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1. It is a type of theodolite used for rapid measurements and determines, electronically or

electro-optically, the distance to target, and is highly automated in its operations. 
a. Theodolite
b. Tacheometer
c. Aerial Survey
d. AutoCad

2. It was also considered the “dark ages” because there are no advances in technology and engineering.

a. Medieval Times
b. Ancient Times
c. Industrial Engineering
d. Modern Era

3. Is usually dated from 330 CE, when Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital to Byzantium,
which becomes Constantinople.

a. Byzantine Architecture
b. Romanesque Architecture
c. Gothic Architecture
d. Renaissance Architecture

4. In this type of drawing, the components of an assembly are drawn separated from each other so that
each component and its relationship with the others can be seen.

a. Cutaway View
b. Rotated View
c. Exploded View
d. Façade

5. This is often cited as being the core professional practice during the Industrial Revolution.

a. Structural Engineering
b. Civil Engineering
c. Mechanical Engineering
d. Electrical Engineering
6. It is the greatest advancement in road construction since the Roman Times.

a. Telford Pitching
b. Macadamisation
c. Metcalf Road System
d. Turnpike Trusts

7. Who built the Qanat Water Management System?

a. Greeks
b. Chinese
c. Persians
d. Romans

8. It is the oldest in the seven wonders of the world.

a. Sphinx
b. Taj Mahal
c. Pyramid of Giza
d. Great Wall of China

9. It is a very large structural feature during the Renaissance period that is visible from the exterior.

a. Vault
b. Dome
c. Plan
d. Arch

10. It is a method of collecting geomatics or other imagery by using airplanes, helicopters,

UAVs, balloons or other aerial methods.
a. Theodolite
b. Tacheometer
c. Aerial Survey
d. AutoCad

11. What is the meaning of PSCE?

a. Philippine Socialism of Engineers

b. Partnered Society of Engineers
c. Philippine Society of Civil Engineers
d. Philippines Sovereign of Engineers

12. What river was called as the open sewer during the industrial revolution?

a. River Thames
b. Nile River
c. River of Ganges
d. Yellow River

13. What machine uses water power to spin cotton into thread?

a. Cotton Frame
b. Cotton Mill
c. Steam Engine
d. Water Frame

14. Who is the first registered civil engineer in the Philippines?

a. Marcial Kasilag
b. Maricel Kisig
c. Martin Kasig
d. Mark Kasilag

15. There were no civil engineering schools in the country and the only architects/engineers
with academic degrees were _____.

a. Germans
b. Japanese
c. Americans
d. Spaniards

16. He is one of the founding fathers of Renaissance and he is best known for his work on the Cathedral
of Florence.

a. Filippo Brunelleschi
b. Mariano di Jacopo
c. Leon Battista Alberti
d. Michelozzo di Bartolomeo
17. It Is a steam-powered printing press that could make 1100 impressions per hour.

a. Mechanical printing
b. Laser printer
c. Heat press machine
d. Offset printing

18. In this type of drawing, portions of an object that block the view of the region of interest are cut
away or removed so that the region of interest can be seen.

a. Cutaway View
b. Rotated View
c. Exploded View
d. Façade

19. The Parthenon is dedicated to whom?

a. Zeus
b. Poseidon
c. Athena
d. Apollo

20. This is the very first submersible vessel during the Industrial Revolution.

a. Transatlantic Cable
b. Amphion-class
c. Turtle
d. Type 212

21. It is an architecture of medieval Europe characterized by semi-circular arches.

a. Byzantine Architecture
b. Romanesque Architecture
c. Gothic Architecture
d. Renaissance Architecture

22. It is used mainly for surveying applications and have been adapted for specialized purposes in
fields like metrology and rocket launch technology.
a. Theodolite
b. Tacheometer
c. Aerial Survey
d. AutoCad

23. The brothers that successfully launched the first airplane and changed the face of personal and
business travel as well as dramatically altering warfare.

a. Telford Brothers
b. Wright Brothers
c. Arkwright Brothers
d. Fulton Brothers

24. It provides instantaneous communication between Europe and America.

a. Dynamic Cable
b. Transatlantic Cable
c. Transmission Cable
d. Industrial Cable

25. Is a style that flourished in Europe during the High and Late Middle Ages.

a. Byzantine Architecture
b. Romanesque Architecture
c. Gothic Architecture
d. Renaissance Architecture

