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Dekalb Early College Academy

Writer’s Workshop
Portfolio Project

Osman Mohamed
Block 3
Prof. Custar
26. Nov. 2018
Table of Content
New informative essay- “Cybercrime: Problem and Solution” 2

New persuasive essay- “Should the Government regulate the Internet?” 7

New Narrative essay- “Fired or Not” 13

Poetry- “Deaf” 19

Poetry Explication- explication of “Deaf” 21

NonNarrative Original “Crime Scene Investigation: The Cool Blue Light of Luminol” 23

Revised NonNarrative “Crime Scene Investigation: The Cool Blue Light of Luminol” 28

Narrative Original- “Two Earths” 33

Revised Narrative- “Two Earths” 36

Written Defense 41

Cyber Crime Problem and Solution

The expanding access to and resulting utilization of technology has drastically affected

the way by which people communicate and lead their everyday lives. However, the internet and

PC can be utilized in negative ways, which can have a damaging effect on society. Cybercrime is

a danger against various associations and individuals who have PCs connected to the internet

and especially mobile technology. This paper intends to clarify cybercrime rely upon the target

of the crime to two regular groups, which is a cybercrime against person and cybercrime

against business or organization and address the specific issues of each group be given a

possible solution for every problem.

Cybercrime can be characterized as a kind of crime committed by cybercriminals who

utilize a PC as a tool and the internet as an association with the goal to achieve a different type

of targets. For example, fraud, illegal downloading of records, for example, music and movies,

and spam mailing which is sending a fake email with the goal to take private data or access to a

secured site. Cybercrime is always a simple method to get big money. They target wealthy

individuals or prosperous business like banks, gambling clubs and financial firms where a large

measure of money streams every day and hack sensitive data. Getting such criminals is

troublesome. Thus, that expands the number of cybercrime over the globe. PCs are helpless, so

laws are required to secure and protect them against cybercriminals.

According to The Concept of Law, "human beings are vulnerable so rule of law is

required to protect them." Applying this to the cyberspace we may say that computers are

vulnerable so rule of law is required to protect and safeguard them against cyber crime. The

reasons for the vulnerability of computers may be said to be:

1. Capacity to store data in comparatively small space: The

computer has unique characteristic of storing data in a

very small space. This affords to remove or derive

information either through physical or virtual medium

makes it much easier.

2. Easy to access: The problem encountered in guarding a

computer system from unauthorized access is that there

is every possibility of breach not due to human error but

due to the complex technology. By secretly implanted

logic bomb, key loggers that can steal access codes, advanced voice recorders; retina imagers,

etc, that can fool

biometric systems and bypass firewalls can be utilized to

get past many a security system.

3. Complex: The computers work on operating systems and

these operating systems, in turn, are composed of millions

of codes. The human mind is fallible and it is not possible

that there might not be a lapse at any stage. The cybercriminals take advantage of these

lacunas and penetrate

into the computer system.

4. Negligence: Negligence is very closely connected with

human conduct. It is therefore very probable that while

protecting the computer system there might be any

negligence, which in turn provides a cyber criminal to

gain access and control over the computer system.

5. Loss of evidence: Loss of evidence is a very common &

obvious problem as all the data are routinely destroyed.

Further collection of data outside the territorial extent

also paralyses this system of crime investigation."

A significant issue of cybercrime against an individual can happen towards various types

of individuals, for example, cybercrime against children, cybercrime against customers and

cybercrime against regular clients. Unmistakably cybercrime against kids is the huge issue which

needs to be focused throughout. One of the big areas of cybercrime is children see

inappropriate data. Researchers point out that the web has authorized to children

inappropriate data by offering offenders numerous methods for swapping data without

restriction and giving them a chance of learning and enhancing skills wrongfully. Subsequently,

under a high activity by predators of discovering open contacts with youth victims, for example,

teenager, a rise in the number of children who utilize the web and spread kid inappropriate

data that reason a genuine danger to the health of kids. There are a few different ways that

predators used to meet their young people out in the open place, and one of the primary ways

is chatrooms.

One of the solutions that are regularly offered is that parents ought to be in charge of

their kids' activities on the web, be that as it may, parents are not able to assume this

responsibility alone because that it is troublesome and challenging for them to always remain

with their kids while they are surfing the Internet. Or use parental direction on the computer in

order to block the predominant words.

The problems of cybercrime against business. Cybercrime can be useful when robbing

the business’s profit or money. They could simply hack the internet security of the business

then upload the money into the criminal’s computer.

Actually, there is a ton of solution to prevent the problem of cybercrime in business.

One of many solutions to prevent this is simply upgrade the security more often. Remember,

old internet security will be hacked more easily than a new one. You can upgrade three times in

a week. Or schedule your own time to upgrade internet security. So criminal have to find new

ways to obtain access into the business’ monies.

Overall, these are a good solution to solve this problem of cybercrime. This could help

your business or individuals better instead of depression. Moreover, this solution is not only

solution you can find. Look for more solution could help you to support you or your business.

