Adamson University: Impact of Commuting Devices To The Society

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900 San Marcelino St. Ermita, Manila


A Term Paper Presented to the Faculty

of Math and Physics Department In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for This Subject


Comia, Sganarel Paul

Manaog, Marc

Martirez, Robinhood Jevons B.

Mercado, Jakov

Misajon, Patrick

December 06, 2019

Chapter 1


In the Philippine setting, it is almost hard enough to believe that traffic will be the least of our

concerns. It is the predicament of every commuting Filipino citizen that needed to be dealt with, more so,

the time being consumed by being stuck in traffic.

Back then, commuting devices were not yet as prevalent as of today, perhaps, the uncanny

transition is indeed remarkable, the Filipino needs inevitably demand more efficiency and satisfaction.

One of such is the GPS locators or the Global Locating System, years before; traveling to the unfamiliar

location was a challenge. People would tend to spot local citizens to ask them for directions and possible

ways to make the trip shorter.

In a highly-urbanized town, locating and traversing of the right path was also difficult, avoiding

getting caught up on a series of gridlock; alternate routes were also hard to find most if you are not

familiar of the streets. However, because of these demands enabled the innovators to aid the problem/s

arising with street mapping or tracking. Now in the 21st century, people tend to lean more dependency on

mobile phones, which makes GPS, mapping and tracking much more readily accessible than before.

Alternate routes and possible heaviness of traffic are now can be avoided with such ease. Of course, all of

its implication to the society is undeniably helpful, and strategic especially to commuters, drivers and

travelers, however, it also has its negative effects, faulty, and systematic problems. Nonetheless, this

paper aims to perform a comparative analysis from different viewpoints of people who use such

technology, to give further understanding and if GPS tracking conforms to its objective in Philippine


Lastly, be able to build and conclude good and effective resolutions following the scientific

methods in solving problems in the STS perspective.

Evolution or Development of the Technology

In 1957, several years after the cold war the scientists at MIT discovered that the frequency of the

radio signals of the Russian satellite named Sputnik varies as it moves. Just like the Doppler Effect, this

phenomenon occurs when the observer receives a change in pitch or a change of a certain frequency of

light, sound, or other waves. For example, a wailing siren passes from your back to your front. There will

be a change in the frequency of sound waves received, and this led to the idea of GPS. Satellites could be

monitored by measuring the frequency of the radio waves they emit, on the other hand, the location of the

receiver could also be monitored by their distance from the satellites. In short, GPS was measured

through the satellites above the Earth’s surface.

Back then, GPS was only used by the Navy. It was used to locate the submarines but keep in

mind that radio signal travels too, therefore more satellites are launched in the atmosphere. Until the

military also used the GPS to monitor nuclear devices whether there will be a detonation or a launch.

Until it was installed in an aircraft to improve the navigation in air. Furthermore, GPS-specific satellites

were constructed and were launched to the atmosphere, and the rise of portable GPS transpired too. Those

satellites revolve around the Earth twice a day. In 1998, GPS was allowed to be used by the civilians, and

the first mobile phone with GPS was made in 1999.

Until today, humans are still utilizing and developing the GPS it may be from the accuracy of the

location or the portability of the system. GPS nano-sized chip was made portable to suit a mobile phone

without compromising its accuracy. GPS still does its old work but through the advancement of

technology, most of the valuable things are incorporated by GPS. For instances, GPS is now used in cars

and even in their keys. It can also be installed using a simple pin and you can be tracked down and

Impact to the Society

Global Positioning Systems, or GPS technology, as we know it is still in its infancy. Even though

we have GPS systems in our smart phones and can access maps within seconds this is only a taste of what

GPS has to offer, especially to the public. Global Positioning Systems are a technology that falls under

the Geospatial Information Systems umbrella, a science and technology field that covers any and all

geolocation technology. GIS along with Nano technology are two of the fastest growing technology fields

in the United States. These two fields create the possibility of a combination that opens up the opportunity

for micro-gps units that could be available within only a few years.

After the Russian launch of Sputnik, the GIS field blew up with the development of the

NAVSTAR satellite constellation for the purpose of national security and defense, which is still the

leading force behind GIS technologies to this day. While GIS is a powerful technology for government

and military use there is a second group of people who want to utilize the convenience of nano-gps

technology, the general public.

These nano-gps units will be sold by the bag to the general public with the intent that the

consumer will be able to find whatever they need by the click of a button on their phone, their key chain,

their wallet, or their significant others car. These nano-gps units will open up the possibility for people to

be able to track not only their own items, but other peoples' items, or other people. GPS technology is not

inherently dangerous but when its available to anyone there is the potential for abuse. This technology

could take stalking to a new level that the justice department has never seen before. There is also the

danger of a civilian taking the phone of another civilian and using it to find all of that persons most

valuable possessions through their nano-gps units.

Chapter 2

Fish Trawling in the Good Life Perspective

Too much population and high density areas of cities are causing traffic, road struggles and

unfamiliarity of the locations. However the evolution of commuting devices such as GPS fits the

technological process of bringing forth to challenging forth. Technology itself reveals whether a person

values a good life or not.

