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1. Use your ruler to measure the length of each side and write it.

1 Class 3
2. With your parent, measure the length of your handspan and foot in centimetre.
(Hands on activity)

The length of my handspan is _______ cm.

The length of my foot is _______ cm.

My handspan is _____________________________________________

(equal to/longer than/shorter than) my parent’s handspan.

The difference in length is _______ cm.

My foot is __________________________________________________ (equal

to/longer than/shorter than) my parent’s foot.

The difference in length is _______ cm.

3. The length of a short ruler is 15 cm. Guess the length of the objects in your house.
An example has been provided.

Object My Guess
More than 15 cms.

a. ________________ (more than/less than) 15 cm

b. ________________ (more than/less than) 15 cm

c. ________________ (more than/less than) 15 cm

2 Class 3
Now, measure the length of these objects using a ruler.

Object Actual Length

a. _____ cm

b. _____ cm

c. _____ cm

Was your guess right? Yes / No

4. Which unit will you choose to measure the length/height of these objects — metre or
centimetre? Tick the correct box.

5. Find the length of the given objects using the ruler.

3 Class 3
6. What is the correct measurement of these objects? Circle the correct option.

Object Options

a. Length of a guitar 40 cm 40 m

b. Width of a road 5m 5 cm

c. Height of a tree 12 m 12 cm

d. Height of a water glass 20 m 20 cm

e. Length of a room 7 cm 7m

4 Class 3

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