Should Government Regulate the Internet?

In the twentieth century, the number of citizens is developing quick around the globe.

The survey directed by Internet Usage Statistics demonstrates that more than twenty-five

percent of the total populace are web clients. As a result of the web promoting pattern, the

significance of Internet restriction has likewise risen. Therefore, I trust that the Internet should

be controlled by the government.

Firstly, I will talk about the social issue. General well-being is one reason supporting

control on the Internet. These days, numerous inappropriate entertainment locales can be

gotten to effortlessly by merely clicking "I am over 18." Young children would get offensive and

destructive data from these locales effectively without parent direction. In this way, Internet

control has turned out to be essential to secure children. In the United States, Communications

Decency Act (CDA), built up in 1996, controls on the offensive and inappropriate content. It is

just not working on the young children.

The issue of cyber-bullying is additionally one-factor influencing on general well-being. It

does mental damage to citizens. In the United States, Megan Taylor Meier was submitted

suicide because of a friend's mother, Lori Drew. She teased Megan. Drew made a male record

named "Josh Evans," and teased Megan on the Internet. After an investigation, Lori Drew

caught by police. This case is not the main case that would cause mental damage. Cyber-

bullying would cause victims more casualties and depression, adverse effect on working or

academic success, hazardous conduct, for example, murder or submitted suicide.

To avoid cyberbullying, US has set up the "Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act,"

this is one of the main cyberbullying laws that shield children and grown-ups from harm. This

law is a case that indicated people are expected to face results for what they have done on the

web. It is a decent method to help the issue of cyberbullying.

Also, the economy issue is essential, too. International enterprise, for example, Google,

Yahoo, Facebook, and so forth., that is broadly utilized, can increase the connections among

nations and worldwide economy. The business, for example, cell phones associating Google, are

being well known. Additionally, a business can pick up from owning the copyright. Ensuring

copyright would help to give a reasonable rivalry condition. Subsequently, Governments build

up laws to charge encroaching on Copyrights at present, including the film industry, music

industry, and so on., predominantly identified with creativity. One law in the United States,

Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) of 1999, legislate the registration of

domain names with trademarks.

There is other countries do the same thing as the United States, for example, Hong Kong

and China. Although Hong Kong does not have a similar law, there is another potential law for

ensuring the privileges of trade mark proprietors. The Intellectual Property Department is set

up to deal with copyright, plans, individual scholarly properties, and trademarks. Standards

corresponded to Trade Marks Ordinance, Patents Ordinance, and Personal Data (Privacy)

Ordinance are acquainted with secure inventiveness and equalization the enthusiasm of the

correct proprietors and society. CHAN Nai Ming, a Hong Kong resident, was imprisoned as he

transferred Hollywood movies onto the Internet, while it is disregarding the copyright. While in

China, there is likewise copyright library on the site of National Copyright Administration of the

People's Republic of China. Unmistakably directing web by the Government could be useful to

economy factor.

Lastly, political issue is examined. Sensitive content, primarily identified with religion

and political issues, frequently filters. In the U.S., the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was

presented on May 18, 1977. It limits international governments, gatherings, or people like

covert operatives, that would cause international oppression and assaults. It avoids people to

perform unlawful conduct on the Internet. In China, filtering is required for shielding the

resident from illegal behavior substance. MySpace China is one of the examples connected to

the channel. Sensitive subjects are a filter, for instance, Taiwan freedom. In MySpace China,

there is a report work for clients. The mishandled record would be blocked when discovered

that the maltreatment is valid. This could get catch illegal citizens. Chinese Government would

even meddle in the administer of the company or limit of person's freedom. Huang Qi, a site

proprietor censured the job of government in the massacre on June fourth, 1989 in his site. The

administration considered his site content as unlawful, accordingly, Huang Qi was captured on

3 June 2000, and actualities expressed on his site were blocked.

In 2009, a large number of protesters rampaged in Xinjiang Riot. Authorities revealed

that protesters made utilization of Twitter/Facebook to assemble themselves in Xinjiang

Province. Censors limited numerous unapproved postings on nearby destinations and Google

during and the riots

Given BBC News, the web crawler Google was obstructed by China. It was because China

asked for Google to channel questionable materials yet Google denied. Thus, there is no found on the web. This demonstrates, when sifting or shutting is done, data

transmission is restricted. This would beneficial to the Government. By controlling the access

right, negative data about the government can be blocked.

By taking at the cases in China and America, they demonstrate that filtering and setting

up laws can ensure national security, repelling netizens from getting offensive data. In any case,

on the Internet users' perspective, filtering would affect getting updated news because filtering

may block more than anticipated. Bunches of helpful data might be blocked. The regulation is a

long way from perfect. Even though there is such burden, I trust the web should, in any case, be

directed by the Government.