The natural progress of technology is from simple to complex. In Heidegger's point of view,

technologies evolve from bringing forth to challenging forth. This dynamic will help us understand the

implication of modern technology to good life.

GPS and other commuting devices started as traditional search parties with a use of a metal

compass that react with the electromagnetic waves around it. It also revealed the simple purpose behind

the technology is to track someone or use to find or serves as a direction to a particular place. The simple

compass those people back then used evolved into the modern-day commuting devices that are now

embedded to our mobile phones transmitting information across the satellites orbiting around the earth.

Fish trawling is a modern technology that fits Heidegger's idea of challenging forth. It is beyond the

causality of the traditional compass and among other traveling techniques.

Aside from the best advantages GPS got, GPS is completely environmental efficient and do not

cause any degradation as in fact it is virtually, processing. However it imposes threat on human safety and

security. Its negative effect is obviously rooted to the failure to address and foreseen the excessive use of

this technology. As Aristotle told about living a good life is to put life in moderation.
Chapter 3

Resolving Fish Trawling

Indeed Commuting devices have its negative effects in contrary to its positive effect to the

society, this device have aided a lot of road problems and considered to be beneficial of its purpose. For

what it’s worth, living in Philippine setting where dense population and heavy traffics exists, commuting

devices is a must.

Legal Actions Against GPS

Because of emerging negative issues about GPS out of its privacy problem, it poses a threat to a

lot of owners and citizens to be tracked down without their consent. As a result, the local and

international governments were drawn to put regulations and legal policies of responsible use of

commuting devices.

Since the introduction of GPS trackers to the marketplace, court cases and lawsuits addressing the

ethical and legal uses of these devices to monitor the movements of others have multiplied. Some of these

cases have addressed the legality of law enforcement officials using these devices to track private

citizens, while others have been concerned with civilians using them to track their significant others,

employees, children, and others. The dialogue about this topic remains ongoing as technology advances

and applications for trackers increases.

In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that the government and law enforcement agents are not

permitted to install GPS devices on a person or property of a person based on suspicion of lawbreaking

unless a warrant is obtained first. Federal law has not specifically addressed whether it is legal or illegal

for a private citizen to track another person, vehicle, or property, but a number of states have addressed

the question. For example, in California, Texas, Virginia, and Minnesota, is it legal to use a GPS tracker

on a vehicle as long as the vehicle’s owner has provided consent, while in Wisconsin, for example, a
person could face criminal charges for using a GPS tracker on another person’s vehicle without


Living the Good Life

From where we are, commuting devices aided the society to cope with the underpinning problems

of unsolvable traffic problems and unfamiliarity to places and as well as tracking someone if in an urgent

case. Examining where we stand on, all of its benefits points out to the very cause of the problem, high

scale population of humans concentrated to the parts of the country. In light of living the good life, as a

citizen living as part of a one big social system, we are responsible and accountable to the cause of this

imbalances. In pursuit to having a good life, I would encourage my friends and I to see the negative

effects of highly urbanization, hence, persuade them to do not add up to the toll of over populating the


Secondly, commuting devices must be used moderately and with full responsibility to avoid

access to the information in public. Awareness and inclusivity is very important in these cases. I would

not encourage to tell people to stop using it because as its disadvantage is concern, commuting devices

provides a good, and advantageous effect over shadowing its negative impact.

The issue of aquatic resource depletion and overfishing is a pressing one. Individuals however

usually take no sides amidst this issue unless it hits closer to home. Being silent to injustice is certainly

not living the good life. As discussed earlier, a good life is not a solitary act but rather a life that is

integrated in the communal good. I should take courage and make a stand against fish trawling, or any

illegal fishing. I have to demand responsibility from our government leaders over fish regulations and

protection of our fishing grounds from foreigners.


GPS tracking is an easy and affordable way to monitor a person, vehicle, or asset. With minimal

effort, you can know where someone is, where they've been, where they're going, and how fast they're
traveling. GPS is a great option for parents concerned about their children getting to school safely, or

business owners looking to optimize their fleet of vehicles. Before you decide to begin tracking, however,

it's important to consider the legality of your GPS solution.

For starters, it's entirely legal to use a GPS tracking device on any vehicle or asset you own. But

before you use a GPS tracking device on someone else's person, vehicle, or property, you should do a

little research on current federal, state, and local laws. Laws are continually being readdressed as new

cases are popping up in the legal world, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on these changes.

The good life concept offers a simple perspective of how to resolve the issue on the personal

level. As mentioned by Aristotle, a good life is a life of moderation, courage and justice. Individuals

should know when to act and when not to if a particular action is turning to become turmoil and a

problem to the society. People should also take stand of protecting themselves from any negative effects

of these commuting devices among other things. Lastly, seek to have a simple yet subtle and meaningful

life, as an individual and also as a part of a larger system.

cut consumption of fish from the oceans and replace some with more sustainable aquatic products from

farms. They have to make a stand as well for the environment, not just against trawling and illegal

fishing but to plastic pollution as well, or any other things that destroys the environment. Lastly, it should

be remembered that a good life is not a solitary life, but something embedded in a communal good.

Individuals should have the courage to seek justice not just for themselves, but for the environment and

other people as well.

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