26. When was the Great Wall of China built?

a. Qing Dynasty
b. Ming Dynasty
c. Yuan Dynasty
d. Han Dynasty

27. These were powered either by manpower, horse power or sail.

a. Ships
b. Viking Longship
c. Caravel
d. Carrack
28. These were very fast and used to carry cargo as well as transport Viking raiding expeditions over long

a. Ships
b. Viking Longship
c. Caravel
d. Carrack

29. It is a French word which means ‘rebirth’. This period spans from 14 th to 17th century where people
recreated the classical models of Ancient Greek and Rome.

a. Medieval Period
b. Ancient Period
c. Renaissance Period
d. Industrial Revolution

30. During renaissance period, these are often used in arcades that are supported on piers or columns
with capitals.

a. Vaults
b. Domes
c. Arches
d. Plan

31. What do they call the master builders in the Philippines today in the Spanish era?

a. Construction Foreman
b. Practitioners
c. Civil Builders
d. Master Engineers

32. When was the Parthenon built?

a. 5th century
b. 6th century
c. 4th century
d. 7th century

33. It is a commercial computer-aided design and drafting software application.

a. AutoCAD
b. AutoDesk Civil
c. Tacheometer
d. Aerial Survey

34. What was not part of the Architecture during the Medieval Era?

a. Byzantine Architecture
b. Renaissance Architecture
c. Romanesque Architecture
d. Gothic Architecture

35. During the renaissance period, what feature above the centrally placed door was usually seen on
domestic buildings?

a. Window
b. Balcony
c. Doorbell
d. Cross

36. It is used to denote a building unit made of shaped clay, but in modern times it is used to refer
to any stone- or clay-based building unit that is joined with cementitious mortar when used in
a. Timber
b. Reinforced Cement
c. Wood
d. Brick

37. It denotes wood which is suitable for building or carpentry and for various engineering and
other purposes.
a. Cement
b. Stone
c. Timber
d. Brick

38. It Is a small, highly maneuverable ship with two or three masts.

a. Ships
b. Viking Longship
c. Caravel
d. Carrack

39. It is the physical infrastructure of roads, bridges etc.

a. Hard Infrastructure
b. Soft Infrastructure
c. Design
d. Plans

40. The Pyramid of Giza is also known as?

a. The Giza Necropolis

b. The Giza Metropolis
c. The Giza’s Temple
d. The Giza’s Ruins

41. The Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) was formed sometime in the late twenties by a group
of civil engineers mostly from the?

a. Government Sector
b. Business Management
c. National Institution
d. Research Institute

42. Is a larger ship with three or four masts and square sails.

a. Ships
b. Viking Longship
c. Caravel
d. Carrack

43. It is a type of helmet predominantly used in workplace environments such as industrial

or construction sites to protect the head from injury due to falling objects
a. Gloves
b. Soft Hat
c. Yellow Hat
d. Hard Hat

44. He is also known as “Taccola” (the crow) and invented primitive forms of the cutaway and exploded
view during the renaissance period.
a. Filippo Brunelleschi
b. Mariano di Jacopo
c. Leon Battista Alberti
d. Michelozzo di Bartolomeo

45. Social Prejudice constrained the represent indio builders to content themselves to be called?

a. Maestro de Obras (Master Builder)

b. Macadamisation
c. Metcalf Road System
d. d. Turnpike Trusts

46. During the renaissance period, buildings were inspired by using Roman building forms such as the
round arches, vaults, and domes. For those nation-states, what do these structures symbolizes?

a. Love
b. Patriotism
c. Wealth
d. Power

47. The Step Pyramid is also known as?

a. The Pyramid of Giza

b. The Pyramid of Jedi
c. The Pyramid of Dimaryp
d. The Pyramid of Djoser

48. Italian Renaissance constructions used the following materials EXCEPT:

a. Metal
b. Stone
c. Terracotta Tile
d. Stucco

49. Where was the Appian Way start and end?

a. Rome – Manila
b. Rome – Brindisi
c. Rome – Venice
d. Rome - Florence

50. What is one of the features of Gothic Architecture?

a. Pointed Arches
b. Square Shaped Central Churches
c. Central Domes
d. Mosaic Decoration


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. C

12. A

13. D

14. A

15. D

16. A

17. A

18. A
19. C

20. C

21. B

22. A

23. B

24. B

25. C

26. A

27. A

28. B

29. C

30. C

31. A

32. A

33. A

34. B

35. B

36. D

37. C

38. C

39. A

40. A

41. A

42. D

43. D
44. B

45. A

46. D

47. D

48. A

49. B

50. A

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