When comparing the level of web block between Hong Kong, China, and the US. It is less

strict in Hong Kong and U.S. Residents in Hong Kong and America have rooms to censure the

Government on the Internet, which would screen the Government. At the point when the Hong

Kong Government was presenting "2012 Act Now", people were teasing by making comparable

trademark and logo "2012 All Wrong". Even though the censorship level is lower, there are still

laws dealing with the controls on the web. As indicated by Ming Pao Newspaper (2008), people

spread the message "Hong Kong will turn into a city of SARS". A large number of individuals

were panicked and in this manner, they purchased rice bulkily. The people were condemned

access to a PC with the criminal or dishonest aim. It demonstrates that people are as yet

required to take responsibility.

I acknowledge that people refused to agree on my perspective. Most people want to

have the privacy themselves. Some people point out on the Amendment #1 on the

Constitution. I understand that. But when people are victims of the cyberbullying, who would

they called out. The only way you can get help is just agreed that Government should regulate

the Internet.

So, web control would be valuable on social, economic and political zones, securing

protection and intellectual property, maintaining social control and general wellbeing.

Unmistakably Internet censorship is fundamental as Governments in various nations are as of

now taking activities to control the Internet. Despite the advantage, in my perspective,

Governments ought to direct the Internet since it is more compelling to complete the controls

from a top-down strategy. Follow by, having participation from different roles, for example,

website admin. To me, a successful control should stretch out to set up laws as it were.

Residents would realize that he/she needs to face result even in the virtual world. Individual

damaging laws would be captured, where there is space for the right to speak freely on the


In conclusion, regulation is a benefit in numerous areas. It could ensure protection and

intellectual property, maintaining social control and general wellbeing. Even though Internet

censorship is a troublesome task to perform, it is an urgent action taken.

Am I Fired or Not?

I was sitting on my couch when the phone rang. The boss of Technologyville, Mr. Osman,

wanted to speak with me immediately. This can’t be good, I thought.

Then, for some strange mind, I got the fear I was losing my job. Though I had done nothing

wrong, I assumed the worst.

On my way to the department, I keep thinking for any bad I had done at work. Sure, I hid some

work stamps for my personal letters; I got some printer paper when no one was looking, but,

that didn’t cause me being fired – which is what I feared was going to happen. It ultimately

makes me dread.

Next corner to the office, and even though I was growing more dread and anxious, I walked up

to the receptionist’s desk.

“Mr. Osman wanted to see me. I’m Ged Thom.” I said.

“Ah, yes, please wait a moment,” she said. “He is currently in the middle of a business call. He

will come when he’s done. So, please have a seat.”

I did. But it was the long wait. Eventually, I heard my name called.

“Mr. Osman will see you,” said the receptionist, then opened the door of Mr. Osman’s office.

The minute I walked inside, I noticed that my partner, my administrator teams and Mr. Osman

were also in the office. I thought that they discussed firing me prior that business call.

After, greeting to everyone, I take a seat in the middle of the room. I noticed that everyone was

difficult – almost too dangerous – and they seemed to be very upset. Finally, I just couldn’t be

quiet for a long time.

“So I’m curious why you called me just today,” I said. “Is something messed up?”

“Mr. Thom, nothing is wrong. Everything is just perfect. The company has made a decision,”

said Mr. Osman.

“Yes, we have decided to terminate your job,” said the manager of my department, Jake Fred.

“I’m really sorry after hearing this news,” I said. “but I am really better when I work here. Also, I

don’t know my job terminates. Did I do something incorrectly?”

But the most strange thing happened: they are in laughter. Seriously, I wish that I could slap all

of them with a heavy bag.

“Everyone,” said one of my administer teams, Keri, “we should stop laughing and be serious. It

gives the opposite message. Thom, your job is being terminated, but it has nothing to do with

your review."

“So why are they firing me?”

“Firing you? No.” Keri said. “It’s the total opposite.”

"So, you will force me to resign?", I said

“What? No, not at all,” said Mr. Osman. “What Keri means is, we’re creating an entirely new job,

so we get the most out of you. How about becoming our new website’s Editor? You’ll get approx

$50,000 raise.”

“Fifty thousand! Oh my gosh” I said

“But I were you,” he said, “I would say yes.”

“But, I was expecting a yell or trouble but not like this,” I said in a nervous manner.

My boss laughs and keeps laugh until he cough.

“Ok”, Mr. Osman said, “My company need a excellent website”

I confused and keep looking at my boss.

Mr. Osman continued, “When I check your application review, I am shocked that you in past

make other company’s website as your hobby”

I remembered and said, “That’s right”

Mr. Osman put out the photo and show me that photo. I look at it and laugh so hard. Then, he

looks me the serious face.

“What?” I said in a trembled voice

“So”, Mr.Osman, “What is this”

I told them that photo is old which I work for a photographer.

Mr.Osman smile and said, “I will give you a two-choice”

I look at him and become nervous

“What!”, Keri said to Mr.Osman, “Two choices?! We never discussed this ”

“Hush!”, said Mr. Osman

I thought that two choice is between bad or good choice. As Mr.Osman look back at me.

