Book shelf chair.
 Shelves under the beds
 Resource Furniture stealth kitchen

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