“Ok”, Mr.Osman said, “Two choice is you can get $50 thousand raise plus become our new

website’s editor or our photographer. I just make up a new job.”

I look at him with awe since my other hobby is a photographer.

I asked Mr.Osman, “Will that raises included for the photographer”

Mr.Osman looked down at the floor and said, “No”

Eventually, I faced two really good choices.

I decided to choose one.

I tell him, “I want to be a photographer”

Everyone in this room laughs and congrats me for no reason.

Mr. Osman look up at me and smiled

I look at everyone, all I see is a laugh. I am confused.

I said, “I…what has happened?”

Mr.Osman, “Congrats, you pass the test”

I am shock and confused.

As Mr.Osman continued, “We were discussed terminate your position and put you as a

photographer. I plan to give you a $50 thousand raise. I always loved how you shoot the photo.”

I almost cried. I am happy. I cannot describe what is my emotion. As everyone leaves the room,

the only person still remain is my boss.

“Want to go lunch with me,” said Mr.Osman

I am so happy and can’t say even no.

As we walked down the hall, I noticed the poster on the wall.


I smiled and realized that I just need to believe myself.

“Deaf” Poem

You have to become deaf to understand deaf people's hardship

In the school, with no sound

When the teacher asked you for an answer

You sign with your hand that nobody understands

And in cafeteria friends say hi

I am with my friends for 30 mins

But I see laughter, crying, or anger

When I ask what happen

Receive a reply from them

"Never Mind" or "It is not too important."

People say I am happy and friendly

But people will never know

What really in my heart

My heart is filled with miserable

Being at loss of control

Which is communication

People panicked and turned away to avoid

Deaf people like the disease

But deaf people are the human being

Like everybody on the Earth

You have to become deaf to understand deaf people's hardship

Explication of “Deaf”

This poem, “Deaf”, is about a deaf person have different conflict in a different scenario.

People quickly judged the deaf people. This poem provides a simple reasoning. You just need to

be deaf in order to understand deaf people’s hardship completely.

This poem takes place in a different place. The speaker, the friends, and the teacher is a

character in this poem. Also, the main character is me. Though my real life experience.

There is three different type of literary devices included in this poem. One of these three

types of literary devices is the simile "Deaf people like the disease." (18). Other literary devices

in this poem are imagery "But I see laughter, crying, or anger." (7) And last of three literary

devices in this poem is repetition. "You have to become deaf to understand deaf people's

hardship." (1, 21)

The structure is pretty simple. Although, the 21 line is not divided evenly. In stanza 1,

this is about when the teacher ask me for an answer. I sign with his hand but nobody understands

me. So, how would I know if my answer is wrong or correct if nobody understands me? In the

stanza 2, this is about in the cafeteria. I have a few friends, I just sit and watch their laughter, cry,

or anger. I am desperate to know what happens. But I am just an outcast in this friend groups. In

stanza 4, people in public see me as happy and friendly from their perspective. Actually, they

will never know what is really in my heart. My heart is filled with sad mood and miserable. This

reference that people do not know what deaf people actually suffer throughout their life. In the

stanza 4, deaf people lost the communication which is major of their everyday life. People avoid

deaf people so they will not become “deaf.” In the last stanza, deaf people only lost the hearing.

That not mean they are not a human being. People are a human being like the whole population

of the Earth.

The rhyme scheme of this poem is not included. This is because I want this poem to give

a complex feeling and conflict directly.


Luminol is a substance that has a blue glow when it interacts with blood, certain metals,

or other oxidizing agents. It is produced using hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide and displays

chemiluminescence, the procedure by which is transmitted from a chemical reaction. Luminol

has numerous utilizations yet is most generally utilized for crime scene investigation and

criminological science. This motivation of this project is to help forensic teams better understand

what luminol is and what factors change it.

A few scenes are adjusted so as to hide the genuine guilty party for the criminal

demonstration. For these cases, the luminol reagent can be helpful. This test is all the time used

to imagine mysterious blood. Luminol is viewed as the most touchy test once it can distinguish

the blood nearness in size of nanograms. At the point when this reagent comes into contact with

blood, the light discharge happens through a wonder known as chemiluminescence. This

iridescence can be created by other meddling mixes, prompting an error for the nearness of


Luminol is a chemical that has the special property of emitting light when it reacts with

certain other chemicals. The luminol response is another case of chemiluminescence. This is the

streamlined response component for the generation of light by luminol. The luminol atom

responds with hydroxide particles (OH-) to shape the dianion (two negative charges). The

dianion, which exists in two structures (the two-way bolt), responds with oxygen to shape 5-

aminophthalic corrosive and nitrogen gas (N2). The electrons in the 5-aminophthalic corrosive

are in a precarious, energized state. At the point when the electrons come back to their typical

ground state, they discharge a photon of blue light.

To display its glow, the luminol should initially be enacted. Generally, the activator is an

answer of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in water. At the point when

luminol responds with the hydroxide particle (OH-), a dianion is framed. A charged particle or

iota is called a particle. An atom that has a negative charge is called an anion. Also, a dianion is

an anion with two negative charges. The most critical advance in this response is the oxidation of

luminol with oxygen, which results in the energized state dianion. The oxygen is generally

shaped from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that is added to the response arrangement. In a watery

arrangement, hydrogen peroxide can disintegrate to create oxygen

Be that as it may, this response continues gradually. Compound responses can be

accelerated by utilizing impetuses, which are synthetic concoctions that expansion the speed of a

response, however, is not really expended. This is the place the blood becomes an integral factor!

The motivation behind why the luminol response makes blood shine is that it distinguishes the

iron that is available in hemoglobin, an iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in our

red platelets. This iron capacities as an impetus to accelerate the creation of oxygen. You can

supplant the hydrogen peroxide in this response with other oxidizing synthetic substances, for

example, sodium perborate, which will discharge hydrogen peroxide in water

The oxygen created from the hydrogen peroxide at that point responds with the luminol

dianion. The result of this response is exceptionally flimsy and promptly decays with the loss of

nitrogen to deliver 5-aminophthalic corrosive. The electrons in the 5-aminophthalic corrosive

delivered by this response are in an energized state. Electrons in an energized state are in a

higher vitality level. As the energized state unwinds to the ground express, the overabundance

vitality is freed as a photon, which is then unmistakable as blue light.

Everything that a crime scene examiner needs to do is to set up an answer of luminol,

sodium hydroxide (which gives the hydroxide particles to the initial step of the response), and

hydrogen peroxide and splash it all through the zone under scrutiny. The iron present in any

blood in the region catalyzes the substance response, which prompts the glow, uncovering the

area of the blood. The measure of impetus vital for the response to happen is little, in respect to

the measure of luminol, permitting the identification of even follow measures of blood. The

gleam goes on for around 30 seconds and is blue. Identifying the gleam requires a genuinely dull

room. Any distinguished shine might be archived by a long-presentation photo or by tape.

In conclusion, luminol is helped the forensic team in order to trace the blood which is

important. Also, it is a chemical which is special that emitted the property of luminol by the

factor of the temperature. My hypothesis is that the hot water will make the luminol glows

brightest since hot temperature will makekinetic move faster.


The materials used in this project were: Cool Blue Light Experiment Kit, Paper plate S

Digital camera that can take pictures in dim light (should allow for long exposures; for example,

5 sec) or a iPhone for Science Journal App, Lab notebook, Ice, Styrofoam cups, 12-oz (2) Liquid

measuring cups , 1/3-cup capacity (2), Kitchen thermometer Helper, Metal spoons (2),

Stopwatch or timer.

I add 1/3 cup of ice-cold water to a Styrofoam cup then I add 1/3 cup of hot tap water

(about 50°C) to a second Styrofoam cup. I determine the temperature of the water in each

Styrofoam cup and record it in my lab notebook. Also, I add the cold water to one of the plastic

cups containing the luminol, perborate, and copper sulfate that come with Cool Blue Light

Experiment Kit. After, I add the hot water to the other plastic cup. Then, I pour water into one of

the containers so that the reactions start at the exact same time. I do each mix a solution with a

clean spoon. Start the stopwatch or timer. Dim the lights and observe the light produced by each

cup. I repeated it about three. After measure and record all the three trails. My hypothesis was

correct since hot water could make luminol light glow more than cold water.


Harris, T. (2009). How Luminol Works. Retrieved February 13, 2009,


Helmenstine, A.M., Ph.D. (2008, March 11). Luminol Chemiluminescence Test for Blood. 

Retrieved February 18, 2009, from


Whyte, David, and Svenja Lohner. "Crime Scene Chemistry—The Cool Blue Light of Luminol."

Science Buddies, 30 Aug. 2018,

projects/project-ideas/Chem_p078/chemistry/crime-scene-luminol-blood. Accessed 1

Oct 2018


You may have seen crime scene investigation groups in films or shows spray the region

with odd fluid when in contact with blood, glows a blue shading. On the off chance that you have

seen this, you have seen crafted by luminol! Luminol is a substance that has a blue glow when it

interacts with blood, certain metals, or other oxidizing agents. It is produced using hydrazine and

hydrogen peroxide and displays chemiluminescence, the procedure by which is transmitted from

a chemical reaction. Luminol has numerous utilizations yet is most generally utilized for crime

scene investigation and criminological science. This motivation of this project is to help forensic

teams better understand what luminol is and what factors change it.

A few scenes are adjusted so as to hide the genuine guilty party for the criminal

demonstration. For these cases, the luminol reagent can be helpful. This test is all the time used

to imagine mysterious blood. Luminol is viewed as the most touchy test once it can distinguish

the blood nearness in size of nanograms. At the point when this reagent comes into contact with

blood, the light discharge happens through a wonder known as chemiluminescence. This

iridescence can be created by other meddling mixes, prompting an error for the nearness of


Luminol is a chemical that has the special property of emitting light when it reacts with

certain other chemicals. The luminol response is another case of chemiluminescence. This is the

streamlined response component for the generation of light by luminol. The luminol atom

responds with hydroxide particles (OH-) to shape the dianion (two negative charges). The

dianion, which exists in two structures (the two-way bolt), responds with oxygen to shape 5-

aminophthalic corrosive and nitrogen gas (N2). The electrons in the 5-aminophthalic corrosive

are in a precarious, energized state. At the point when the electrons come back to their typical

ground state, they discharge a photon of blue light.

To display its glow, the luminol should initially be enacted. Generally, the activator is an

answer of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in water. At the point when

luminol responds with the hydroxide particle (OH-), a dianion is framed. A charged particle or

iota is called a particle. An atom that has a negative charge is called an anion. Also, a dianion is

an anion with two negative charges. The most critical advance in this response is the oxidation of

luminol with oxygen, which results in the energized state dianion. The oxygen is generally

shaped from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that is added to the response arrangement. In a watery

arrangement, hydrogen peroxide can disintegrate to create oxygen

Be that as it may, this response continues gradually. Compound responses can be

accelerated by utilizing impetuses, which are synthetic concoctions that expansion the speed of a

response, however, is not really expended. This is the place the blood becomes an integral factor!

The motivation behind why the luminol response makes blood shine is that it distinguishes the

iron that is available in hemoglobin, an iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in our

red platelets. This iron capacities as an impetus to accelerate the creation of oxygen. You can

supplant the hydrogen peroxide in this response with other oxidizing synthetic substances, for

example, sodium perborate, which will discharge hydrogen peroxide in water

The oxygen created from the hydrogen peroxide at that point responds with the luminol

dianion. The result of this response is exceptionally flimsy and promptly decays with the loss of

nitrogen to deliver 5-aminophthalic corrosive. The electrons in the 5-aminophthalic corrosive

delivered by this response are in an energized state. Electrons in an energized state are at a higher

vitality level. As the energized state unwinds to the ground express, the overabundance vitality is

freed as a photon, which is then unmistakable as blue light.

Everything that a crime scene examiner needs to do is to set up an answer of luminol,

sodium hydroxide (which gives the hydroxide particles to the initial step of the response), and

hydrogen peroxide and splash it all through the zone under scrutiny. The iron present in any

blood in the region catalyzes the substance response, which prompts the glow, uncovering the

area of the blood. The measure of impetus vital for the response to happen is little, with respect

to the measure of luminol, permitting the identification of even to follow measures of blood. The

gleam goes on for around 30 seconds and is blue. Identifying the gleam requires a genuinely dull

room. Any distinguished shine might be archived by a long-presentation photo or by tape.

In conclusion, luminol is helping the forensic team in order to trace the blood which is

important. Also, it is a chemical which is special that emitted the property of luminol by the

factor of the temperature.


The materials used in this project were: Cool Blue Light Experiment Kit, Paper plate S

Digital camera that can take pictures in dim light (should allow for long exposures; for example,

5 sec) or a iPhone for Science Journal App, Lab notebook, Ice, Styrofoam cups, 12-oz (2) Liquid

measuring cups , 1/3-cup capacity (2), Kitchen thermometer Helper, Metal spoons (2),

Stopwatch or timer.

First, add 1/3 cup of ice-cold water to a Styrofoam cup then add 1/3 cup of hot tap water

(about 50°C) to a second Styrofoam cup. Then, determine the temperature of the water in each

Styrofoam cup and record it in the lab notebook. Also, add the cold water to one of the plastic

cups containing the luminol, perborate, and copper sulfate that come with Cool Blue Light

Experiment Kit. After, add the hot water to the other plastic cup. Then, pour water into one of the

containers so that the reactions start at the exact same time. Do each mix a solution with a clean

spoon. Start the stopwatch or timer. Dim the lights and observe the light produced by each cup.

Repeated it about three. After measure and record all the three trails.


Harris, T. (2009). How Luminol Works. Retrieved February 13, 2009,


Helmenstine, A.M., Ph.D. (2008, March 11). Luminol Chemiluminescence Test for Blood. 

Retrieved February 18, 2009, from


Whyte, David, and Svenja Lohner. "Crime Scene Chemistry—The Cool Blue Light of Luminol."

 Science Buddies, 30 Aug. 2018,

projects/project-ideas/Chem_p078/chemistry/crime-scene-luminol-blood. Accessed 1

Oct 2018


There is two Earthś. First Earth is a original Earth and named Earth 1. Second Earth

named Earth 2. People in Earth 1 not aware that there is a Earth 2. One man called Jim,

discovered that there is Earth 2. And wanted to see there. He decided to say farewell to their

family in case if he not go back to their family. All people in lab held a farewell party for him.

After a hour, he get in a rocket. About 45 min of patience, he finally can start the engine. He

start fly to Earth 2. After roughly 3 hours later, a holographic appeared and say, “You have

reached the destination.” Jim yelped and can’t wait to see another Earth. He get off the rocket

and see. His jaw is widely open and feel shocked. Technology is amazing and look like it is a

future version of technology in Earth 1.

One man saw Jim and ran toward him. Jim look at him and felt confused because he is

exactly the same as Jim. Jim said, “Who are you and why you looked same as me”. Other man

say, ”I am Jim and who are you.” The man then stated “wait I am Jim, can you be Jim too?”

Earth 1 Jim then proceeded to say “I am from Earth 1, and I am here to explore your Earth,

Earth 2.” Earth 2 Jim than said” But I am from Earth 1, you are from Earth 2, not me.” Earth 1

Jim decided to let it go and asked to see their leader of the the country they are living in. He

and Earth 2 Jim talked about how much they had in common, and how much they looked alike,

as they walked to the leaders office. As they approached the office Earth 2 Jim stated “ Just so

you know, we don’t have countries here. We have only one leader, who is the smartest of us


Jim than started to think of what awesome possibilities this world has to offer. He

thought of the beauty of how amazing this planet was. Jim 1 headed towards the office to greet

this new leader he heard of. When he went over there a man in a leather chair was sitting near

the window. He turned the chair so he could see his face. The Leader said, I have been waiting

for you, with a smile he stares at jim 1. In confusion he stares there in shock confusion of what

is happening. Jim says trembling “another me?” Jim 3 than said, “were all you!¨ Then everyone

in the whole world takes off a mask showing a head of jim. Jim 3 says “and WE MUST

DESTROYYOU PRIME JIM¨ jim 1 laughs and says “ is this a elaborate joke because you got

me”. Then all at them at the same time pulled out a chainsaw. Then out out no where

terminated grabbed his arm and said “ get to the chopper” they ran into the chopper and without

explaining anything he uses a futuristic gun loads it and says “ take this you soulless freaks”.

Then he goes back to the pilot seat and goes full speed to get prime Jim to safety. Once

they began to slow down jim realized that they were in the jungle far away from any human

and robot life. Then in the background there was a invisible, blurry animal watching them. The

animal states, “Oh it’s you, hello I am also Jim, and you are the founder of this planet.” JIm 1

says “Wait what, how, what do you mean?” You were born with an invisible brother, and that

brother is me. You have the key reverse all of this madness withe the click of a finger. Jim said,

“Huh? Before i do this, how this happen” Animal say, “Ah….. well, while you was baby about 2

months newborn, you have power. You imagine your own world and you unconsciously click

your finger, then Earth 2 was formed. So, I realized that you have created your world, so I had

to go there to take care this world for you until you returned.” Jim, “Do i have that such power”

Animal said, “Yes, you also make me invisible right after you was born. Therefore, you click your

finger so I am adult and aging so fast.” Jim’s tear run down, and say, “I am sorry, i am baby that

time” Animal smiled, “Now, you can make me back to normal and change my age to normal“

Jim clicked his finger. As animal slowly change his form to normal human form. Ahh… finally.

Jim hugged him. After this, Jim say that, “what is your name” He say,”My name is Jerome”. Jim

say, “Jerome, that is nice name.” And I want you reset our time and erased your power and

memory. Then we can be together as normal human with our family. Jim agreed and click his


Time reset.

Now, Jim have twin brother named Jerome, they lived together happily.


There are two Earthś. First Earth is an original Earth and named Earth 1. Second Earth named

Earth 2. People in Earth 1 not aware that there is an Earth 2. One man called Jim discovered

that there is Earth 2. And he wanted to see there. He decided to say farewell to their family in

case if he does not go back to their family. All the people in the lab held a farewell party for him.

After an hour, he gets in a rocket and he almost forgets to get his gun in case if somebody

wants to kill him. About 45 min of patience, he finally can start the engine. He starts flying to

Earth 2. After roughly 3 hours later, a holographic appeared and said, “You have reached the

destination.” Jim yelped and can’t wait to see another Earth.

He gets off the rocket and sees what Earth 2 looked like. His jaw is wide open and feels

shocked. Technology is fantastic and looks like it is a future version of the technology on Earth


One man saw Jim and ran toward him. Jim look at him and felt confused because he is

precisely the same as Jim.

Jim said, “Who are you and why you looked same as me.”

Other men say, ”I am Jim and who are you.”

The man then stated, “wait I am Jim, can you be Jim too?”

Jim then proceeded to say “I am from Earth 1, and I am here to explore your Earth, the Earth 2.”

Earth 2 Jim then said,” But I am from Earth 1, you are from Earth 2, not me.” Earth 1

Jim decided to let it go and asked to see their leader of the country they are living on. He and

Earth 2 Jim talked about how much they had in common, and how much they looked alike, as

they walked to the leader's office.

As they approached the office.

Earth 2 Jim stated “So that you know, and we don’t have countries here. We have only one

leader, who is the smartest of us all.”

Jim then started to think of what excellent possibilities this world has to offer. He thought of the

beauty of how amazing this planet was. Jim headed towards the office to greet this new leader

he heard about. When he enters the leader's office and there is a man in a leather chair was

sitting near the window. The leader turned the chair so Jim could see his face.

The Leader said I have been waiting for you, with a smile he stares at Jim 1. In confusion, Jim

stares there in shock confusion about what is happening.

Jim says in trembling voice, “Another me?”

Jim 3 then said, “We were all as you!¨ Then everyone in the whole world takes off a mask

showing a head of Jim.


Jim 1 laughs and says “ Is this an elaborate joke because you got me.” Then all at them at the

same time pulled out a chainsaw. Then out nowhere the Terminator grabbed his arm and said, “

Get to the chopper.”

They ran into the chopper and without explaining anything.

Jim uses his futuristic gun and says “ Take this, you soulless freaks.”

Then Jim goes back to the pilot seat and goes full speed to get escape to safety. Once they

began to slow down, Jim realized that they were in the jungle far away from any human life.

Then in the background, there was an invisible, blurry animal watching them. Then it see Jim.

The blurry animal states, “Oh it’s you, hello, the founder of this planet.”

Jim 1 says, “Wait, what do you mean?”

"You were born with an invisible brother." Blurry animal states, "You have the key reverse all of

this madness with the click of a finger. "

Jim said, “Huh? Before I do this, how this happens” Blurry animal says, “Ah….. well, while you

were a baby about 2 months newborn, you have power. You imagine your world, and you

unconsciously click your finger, then Earth 2 was formed. So, I realized that you had created

your world, so I had to go there to take care of this world for you until you returned.”

Jim then puzzled, “Do I have that much power.”

Animal said, “Yes, you also make me invisible right after you were born. Yes, I’m your brother.

Therefore, you click your finger, so I am animal and aging so fast.”

Jim’s tear run down, and say, “I am sorry, I am baby that time”

Animal smiled and say, “Now, you can make me back to normal and change my age to normal.“

Jim clicked his finger. As animal slowly change his form to normal human. "Ah finally, I am

normal now.", said blurry animal.

Jim hugged him.

After this, Jim said, "What is your name”

He says, ”My name is Jerome.”

Jim says, “Jerome, That is a nice name.”

Jerome then says, "And I want you to reset our time and erased your power and our memory.

Then we can be together as a normal human with our family.

Jim agreed and clicked his finger without a hesitation.

Time reset.

Now, Jim has a twin brother named Jerome; they lived together happily.

Written Defense

The new information essay “Cybercrime Problem and Solution” is included because I

always hear the complainants of cybercrime. The new argumentative essay “Should the

Government Regulate the Internet” is included because I thought that people use internet for

hack so the government should regulate the internet. The new narrative essay “Am I Fired Or

Not?” is included because I always scared being of trouble. My poetry is included because I

want to express the hardship of deaf people. Revised Non-Narrative essay (science fair project)

because I want to improve my essay for biology class and discover how luminol really work.

Revised narrative essay “Two Earth” is included because I want to make my old essay more

exciting and understandable.

My overall success in this portfolio is my poetry. I did not know that I could do such good

poetry. Also, my information essay is better than ALL the essays. I wrote ever since I am in

elementary school. After, revise my two essays, I feel confident that I improved my old piece

into a better essay.

My overall struggles are my revisions. This is my struggles because it is hard to find a

mistake in my essay. When I read my old essay, I totally understand but when the readers read

my old essay, they are overwhelmed and confused. So it is hard to find the mistake which I

wrote while they able to find my errors. Also, my revision non-narrative essay because it is hard

to read for those who just “general” people. It will be a good essay FOR these who is an expert

in forensic science.

My advice to those who will do this in the future is don't let anyone else define success

for you. Try to relax and if you do the narrative essay, write the topic what is occurring in your

life such as your dog has died, or your brother is sick. Boom! You have the topic to write the

narrative story. When I go to stairs. I hear a massive cough. I looked back and realized that my

brother is so sick and fainted……. OR I constantly hear the bark. I am annoying. Again. My dog

bark but become less and less loud. I got feeling that something bad will happen. I decided to

see what is occur and why my dog barked. As I walk to my dog and I see my dog lying around

and its eye closed. My tears rolled down. My dog has died.……….. Also, if you have no idea

what to write the poem. Then try to express your feeling into a poem. For example, my poem

“Deaf” which I wrote. Lastly, you may think this is overwhelmed project. No, I think this is a quite

fun and interesting project.

I will leave this portfolio alone on Google Drive. Since it is not physical. It is electronic.

Also, this can be good for my college admission because I want to go to top university.


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